Greek Mythology Submitted Names

These names occur in the mythologies and legends of ancient Greece.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Menestheus Μενεσθεύς m Greek Mythology
Derived from μένω (ménō) meaning “to stay” and θεός (theós) meaning "divine".
Menippe Μενίππη f Greek Mythology
Feminine form of Menippos. This name was borne by several characters in Greek mythology, one of whom was a daughter of Orion.
Menippus m Ancient Greek (Latinized), Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of Menippos. This name was borne by an ancient Greek Cynic philosopher from the 3rd century BC.
Menoeceus Μενοικεύς m Greek Mythology
Ancient Greek masculine name meaning "strength of the house".
Menoetius Μενοίτιος, Μενοίτης m Greek Mythology
Ancient Greek masculine name meaning "doomed might".
Menoikeus Μενοικεύς m Ancient Greek, Greek Mythology
Means "strength of the house", derived from Greek μένος (menos) meaning "mind, strength, courage, force" and οἶκος (oikos) meaning "house, home".
Menoitios Μενοίτιος m Ancient Greek, Greek Mythology
Derived from Greek μένος (menos) meaning "mind, strength, courage, force" and οἶτος (oitos) meaning "fate, doom".
Mentes Μέντης m Greek Mythology
In Greek mythology, Mentes is the name of the King of the Taphians and the son of Anchialus. He is mentioned in the Odyssey.
Merops m Greek Mythology
From Greek μέροψ (merops) meaning "bee-eater", the bee-eater (species Merops apiaster) being a type of bird; allegedly it was used to mean "mortal". This word can mean "with face turned", derived from Greek μέρος (meros) "part" and ὤψ (ôps) "eye, face".
Mesembria Μεσημβρια f Greek Mythology
Mesembria is the name of the of the Greek Horae, goddesses of the hours. Her name means "midday", or "noon".
Mestor Μήστωρ m Ancient Greek, Greek Mythology
Derived from the Greek noun μήστωρ (mestor) meaning "adviser, counsellor". In Greek mythology, this was the name of several princes.
Mestra Μήστρα f Greek Mythology
In Greek mythology, Mestra was a daughter of Erysichthon of Thessaly. According to Ovid's "Metamorphoses," she was granted the ability to change her shape at will by her lover, Poseidon. Mestra used her shape-shifting ability and trickery to provide her father with nourishment after he had been cursed with an insatiable appetite by Demeter... [more]
Meta f Greek Mythology
From Greek mήταν meaning "beyond". In Greek Mythology Meta was the daughter of Hoples and the first wife of Aegeus.
Metanira Μετάνειρα f Greek Mythology
In Greek mythology, Metanira (Ancient Greek: Metaneira or Metaenira; also Meganeira) was a queen of Eleusis and wife of Celeus.
Methone Μεθώνη f Greek Mythology
One of the Alkyonides.
Metioche Μητιόχη f Greek Mythology
Metioche, a daughter of Orion, see Menippe and Metioche... [more]
Metope Μετώπη f Greek Mythology
This was the name of various characters in Greek mythology, including the wife of the river god Asopus. It also coincides with an architectural term (though this word is spelled differently in Greek, as μετόπη).
Midea Μίδεια, Μίδεα f Italian, Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of Mideia, as well as the modern Italian form.
Mideia Μίδεια f Greek Mythology
Perhaps a feminine form of Midas. This name was borne by several mythological figures, including a nymph and one of the Danaïdes.
Miletus Μίλητος m Greek Mythology
Possibly related to Ancient Greek μίλτος (miltos) meaning "red earth". This was the name of a figure in Greek mythology who, according to legend, founded the Greek city of Miletus... [more]
Minthe Μινθη f Greek Mythology
Means "mint" in Greek. In Greek mythology Minthe was a nymph was was transformed into an herb by Persephone after attempting to seduce Hades.
Minthi Μινθη f Greek Mythology
Variant of Minthe.
Mnesarchos Μνήσαρχος m Ancient Greek, Greek Mythology
The first element of this name is derived from the Greek adjective μνήσιος (mnesios) meaning "of memory", which is ultimately derived from the Greek verb μνημονεύω (mnemoneuo) meaning "to call to mind, to remember, to think of", itself ultimately derived from the Greek verb μνάομαι (mnaomai) meaning "to remember, to be mindful of"... [more]
Mnesarchus m Ancient Greek (Latinized), Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of Mnesarchos. This name was borne by an ancient Greek tyrant of Chalcis from the 4th century BC as well as by a character in Greek mythology.
Mnesimache Μνησιμάχη f Greek Mythology
Derived from μνησῐ- (mnēsi-) meaning "reminding" and μαχη (mache) meaning "battle".
Mnesos Μνῆσος m Greek Mythology
Derived from the Greek adjective μνήσιος (mnesios) meaning "of memory", which is ultimately derived from the Greek verb μνημονεύω (mnemoneuo) meaning "to call to mind, to remember, to think of", itself ultimately derived from the Greek verb μνάομαι (mnaomai) meaning "to remember, to be mindful of".... [more]
Mnestra Μνήστρα f Greek Mythology
Derived from Greek μνηστήρ (mnester) meaning "courter, wooer". In Greek legend she was a princess of Thessalia who was loved by the god Poseidon... [more]
Mnesus m Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of Mnesos. In Greek mythology, Mnesus was a Paeonian warrior killed by Achilles.
Molpadia Μολπαδια f Greek Mythology
Means "divine song" from Greek μολπή (molpê) "song" and διά (dia) "divine, heavenly" (related to Διος (Dios) "of Zeus"). In Greek mythology, this was the name of an Amazon.
Molpia Μολπία f Greek Mythology
Derived from Greek μόλπη meaning "melody".
Momus m Greek Mythology
Momus in Greek mythology was the personification of satire and mockery, two stories about whom figure among Aesop's Fables. As a sharp-tongued spirit of unfair criticism, Momus was eventually expelled from the company of the gods on Mount Olympus... [more]
Morea Μορέα f Greek Mythology
Means "mulberry tree" in Greek. In Greek mythology, Morea is the name of a hamadryad (a type of dryad, or wood nymph).
Moria Μορία f Greek Mythology
Meant "sacred olive tree" in Greek, referring to a type of olive tree in ancient Greece that was believed to have 'been propagated from the original olive which Athena herself had caused to spring up on the Acropolis'; uprooting one of the sacred μορίαι (moriai) was an offense punishable by dispossession and banishment.... [more]
Moros Μόρος m Greek Mythology
Means "doom, fate" in Greek. This was the name of the personification of impending doom in Greek Mythology, one of the offspring of Nyx.
Mousaios Μουσαῖος m Ancient Greek, Greek Mythology
Derived from the Greek adjective Μουσαῖος (Mousaios) or Μούσειος (Mouseios) meaning "of the Muse(s)", which is ultimately derived from the Greek noun Μοῦσα (Mousa) meaning "Muse" as well as "music, song".
Mousika Μουσικά f Greek Mythology
Derived from the Greek noun μουσικά (mousika) meaning "music", which is closely related to the Greek noun μουσική (mousike) meaning "any of the Muses' arts" (especially music and lyrical poetry set to music)... [more]
Musaeus m Ancient Greek (Latinized), Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of Mousaios. This name was borne by three Greek poets and by an officer of the Seleucid king Antiochus III the Great (2nd century BC).
Musagetes Μουσαγέτης m Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of Greek Μουσαγέτης (Mousagetes) meaning "leader of the Muses". This was an epithet of the god Apollo as leader of the nine Muses, also applied to Hercules.
Musica f Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of Mousika. In Greek mythology, this is the name of one of the Horae.
Mycale Μυκάλη f Greek Mythology
Mother o Orius, was famous for her incantations, which she had often used to conjure down the shining twin-horns of the unwilling moon, one of the Lapiths.
Mycene Μυκήνη f Greek Mythology
Etymology unknown. It may be derived from μύκης (mycēs) meaning "mushroom".
Mydon Μύδων m Greek Mythology
Ine of the defenders of Troy in Homer's Iliad.
Mygdon Μύγδων m Greek Mythology
Etymology unknown, perhaps related to μύγδαλο (mýgdalo) meaning "almond".
Myrice f Greek Mythology
In Greek mythology, Myrice is a minor figure from the island of Cyprus. Like both of her siblings Myrrha and Amaracus, she was transformed into a plant bearing her name.
Myrina Μυρίνα f Greek Mythology
Derived from the Greek ìõñïí (myron) meaning "myrrh". In Greek mythology, Myrina was the Queen of the Amazons.
Myrmex Μύρμηξ m & f Ancient Greek, Greek Mythology
Derived from the Greek noun μύρμηξ (myrmex) meaning "ant". This name was predominantly bestowed upon men.
Myrtilos Μυρτίλος m Ancient Greek, Greek Mythology
Ancient Greek name, presumably derived Greek μύρτος (myrtos) "myrtle". In Greek mythology this name belonged to a son of Hermes and charioteer to Oenomaus.
Myrtoessa Μυρτώεσσα f Greek Mythology
Possibly derived from Greek μύρτος (myrtos) meaning "myrtle". In Greek mythology this was the name of a nymph, according to Pausanias.
Mysia Μυσία f Ancient Greek, Greek Mythology
Means "woman from Mysia" in Greek. Mysia was a region in Asia Minor mentioned in Acts in the New Testament, said to mean "land of beech trees" (see Mysia)... [more]
Mytilene Μυτιλήνη f Greek Mythology
Etymology unknown.
Naïs f Greek Mythology (Gallicized), Theatre
French form of Nais. Naïs is the main character of Jean-Philippe Rameau's 1749 Naïs: Opéra pour La Paix, a play about the god Neptune falling in love with the titular nymph.
Nais Ναις f Greek Mythology
Nais was a naiad-nymph of the springs of the town of Pyrrhichus on the Malean peninsular of Lakedaimonia (southern Greece). She was the wife of the old rustic-god Silenus.
Narcaeus Ναρκαίος m Greek Mythology
A son of Dionysus and Narcaea, established a sanctuary of Athena Narcaea in Elis, and also introduced there the worship of Dionysus. (Paus. v. 16. § 5.)
Narius m Greek Mythology, Biblical
Derived from Greek(neros) meaning "water". In Greek and Roman myth this was the name of a god of the sea. This was also the name of a Roman saint of the 1st century, a member of the army, who was martyred with his companion Achilleus because they refused to execute Christians.
Naubolus Ναύβολος m Greek Mythology
Derived from ναῦς (naûs) meaning "boat" and βόλος (bólos) meaning "a cast of a net".
Nauplius Ναύπλιος m Greek Mythology
In Greek mythology, Nauplius was the name of two characters, one descended from the other.
Nausithous Ναυσίθοος m Greek Mythology
Derived from ναῦς (naûs) meaning “ship” and θοός (thoós) meaning "quick, swift".
Neaira Νέαιρα f Greek Mythology, Ancient Greek
Means "new rising" from Greek νέος (neos) meaning "new, fresh" as well as "young, youthful" and αἴρω (airo) "lift, raise up". In Greek mythology this name belonged to a nymph of Thrinakia, a mythical island, who was loved by the sun god Helios... [more]
Neandros Νέανδρος m Ancient Greek, Greek Mythology
The first element of this name is derived from Greek νέος (neos) meaning "young, youthful" as well as "new, fresh". The second element is derived from Greek ανδρος (andros) meaning "of a man"... [more]
Neilus Νεῖλος m Greek Mythology
Means "river valley". From the Greek neilos (νεῖλος) 'river valley'. In Greek mythology he is the eponym god of the river Nile in Egypt, the son of Titans Oceanus and Tethys, and father of Memphis, Chione, Anippe, Caliadne, and Polyxo.
Nemea Νεμεα f Greek Mythology
The name of a naiad of the springs of the town of Nemea in Argolis, and a daughter of Asopos. Her name is taken from that place. Alternatively, Nemea may have been another name for Pandeia, a daughter of Zeus and Selene.
Nemertes Νημερτής f Greek Mythology
The name of a nereid in Greek mythology, meaning "truthful" or "unerring counsel"
Neonus Νεώνου m Greek Mythology
In Greek mythology, Neonus was a Phthian prince as the son of King Hellen of Thessaly, the son of Deucalion, the Hellenic progenitor.His mother was possibly the nymph Orseis, and thus he was probably the brother to Aeolus, Dorus, Xuthus and Xenopatra... [more]
Neophron Νεόφρων m Ancient Greek, Greek Mythology
The first element of this name is derived from Greek νέος (neos) meaning "young, youthful" as well as "new, fresh". The second element is derived from either the Greek noun φρόνις (phronis) meaning "prudence, wisdom" or the Greek verb φρονέω (phroneo) meaning "to think" as well as "to be minded"... [more]
Nephalion Νηφάλιων m Greek Mythology
Most likely derived from the Greek adjective νηφάλιος (nephalios), which literally means "without wine, holding no wine, unmixed with wine". It refers to abstinence from intoxicating wine (i.e. physical sobriety), so a more figurative meaning of the word would be "sober, clear-headed, temperate"... [more]
Nerina f Greek Mythology
One of the daughter of Nereus. Means "sea nymph", "nereid", or "mermaid".
Nerites Νηρίτης m Greek Mythology
The god of shellfish and the charioteer of the sea. He is the only son out of the fifty Nereides, is described as being boyishly handsome and was also dearly loved by the sea creatures. In mythology, he rejected Aphrodite's invitation to Olympus, preferring his life at sea, resulting in him turning into a shellfish by a scorned Aphrodite... [more]
Nesaie Νησαίη f Greek Mythology
Derived from Greek νησαῖος (nêsaios) meaning "insular, of an island", itself a derivative of νῆσος (nêsos) "island". In Greek mythology this was the name of one of the fifty Nereids.
Neso Νησώ f Greek Mythology, Astronomy
Derived from Greek νῆσος (nêsos) meaning "island". In Greek mythology this name was borne by one of the Nereids. A moon of Neptune bears this name in her honour.
Nessus Νέσσος m Greek Mythology
Possibly derived from Greek νῆσσα (nessa) meaning "duck (bird)". In Greek mythology, Nessus was a centaur who was killed by Heracles, and whose tainted blood in turn killed Heracles... [more]
Nestos Νέστος, Νέσσος m Greek Mythology
Possibly derived from a Proto-Indo-European root meaning "water". This was the name of an eponymous river god in Greek mythology,
Nestus Νέστος m Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of Nestos.
Nicaea f Ancient Greek (Latinized), Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of Nikaia. Bearers of this name include the noblewomen Nicaea of Macedon (4th century BC) and Nicaea of Corinth (3rd century BC). The latter became Queen of Macedon through her second marriage, which was with Demetrius II of Macedon.... [more]
Nice f Greek Mythology (Rare), Ancient Greek (Latinized), Italian
Ancient Greek variant as well as Latinized and Italian form of Nike. In Italy it's also used as diminutive of names with the element nice (derived from nike) such as Berenice and Eunice.... [more]
Nicippe f Ancient Greek (Latinized), Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of Nikippe. This is the name of several characters in Greek mythology.
Nicothoë Νικοθόη f Greek Mythology
An epithet of the Harpy Aello meaning "victory-speedy".
Nikaia Νικαία f Ancient Greek, Greek Mythology
Feminine form of Nikaios. In Greek mythology, Nikaia or Nicaea was a Naiad of the springs or fountain of Nikaia, a Greek colony in Bithynia (Asia Minor).
Nikippe Νικίππη f Ancient Greek, Greek Mythology
Feminine form of Nikippos.
Nikodromos Νικόδρομος m Ancient Greek, Greek Mythology
Derived from Greek νίκη (nike) meaning "victory" and δρόμος (dromos) meaning "race, running" or "path, course".
Nireus Νιρεύς m Greek Mythology
Etymology unknown.
Nix f Greek Mythology
Variant spelling of Nyx.
Nomia Νομία f Greek Mythology
Possibly means "lawfulness", derived from Greek νόμος (nomos) meaning "law, custom". This was the name of a nymph in Greek mythology, after whom the Nomian Mountains are believed to be named.
Nomion Νομίων m Greek Mythology
Most likely derived from the Greek noun νόμος (nomos) meaning "usage, custom, law, ordinance" (also see Eunomia). However, a derivation from the Greek noun νομός (nomos) meaning "place of pasturage" as well as "dwelling place" is also quite possible... [more]
Nonacris Νώνακρις f Greek Mythology
In Greek mythology, Nonacris was the wife of King Lycaon of Arcadia and mother of Callisto.
Nycteïs Νυκτηίς f Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of Greek Νυκτηίς (Nykteis), a derivative of Greek νύξ (nyx) meaning "night" (compare the related names Nycteus and Nyx)... [more]
Nycteus m Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of Greek Νυκτεύς (Nykteus), which was derived from Greek νύξ nyx meaning "night". In Greek mythology, Nycteus was the name of a king of Thebes.
Nyctimene Νυκτιμήνη f Greek Mythology
Derived from Greek νύξ (nyx) meaning "night" and μενω (meno) "to last, to withstand". A daughter of Epopeus, king of Lesbos, or, according to others, of Nycteus. Pursued and dishonored by her amorous father, she hid herself in the shade of forests, where she was metamorphosed by Athena into an owl.
Nyctimus m Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of Nyktimos. In Greek mythology, this is the name of the youngest of the fifty sons of king Lycaon of Arcadia.
Nyktimos Νύκτιμος m Greek Mythology
Either a monothematic name that is derived from the Greek noun νύξ (nyx) meaning "night", or a theophoric dithematic name that is derived from the name of the Greek goddess Nyx combined with the Greek verb τιμάω (timao) meaning "to honour, to esteem, to revere".... [more]
Nysa Νύσα f Greek Mythology
Possibly from an archaic Greek word meaning "tree". In Greek mythology Nysa was a daughter of Aristaeus, who was believed to have brought up the infant god Dionysus, and from whom one of the many towns of the name of Nysa was believed to have derived its name.
Ochimos Ὄχιμος m Greek Mythology
Probably derived from the Greek verb ὀχέω (ocheo) meaning "to bear, to carry, to hold fast, to sustain", which is closely related to the Greek verb ἔχω (echo) meaning "to have, to hold, to possess"... [more]
Ochimus m Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of Ochimos. In Greek mythology, Ochimus was the eldest of the Heliadae and lived on the island of Rhodes, of which he was also the king.
Ocnus Ὄκνος m Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Means "hesitation, shrinking; alarm, fear" in Greek. This was the name of a son of Tiberinus and Manto, and the reputed founder of the town of Mantua... [more]
Ocridion m Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of Okridion. In Greek mythology, Ocridion is the name of a mortal man who was engaged to Cydippe before she was stolen from him by her uncle Cercaphus.
Ocypete f Greek Mythology
Means "swift wing". This is the name of a Harpy in Greek mythology, also known as Ocypode and Ocythoe.
Ocypode f Greek Mythology
Means "swift foot". This is another name of the harpy Ocypete in Greek mythology.
Ocyrhoe Ὠκυρόη f Greek Mythology
Derived from ὠκῠ́ς (ōkús) meaning "quick, swift" and rheos (ῥέος) meaning "stream".
Ocythoe f Greek Mythology
Means "swift runner". This is another name for the harpy Ocypete.
Oecles Οἰκλῆς m Ancient Greek (Latinized), Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of Greek Οἰκλῆς (Oiklês) or Οἰκλείης (Oikleiês), derived from ὄις (ois) meaning "sheep" (cf. Latin ovis, the possible source of Ovid) and κλέος (kleos) meaning "glory"... [more]
Oeneus Οἰνεύς m Greek Mythology
In Greek mythology he was a Calydonian king. He sent his son, the hero Meleager, out to find heroes to kill the Calydonian Boar, which was ravaging Calydon because Oeneus had forgotten to honor Artemis at the harvest ceremonies... [more]
Oenoe Οἰνόη f Greek Mythology
Ancient Greek feminine name meaning "winy".
Oenopion m Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of Oinopion. In Greek mythology, Oenopion was a king of the island of Chios.
Oenotrus Οἴνωτρος m Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of Oinotros.
Oeonus Οἰωνὸν m Greek Mythology
Ancient Greek masculine name meaning "omen, portent".
Oeroe Ὠερόη f Greek Mythology
Probably derived from Greek ῥοή (rhoe) meaning "river, stream, flow". This was another name for the nymph Plataia, in honour of a stream by the same name.
Oezys f Greek Mythology
Oezys, or Oizys is the personification of pain or distress. In Hesiod's Theogony, Oezys is one of the offspring of Nyx (Night), produced without the assistance of a father.
Ogygus Ὠγύγης, Ὤγυγος m Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Etymology uncertain, possibly related to the name of the Titan Okeanos. This was the name of a primeval ruler in Ancient Greek mythology, usually of Boeotia, though another tradition makes him the first king of Attica... [more]
Oiax Οἴαξ m Ancient Greek, Greek Mythology
Means "tiller, the handle of the rudder" or "helm" in Greek.
Oileus Οἰλεύς m Ancient Greek, Greek Mythology
Derived from the older name *Ϝιλεύς (Wileus), itself from the Boeotian form of ἴλη (ile) meaning "band, troop (of men, horses)".
Oineus Οἰνεύς m Ancient Greek, Greek Mythology
Means "winemaker", derived from Greek οἶνος (oinos) meaning "wine". This was the name of a Calydonian king in Greek mythology, who was taught wine-making by the god Dionysos.
Oinopion Οἰνοπίων m Greek Mythology
Derived from the Greek adjective οἰνωπός (oinopos) meaning "wine-coloured, wine-dark" as well as "wine-coloured in complexion" or "ruddy-complexioned". The word is ultimately derived from the Greek noun οινος (oinos) meaning "wine"... [more]
Oinotros Οἴνωτρος m Greek Mythology
Possibly derived from Greek οἶνος (oinos) meaning "wine" and τρέπω (trepo) "to turn (towards a thing)", perhaps meaning "addicted to wine". In Greek mythology this was borne by a son of Lycaon who went to Italy and became the eponymous king of Oenotria.
Oizys f Greek Mythology
Means "misery, woe, or distress." Oizys was the spirit of misery and woe, distress and suffering. She was one of the malevolent children of Nyx.
Okridion Ὀκριδίων m Greek Mythology
Derived from Greek ὀκρίδες (okrides), which is the plural form of Greek ὄκρις (okris) meaning "peak, point" (which is often in reference to a mountain top). Also compare the Greek adjective ὀκριοειδής (okrioeides) meaning "rugged, jagged".
Okyrhoe Ὠκυρόη f Greek Mythology
From the poetic Greek adjective ὠκύρους (okyrous) meaning "fast-flowing", from ὠκύς (okys) "quick, swift, fast" and ῥοή (rhoe) "stream, river, flow"... [more]
Olethros m Greek Mythology
In Ancient Greek mythology, Olethros was the personification of havoc and probably one of the Makhai.... [more]
Olynthus Ὄλυνθος m Ancient Greek, Greek Mythology
Derived from Greek ὄλυνθος (ólŭnthos) "fruit of the wild fig". In Greek mythology, this was the name of the son of Heracles and Bolbe or the son of king Strymon, and brother of Brangas and Rhesus, from whom the ancient city and river of Olynthus is named after.
Omphale Ὀμφάλη f Greek Mythology
Probably derived from Greek ὀμφαλός (omphalos) meaning "navel", also "the center". This was the name of a legendary queen of Lydia in Greek mythology. According to some legends, she used Herakles as a slave for the period of one year and disguised him in women's clothing.
Ophelestes Ὀφελέστης m Greek Mythology
Derived from the Greek noun ὄφελος (ophelos) meaning "help, advantage" combined with the Attic Greek suffix -της (-tes), which forms nouns that represent a state of being.... [more]
Ophion Ὀφίων m Greek Mythology
Diminutive form of Ophios, as this name contains the Greek diminutive suffix -ιων (-ion). In Greek mythology, Ophion was a titan who ruled Olympus together with Eurynome until the two were (forcibly) replaced by Cronus and Rhea.
Ophios Ὀφίος m Greek Mythology
Derived from Greek ὄφις (ophis) meaning "serpent, snake".
Ophius m Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of Ophios. In Greek mythology, Ophius is the father of Combe of Pleuron, a woman who was assaulted by her sons and subsequently transformed into a bird.
Orea Ὀρέα f Greek Mythology
The name of one of the eight hamadryad daughters of Oxylos and Hamadryas, associated with the ash tree... [more]
Oreithyia f Greek Mythology
An Athenian princess whom the god of the North wind, Boreas, fell in love with and swept off to marry while she was out dancing. Their sons became the Argonauts.
Orestheus Ὀρεσθεύς m Greek Mythology
Probably a more elaborate form of Orestes, which is ultimately derived from Greek όρος (oros) meaning "mountain, hill". It is at least quite unlikely that this is a compound name where the second element is derived from Greek θεος (theos) meaning "god", because then the name would have been spelled as Ὀρεσθεος (Orestheos) in Greek... [more]
Orithyia Ὠρείθυια f Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of Oreithyia.
Orneus Ὀρνεύς m Greek Mythology
Possibly derived from Greek ὄρνις (ornis) meaning "bird, chicken". Also compare Greek ὄρνεον (orneon) meaning "bird" and the name Ornytion... [more]
Ornytion Ὀρνύτιων m Greek Mythology
Diminutive form of Ornytos, as this name contains the Greek diminutive suffix -ιων (-ion). In Greek mythology, Ornytion was the name of the father of Phocus and Thoas.
Ornytos m Greek Mythology
Possibly derived from Greek ὄρνυμι (ornymi) or Greek ὀρνύω (ornyo), both of which mean "to rouse, to stir, to awaken". These words may be etymologically related to Greek ὄρνις (ornis) meaning "bird, chicken".
Ornytus m Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of Ornytos. This was the name of several characters in Greek mythology, a few of which were soldiers.
Oros m Ancient Greek, Greek Mythology
In Greek mythology, this is the name of a king of Troezen, who is the (human) maternal grandfather of the demi-god Althepus.... [more]
Orphée m & f Greek Mythology (Gallicized), French (Rare), French (Belgian, Rare)
French form of Orpheus. Although the mythological character is masculine, this name is now more frequently borne by women than by men.
Orphne Ορφνη f Greek Mythology
Derived from Greek ὄρφνη (orphne) meaning "the darkness". In Greek mythology this was the name of a nymph of the underworld. She was the mother of Ascalaphus by Acheron.
Orseis Ορσηίς f Greek Mythology
Orsilochos Ὀρσίλοχος m Greek Mythology
The first element of this name is uncertain. It might possibly be derived from ὄρσω (orso), the future case of the Greek verb ὄρνυμι (ornymi) meaning "to awaken, to arouse" as well as "to raise, to excite" and "to stir up"... [more]
Orsilochus m Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of Orsilochos. This is the name of several characters in Greek mythology, one of which is a son of the river god Alpheus.
Orthia Ὀρθία f Greek Mythology
Meaning uncertain, possibly of pre-Greek origin, but perhaps related to Greek ὄρθιος (orthios) which meant "straight up, steep, uphill" as well as "setting straight". This was the name of a pre-Greek goddess worshipped in the central Peloponnese and later identified with Artemis (called Artemis Orthia).
Orthosia Ὀρθωσία f Greek Mythology
Derived from Greek ὄρθωσις (orthosis) meaning "prosperity". Orthosia or Orthosie was one of the Horae (Greek goddesses associated with times and seasons).
Orthosie f Astronomy, Greek Mythology
Variant of Orthosia borne by one of Jupiter's moons.
Orthros Ὄρθρος m Greek Mythology
From Greek ὄρθρος (orthros) meaning "the time just before daybreak, early dawn, cock-crow". He was a mythological two-headed watchdog, a brother of Cerberus and son of the monster Echidna, that kept the herds of Geryon on the island Erytheia, and was there killed by Herakles... [more]
Orus m Ancient Greek (Latinized), Greek Mythology (Latinized), English (American, Rare)
Latinized form of Oros. A known bearer of this name was the American professional golfer and Olympic medalist Orus Jones (1867-1963).
Oryxos Ὄρυξος m Greek Mythology
Possibly derived from Greek ὄρυξ (oryx) meaning "pickaxe, tool for digging". This is the name of a giant depicted on the alter of Zeus at Pergamon.
Ossa Ὄσσα f Greek Mythology
Another name for Pheme used by Homer.
Othreis f Greek Mythology
In Greek mythology, Othreis (Othrēís means "of Mount Othrys") was an oread nymph who consorted with both Zeus and Apollo and became by them mother of Meliteus and Phager respectively.
Othryoneus Ὀθρυονεύς m Greek Mythology
The meaning of this name is a bit uncertain. If it is derived from only one element, then it possibly basically means "of Mount Othrys", derived from Greek Όθρυς (Othrys), the name of the mountain... [more]
Otrera Οτρηρη f Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Queen of the Amazons in Greek mythology, Otrera is sometimes considered the mythological founder of the Temple of Artemis in Ephesus, which was closely connected with Amazons. She is also sometimes considered the founder of the Amazon nation, though many myths place the first Amazons much earlier.
Otrere f Greek Mythology
Otrere was an Amazonian queen and the founder of the Amazons, also called Otrera. Her two daughters were Penthesilea and Hippolyta.
Otus Ὦτος m Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of Otos. This was the name of two distinct characters in Greek mythology: a giant who was a son of Aloeus and brother of Ephialtes; and Otus of Cyllene, one of the Achaean soldiers in the Trojan War, who was killed by Polydamas.
Ourea f Greek Mythology
Perhaps from οὐρεύς (oureus), the Ionic Greek form of ὀρεύς (oreus) meaning "mule", which in turn is a derivative of ὄρος (oros) "mountain" (mules being much used in mountainous countries)... [more]
Oxylos Ὀξύλος m Greek Mythology
Derived from the Greek adjective ὀξύς (oxys) meaning "sharp, keen, pointed" as well as "quick, swift".... [more]
Oxylus m Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of Oxylos. This is the name of several characters from Greek mythology, one of them being a son of Ares and Protogeneia.
Oxyporos Ὀξύπορος m Greek Mythology
Derived from the Greek adjective ὀξυπόρος (oxyporos) meaning "passing rapidly". It consists of the Greek adjective ὀξύς (oxys) meaning "sharp, keen, pointed" as well as "quick, swift" combined with the Greek noun πόρος (poros) meaning "passage, passage-way" as well as "ford, strait, ferry" (as in, a means of passing over a body of water).
Oxyporus m Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of Oxyporos. In Greek mythology, this is the name of a son of king Cinyras of Cyprus.
Paeëon Παιήων m Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of Paieon, which is the Epic Greek form of Paian. Paian or Paean was the physician of the gods in Greek mythology.
Paeon Παίων m Greek Mythology
In Greek mythology, Paeon or Paion was a son of Poseidon.
Palaemon m Ancient Greek (Latinized), Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of Palaimon. This name was borne by several characters in Greek mythology.... [more]
Palaestra Παλαίστρα f Greek Mythology (Latinized)
From Greek παλαιστής (palaistes) meaning "wrestler" or the verb παλαιστέω (palaisteo) "to thrust away with the hand" (from παλαιστή (palaiste) "palm of the hand", a later form of παλαστή (palaste))... [more]
Palaimon Παλαίμων m Ancient Greek, Greek Mythology
Derived from the Greek verb παλαιμονέω (palaimoneo) meaning "to wrestle, to fight", which is ultimately derived from the Greek verb παλαίω (palaio) meaning "to wrestle"... [more]
Palamedes Παλαμήδης m Greek Mythology, Arthurian Cycle
Possibly derived from Greek πάλαι (palai) "long ago, in days of yore" and μῆδος (mêdos) "plans, schemes" (itself from the verb μηδομαι (medomai) "to think, to plan")... [more]
Palioxis Παλίωξις f Greek Mythology
The Greek mythological personification of backrush or retreat in battle.
Pallene Παλλήνη f Greek Mythology
Likely related to Pallas 1. In Greek Mythology, it was the the name of one of the Alkyonides, as well as the name of a daughter of King Sithon.
Palthanor Παλθάνωρ m Greek Mythology
Hellenized form of an Indian name, of which both the original form and the meaning are unknown.... [more]
Pammerope Παμμερόπη f Greek Mythology
Perhaps from Greek παμ- (pam-), a variant of παν (pan) "all, every", combined with μέροψ (merops) "dividing the voice, articulate" or "bee-eater" (species Merops apiaster; compare Merops, Merope)... [more]
Pamphile Παμφίλη f Ancient Greek, Greek Mythology
Feminine form of Pamphilos. This was the name of a legendary woman who invented silk weaving on the Greek island of Kos. A historic bearer was Pamphile of Epidaurus, a 1st-century historian who was much esteemed in antiquity for her Historical Commentaries... [more]
Panacea Πανάκεια f Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of Greek Πανάκεια (Panakeia), from Greek πανακής (panakês) "all-healing". This word, πανάκεια (panakeia), was used of various herbs reputed to have universal healing powers, and was personified as a goddess of remedies, cures and universal healing, daughter to Asclepius and Epione... [more]
Pandaie Πανδαίη f Greek Mythology
Etymology unknown.
Pandareus Πανδαρεύς, Πανδάρεος, Πανδάρεως m Ancient Greek, Greek Mythology
Possibly a variant of Greek Πάνδαρος (Pandaros) (see Pandarus). This was the name of either one or two minor characters in Greek mythology, the son of Merops and a nymph, father of Aëdon and other daughters, and a friend of Tantalus.
Pandarus Πάνδαρος m Greek Mythology (Latinized), Literature, Theatre
Latinized form of Greek Πάνδαρος (Pandaros), which was possibly derived from παν (pan) "all" and an uncertain second element. This is the name of a mythical archer who appears in stories of the Trojan War, and "who by an arrow-shot violates the truce between the Trojans and Greeks, and is afterwards slain by Diomedes." In Homer's 'Iliad' he is portrayed as an energetic and impetuous warrior, but in medieval literature he becomes a witty and licentious figure who facilitates the affair between Troilus and Cressida... [more]
Pandemos Πάνδημος f & m Greek Mythology
From Greek πάνδημος (pandemos) meaning "of all people, belonging to all people; public, common", composed of πᾶν (pan) "all" and δῆμος (demos) "the people"... [more]
Pandia Πανδεία, Πανδείη, Πανδία f Greek Mythology (Latinized)
In some cases this is a latinized form of Greek Πανδείη (Pandeie) or Πανδεία (Pandeia) - though the spelling Πανδία (Pandia) has also been used - which may be related to the word πανδῖος (pandios) meaning "all-divine"... [more]
Pandion Πανδίων m Greek Mythology
In Greek mythology, this is the name of several kings and heroes.
Pandrosos Πάνδροσος f Greek Mythology
Means "all bedewed" from a combination of Greek παν (pan) "all" and δροσος (drosos) "dew". In Greek mythology Pandrosos was one of the three daughters of Kekrops, the first king of Athens, along with her sisters Aglauros and Herse... [more]
Pandrosus Πάνδροσος f Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of Pandrosos.
Panopaea f Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of Greek Πανοπαία (Panopaia), which is a variant form of Panope. In Greek mythology, Panopaea was the name of one of the Nereids.
Panope Πανόπη f Greek Mythology
Means "all-seeing", derived from Greek παν (pan) "all" combined with Greek ωψ (ops) "eye, face". In Greek mythology, Panope is the name of one of the fifty daughters of Thespius and Megamede.
Panopea f Greek Mythology
In Greek mythology, Panopea may refer to various characters. The names mean 'panorama' or means 'of the beautiful husband'.... [more]
Panopeus Πανοπεύς m Greek Mythology
Masculine form of Panope. In Greek mythology, Panopeus and his twin brother Crisus were sons of Phocus.
Pantariste Πανταρίστη f Greek Mythology
The first element of this name is derived from Greek πάντες (pantes) meaning "all", which is ultimately derived from Greek πᾶς (pas) meaning "all, for all, of all". The second element is derived from Greek αριστος (aristos) meaning "best"... [more]
Panthalis Πανθαλίς f Greek Mythology
Panthalis is a figure in Greek mythology. She was a servant of Helena. Derived from παν (pan) "all" and θαλλω (thallo) meaning "to blossom".
Panthous Πάνθοος m Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of Greek Πάνθοος (Panthoos), derived from πᾶν (pan) meaning "all" and θοός (thoos) meaning "swift" (from the verb θέω (theô) "to run")... [more]
Parthaon Παρθάων m Greek Mythology
Possibly related to Greek πέρθω (pertho) meaning "to destroy". This was the name of a Calydonian king, father to Oeneus and Agrius.
Parthenopaios Παρθενοπαίος m Greek Mythology
The first element of this name is derived from Greek παρθένος (parthenos) meaning "maiden, girl, virgin". The second element is probably derived from Greek παῖς (pais) "child", which would give the name as a whole the meaning of "child of a virgin"... [more]
Parthenopeus m Ancient Greek (Latinized), Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Variant spelling of Parthenopaeus, which has gone on to become the spelling most commonly used, even though Parthenopaeus is more correct... [more]
Pasiphaë f Greek Mythology
Derived from Greek πασιφαής (pasiphaēs) meaning "shining on all", which is ultimately derived from Greek πᾶς (pas) meaning "all, for all, of all" combined with Greek φάος (phaos) meaning "light" (related to Greek φῶς (phos) "light")... [more]
Pasithea Πασιθεα, Πασιθεη f Greek Mythology
Means "goddess of all", derived from Greek πᾶς (pas) meaning "all, for all, of all" combined with Greek θεα (thea) meaning "goddess". In Greek mythology she was one of the Charites, married to Hypnos, the god of sleep and dreams; she may have been regarded as a goddess of rest and relaxation or of hallucinations and hallucinogenic drugs.
Patrocle m Greek Mythology (Gallicized)
French form of Patroklos (see Patroclus).
Peirene Πειρηνη f Greek Mythology
The name of a naiad of the fresh-water spring of the city of Korinthos and a daughter of Asopos. She was carried off by Poseidon and bore him two sons. Her name may be derived from the element πειραίνω (peiraino), and either mean "tied, fastened" or "the fastening one"... [more]
Peisandros Πείσανδρος m Ancient Greek, Greek Mythology
The first element of this name is derived from either the Greek noun πεῖσα (peisa) meaning "obedience" or the Greek noun πεῖσις (peisis) meaning "persuasion". Both words are ultimately derived from the Greek verb πείθω (peitho) meaning "to persuade, to convince" as well as "to obey, to yield to" and "to believe, to trust (in)"... [more]
Peisenor Πεισήνωρ m Greek Mythology
The first element of this name is derived from either the Greek noun πεῖσα (peisa) meaning "obedience" or the Greek noun πεῖσις (peisis) meaning "persuasion". Both words are ultimately derived from the Greek verb πείθω (peitho) meaning "to persuade, to convince" as well as "to obey, to yield to" and "to believe, to trust (in)"... [more]
Peisianassa Πεισιάνασσα f Greek Mythology
Feminine form of Peisianax. In Greek mythology, Peisianassa is a Tyrian maid who attends to Semele.
Peisidice f Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of Peisidike. This name is borne by several characters in Greek mythology, most of whom are princesses.
Peisidike Πεισιδίκη f Greek Mythology
The first element of this name is derived from either the Greek noun πεῖσα (peisa) meaning "obedience" or the Greek noun πεῖσις (peisis) meaning "persuasion". Both words are ultimately derived from the Greek verb πείθω (peitho) meaning "to persuade, to convince" as well as "to obey, to yield to" and "to believe, to trust (in)"... [more]
Peisinoe Πεισινόη f Greek Mythology
The first element of this name is derived from either the Greek noun πεῖσα (peisa) meaning "obedience" or the Greek noun πεῖσις (peisis) meaning "persuasion". Both words are ultimately derived from the Greek verb πείθω (peitho) meaning "to persuade, to convince" as well as "to obey, to yield to" and "to believe, to trust (in)"... [more]
Peisis Πεισίς m & f Ancient Greek, Greek Mythology
Derived from the Greek noun πεῖσις (peisis) meaning "persuasion" as well as "affection, susceptibility". It is ultimately derived from Greek πείσομαι (peisomai), which is the first-person singular future middle indicative of the Greek verbs πάσχω (pascho) meaning "to undergo, to experience, to feel (an emotion)" and πείθω (peitho) meaning "to persuade, to convince" as well as "to obey, to yield to" and "to believe, to trust (in)".... [more]
Peisistratos Πεισίστρατος m Ancient Greek, Greek Mythology
The first element of this name is derived from either the Greek noun πεῖσα (peisa) meaning "obedience" or the Greek noun πεῖσις (peisis) meaning "persuasion". Both words are ultimately derived from the Greek verb πείθω (peitho) meaning "to persuade, to convince" as well as "to obey, to yield to" and "to believe, to trust (in)"... [more]
Peitho Πειθώ f Greek Mythology
Derived from the Greek verb πείθω (peitho) meaning "to persuade, to convince" as well as "to obey, to yield to" and "to believe, to trust (in)".... [more]
Pelagon Πελάγων m Ancient Greek, Greek Mythology
Ancient Greek masculine name meaning "of the ocean".
Pelasgus Πελασγός m Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Means "ancient" in Ancient Greek. Several distinct characters in Greek mythology bore this name.
Pelopea Πελόπεια f Greek Mythology
In Greek mythology, Pelopea was a name attributed to four individuals.
Pelopia Πελόπεια f Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Perhaps a feminine form of Pelops. In Greek mythology this was the name of several women, including the mother of Aegisthus.
Pelops Πέλοψ m Greek Mythology, Ancient Greek
Means "dark face", derived from Greek πελός (pelos) meaning "dark-coloured, dusky" and ὄψ (ops) meaning "face, eye". In Greek mythology Pelops was king of Pisa in the Peloponnesus, "island of Pelops"... [more]
Penelopeia Πηνελόπεια f Greek Mythology
Epic form of Penelope. Homer's epic the 'Odyssey' was written in Epic Greek (or Homeric Greek).
Peneus m Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of Greek Πηνειός (Peneios), which is either derived from Greek πῆνος (pēnos) "web" or from Greek πήνη (pēnē) "thread, weft" (see Penelope)... [more]
Penia Πενία f Greek Mythology
Derived from Greek Πενία "deficiency; poverty", Penia was the personification of poverty and need. She married Porus at Aphrodite's birthday and was sometimes considered the mother of Eros.
Penthesilea f Greek Mythology
In Greek mythology, Penthesilea was an Amazonian queen, daughter of Ares and Otrera, and sister of Hippolyta, Antiope and Melanippe. She led her troops to the Trojan War in support of King Priamos.... [more]
Pentheus Πενθεύς m Greek Mythology
Derived from Greek πένθος (penthos) meaning "grief, sorrow, sadness, mourning". In Greek mythology, Pentheus was the name of a king of Thebes.
Pepromene Πεπρωμένη f Greek Mythology
Probably derived from Greek πεπρωμένος (pepromenos) meaning "fated". This was the name of a goddess of destiny and fate in Greek mythology.
Perdix Περδιξ m Greek Mythology
Means "partridge" in Greek. In Greek myth Perdix or Talos was a nephew of the inventor Daedalus, to whom he was apprenticed... [more]
Pergamus Πέργαμος m Greek Mythology
Etymology uncertain, but it may be related to πῠ́ργος (púrgos) meaning "tower, watchtower".
Periclymenus Περικλύμενος m Greek Mythology
Derived from περῐ- (peri-) meaning "about" and κλῠ́μενος (klúmenos) meaning “heard”.
Perigune Περιγούνη f Greek Mythology (Latinized)
The name of a daughter of Sinis and wife of Theseus in Greek mythology, also spelled as Perigouna, Perigone, and as Perigenia in A Midsummer Night's Dream.
Perilaos Περίλαος m Ancient Greek, Greek Mythology
Derived from Greek περί (peri) meaning "around, near, surrounding" combined with Greek λαος (laos) meaning "(the) people".
Perilaus m Ancient Greek (Latinized), Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of Perilaos. This name was borne by a Greek tyrant of Argos (6th century BC) as well as by several characters in Greek mythology.
Perileos Περίλεως m Greek Mythology
Derived from Greek περί (peri) meaning "around, near, surrounding" combined with λεώς (leos) meaning "the people" (see Leos), which is the Attic Greek form of ancient Greek λαος (laos) meaning "the people"... [more]
Perimede Περιμήδη f Greek Mythology
Ancient Greek feminine name meaning "very cunning" or "cunning all around".
Perimele Περιμήλη f Greek Mythology
Possibly derived from Greek περί (peri) meaning "around, exceedingly" and μῆλον (melon) meaning "fruit"... [more]
Periphron Περίφρων m Greek Mythology
The first element of this name is derived from Greek περί (peri) meaning "around, near, surrounding". The second element is derived from either the Greek noun φρόνις (phronis) meaning "prudence, wisdom" or the Greek verb φρονέω (phroneo) meaning "to think" as well as "to be minded"... [more]
Peristhenes Περισθένης m Greek Mythology
Ancient masculine name meaning "exceedingly strong".
Perse Πέρση f Greek Mythology
Lit. "destroyer" is one of the 3,000 Oceanids, water-nymph daughters of the Titans Oceanus and Tethys. Perse married Helios, the god of the sun, and bore him several children, most notably the sorceress-goddess Circe.
Persephassa Περσεφάσσα f Greek Mythology
Older, archaic form of Persephone, which suggests pre-Hellenic origins.
Persephatta Περσεφάττα f Greek Mythology
Alternative form of Persephone.
Perses Πέρσης m Greek Mythology
Titan of destruction.
Petraea Πετραία f Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of Greek Πετραία (Petraia) meaning "of a rock" as well as "rocky" and "living among the rocks", a derivative of πέτρα (petra)... [more]
Phaeax m Ancient Greek (Latinized), Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of Phaiax. Bearers of this name include an architect and an orator, who both lived in the 5th century BC.... [more]
Phaënna Φαέννα f Greek Mythology
Variant of Phaenna.
Phaenops Φαῖνοψ m Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of Greek Φαῖνοψ (Phainops) meaning "bright-eyed, conspicuous", derived from φαεινός (phaeinos) "shining, radiant" and ὄψ (ops) "eye"... [more]
Phaeo f Greek Mythology
The name of one of the Hyades, derived from φαιός (phaiós) meaning "dull, ashy, grey".
Phaëthon Φαέθων m Greek Mythology
the son of Helios
Phaethousa Φαέθουσα f Greek Mythology, Ancient Greek
Means "beaming, radiant" in Greek, being a participle of the verb φαέθω (phaethô) "to shine". In Greek mythology this was the name of a daughter of the sun god Helios by the nymph Neaira... [more]
Phaia Φαιά f Greek Mythology
Means "dusky" or "grey" in Greek, from φαιός (phaios). This is the name of the Crommyonian Sow, a mythological pig slain by Theseus. Some versions of the story say that this was the name of the old woman who owned the sow, which was named after her... [more]
Phaiax Φαῖαξ m Ancient Greek, Greek Mythology
Derived from the Greek noun Φαίαξ (Phaiax) meaning "Phaeacian". A Phaeacian was an inhabitant of Phaeacia, a region in Greek mythology.... [more]
Phaidimos Φαίδιμος m Ancient Greek, Greek Mythology
Derived from Greek φαίδιμος (phaidimos) meaning "shining, radiant, glistening". This was the name of several characters in Greek legend, including a king of Sidon mentioned in the 'Odyssey'... [more]
Phainon Φαινων m Greek Mythology
The name of a mythological celestial deity, the god of either Saturn or the planet Jupiter. The name is ultimately derived from the root φαινω (phaino) meaning "shining".
Phantes Φάντης m Greek Mythology
Ancient Greek masculine name meaning "visible".
Pharis Φᾶρις m Greek Mythology
In Greek mythology, Pharis was the son of Hermes and the Danaid Phylodameia
Phegeus m Greek Mythology
A king who offered succor and his daughter, Arsinoe (named Alphesiboea in some versions), to Alcmaeon, who was fleeing from the Erinyes.
Pheidippos Φειδίππος m Ancient Greek, Greek Mythology
Derived from Greek φειδός (pheidos) meaning "sparing, thrifty" and ἵππος (hippos) meaning "horse".
Phemonoe Φημονόη f Greek Mythology, Ancient Greek
Possibly derived from Greek φημί (phemi) meaning "to speak, to declare" or φήμη (pheme) meaning "rumour, fame, reputation" combined with νόος (noos) meaning "the mind, thought, perception"... [more]
Pheres Φέρης m Greek Mythology
Possibly derived from Ancient Greek φέρω (phérō) meaning "to bring, carry".
Pherusa Φέρουσα f Greek Mythology (Latinized), Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of Greek Φέρουσα (Pherousa) meaning "carrying (ships)", being a participle of the verb φέρω (phero) "to carry" (as well as "to be swept away, to be borne along by waves")... [more]
Phialo Φιαλώ f Greek Mythology
Etymology uncertain, likely derived from φιλος (philos) meaning "lover, friend".
Phidippus m Ancient Greek (Latinized), Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of Pheidippos. In Greek mythology, this is the name of one of the suitors of Helen of Troy.
Philistos Φίλιστος m Ancient Greek, Greek Mythology
Derived from the Greek adjective φίλιστος (philistos) meaning "most beloved", which is a superlative of the Greek adjective φίλος (philos) meaning "beloved, dear".... [more]