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Gender Masculine & Feminine
Usage Chinese
Pronounced Pron. K-ee  [key]
Other Forms FormsChi

Meaning & History

Ki is the simplified form of the word Chi which means "Energy" or "Blood"

Chinese believes dictate that Energy is the essence of life. As blood is vital to life for humans it was given the same name as for most living beings blood is the essence of life. It is said that the energy flows through the body taking much the same path as blood does only rather then the heart being the gathering point the gathering point for Chi is in ones lower abdomen and in one's mind as there are 2 forms of chi according to these teachings. Energy of the body which gathers in the abdomen and energy of the mind which gathers in the brains.
Added 8/11/2010 by himiko
Edited 3/4/2020 by Mike C

Ki 2
Gender Feminine & Masculine
Usage Hawaiian
Pronounced Pron. KI  [key]

Meaning & History

Hawaiian form of Dee.
Added 8/8/2020 by guasguendi

See Also
