Polynesian Submitted Names

These names are used on the various Polynesian islands of the Pacific.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Kewina m Hawaiian (Rare)
Hawaiian form of Kevin.
Ki f & m Hawaiian
Hawaiian form of Dee.
Kiakona m Hawaiian
Hawaiian for "pillar of Kona". Kona is the name of a star.
Kiala f Hawaiian
Variant of Keala
Kialo m Hawaiian
Native Hawaiian word meaning, "A digging out." or used to describe "To reach after, as in drawing something to one." sometimes used as a given name.
Kialoa f & m Hawaiian
A Native Hawaiian word describing a type of long, light, and finished canoe which evolved as slang to refer to a tall, beautiful woman...sometimes used as a given name.
Kiana f Hawaiian
Means “China” in Hawaiian.
Kiawe m Hawaiian (Modern, Rare)
From the Hawaiian common name of Prosopis pallida, a species of mesquite tree.
Kiele f Hawaiian
Means "gardenia" in Hawaiian.
Kika m & f Hawaiian
Hawaiian form of Keith and Sid / Cyd.
Kiki f Hawaiian
Hawaiian form of Dixie.
Kikilia f Hawaiian (Rare)
Hawaiian form of Cecilia.
Kikokiko m Moriori
The meaning of this name in the Moriori language is not known. This is the name of a Moriori god who is in one of the Moriori migration tradition stories.
Kila f Hawaiian
Hawaiian form of Jill.
Kile m Hawaiian
Hawaiian form of Giles.
Kilia f Hawaiian
Means “heaven” in Hawaiian.
Kilika m & f Hawaiian
Hawaiian form of Chris / Cris.
Kiliki f Hawaiian
Hawaiian form of Christy.
Kilikopela m Hawaiian
Hawaiian form of Christopher.
Kilinoe f Hawaiian (Rare)
From kili meaning "raindrops, fine rain" and noe meaning "mist, fog, vapour, rain spray."
Kilipaki m Hawaiian
Hawaiian form of Gilbert.
Kimi f & m Hawaiian
Hawaiian form of Jamie.
Kimiora m & f Cook Islands Maori
Derived from kimi meaning "search/look for, seek out" and ora meaning "life."
Kimipeli f Hawaiian
Hawaiian form of Kimberly.
Kina f Hawaiian
Hawaiian form of Gina or Tina.
Kini f Hawaiian
Hawaiian form of Cindy.
Kinikia f Hawaiian
Hawaiian form of Cynthia.
Kinini f Hawaiian
Hawaiian form of Jeanine.
Kinipela f Hawaiian
Hawaiian form of Jennifer.
Kinohi f & m Hawaiian, Biblical Hawaiian
Hawaiian form of Genesis.
Kiona f Hawaiian
Hawaiian form of Dionne.
Kipola f Hawaiian
Hawaiian vernacular form of Zipporah.
Kirapu m Moriori
Meaning of this name is possibly not known. This was the name of Moriori elder named Kirapu Rangikei of the Kaingaroa district on what is now the Chatham Islands who signed the 1862 Moriori Petition.
Kirimanongi m & f Polynesian
Means "fragrant skin" in Anutan.
Kirio m Polynesian
Means "unstable" in Maori and Samoan.
Kiti f Maori
This name is a translation of the European name Kitty. This was the name of a Moriori and Ngāti Māmoe Maori woman named Kiti Karaka Rīwai (1870-1927) who was a founding mother who is the ancestor of Moriori Preece family (one of the surviving groups of Moriori today).
Koaliʻi m Hawaiian (Rare)
Means "chiefly warrior" or "ruling warrior," from koa meaning "soldier, warrior, fighter" and liʻi, shortened from aliʻi meaning "chief, officer, ruler, monarch, peer, headman, aristocrat, king, commander."
Koamalu m Hawaiian (Rare)
Means "brave strength," from koa meaning "brave, bold, fearless, valiant" and malu meaning "shelter, protection, peace, control, strength."
Koanga m & f Maori
Means "joyful" in Māori.
Koha f Maori
Means "gift" in Maori.
Kohu m Maori
Means "mist" in Maori.
Kokapeli m Hawaiian (Rare)
Hawaiian form of Godfrey.
Koki f & m Hawaiian
Hawaiian form of Jody.
Kōleka f Hawaiian
Hawaiian form of Dorothy.
Koleke f Hawaiian
Hawaiian form of Colette.
Kolekona m Hawaiian (Rare)
Hawaiian form of Gordon.
Kolika f & m Hawaiian (Rare)
Hawaiian form of Corliss and Doris.
Kolina f Hawaiian
Hawaiian form of Corinne and Doreen.
Kolinaisi m Tongan, Polynesian
Became more known in USA, from popular American show "The Biggest Loser" Season 9 (2010) contestant Kolinaisi "Koli" Palu.
Koloa m & f Tongan
Means "wealth" in Tongan.
Kolokea f Hawaiian
Hawaiian form of Dorothy.
Kolokele f Hawaiian (Rare)
Hawaiian form of Dolores.
Kololia f Hawaiian
Hawaiian form of Gloria.
Kolomona m Hawaiian
Hawaiian form of Solomon.
Komela f Hawaiian
Hawaiian name, meaning "sweet", "kind".
Kominiko m Hawaiian
Hawaiian form of Dominic.
Kona f & m Hawaiian
Hawaiian word meaning "leewards" corresponding to South West due to Hawaiian tradewinds.
Konakai f Hawaiian
Konala m Hawaiian
Hawaiian form of Donald.
Ko’o m & f Hawaiian (Rare)
Means "brace, support, prop, helper" in Hawaiian (compare Ko’oko’o).
Ko’oko’o m & f Hawaiian (Rare)
Means "cane, staff, rod" or "support" in Hawaiian (compare Ko’o).
Kooti m Maori
The name has various meanings apparently. The name is a transliteration of "Coates." This word in English means "court of law" and "prosecute." This was the name of Ringatū Church founder Te Kooti Arikirangi Te Tūruki (d... [more]
Kopaea f Hawaiian (Rare)
Hawaiian form of Sophia.
Kopaka m Hawaiian, Popular Culture
Kopaka was the Toa Mata of Ice on the island of Mata Nui, and deputy commander of the Toa Mata. Later, he became the Toa Nuva of ice. ( From the series BIONICLE by Greg Farshtey )... [more]
Kopi f Hawaiian
Hawaiian form of Sophia.
Kora f Maori (Modern)
Means "fuel, fire" in Maori.
Koukalaka m Hawaiian (Rare)
Hawaiian form of Douglas.
m & f Hawaiian, Polynesian Mythology
From the word meaning "upright."... [more]
Kuaika m Hawaiian (Rare)
Hawaiian form of Dwight.
Kuane m Hawaiian
Hawaiian form of Duane.
Kūhaʻo m Hawaiian (Rare)
From the word meaning "standing alone, indepedent."
Kuilei f Hawaiian
Hawaiian feminine name which can mean "the one who strings the lei" or "the one who brings or raises the child". It could also be taken from the name of some cliffs in Honolulu.
Kuini'ivai f Polynesian
Polynesian origin name, probably a variation of "queenie" (queen), combined with "vai", meaning "water". Hence the meaning can be interpreted as "queen of the water".
Kukali m Hawaiian (Rare)
Hawaiian form of Dudley.
Kuke m Hawaiian
Hawaiian form of Duke.
Kula f Hawaiian
Means "gold" in Hawaiian.
Kuli f Hawaiian
Hawaiian form of Julie.
Kuliana f Hawaiian (Rare)
Hawaiian form of Juliette.
Kuliano m Hawaiian (Rare)
Hawaiian form of Julian.
Kulika m Hawaiian
Hawaiian form of Curtis.
Kulisiti f Tongan
Feminine form of Kulisitofa.
Kulisitofa m Tongan
Tongan form of Christopher.
Kulo m Hawaiian
Hawaiian form of Cyrus.
Kulukulu f & m Polynesian
Possibly from Niuean kulukulu meaning "crimson-crowned fruit dove".
Kumulani f Hawaiian
Kunakana m Hawaiian (Rare)
Hawaiian form of Duncan.
Kupa'a m Hawaiian
Means "steadfast" in Hawaiian.
Kūpono m & f Hawaiian (Rare)
From the word meaning "honest, decent, appropriate, satisfactory, rightful, reliable, just, fair."
Kura f Maori
Means "red, glow" in Māori.
Kuʻualoha f Hawaiian
Means "my love" in Hawaiian, from ku'u, an affectionate way to say "mine", and aloha, meaning "love".
Ku'uipo f & m Hawaiian
Means "my sweetheart," from singular affectionate pronoun ku'u and ipo meaning "sweetheart, lover," the term used to express affection.
Kuʻulei f Hawaiian
Means "my child" from Hawaiian kuʻu "my" and lei "wreath" (by extension "child", carried on the shoulders like a lei). This name was popular in Hawaii between 1900-1939.
Kuʻuleialoha f Hawaiian
Hawaiian name with the combination of kuʻu "my", lei "wreath; child" and aloha "love". Meaning "my beloved child".
Ku’umomimakamae f Hawaiian
Means "my precious pearl" in Hawaiian.
Laʻakea m & f Hawaiian
Means "clear sacredness" or "clear holiness," from laʻa meaning "sacred, holy, devoted, consecrated, dedicated" and kea meaning "white, clear."
La'amea f Polynesian
Name of Polynesian origin, meaning "precious sun".
Lae f & m Polynesian
Means "calm water" in Marshallese.
Laeli f Polynesian
The name Laeli comes from the name for "cool, gentle breeze"
Lagi f Samoan
Means "heaven" in Samoan.
Lahela f Hawaiian
Hawaiian form of Rachel.
Lailanni f Hawaiian
heavenly lei or royal child of heaven
Laile m Hawaiian
Hawaiian form of Lyle.
Laina f & m Hawaiian
Hawaiian form of Lane / Layne.
Laini f & m English (Rare), Samoan (Rare)
As an English name, it is a variant of Lainie.
Laionela m Hawaiian (Rare)
Hawaiian form of Lionel.
Laka m & f Polynesian Mythology, Hawaiian (Rare)
From laka meaning "tame". This is the name of a goddess of the hula and a god of canoe makers, and a legendary hero.
Laki m Samoan
Means "lucky" in Samoan.
Lala f Hawaiian
Hawaiian form of Laura.
Lālahi f Hawaiian
Means "delicate" in Hawaiian.
Lalela f Hawaiian
Hawaiian form of Laurel.
Lalena f Hawaiian
Hawaiian form of Lauren.
Lali f & m Hawaiian
Hawaiian form of Laurie and Larry.
Lana f Hawaiian
Means "afloat", "hopeful, without worry" and "calm, still as water" in Hawaiian.
Lanake m Hawaiian
Hawaiian form of Lance.
Lanakila m & f Hawaiian (Rare)
Means "victory, triumph."
Langidrik m Polynesian
Means "small storm" in Marshellese.
Laniakea f & m Hawaiian, Astronomy
The name Laniakea means "immeasurable heaven" in Hawaiian, from "lani" for 'heaven' and "akea" for 'spacious' or 'immeasurable'. Laniakea is the galaxy supercluster that is home to the Milky Way, the Solar System and Earth... [more]
Lanikai f Hawaiian, English (American)
means "heavenly sea"
Lanimele f Hawaiian
Means "heavenly song" from Hawaiian lani "heaven, sky" and mele "song".
Lanuola f Samoan
Means “living color” in Tongan, from ‘lanu’ meaning “color” and ‘ola’ meaning “alive.”
Latiuiki m Tongan
Tongan form of Ludwig.
Laulena f Hawaiian
Hawaiian form of Laureen.
Lawaiʻa m Hawaiian (Rare)
From the word meaning "fisherman."
Lawelena f Hawaiian (Rare)
Hawaiian form of Laverne.
Lea f Hawaiian, Polynesian Mythology
Goddess of canoe builders; wife of Ku-moku-hali'i; sister of Hina-puku-'ai; she takes the form of an 'elepaio (a forest bird)
Lehiwa f Hawaiian (Rare)
From the word meaning "admirable, attractive."
Lehuanani f Hawaiian
Means "beautiful ʻōhiʻa (flower)," from lehua, which refers to the flower of the ʻōhiʻa tree and also the tree itself, and nani meaning "beauty, glory, splendour."
Leialoha m & f Hawaiian
Means "beloved child" from Hawaiian lei "wreath" (by extension "child", carried on the shoulders like a lei) and aloha "love". This name was popular in Hawaii from 1900-1939.
Leicester m Tongan
From the English city Leicester.... [more]
Leikea f Hawaiian (?)
Means "white flowers", from Hawaiian lei and kea "white".
Leiko f Hawaiian
Combination of "lei" and the Japanese suffix -ko meaning "child". This name was possibly invented by Hawaiians of mixed Japanese-Hawaiian ancestry. It is not used as a given name in Japan.
Leikona f & m Hawaiian
Hawaiian form of Leighton.
Leila f Hawaiian
Combination of lei and la. Lei meaning "flowers, lei, child" and La meaning "day".
Leilanny f Hawaiian
Means "heavenly flower child, child of royalty".
Leimelia f Hawaiian, Polynesian
Name of Hawaiian origin, composed by "lei", meaning "garland" and "Melia", which is the Hawaiian name of the flower Plumeria (or Flor De Mayo). Hence the meaning is "garland of Melia", "garland of Plumerias".
Leināʻala f Hawaiian
Means "the fragrances are wafted", from lei meaning "garland, crown of flowers" (with the additional meaning of "a child" as well as "to leap" in verb form), which means "the" and ʻala meaning "fragrance".
Leinani f Hawaiian
Means "beautiful child" from Hawaiian lei "wreath" (by extension "child", carried on the shoulders like a lei) and nani "beauty". This name was popular in Hawaii from 1900-1939.
Lekela m Hawaiian
Hawaiian form of Lester.
Lekilei f Hawaiian
Hawaiian form of Lesley.
Lekili f Hawaiian
Hawaiian form of Leslie.
Lekinala m Hawaiian
Hawaiian form of Reginald.
Lekisi f Tongan
Diminutive of Alekisanitulia.
Lelana m & f Hawaiian
Hawaiian form of Leland.
Lelei f & m Polynesian (Rare)
Means “good” in several Polynesian languages.
Leloi m Hawaiian
Hawaiian form of Leroy.
Leni m & f Hawaiian
Hawaiian form of Lenny.
Lenola f Hawaiian
Hawaiian form of Lenora.
Leonaka m Hawaiian
Hawaiian form of Leonard.
Lepeka f Hawaiian
Hawaiian form of Rebecca.
Lesieli f Tongan
Tongan form of Rachel.
Leuli m Tongan
Diminutive of Lolenisi.
Li m & f Hawaiian
Hawaiian form of Lee.
Liakike f Hawaiian
Hawaiian form of Leatrice.
Liama m Hawaiian
Hawaiian form of Liam.
Lika f Hawaiian
Hawaiian form of Lisa.
Likeke m Hawaiian
Hawaiian form of Richard.
Liko m Hawaiian
Means "bud" in Hawaiian.
Lilikoʻi f Hawaiian
From the word which refers to a passion fruit which got its Hawaiian name from the place where it was first planted.
Lilinoe f Hawaiian, Polynesian Mythology
From the word meaning "fine mist." A deity in Hawaiian mythology goes by this name, associated with Mauna Kea alongside Poliʻahu and Waiau.
Liliʻu f Hawaiian
Means "scorch" in Hawaiian. It is used as a short form of Liliʻuokalani.
Liliʻuokalani f Hawaiian
Means "smarting of the high-born one". This name was borne by a Hawaiian monarch. She was named this because at the time of her birth, a relative was suffering from an eye pain.
Lilo f Hawaiian
Means "generous" in Hawaiian. It was the name of a title character in Disney's 'Lilo and Stitch'.
Lina f Hawaiian
Hawaiian form of Lena, Lyn or Lynn.
Linaka f Hawaiian
Hawaiian form of Linda.
Linake f & m Hawaiian
Hawaiian form of Lindsay.
Lineke f Hawaiian
Hawaiian form of Lynette.
Linekona m Hawaiian (Rare)
Hawaiian form of Lyndon.
Liona f & m Hawaiian
Means "lion" in Hawaiian.
Lioni f & m Hawaiian
Derived from "Liona".
Liriel f Samoan
Means "beautiful flower" in Samoan
Lisi f Samoan
Samoan diminutive of Elizabeth.
Lisia f Tongan
Tongan diminutive of Elizabeth.
Lisiate m Tongan
Tongan form of Richard.
Liwai m Hawaiian
Hawaiian form of Levi.
Llanakila f Hawaiian (Rare), African American
Variant of Lanakila, used as an alias by Jamaican-American artist, painter, digital illustrator, and digital artist Victoria Brown.
Loania f Polynesian, Tahitian
Used in Polynesia, probably derived from the French/Breton name Loana, which is the feminine form of Louan, meaning "light".
Loeka m Hawaiian
Hawaiian form of Lloyd.
Loika f Hawaiian
Hawaiian form of Lois 1.
Loimata f Samoan
Samoan form of Roimata.
Loimatamaligi f Samoan
Means "falling tears" in Samoan.
Loka m & f Hawaiian
Hawaiian vernacular form of Lota 3, as well as the Hawaiian form of Rosa 1.
Lokapa m Hawaiian
Hawaiian form of Robert.
Loke f Hawaiian
Hawaiian form of Rose.
Lokelani f Hawaiian
From Hawaiian loke "rose" (which derives from English rose) and lani "heaven, sky". It was popular in Hawaii during the first half of the 20th century.
Lola f Tongan
Tongan form of Laura.
Loleina f Hawaiian (Rare)
Hawaiian form of Lorraine.
Loleka f Hawaiian
Hawaiian form of Loretta.
Lolena f Hawaiian
Hawaiian form of Loren and Lorna.
Lolenisi m Tongan
Tongan equivalent of Lawrence.
Loli f Hawaiian
Hawaiian form of Lori.
Lolina f Hawaiian (Rare)
Hawaiian form of Lorin.
Lomon m Polynesian
Means "rough waters" in Marshellese.
Loni m Hawaiian
Hawaiian form of Lonny.
Lono m Hawaiian, Polynesian Mythology
The god of "peace and prosperity, wind and rain" in Hawaii.
Lopaka m Hawaiian
Hawaiian form of Robert.
Lopati m Samoan
Samoan variation to the English name, Robert.
Lopeti m Tongan
Tongan form of Robert.
Losa f Polynesian
Wallisian form of Rose.
Losalina f Tongan
Tongan form of Rosalind.
Lose f Tongan
Tongan form of Rose.
Loto m & f Maori
Meaning "heart" in Maori.
Lotonui f Polynesian, Tuvaluan
Meaning as of yet unknown.
Lousa m Tongan
Tongan form of Roger.
Lowela m Hawaiian (Rare)
Hawaiian form of Lowell.
Lui m Hawaiian, Albanian (Rare), Danish (Rare), Georgian (Rare), Russian (Rare)
Albanian, Georgian, Hawaiian, and Russian form of Louis as well as a Danish variant of Louie.
Luika f Hawaiian
Hawaiian form of Louise.
Luka f Hawaiian
Hawaiian form of Ruth 1.
Lukasi m Tongan
Tongan form of Lucas.
Luke f & m Hawaiian
Hawaiian form of Lucy.
Lukia f Hawaiian
Contracted form of Luʻukia as well as the Hawaiian form of Lucia. This name has also been used as a vernacular form of Lydia.
Lukila f Hawaiian
Hawaiian form of Lucille.
Lukio m Hawaiian
Hawaiian form of Lucius.
Lunalilo f Hawaiian
One of Princess Kaiulani's (the people's princess) names.
Lupe f Hawaiian
from Ruby
Lupelele f Samoan
Derived from the Samoan lupe meaning a kind of pigeon, and lele meaning "flit, fly".
Lupesina f Samoan
Derived from lupe meaning a kind of pigeon and sina meaning "white, silver, grey".
Lusi f Polynesian
Polynesian form of Lucy.
Luʻukia f Polynesian Mythology, Hawaiian (Rare)
Name of A legendary chiefess, sister of Kāwelu, daughter or wife of ʻOlopana.
Ma'anutai m Polynesian
Means "floating sea" in Bellonese.
Ma'ata f Hawaiian
Variant of Maata.
Maciu m Fijian, Polynesian
Fijian form of Matthew.
Maea f Maori
Means "to emerge" in Māori.
Maehe f Maori
Derived from Maori Māehe "(the month of) March".
Maevarau m Tahitian
Means "welcome wishes" in Tahitian.
Mahana f Tahitian, Hawaiian
Means "sun" in Tahitian and "warmth, heat" in Hawaiian.
Mahana f & m Maori, Hawaiian, Tahitian
Means "warmth, heat" in Māori and Hawaiian, and "sun" in Tahitian.
Mahea f Hawaiian
Hawaiina name, meaning "calling" or "the one who is called".
Māhealani f Hawaiian
Means "heavenly haze" from Hawaiian māhea "haze" and lani "sky, heaven". This was the name of the night of the full moon in the ancient Hawaiian calendar.
Mahina f Hawaiian, Polynesian Mythology
Means "moon, month" in Hawaiian, from Proto-Polynesian *masina. In Hawaiian mythology, Mahina is a lunar deity and the mother of Hema.
Mahinarangi f Maori
Means "Moon in the Sky" in Maori
Mahine f Maori
Means "clean girl" or "white girl" in Maori.
Mahine f Tahitian
Means "daughter" in Tahitian.
Māhoe f & m Hawaiian
Means "twin" in Hawaiian.
Māhu f & m Hawaiian
Means "steam" in Hawaiian.
Mahuika f Polynesian Mythology, Maori (Rare)
Combination of the name Maui and the Polynesian root hika "to rub, to burn". In Māori mythology, Mahuika is a fire deity and the wife of Auahitūroa... [more]
Māia m & f Maori (Modern)
Means "capable, brave" in Māori. Variant of Te Maia; also Māia.
Maia f Maori
Means "courage, bravery" in Maori.
Maiea f & m Maori
Maikaʻi f & m Hawaiian
From Hawaiian maikaʻi meaning "good".
Maikolo m Tongan
Tongan form of Michael.
Mailelauliʻi f Hawaiian
Hawaiian feminine name meaning "small leaf maile plant".
Maili f Hawaiian
Means "pebble" or "pebbly" in Hawaiian.
Mailona m Hawaiian (Rare)
Hawaiian form of Myron.
Maimiti f Tahitian
Means "surfer" or "coming from the sea" in Tahitian; a combination of may meaning "to come" and miti "sea".
Maina f Polynesian
Of unknown meaning.... [more]
Maipe m Chamorro, Polynesian
Means "fiery, hot, passionate", from the word máipe.
Mairangi f Maori
Etymology uncertain, possibly from the Maori mai meaning "for ages, for a long time" and rangi meaning "day" or "sky, heaven".
Mairenui f Polynesian, Tahitian
Polynesian name, composed by "Maire", that is the Tahitian name of the flower Alyxia Stellata and "nui", meaning "big", "great".
Māka m Maori
Maori form of Mark.
Maka m Hawaiian
Hawaiian form of Mack 1.
Maka'ala f Hawaiian
Hawaiian name, composed by "maka", meaning "eye" and "ala", meaning "perfume" or "beauty". Hence the meaning can be interpreted as "beautiful eyes" or "bright eyes".
Makai m Hawaiian
Makai is an adverb in the Hawaiian language combining the directional particle ma with Hawaiian kai meaning "ocean". It literally means "toward or by the sea, seaward". It is sometimes used as a given name, particularly within the Hawaiian Islands but is also found within the continental United States.
Makala f Hawaiian
Means "myrtle" in Hawaiian.
Makalani m Hawaiian
Means “lucky” in Hawaiian.
Makaleka f Hawaiian
Hawaiian form of Margaret.
Makamae f & m Hawaiian (Rare)
From the word meaning "precious, highly prized, darling."
Makanaokeakua m Hawaiian
Makanaokeakua is of Hawaiian origin and it is also used mainly in the Hawaiian language. The name's meaning is 'god's gift'.
Makani m & f Hawaiian, Popular Culture
Means "wind" or "ghost" in Hawaiian.... [more]
Makanui f & m Hawaiian
Hawaiian unisex name meaning "big eyes".
Makeleta f Tongan
Tongan form of Margaret.
Makeli f Hawaiian
Hawaiian form of Margery.
Makelina f Hawaiian
Hawaiian form of Madeline.
Makeo m Hawaiian
A rare or alternative name to Mako or Makko.
Mākere f Maori
Maori form of Margaret.
Maki f Maori
Maori form of Margaret.
Makikonu f Hawaiian
Hawaiian form of Madison.
Makina f Hawaiian
Hawaiian form of Maxine.
Mako f & m Hawaiian
Hawaiian form of Margo.
Makoa m Hawaiian
From the word meaning "fearless, courageous, aggressive."
Makoka f Hawaiian
Hawaiian form of Margot.