Kaʻaeʻaf & mHawaiian From the Hawaiian ka meaning "the" and 'ae'a meaning "wandering".
Kaʻahanuif & mHawaiian Derived from the Hawaiian word ka meaning "the" and 'ahanui, the name of a type of native sedge plant (Machaerina mariscoides subsp. meyenii).
Ka'ahumanufHawaiian Means "the bird's mantle" in Hawaiian, from Hawaiian definite article ka with ʻahu "cape, shirt, coat" and manu "bird". This was the name of the early rulers of the Kingdom of Hawaii.
Kaʻanāʻanāf & mHawaiian (Archaic) Hawaiian feminine name derived from ka meaning "the" and ʻanāʻanā meaning "black magic". This name is rarely used in modern times.
Kahananuim & fHawaiian Meaning "the great work, the hard job". From Hawaiian ka "the", hana "work" and nui "big".
KāhealanifHawaiian Means "heavenly name" or "greet the sky," from kāhea meaning "to call, cry out, invoke, greet, name" and lani meaning "sky, heaven, heavenly, spiritual, royal, exalted, noble, aristocratic."
Kahekilim & fHawaiian (Rare) Means "the thunder" in Hawaiian, from definite article ka and hekili "thunder". It's also used for females, though it's unclear if the etymology for Kahekili, as a feminine name, is different to the meaning given here or not.... [more]
KahekilimHawaiian In Romani culture, the name Kahekili does not have a specific historical or traditional meaning. However, Kahekili is more commonly associated with Hawaiian culture, where it means "thunder" or "thunderous."... [more]
Kahelef & mHawaiian Means "the walk" or "the moving," from definite article ka and hele meaning "to go, come, walk, going, moving."
Kāhiaf & mMaori Kāhia is another word for the kōruru, a gable mask of a meeting house.
Kahiaum & fHawaiian (Rare) From a rarely used word that refers to an action of giving generously with a heart and not expecting something in return.
Kahilif & mHawaiian, Popular Culture From the name of Hawaiian feathered regalia used to symbolize the ali'i (nobility). It also coincides with the Hawaiian name of several plants, such as the crape myrtle (Lagerstroemia indica), the kahili ginger (Hedychium gardnerarium), and the red silky oak (Grevillea banksii)... [more]
Kahīnanom & fHawaiian (Rare) Means "the (male) pandanus flower," from definite article ka and hīnano meaning "male pandanus blossom."
Kaiali'im & fHawaiian Means "chief of the sea" in Hawaiian, a combination of Hawaiian kai meaning "sea" and ali'i meaning "chief, officer, ruler, monarch, peer, headman, king, commander". A famous bearer of this name is Hawaii Representative Kaiali'i Kahele.
KaiawafMaori A variation of Kārearea meaning "falcon" in Māori. Often shortened to Kaia meaning "to steal" in Māori.
Kaieam & fHawaiian Means "rising sea," from kai meaning "sea, sea water" and ea meaning "to rise, go up, raise."
Kaihaum & fMaori Variant of Te Kaihau meaning "cloud eater" in Māori.
KaikainafHawaiian Name of character Kaikaina Grif, in Rooster Teeth Productions "Red vs Blue". She's the sister of main character Dexter Grif, and is called 'sister' throughout her appearances.
KaikeamHawaiian Means "clear sea," from kai meaning "sea, sea water" and kea meaning "white, clear."
KaileʻafHawaiian Means "joyful sea" or "sea of joy," from kai meaning "sea, sea water" and leʻa meaning "joy, pleasure, happiness."
KaileiafHawaiian (Rare) Kaileia is a rare Hawaiian name, likely derived from combining "Kai," which means "sea," and "Leia," which means either "child" or "heavenly flowers." This name carries the beauty and relation to nature that most Hawaiian names have, carrying grace and calmness from the ocean and the islands... [more]
Ka'ilif & mHawaiian Means "the skin, the pebble" in Hawaiian.
Kailif & mHawaiian, Chinese From the Polynesian/Hawaiian origin, Kaili is the name of a Hawaiian deity, Kukailimoku. In Chinese, the name means "beautiful" and "victorious".
Ka'ilianuf & mHawaiian From the Hawaiian ka meaning "the", 'ili meaning "skin" or "pebble" and anu meaning "cool, cold".
KaʻimiponomHawaiian Means "the search for prosperity" or "the one who seeks to prosper," from definite article ka, ʻimi meaning "to look, hunt, search, seek" and pono meaning "goodness, morality, excellence, well-being, prosperity."
KainalumHawaiian Means "sea wave," from kai meaning "sea, sea water" and nalu meaning "wave, surf."
KainanifHawaiian (Rare) Means "beautiful sea," "glorious sea" or "sea of splendour," from kai meaning "sea, sea water" and nani meaning "beauty, glory, splendour."
Kainoam & fHawaiian This name can mean "sea of freedom," which would derive from kai meaning "sea, sea water" and noa meaning "freedom," or "the namesake," which would derive from ka, which is a definite article, and inoa meaning "name(sake)."
KairìmHawaiian Kairi or Kairì is a name of hawaiian origin, meaning "calm sea".
KaitoamMaori Means "warrior" in Māori. Kaitoa was a warrior of the underworld (te pō) in Māori mythology.
KaʻiulanifHawaiian Means "the sacred sky," "the sacred heaven," "the sacred, heavenly one" or "the royal, sacred one," from definite article ka, ʻiu meaning "lofty, sacred, revered, consecrated" and lani meaning "sky, heaven, heavenly, spiritual, royal, exalted, noble, aristocratic."... [more]
Kaiwim & fHawaiian Hawaiian unisex name meaning "the bone", a symbol of life and old age.
Kalāhikiolaf & mHawaiian Hawaiian unisex name meaning "the life-giving sun".
Kalaʻim & fHawaiian Means "the peace," "the stillness" or "the tranquility," from definite article ka, and laʻi meaning "calm, stillness, peace, tranquility."
Kalamam & fHawaiian Means "the endemic ebony (diospyros)" or "the torch," from definite article ka and lama meaning "torch, endemic ebony (diospyros)."... [more]
Kalauokalanif & mHawaiian In ancient Hawaii, used to describe heavenly abundance. Literal meaning: "the leaf of the heavens" from Hawaiian ka "the" lau "leaf" o "of" ka "the" and lani "heaven, sky, royal, majesty".
Kalawaiʻam & fHawaiian From Hawaiian ka "the" and lawaiʻa "fisherman".
Kalehuaf & mHawaiian Means "the ʻōhiʻa (flower)," from definite article ka and lehua, which refers to the flower of the ʻōhiʻa tree and also the tree itself.
KaleialohafHawaiian Probably derived from Hawaiian ka meaning "the" and lei meaning "child, lei, flowers" combined with aloha meaning "love".
Kaleikaumakam & fHawaiian (Modern, Rare) Hawaiian name elements meaning ka “the”, lei “lei”, kau “place”, maka “eye” meaning "the beloved child to be looked upon with love and pride".
Kalonif & mHawaiian (Rare) One comes from Hawaii, and it means THE SKY/THE HEAVENS. The other one comes from Greece, meaning BEAUTY'S VICTORY. ... [more]
Kaluaf & mHawaiian Means "the second child, companion." This was the most common name for Hawaiian women in 19th-century marriage records.
Kamakaf & mHawaiian Derived from Hawaiian ka "the" and maka meaning "eye", "bud" or "beloved one, child", also a short form of compound given names beginning thus. This name was popular in Hawaii from 1900-1939.
KamakanamHawaiian Means "the gift" or "the reward," from definite article ka and makana meaning "gift, present, reward, award, donation, prize."
Kamakanim & fHawaiian Means "the wind," from definite article ka and makani meaning "wind, breeze."
Kamaleif & mHawaiian Means "lei child" or "lei person," from kama meaning "child, person" and lei meaning "lei, garland, wreath."
KamalelehuafHawaiian Means "garden of lehuas" in Hawaiian. This was the middle name of the American actress Kelly Preston (1962-2020), who was born in Hawaii.
KamanalohamHawaiian Probably derived from Hawaiian ka meaning "the" and mana meaning "power" combined with aloha meaning "love".
Kameālohaf & mHawaiian (Rare) Means "the beloved one," "the affectionate one" or "the compassionate one," from definite article ka, mea, which refers to a thing, person, matter or object, and aloha meaning "love, affection, compassion."
KamehamehamHawaiian Means "The quiet one". Kamehameha the great (Full name: Kalani Paiʻea Wohi o Kaleikini Kealiʻikui Kamehameha o ʻIolani i Kaiwikapu kauʻi Ka Liholiho Kūnuiākea) was the founder and first King of the Kingdom of Hawaii.
KanemMaori Either derived from Māori Tāne meaning "man" and Hawaiian cognate Kāne, or Māori word meaning "head". Te Kane was a Ngāi Tahu chief... [more]
Kanealam & fHawaiian Hawaiian name, composed by "kane", meaning "man" and "ala", meaning "perfume", "scent".
Kanoam & fHawaiian Means "the free one," from definite article ka and noa meaning "freedom."
KanoelanifHawaiian Means "the heavenly mist" or "the spiritual mist," from definite article ka, noe meaning "mist, fog, vapour, rain spray" and lani meaning "sky, heaven, heavenly, spiritual, royal, exalted, noble, aristocratic."
KāwikamHawaiian Vernacular form of Dāvida, the Hawaiian form of David. This was the Hawaiian pronunciation of the name of King David Kalākaua (1836-1891), the last reigning king of Hawaiʻi.
Keaf & mHawaiian Means "white" like the snow on Mauna Kea
Kealanif & mHawaiian Means "clear heaven," from kea meaning "white, clear" and lani meaning "sky, heaven(ly), spiritual, royal, exalted, noble, aristocratic."
KealiʻimHawaiian Means "the chief," "the ruler," "the monarch," "the king" or "the commander," from definite article ke and aliʻi which means "chief, officer, ruler, monarch, peer, headman, aristocrat, king, commander."... [more]
Keali'inohomokuf & mHawaiian From the Hawaiian definite article ke, ali'i meaning "chief, ruler, monarch, commander", noho meaning "to reside or reign", and moku, meaning "an island, district, forest, or section".
Kealohif & mHawaiian In Polynesian Mythology, Kealohi is the name of a star that appears on the night of Hoaka in the month of Kaʻaona after the disappearance of Pau-ahi-lani; it in turn vanishes in Welehu. Lit., It means 'the brightness' in Native Hawaiian.
Keʻalohilanif & mHawaiian Means "the heavenly brightness" or "the bright sky," from definite article ke, ʻalohi meaning "bright, brilliant, glitter, sparkle" and lani meaning "sky, heaven, heavenly, spiritual, royal, exalted, noble, aristocratic."
KeanolanifHawaiian Means "the cool sky" in Hawaiian, from Hawaiian definite article ka with anu "coolness" and lani "sky, heavens". This was the name of a Hawaiian chiefess of the Kingdom of Hawaii.
Keaof & mHawaiian (Rare) Means "the light," "the day," "the daylight," "the dawn" or "the cloud," from definite article ke and ao which means "light, day, daylight, dawn, cloud."
Keaupunif & mHawaiian From the Hawaiian ke "the" and aupuni meaning "kingdom, governance, nation".
Keawem & fHawaiian Means "the strand" or "the wake of a ship," from definite article ke and awe meaning "strand, thread, wake of a ship."
KeaweʻīkekahialiʻiokamokumHawaiian (Rare) Means "Keawe, the foremost chief of the island" in Hawaiian, from Hawaiian name Keawe with ʻī "supreme, great, best" (frequently a part of names), definite article kekahi, aliʻi "noble, chief", o "of, belonging to", definite article ka, and moku "island"... [more]
KeikilanifHawaiian Means "heavenly child" or "royal child" from Hawaiian keiki "child" and lani "heaven, sky". This name was popular in Hawaii from 2000-2005.
KeilanifHawaiian Means "glorious sky" or "glorious heaven," from kei meaning "dignified, proud, glorious" and lani meaning "sky, heaven, heavenly, spiritual, royal, exalted, noble, aristocratic."
Keonaonaf & mHawaiian Means "the soft fragrance," "the soft perfume" or "the aroma," from definite article ke and onaona meaning "soft fragrance/perfume, aroma."
KeōuamHawaiian Means "the rain cloud" in Hawaiian, from Hawaiian definite article ka with ao "cloud" and ua "rain". This was the name of an Ancient Hawaiian noble and the father of Kamehameha I, the first King of united Hawaiʻi.