Browse Submitted Names

This is a list of submitted names in which the meaning contains the keywords fire or flame or water or ocean.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Shuiwang m Chinese
From 水 (shui) means "water", and 王 (wang) meaning "king, monarch". Other characters can be used.
Shuiyin f Chinese
From the Chinese 水 (shuǐ) meaning "water" and 音 (yīn) meaning "sound, tone".
Shulgan m Folklore
Theorised to be derived from Chinese 水 (shuǐ) meaning "water" combined with 龍 (lóng) meaning "dragon" and 王 (wáng) "king". In Bashkir and Turkic folklore, Shulgan is the mythical ruler of an underwater realm... [more]
Shumaf'e m Circassian
Derived from the Circassian word shu meaning "knight, horseman" and maf'e that possibly means "fire".
Shumiao f Chinese
From the Chinese 淑 (shū) meaning "kind and gentle" and 淼 (miǎo) meaning "wide expanse of water".
Shunsui m Japanese
"spring"; "water"
Sibel f Turkish
Meaning uncertain, possibly a form of of the name Cybele or derived from Arabic سبيل (sabil) meaning "water fountain".
Sigurlogi m Icelandic (Modern, Rare)
Derived from Old Norse sigr meaning "victory" and logi meaning "flame, blaze". Also see Logi.
Simiao f Chinese
From the Chinese 思 (sī) meaning "think, consider", 丝 (sī) meaning "silk" or 鸶 (sī) meaning "eastern egret" and 渺 (miǎo) meaning "endlessly long, boundless" or 淼 (miǎo) meaning "wide expanse of water".
Simiram m Chuukese
Means "sun (shining) on the water" in Chuukese.
Song-a f Korean
From Korean Hanja 送 (song) meaning "to deliver, to carry, to see off", 頌 (song) meaning "ode, eulogy, to praise in writing", 淞 (song) meaning "water, river", 誦 (song) meaning "to read aloud, to recite" combined with 妸 (a) meaning "beautiful, graceful", 雅 (a) meaning "elegant", 娥 (a) meaning "good, beautiful"... [more]
Sooeun f Korean
“Grace is water”
Souksakhone m & f Lao
From Lao ສຸກ (souk) meaning "health, ease, happiness, joy" and ສາຄອນ (sakhone) meaning "river, sea, ocean".
Soutarou m Japanese
From Japanese 繰 (sou) meaning "winding, reel, spin, turn (pages), look up, refer to", 桑 (sou) meaning "mulberry", 宗 (sou) meaning "religion, sect, denomination, main point, origin, essence", 庄 (sou) meaning "level, in the country, manor, village, hamlet", 曾 (sou) meaning "once, before, formerly, ever, never, ex-", 創 (sou) meaning "genesis, wound, injury, hurt, start, originate", 双 (sou) meaning "pair, set, comparison", 壮 (sou) meaning "robust, manhood, prosperity", 奏 (sou) meaning "play music, complete", 爽 (sou) meaning "refreshing, bracing, resonant, sweet, clear", 宋 (sou) meaning "dwell", 惣 (sou) meaning "all", 想 (sou) meaning "concept, think, idea, thought", 操 (sou) meaning "maneuver, manipulate, operate, steer, chastity, virginity, fidelity", 相 (sou) meaning "inter-, mutual, together, each other, minister of state, councillor, aspect, phase, physiognomy", 総 (sou) meaning "general, whole, all, full, total", 綜 (sou) meaning "rule, synthesize", 聡 (sou) meaning "wise, fast learner", 草 (sou) meaning "grass, weeds, herbs, pasture, write, draft", 荘 (sou) meaning "villa, inn, cottage, feudal manor, solemn, dignified", 蒼 (sou) meaning "blue", 壯 (sou) meaning "big, large, robust, name of tribe", 滄 (sou) meaning "ocean", 艸 (sou) meaning "grass, plants" or 颯 (sou) meaning "sudden, quick, sound of the wind", 多 (ta) meaning "many, much", 太 (ta) meaning "thick, big" or 大 (ta) meaning "big, great" combined with 朗 (rou) meaning "bright, clear" or 郎 (rou) meaning "son"... [more]
Sravanthi f Indian, Sanskrit, Hindi, Telugu
Means "continuous flowing water, a river stream" in Sanskrit. It is also used to refer to a type of herb that grows near rivers.
Su Ana f Mythology
Derived from su meaning "water" and ana meaning "mother", this is the name of a water spirit in many Turkic cultures.
Sugaar m Basque, Basque Mythology
Means "male serpent" in Basque, from Basque suge "serpent" and suffix -ar "male". It could also be "flame of fire", from Basque su "fire" and gar "blaze". Sugaar is the male half of a pre-Christian Basque deity associated with storms and thunder.
Suhe f Chinese
From the Chinese 稣 (sū) meaning "revive, rise again" and 荷 (hé) meaning "lotus, water lily".
Su-hwan m Korean
Combination of a su hanja, like 洙 meaning "riverside," 壽 meaning "life(span); longevity," 受 meaning "accept, receive, collect," 粹 meaning "pure, innocent; detailed; precise," 秀 meaning "excellent, outstanding, exceptional" or 守 meaning "defence, protection; rule," and a hwan hanja, such as 煥 meaning "flame, blaze; beautiful colouring," 丸 meaning "round," 奐 meaning "clear; magnificent" or 桓 meaning "strong, firm; big."
Suika f Japanese, Popular Culture
Video game character from Touhou Project.... [more]
Suiko f Japanese
Means "water fox" or "water child" in Japanese. This is also the name of the first ruling empress in Japan. She was the wife of emperor Bidatsu.
Sukhïr m Western Yugur
Means "water dirt" in Western Yugur.
Sumika f & m Japanese
From Japanese 角 (sumi) meaning "angle, corner, square, horn, antlers", 恭 (sumi) meaning "respect, reverent", 隅 (sumi) meaning "corner, nook", 好 (sumi) meaning "fond, pleasing, like something", 住 (sumi) meaning "dwell, reside, live, inhabit", 淑 (sumi) meaning "graceful, gentle, pure", 純 (sumi) meaning "genuine, purity, innocence", 澄 (sumi) meaning "clear, pure", 清 (sumi) meaning "pure", 菫 (sumi) meaning "violet", 朱 (su) meaning "vermilion, cinnabar, scarlet, red, bloody", 珠 (su) meaning "pearl, gem, jewel", 涼 (su) meaning "cool, refreshing", 鈴 (su) meaning "bell", 実 (mi) meaning "fruit, good result, truth", 美 (mi) meaning "beautiful" or 水 (mi) meaning "water" combined with 伽 (ka) meaning "nursing, attending, entertainer", 佳 (ka) meaning "excellent, beautiful, good, pleasing, skilled", 加 (ka) meaning "add, addition, increase, join, include, Canada", 夏 (ka) meaning "summer", 果 (ka) meaning "fruit", 歌 (ka) meaning "song, poetry", 花 (ka) or 華 (ka) which both mean "flower", 香 (ka) meaning "fragrance", 家 (ka) meaning "house, home, family, professional, expert, performer", 可 (ka) meaning "passable", 霞 (ka) meaning "mist", 風 (ka) meaning "wind, air, style, manner", 郁 (ka) meaning "cultural progress, perfume", 河 (ka) meaning "river", 樺 (ka) meaning "birch (esp... [more]
Sumudra f Bengali, Assamese
Means "someone who is like the ocean" in Bengali, Rangpuri, Rajbanshi and other Bengali-Assamese languages.
Suna f Japanese
From Japanese 沙 (suna) or 砂 (suna) meaning "sand", 吹 (su) meaning "blow, breathe, puff, emit", 壽 (su) meaning "longevity, congratulations", 好 (su) meaning "fond, pleasing, like something", 子 (su) meaning "child", 守 (su) meaning "guard, protect, defend, obey", 寿 (su) meaning "longevity, congratulations, one's natural life", 崇 (su) meaning "adore, respect, revere, worship", 州 (su) meaning "state, province", 摩 (su) meaning "chafe, rub, polish, grind, scrape", 数 (su) meaning "number, strength, fate, law, figures", 水 (su) meaning "water", 洲 (su) meaning "continent, sandbar, island, country", 清 (su) meaning "pure, purify, cleanse, exorcise", 澄 (su) meaning "lucidity, be clear, clear, clarify, settle, strain, look grave", 瑞 (su) meaning "congratulations", 翠 (su) meaning "green", 磨 (su) meaning "grind, polish, scour, improve, brush (teeth)", 穂 (su) meaning "ear of grain" or 総 (su) meaning "general, whole, all, full, total" combined with 南 (na) meaning "south", 奈 (na) meaning "apple tree", 捺 (na) meaning "press, print, affix a seal, stamp", 成 (na) meaning "turn into, become, get, grow, elapse, reach", 梛 (na), type of tall evergreen tree, 為 (na) meaning "do, change, make, benefit, welfare, be of use, reach to, try, practice, cost, serve as, good, advantage, as a result of", 鳴 (na) meaning "chirp, cry, bark, sound, ring, echo, honk", 七 (na) meaning "seven", 名 (na) meaning "name", 波 (na) meaning "waves, billows", 納 (na) meaning "settlement, obtain, reap, pay, supply, store", 莫 (na) meaning "must not, do not, be not", 菜 (na) meaning "vegetables, greens", 那 (na) meaning "what", 凪 (na) meaning "lull, calm", 楠 (na) meaning "camphor tree", 汀 (na) meaning "water's edge, shore, bank", 也 (na) meaning "also", 尚 (na) meaning "esteem, furthermore, still, yet", 水 (na) meaning "water", 夏 (na) meaning "summer", 就 (na) meaning "concerning, settle, take position, depart, study", 懷 (na) meaning "pocket, feelings, heart, yearn, miss someone, become attached to, bosom", 直 (na) meaning "straightaway, honesty, frankness, fix, repair", 稔 (na) meaning "harvest, ripen" or 愛 (na) meaning "love, affection"... [more]
Sushma f Indian, Hindi, Marathi
Derived from Sanskrit शुष्म (shushma) meaning "sun, fire, light, lustre" or "fragrance, wind, air".
Su-yeong f & m Korean
From Sino-Korean 秀 "refined, elegant, graceful", 水 "water, liquid" or 洙, the name of a river in Shandong, China (su) and 榮 "glory, honor; flourish, prosper", 永 "eternal", or 暎 "sun beginning decline; reflect" (yeong).
Suying f Chinese
From the Chinese 夙 (sù) meaning "early morning, dawn" or 稣 (sū) meaning "revive, rise again" and 滢 (yíng) meaning "clear, pure water, lucid, glossy", 璎 (yīng) meaning "precious stone necklace" or 莹 (yíng) meaning "luster of gems, lustrous, bright".
Taberah f & m Biblical Hebrew
It is from the King James Bible. It means “the fire of God”... [more]
Taikai m Japanese
From Japanese 大 (tai) meaning "big, great" combined with 海 (kai) meaning "sea, ocean" or it can also come from Japanese 大海 (taikai) meaning "sea; ocean". Other kanji combinations are also possible... [more]
Taira m Japanese
From Japanese 太 (tai, ta) meaning "thick, big", 泰 (tai) meaning "peaceful, calm", 大 (tai) meaning "big, great", 坦 (taira) meaning "flat, smooth", 田 (ta) meaning "rice paddy", 平 (taira) meaning "level; even; flat", 和 (taira) meaning "peace, harmony" or 萍 (taira) meaning "duckweed", 平 (i) meaning "level; even; flat" or 井 (i) meaning "well" combined with 良 (ra) meaning "good", 洋 (ra) meaning "ocean", 楽 (ra) meaning "comfort, music" or 等 (ra) meaning "rank, class, order"... [more]
Taiyou m Japanese
From Japanese 太 (tai) meaning "big, thick", 泰 (tai) meaning "peaceful, calm" or 大 (tai) meaning "big, large" combined with 陽 (you) meaning "light, sun, male", 洋 (you) meaning "ocean" or 耀 (you) meaning "shine, sparkle, dazzle"... [more]
Takami m & f Japanese
From Japanese 貴 (taka) meaning "expensive", 岳 (taka) meaning "mountain peak", 空 (taka) meaning "sky", 孝 (taka) meaning "filial piety" or 鷹 (taka) meaning "eagle, falcon, hawk" combined with 己 (mi) meaning "self", 三 (mi) meaning "three", 実 (mi) meaning "fruit", 臣 (mi) meaning "minister; statesman; official", 水 (mi) meaning "water", 美 (mi) meaning "beautiful", 巳 (mi) meaning "sign of the snake", 弓 (mi) meaning "archery bow", 見 (mi) meaning "to see", 海 (mi) meaning "sea, ocean", 弥 (mi) meaning "extensive, full" or 身 (mi) meaning "body, identity"... [more]
Tamami f Japanese
From Japanese 球 (tama, gu, kyuu, ku) meaning "sphere; globe; orb, (baseball) pitch", 玉 (tama, goku (non-Jōyō reading), gyoku) meaning "ball, (a Japanese) coin, precious stone, a chicken’s egg (to be eaten), geisha" or 環 (tama, tamaki, yubimaki, kwan, gwen, gen (non-Jōyō reading, historical) kan (historical)), combined with 美 (mi, bi, utsukushii, yoi, homaru) meaning "beauty; beautiful", 実 (shitsu, jitsu, minoru, mi, makoto, makotoni, mino, michiru, gumi, sane) meaning "reality, truth, fruit, seed; fruit; nut, kindness", 海 (kai, umi, wata, wada, a, ama, una, un, e, ka, ta, hiro, hiroshi, bu, machi, mama, mi, me, wataru) meaning "sea, ocean" or 微 (mi, bi, chiisai, kasuka, wazuka) meaning "delicate"... [more]
Tanisius m Gaulish
Derived from Gaulish teno- "heat; fire".
Tanrake m Polynesian
Means "ocean" in Gilbertese.
Tansu m & f Turkish
From Turkish tan meaning "dawn, daybreak" and su meaning "water".
Tanwen f Welsh
Means "white fire" from Welsh tan "fire" (compare Tanguy) combined with gwen "white, fair, blessed". This is a modern Welsh name, first used in the 1960s.
Tanwyn m Welsh
Means "white fire", derived from Welsh tân "fire" and gwyn "white, fair, blessed".
Tapa f & m Ojibwe
Means "water antelope" in Ojibwe.
Tarka m & f English (Rare), Literature
Name of the title character in Henry Williamson's novel 'Tarka the Otter' (1927) and the subsequent movie adaptation (1979). In the book the (male) character's name is said to mean "wandering as water"; perhaps the author based it on Welsh dwrgi "otter", literally "water dog", or on its Cornish cognate dowrgi.... [more]
Tarnie f English (Australian), English (New Zealand), English (British, Modern)
Derives from either a Maori or Australian Aboriginal name meaning "salty water". It could also be used as a diminuitive of the Tania or Tara 1, or possibly a variation of Marnie.
Tatapytu m Guarani
Means "spirit of fire" in Guarani.
Tatarendy m Guarani
Means "flame" in Guarani.
Tatsumi m & f Japanese
As a unisex name, it can be used as either 辰巳 or 龍美 with 辰 (shin, jin, tatsu) meaning "sign of the dragon (5th sign of Chinese zodiac)", 巳 (shi, mi) meaning "sign of the snake/serpent (6th sign of Chinese zodiac)", 龍 (ryuu, ryou, rou, tatsu) meaning "dragon, imperial" and 美 (bi, mi, utsuku.shii) meaning "beauty, beautiful."... [more]
Tawanna f Chickasaw
From the Chickasaw tribe meaning "Beautiful Running Water." Also translated as "Little Princess."
Tazirga f Guanche, Spanish (Canarian, Rare)
Derived from Guanche *tazirga, meaning "she who leads to the water".
Tejas m Indian, Gujarati, Marathi
Derived from Sanskrit तेजस (téjas) meaning "light, radiance, brilliance, splendour" as well as "fire".
Tenages m Greek Mythology
Possibly derived from Ancient Greek τέναγος (ténagos) meaning "shoal water, shallows, lagoon".
Teng'chi f Garo
From the Garo word তেঁ (teng) meaning "shining" and চি (chi) meaning "water".
Tenku m & f Japanese
Means "erupting fire" or "heaven".
Teremoana f & m Cook Islands Maori
Derived from tere meaning "trip, voyage, journey" and moana meaning "ocean."
Teslin f English (Canadian, Rare), English (American, Rare)
From the name of the mountain, plateau, river, and lake in Yukon and British Columbia, Canada. It comes from the Tlingit name for the river, Teslintoo or Teslintuh, meaning "long, deep water."
Tevai m Tahitian
Means "water" in Tahitian.
Tevairai m & f Tahitian
Means "the celestial water" in Tahitian.
Þangbrandr m Old Norse
Derived from the Germanic name elements þang "kelp or bladder-wrack, a kind of sea-weed" and brandr "fire, torch".
Thara m & f Thai
Means "water, stream" in Thai.
Thear m & f Khmer
Means "great quantity, huge", "support", or "current of water" in Khmer.
Thủy f & m Vietnamese
From Sino-Vietnamese 水 (thủy) meaning "water".
Thủy f & m Vietnamese
From Sino-Vietnamese 水 (thủy) meaning "water".
Tianchun f Chinese
From the Chinese 恬 (tián) meaning "quiet, calm, peaceful" or 湉 (tián) meaning "calmness of water" and 纯 (chún) meaning "pure, simple".
Tianjing f Chinese
From the Chinese 湉 (tián) meaning "calmness of water", 恬 (tián) meaning "quiet, calm, peaceful", 天 (tiān) meaning "sky, heaven, celestial", or 甜 (tián) meaning "sweet, sweetness" and 婧 (jìng) meaning "modest", 晶 (jīng) meaning "crystal, clear, bright" or 静 (jìng) meaning "quiet, still, gentle".
Tianqing f Chinese
From the Chinese 天 (tiān) meaning "sky, heaven, celestial" or 湉 (tián) meaning "calmness of water" and 晴 (qíng) meaning "fine weather".
Tianshuang f Chinese
From the Chinese 恬 (tián) meaning "quiet, calm, peaceful", 天 (tiān) meaning "sky, heaven, celestial" or 湉 (tián) meaning "calmness of water" and 爽 (shuǎng) meaning "bright, clear, cheerful, happy, refreshing" or 霜 (shuāng) meaning "frost".
Tianxi f Chinese
From the Chinese 恬 (tián) meaning "quiet, calm, peaceful", 甜 (tián) meaning "sweet, sweetness" or 湉 (tián) meaning "calmness of water" and 熙 (xī) meaning "bright, splendid", 汐 (xī) meaning "night tides", 希 (xī) meaning "hope, hope for, rare" or 溪 (xī) meaning "mountain stream".
Tianxin f Chinese
From the Chinese 湉 (tián) meaning "calmness of water", 恬 (tián) meaning "quiet, calm, peaceful", 天 (tiān) meaning "sky, heaven, celestial" or 甜 (tián) meaning "sweet, sweetness" and 忻 (xīn) meaning "delightful, joyful", 馨 (xīn) meaning "fragrant, aromatic, distant fragrance", 昕 (xīn) meaning "dawn, early morning" or 心 (xīn) meaning "heart, mind, soul".
Tianxun f & m Chinese
From the Chinese 湉 (tián) meaning "calmness of water" and 洵 (xún) meaning "true, real".
Tianye f Chinese
From the Chinese 甜 (tián) meaning "sweet, sweetness" and 烨 (yè) meaning "bright, glorious" or "firelight, flame".
Tianying f & m Chinese
From the Chinese 天 (tiān) meaning "sky, heaven, celestial" and 樱 (yīng) meaning "cherry, cherry blossom", 英 (yīng) meaning "hero, brave" or "flower, petal, leaf", 莹 (yíng) meaning "luster of gems, lustrous" or 滢 (yíng) meaning "clear, pure water, lucid".
Tianyue f Chinese
From the Chinese 湉 (tián) meaning "calmness of water", 恬 (tián) meaning "quiet, calm, peaceful" or 天 (tiān) meaning "sky, heaven, celestial" and 悦 (yuè) meaning "pleased, contented" or 月 (yuè) meaning "moon".
Tinus m Gaulish
Derived from Gaulish teno- "heat; fire".
Tlecuauh m Nahuatl
Means "fire stick, firebrand" in Nahuatl, an instrument for lighting fires.
Tlepapalotl m Nahuatl
Derived from Nahuatl tletl "fire" and papalotl "butterfly", possibly referring to a moth, or to the word tlepapalochihua, meaning "to plunge into the fire like a butterfly; to place oneself in danger".
Tlexico m Nahuatl
Possibly means "fire bee" or "hearth" in Nahuatl.
Tonallaxochiatl f Nahuatl
Means "summer perfume" in Nahuatl, derived from tonalla "dry season, summer" and xochiatl "perfume, rose water".
Tonghe f Chinese
From the Chinese 彤 (tóng) meaning "red, vermilion" and 荷 (hé) meaning "lotus, water lily".
True-heart m English (Puritan)
Referring to Hebrews 10:22, "Let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience, and our bodies washed with pure water."
Tsagaandalai f & m Mongolian
Means "white sea" in Mongolian, from цагаан (tsagaan) meaning "white" and далай (dalai) meaning "ocean, sea".
Tsampika f Greek
Possibly from Greek τσαμπίκα (tsampíka) or τσαμπέκα (tsampéka) referring to a musical instrument and type of ship, or from τσάμπα (tsámpa) meaning "fire, spark".
Tsomo f Tibetan, Bhutanese
From Tibetan མཚོ་མོ (mtsho-mo) meaning "lake, ocean".
Tsudzumi f Japanese
This name can be used as 鼓 (ko, tsudzumi) meaning "beat, drum, muster, rouse" or it can be combined with 美 (bi, mi, utsuku.shii) meaning "beautiful, beauty", 実 (shitsu, jitsu, makoto, makotoni, mi) meaning "reality, truth" and 海 (kai, umi, mi) meaning "ocean, sea."... [more]
Tsugumi f Japanese
This name combines 亜 (a, meaning "Asia, come after, rank next" or 次 (shi, ji, tsugi, meaning "next, order, sequence" with 美 (bi, mi, utsuku.shii) meaning "beautiful, beauty", 実 (shitsu, jitsu, makoto, makotoni, mi) meaning "reality, truth", 弥 (bi, mi, amaneshi, iya, iyoiyo, tooi, hisashi, hisa.shii, ya, meaning "all the more, increasingly" or 海 (kai, umi, mi) meaning "ocean, sea."... [more]
Tulpeledysh f Mari
Means "fire flower" in Mari.
Tűzvirág f Hungarian (Modern, Rare)
Modern coinage from the elements tűz, meaning "fire" and virág meaning "flower".
Tyland m Literature
Created by author George R. R. Martin for his series "A Song of Ice and Fire" and the upcoming television adaptation "House of the Dragon". In the series, Tyland Lannister is a politician of Westeros and the identical twin brother of Jason Lannister, the Lord of Casterly Rock.
Tytos m Literature
Created by author George R. R. Martin for a character in his series "A Song of Ice and Fire" and the television adaptation "Game of Thrones". In the series, Tytos Lannister is the patriarch of House Lannister during the later years of the Targaryen dynasty and the father of Tywin and Kevan.
Tzalanti f & m Nahuatl
Probably related to Nahuatl tzalantic, "clear water".
Udendaneki f Datooga
Means "the spring, source of water" in Datooga.
Udu f Sanskrit, Indian, Hindi, Hinduism
"Star" ; "lunar mansion" ;"water"... [more]
Ugnius m Lithuanian
From Lithuanian ugnis meaning "fire" (compare its feminine form Ugnė).
Ukume f Nigerian
"Ukume" means "sound of rain in water/ river" in nigerian
Ūla f Lithuanian
Derived from Ūla, which is the name of a river in Dzūkija National Park (located near the villages of Marcinkonys and Merkinė) in southern Lithuania. In turn, the river derives its name from the Baltic root aul-, which comes from Proto-Indo-European *aulo-s or *h₂eulos meaning "tube, pipe"... [more]
Ulpukka f Finnish
From Finnish ulpukka meaning "spatterdock, yellow water-lily, cow lily, yellow pond-lily (flower)".
Uma f Aymara
Means "water" in Aymara.
Umi f Japanese
Means "sea, ocean" in Japanese.
Umina f Japanese
From Japanese 海 (umi) meaning "sea, ocean" combined with 奈 (na) meaning "Nara(?)" or 那 (na), meaning "what" or 宇 (u) meaning "eaves, roof, house; heaven" combined with 美 (mi) meaning "beauty, beautiful" and 菜 (na), meaning "vegetable, greens; side dish" . Other combinations of kanji characters can also form this name.
Umman f & m Turkish
Means "ocean" in Turkish.
Ummon m Uzbek
Derived from an obsolete Uzbek word meaning "sea, ocean".
Unato m Japanese
From Japanese 海 (una) meaning "sea, ocean" combined with 人 (to) meaning "person". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Undinė f Lithuanian
This name can be the Lithuanian form of the latinate name Undine as well as be an independent, authentic Lithuanian name. In the case of the latter, the name is derived from the Lithuanian noun undinė meaning "mermaid", which in turn is derived from undeniu, a dialectal form of the Lithuanian noun vanduo meaning "water"... [more]
Unkai m & f Japanese
From Japanese 雲 (un) meaning "cloud" combined with 海 (kai) meaning "sea, ocean" or 界 (kai) meaning "world, border". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Upul m Sinhalese
Means "water lily, lotus" in Sinhala.
Ura f Basque Mythology
Derived from Basque ura, meaning "water".
Uran f Japanese
From Japanese 汐 (u), meaning "tide, salt water", combined with 蘭 (ran), meaning "orchid, aroma". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Urwen f Literature
The name means "Fire Maiden", it comes from the Sindarin words ur "fire" and -wen "maiden". ... [more]
Ushio f & m Japanese
From the Japanese meaning "tide", "salt water" or "opportunity".
Vaarish m Hinduism
MEANING: "one who sleeps in waters or ocean", a Name of lord Vishnu... [more]
Vaiana f Tahitian
Means "water cave" or "rock water" in Tahitian, from the phrase vai ana o te mato teitei meaning "water from the cave of the high rock".
Vaianu f Tahitian
Contracted form of the Tahitian phrase Vai anu o te rua mato meaning "fresh water from the rock hole".
Vaiarii m & f Tahitian
From the Tahitian vai meaning "water" and ari'i meaning "high chief, king", idiomatically meaning "royal water".
Vaiata f Tahitian
Means "rain" (literally "water of the clouds"), from Tahitian vai meaning "water" and ata meaning "cloud".
Vaiatea f & m Tahitian
Means "distant waters" from Tahitian vai meaning "water" and atea meaning "distant, far away".
Vaihau m & f Tahitian
Means "calm water" in Tahitian.
Vaimitiarii f Tahitian
From the Tahitian vai meaning "water", miti meaning "sea", and ari'i meaning "noble", ultimately "noble sea water".
Vaipoe f Tahitian
Derived from the Tahitian word vai meaning "water" and poe meaning "pearl".
Vairea f Tahitian
Means "sparkling water" in Tahitian.
Vaitea m Tahitian
Means "clear water"; a combination of Tahitian vai meaning "water" and tea meaning "white, clear".
Vaiura m & f Tahitian
Derived from the Tahitian vai meaning "water" and archaic 'ura meaning "red".
Valdete f Albanian
Derived from Albanian valë "wave" and deti "the sea; the ocean".
Valvanera f Spanish
From Latin Vallis Venaria meaning "valley of water veins". This is the name of a title of the Virgin Mary, Nuestra Señora de Valvanera, venerated in the monastery of Valvanera as the patron saint of La Rioja, Spain.
Vandenė f Lithuanian
Derived from the Lithuanian noun vandenė meaning "mermaid", which is derived from the Lithuanian adjective vandens meaning "aqueous, aquatic", itself ultimately derived from the Lithuanian noun vanduo meaning "water"... [more]
Vardar m Bulgarian
From the name of the river Vardar, itself from Thracian Vardários, ultimately from Proto-Indo-European (PIE) *(s)wordo-wori- meaning "black water". Folk etymology, however, links the name to вардя (vardya) meaning "to shield, protect".
Varida f Indian, Sanskrit, Hindi, Marathi
Either from Sanskrit वारिद (vārid) meaning "incidence, occurence," a combination of Sanskrit वारि (vāri) meaning "water" and Sanskrit दा (dā) meaning "giving", or the Indian vernacular name for the plant Pavonia odorata.
Vasa m & f Samoan
Means "(open) ocean, sea" in Samoan.
Vasaloloa f Samoan
Means "ocean; ocean water" in Samoan.
Vatnarr m Old Norse
Derived from the Germanic name elements vatn "water, waters, river, brook, tears" and herr "army". Vatnarr was the name of a legendary Norwegian king.
Vatromir m Serbian, Croatian (Rare)
From Serbian ватра (vatra) meaning "fire" and мир (mir) meaning "peace" or "glory". Thus the name means "vigorous or passionate for glory/peace".
Veenapani f Indian, Hinduism
Means "one who plays veena, veena-playing", from a combination of Veena (an Indian lute) and Sanskrit pani ("water" or "flowing"). This is an epithet of the Hindu goddess Saraswati, who is often depicted playing a veena on the back of a swan.
Vesike m Livonian, Medieval Baltic
Derived from Livonian *vesi "water".
Visenya f Literature
Used in Goerge R. R. Martin's "Song of ice and fire". ... [more]
Vodan m South Slavic
South Slavic pseudo-diety. Name contains element вода (voda), which means "water".
Wai f & m Polynesian, Hawaiian
From the proto-Polynesian root *waiʀ meaning "water" in most Polynesian languages.
Wailani f Hawaiian
Means "heavenly water" from Hawaiian wai "water" and lani "heaven, sky".
Waiola f Hawaiian
Derived from Hawaiian wai "(fresh) water" and ola "life". It is sometimes Anglicized as Viola.
Waiolani m Hawaiian
Means "heavenly water" in Hawaiian.
Waipuna m Hawaiian
Meaning "spring water", from the Hawaiian elements wai "water" and puna "spring (of water)".
Waitara f Maori
Derived from the Maori waitara, possibly meaning "mountain stream" or "pure water".
Walder m Literature
Created by author George R. R. Martin for several characters in his series "A Song of Ice and Fire" and the television adaptation "Game of Thrones". In the series, Walder Frey is the elderly patriarch of House Frey and the namesake of some of his descendants.
Wanshui f Chinese
From the Chinese 婉 (wǎn) meaning "amiable, congenial" and 水 (shuǐ) meaning "water".
Wataru m Japanese
Derived from the Japanese kanji 渉 (wataru) meaning "to ford or to cross a body of water" or 亘 (wataru) meaning "span, request" or 渡 (wataru) meaning "transit, ford, ferry, cross" or 航 (wataru) meaning "navigate"... [more]
Weihong m & f Chinese
From Chinese 伟 (wěi) meaning "great, robust, extraordinary", 维 (wéi) meaning "tie, fasten, preserve, maintain" or 蔚 (wèi) meaning "luxuriant, lush, grand, magnificent" combined with 红 (hóng) meaning "red, vermillion, blush", 宏 (hóng) meaning "wide, spacious, great, vast" or 泓 (hóng) meaning "clear, deep water"... [more]
Wenmiao f Chinese
From the Chinese 雯 (wén) meaning "cloud patterns" and 淼 (miǎo) meaning "wide expanse of water".
Wiha f Amharic
Means "water" in Amharic.
Winnetou m Literature, German (Modern, Rare)
Winnetou is a fictional Apache chief in several works of the German novelist Karl May. According to an apocryphal story the name means "burning water". The name is probably made up by Karl May.... [more]
Xelha f Yucatec Maya
Means "a spring of water" in Yucatec Maya.
Xeyon m English (American)
Xeyon is a masculine given name. It means “the ocean of wisdom people or maesters“. It originates from a masculine or feminine Chinese given name Ziyang (子洋), in which Zi(子) means son/wisdom people/subset, yang(洋) means ocean/fashion/western.
Xiamiao f Chinese
From the Chinese 夏 (xià) meaning "summer" and 淼 (miǎo) meaning "wide expanse of water".
Xiangling f Chinese
From Chinese 香 (xiāng) meaning "fragrant" and 菱 (líng) meaning "water caltrop". Other character combinations can form this name as well.... [more]
Xianshui f Chinese
From the Chinese 仙 (xiān) meaning "transcendent, immortal" or 娴 (xián) meaning "elegant, refined" and 水 (shuǐ) meaning "water".
Xiaolian f Chinese
From Chinese 小 (xiǎo) meaning "small", 晓, 曉 (xiǎo) meaning "dawn, daybreak, know, understand", or 孝 (xiào) meaning "filial piety, obedience" combined with 莲, 蓮 (lián) meaning "lotus, water lily"... [more]
Xiaoran f Chinese
From the Chinese 笑 (xiào) meaning "smile, laugh" or 晓 (xiǎo) meaning "dawn, daybreak" and 然 (rán) meaning "yes, certainly" or "pledge, promise" or 燃 (rán) meaning "light fire, ignite".
Xiaoshui m & f Chinese
From Chinese 小 (xiǎo) meaning "small", 晓, 曉 (xiǎo) meaning "dawn, daybreak, know, understand", or 孝 (xiào) meaning "filial piety, obedience" combined with 水 (shuǐ) meaning "water". Other character combinations are possible.
Xiaoyang f & m Chinese
From Chinese 小 (xiǎo) meaning "small", 晓, 曉 (xiǎo) meaning "dawn, daybreak, know, understand", 咲 (xiào) meaning "smile, laugh, bloom", or 孝 (xiào) meaning "filial piety, obedience" combined with 阳, 陽 (yáng) meaning "light, sun, male", or 洋 (yáng) meaning "ocean" (which is typically only masculine)... [more]
Xiaran f Chinese
From the Chinese 夏 (xià) meaning "summer" and 燃 (rán) meaning "light fire, ignite".
Ximiao f & m Chinese
From the Chinese 溪 (xī) meaning "mountain stream" and 淼 (miǎo) meaning "wide expanse of water".
Xinhe f Chinese
From the Chinese 欣 (xīn) meaning "happy, joyous, delighted" or 馨 (xīn) meaning "fragrant, aromatic, distant fragrance" and 荷 (hé) meaning "lotus, water lily" or 贺 (hè) meaning "congratulate, give present".
Xinlian f Chinese
From the Chinese 馨 (xīn) meaning "fragrant, aromatic, distant fragrance", 昕 (xīn) meaning "dawn, early morning" or 欣 (xīn) meaning "happy, joyous" and 莲 (lián) meaning "lotus, water lily" or 恋 (liàn) meaning "love, long for".
Xinmiao f Chinese
From the Chinese 心 (xīn) meaning "heart, mind, soul", 欣 (xīn) meaning "happy, joyous" or 歆 (xīn) meaning "like, admire" and 淼 (miǎo) meaning "wide expanse of water" or 渺 (miǎo) meaning "endlessly long, boundless".
Xinpei f Chinese
From the Chinese 欣 (xīn) meaning "happy, joyous, delighted" and 霈 (pèi) meaning "torrential rains" or "flow of water".
Xinran f Chinese
From the Chinese 歆 (xīn) meaning "like, admire" and 然 (rán) meaning "yes, certainly, pledge, promise" and 燃 (rán) meaning "light fire, ignite".
Xinyan f Chinese
From Chinese 新 (xīn) meaning "new", 歆 (xīn) meaning "to like", 欣 (xīn) meaning "happy", 心 (xīn) meaning "heart, mind, soul" or 辛 (xīn) meaning "spicy" combined with 豔, 艷, 艳 (yàn) meaning "bright", 妍 (yán) meaning "beautiful", 燕 (yàn) meaning "swallow" or 焱 (yàn) meaning "flame"... [more]
Xinye f Chinese
From the Chinese 馨 (xīn) meaning "fragrant, aromatic, distant fragrance", 心 (xīn) meaning "heart, mind, soul", 昕 (xīn) meaning "dawn, early morning" or 忻 (xīn) meaning "delightful, joyful" and 烨 (yè) meaning "bright, glorious" or "firelight, flame", 夜 (yè) meaning "night, dark" or 晔 (yè) meaning "bright, radiant, thriving".
Xinying f & m Chinese
From the Chinese 馨 (xīn) meaning "fragrant, aromatic, distant fragrance", 欣 (xīn) meaning "happy, joyous, delighted" or 昕 (xīn) meaning "early morning, dawn" and 潆 (yíng) meaning "tiny stream, swirl around", 荧 (yíng) meaning "shine, shimmer, dazzling", 赢 (yíng) meaning "win, gain, profit", 英 (yīng) meaning "hero, brave" or "petal, flower, leaf", 滢 (yíng) meaning "clear, pure water, lucid", 樱 (yīng) meaning "cherry, cherry blossom", 瑛 (yīng) meaning "luster of gems, crystal" or 盈 (yíng) meaning "filled with, full of, overflowing".
Xiuhcanahualtzin f Nahuatl
Meaning unknown, although the first element is probably "xihuitl" or "xiuh", meaning "turquoise, grass, green/blue thing" or "year, comet" or "flame, fire". The last element is probably "-tzin", a diminutive or reverential suffix... [more]
Xiuhcuetzin f Aztec, Nahuatl
Possibly derived from Nahuatl xihuitl, which can mean "turquoise, grass, greenish thing", "year, comet", or "flame, fire", cueitl "skirt", and -tzin, a diminutive or reverential suffix... [more]
Xiuhtecuhtli m Aztec and Toltec Mythology
Means "turquoise lord" or "lord of fire", from Nahuatl xihuitl, which can mean "turquoise, grass, green/blue thing" or "year, comet" or "flame, fire", and tecuhtli "lord". This was the name of the Aztec god of fire, daytime, and heat, one of the oldest known Mesoamerican deities.
Xiulian f Chinese
From the Chinese 秀 (xiù) meaning "beautiful, elegant, flowering, luxuriant, refined, graceful" and 恋 (liàn) meaning "love, yearn for" or 莲 (lián) meaning "lotus, water lily".
Xiying f Chinese
From the Chinese 熙 (xī) meaning "bright, splendid, glorious" and 莹 (yíng) meaning "luster of gems, bright, lustrous" or 滢 (yíng) meaning "clean, pure water; lucid, glossy".
Xuanye m & f Chinese
Derived from the Chinese hanzi 璇 (xuán) meaning "beautiful star, jade" or 绚 (xuàn) meaning "gorgeous, variegated, adorned, brilliant" combined with 烨 () meaning "bright, glorious, splendid, firelight, flame".... [more]
Xuemiao f Chinese
From the Chinese 雪 (xuě) meaning "snow" and 淼 (miǎo) meaning "wide expanse of water".
Xuetian f Chinese
From the Chinese 雪 (xuě) meaning "snow" and 湉 (tián) meaning "calmness of water".
Xuying f & m Chinese
From the Chinese 旭 (xù) meaning "rising sun, brilliant, radiance", 煦 (xù) meaning "kind, gentle, gracious", 絮 (xù) meaning "raw silk, raw cotton", 徐 (xú) meaning "composed, dignified" or 绪 (xù) meaning "end of thread, thread, clue" and 英 (yīng) meaning "brave, hero" or "flower, leaf, petal", 滢 (yíng) meaning "clear, pure water, lucid, glossy", 莺 (yīng) meaning "green oriole, finch", 莹 (yíng) meaning "luster of gems, lustrous, bright", 影 (yǐng) meaning "shadow, reflection" or 瑛 (yīng) meaning "luster of gems, crystal".
Yalian f Chinese
Derived from the Chinese 雅 (yǎ) meaning "correct, elegant, refined" and 涟 (lián) meaning "flowing water, ripples".
Yalim m Turkish
Means "sharp edge of a blade" in Turkish. Also means "fire, flame, blaze".
Yam f & m Hebrew
Means "sea, ocean" in Hebrew. Known bearers include Yam Kaspers Anshel (1998-), an Israeli beauty pageant winner, and Yam Madar (2000-), an Israeli basketball player.
Yanar m Turkish
Means "on fire" in Turkish, derived from the word yangin meaning "fire".
Yangtso f Tibetan
From Tibetan དབྱངས་མཚོ (dbyangs-mtsho) meaning "song of the ocean", derived from དབྱངས (dbyangs) meaning "song, melody, voice" and མཚོ (mtso) meaning "lake, ocean".
Yangzi m & f Chinese
From Chinese 阳/陽 (yáng) meaning "light, sun, male" (which is typically only masculine), 洋 (yáng) meaning "ocean", or 杨/楊 (yáng) meaning "poplar tree" combined with 子 (zǐ) meaning "child"... [more]
Yanhai f Chinese
From the Chinese 燕 (yàn) meaning "swallow (bird)" and 海 (hǎi) meaning "sea, ocean".
Yanmiao f Chinese
From the Chinese 琰 (yǎn) meaning "jewel, gem, glitter of gems" and 淼 (miǎo) meaning "wide expanse of water".
Yanoka f Japanese
From Japanese 夜 (ya) meaning "night", 乃 (no), a possessive particle combined with 火 (ka) meaning "fire". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Yanran f Chinese
From the Chinese 嫣 (yān) meaning "charming, fascinating" and 燃 (rán) meaning "light fire, ignite".
Yanshuang f Chinese
From the Chinese 炎 (yán) meaning "flame, blaze" and 霜 (shuāng) meaning "frost".
Yanshui f Chinese
From the Chinese 燕 (yàn) meaning "swallow (bird)" and 水 (shuǐ) meaning "water".
Yanxuan f Chinese
From the Chinese 炎 (yán) meaning "flame, blaze" and 璇 (xuán) meaning "beautiful star, jade".
Yanyao f Chinese
From the Chinese 焰 (yàn) meaning "flame, blaze, glowing" and 瑶 (yáo) meaning "precious jade".
Yanying f & m Chinese
From the Chinese 炎 (yán) meaning "flame, blaze" or 滟 (yàn) meaning "overflowing, billowing" and 滢 (yíng) meaning "clean, pure water; lucid, glossy".
Yarramundi m Indigenous Australian
Means "deep water" in Darug. Yarramundi was a famous 18th/19th century Indigenous leader from the western Sydney area; many of his descendants still live in the area.
Yashio m & f Japanese
Combination of a ya kanji, e.g. 八 meaning "eight," and 潮 (shio) meaning "tide, current; sea water."... [more]
Yashui f Chinese
From the Chinese 雅 (yǎ) meaning "correct, elegant, refined" and 水 (shuǐ) meaning "water".
Yasumi m & f Japanese
From Japanese 安 (yasu) meaning "calm, peaceful", 恭 (yasu) meaning "respect", 康 (yasu) meaning "peace", 妥 (yasu) meaning "gentle", 泰 (yasu) meaning "peaceful, calm", 悌 (yasu) meaning "brotherly, respectful", 寧 (yasu) meaning "rather", 八 (ya) meaning "eight", 保 (yasu) meaning "to raise; to rear", 也 (ya) meaning "also", 夜 (ya) meaning "night", 矢 (ya) meaning "arrow", 靖 (yasu) meaning "peaceful, calm, easygoing" or 晏 (yasu) meaning "peaceful, quiet", 州 (su) meaning "prefecture", 寸 (su) meaning "measurement" or 壽 or 寿 (su) both meaning "longevity, long life" combined with 見 (mi) meaning "to see", 三 (mi) meaning "three", 実 (mi) meaning "fruit", 純 (mi) meaning "pure", 身 (mi) meaning "body, identity", 水 (mi) meaning "water", 未 (mi) meaning "the Sheep", 巳 (mi) meaning "sign of the snake", 生 (mi) meaning "raw, live", 海 (mi) meaning "sea, ocean", 己 (mi) meaning "self", 心 (mi) meaning "heart, mind, soul", 美 (mi) meaning "beautiful", 隅 (sumi) meaning "corner, nook, remote place" or 満 (mi) meaning "fullness"... [more]
Yasuyo f Japanese
From 保 (yasu) meaning "protection" or 康 (yasu) meaning "peaceful" combined with 燿⁠ (kagaya.ku, hikari, yo, teru) meaning “shine, sparkle” or 湧⁠ (yu, yo. wa.ku, wa.kasu, wa.kiwaka, waki, waku) meaning “(of water) to spring forth, gush out, well up”.
Yayaka f Japanese
From Japanese 夜 (ya) meaning "night; the evening", 弥 (ya) meaning "universally" combined with 火 (ka) meaning "fire". Other kanji combinations are also possible.
Yecatlahua m & f Nahuatl
Meaning uncertain. Possibly derived from Nahuatl yecatl "fresh water" and tlahua "granting".
Yecatototl m Nahuatl
Meaning uncertain. Possibly derived from Nahuatl yecatl "fresh water" and tototl "bird"; alternatively, could be a variant of Ehecatototl.
Yeon-Sik m Korean (Rare)
From Sino-Korean 然 (yeon) meaning "correct; right", 硯 (yeon) meaning "ink-stone", 演 (yeon) meaning "to act; to perform; to play", 淵 (yeon) meaning "deep", 曣 (yeon) meaning "clear; fine; bright", 緣 (yeon) meaning "cause; reason", 沿 (yeon) meaning "to carry on, border", or 鳶 (yeon) meaning "kite" combined with 植 (sik) meaning "to plant; to grow", 識 (sik) meaning "to know; knowledge", 湜 (sik) meaning "clear water, pure", or 寔 (sik) meaning "solid"... [more]
Yeon-sook m Korean
From Sino-Korean 然 yeon ("open immortality, pledge, promise"), 蓮 yeon ("lotus, water lily; paradise), 燕 yeon ("swallow (bird)"), or 連 yeon ("join, connect; continuous; even") and 淑 suk ("good, pure, virtuous")... [more]
Yeping f Chinese
From the Chinese 烨 (yè) meaning "bright, glorious" or "firelight, flame" and 娉 (pīng) meaning "beautiful, attractive, charming".
Ye-rin f Korean
From Sino-Korean 藝 "art; talent, ability" and 潾 "clear water".
Yetong f & m Chinese
From the Chinese 烨 (yè) meaning "bright, glorious, flame, firelight" and 彤 (tóng) meaning "red, vermilion".
Yewei f Chinese
From the Chinese 烨 (yè) meaning "bright, firelight, splendid, flame" and 蔚 (wèi) meaning "luxuriant, thick, ornamental".
Yexuan f Chinese
From the Chinese 烨 (yè) meaning "bright, glorious, splendid, firelight, flame" or 晔 (yè) meaning "bright, radiant, thriving" and 渲 (xuàn) meaning "add repeated washes of colour" or 萱 (xuān) meaning "day-lily".
Yilian f Chinese
From the Chinese 艺 (yì) meaning "art, talent, ability", 怡 (yí) meaning "happy, joyful, harmony, joy" or 依 (yī) meaning "rely on, be set on, obey a wish" and 莲 (lián) meaning "lotus, water lily", 连 (lián) meaning "join, connect, continuous" or 恋 (liàn) meaning "love, long for".
Yimantuwingyai m New World Mythology
A culture hero of the Hupa (California) and the one who established world order. He was the leader of the beings (the Kihunai) who inhabited the world before the Hupa. He combined trickiness and eroticism with heroic qualities... [more]
Yimiao f Chinese
From the Chinese 懿 (yì) meaning "virtuous, esteemed, admirable" and 淼 (miǎo) meaning "wide expanse of water".
Yingfeng f Chinese
From the Chinese 滢 (yíng) meaning "clean, pure water; lucid, glossy" and 枫 (fēng) meaning "maple tree".
Yinghuan f Chinese
From the Chinese 滢 (yíng) meaning "clean, pure water; lucid, glossy" and 欢 (huān) meaning "joyous, merry, happy".
Yingjuan f Chinese
From the Chinese 滢 (yíng) meaning "clean, pure water; lucid, glossy" and 绢 (juàn) meaning "thin silk".
Yinglin f Chinese
From the Chinese 瑛 (yīng) meaning "luster of gems, crystal", 莹 (yíng) meaning "luster of gems, bright, lustrous" , 萤 (yíng) meaning "glow-worm" or 滢 (yíng) meaning "clear, pure water; lucid" and 琳 (lín) meaning "beautiful jade, gem", 麟 (lín) meaning "female unicorn" or 霖 (lín) meaning "continuous heavy rain".
Yingluan f Chinese
From the Chinese 滢 (yíng) meaning "clean, pure water; lucid, glossy" or 英 (yīng) meaning "brave, hero" or "flower, leaf, petal" and 鸾 (luán), the name of a mythological bird, or 銮 (luán) meaning "bells".
Yingqiao f & m Chinese
From the Chinese 滢 (yíng) meaning "clear, pure water, lucid" or 英 (yīng) meaning "hero, brave" or "flower, petal, leaf" and 巧 (qiǎo) meaning "artful, skillful, clever", 俏 (qiào) meaning "like, similar, resemble", or 翘 (qiào) meaning "lift, elevate".
Yingrui f Chinese
From the Chinese 瑛 (yīng) meaning "luster of gems, crystal" or 滢 (yíng) meaning "clean, pure water; lucid, glossy" and 瑞 (ruì) meaning "felicitous omen, auspicious".
Yingshuang f & m Chinese
From the Chinese 滢 (yíng) meaning "clear, pure water, lucid" or 英 (yīng) meaning "hero, brave" or "flower, leaf, petal" and 霜 (shuāng) meaning "frost" or 双 (shuāng) meaning "set of two, pair, both".
Yingshui f Chinese
From the Chinese 滢 (yíng) meaning "clear, pure water, lucid" and 水 (shuǐ) meaning "water".
Yingxi f & m Chinese
From the Chinese 颖 (yǐng) meaning "rice tassel, sharp point" or "clever", 盈 (yíng) meaning "fill, full of, overflowing", 荧 (yíng) meaning "shine, shimmer, shining, dazzling", 影 (yǐng) meaning "shadow, image, reflection", 滢 (yíng) meaning "clear, pure water, lucid" or 映 (yìng) meaning "mirror, reflect, shine" and 希 (xī) meaning "rare" or "hope for", 熙 (xī) meaning "bright, splendid, glorious", 曦 (xī) meaning "sunshine, sunlight, early dawn", 溪 (xī) meaning "mountain stream", 夕 (xī) meaning "evening, night, dusk" or 汐 (xī) meaning "night tides".
Yingxu f & m Chinese
From the Chinese 滢 (yíng) meaning "clear, pure water, lucid, glossy", 英 (yīng) meaning "hero, outstanding person" or "flower, leaf, petal", or 盈 (yíng) meaning "filled with, full of, overflowing" and 旭 (xù) meaning "rising sun, brilliant, radiance" or 栩 (xǔ) meaning "be glad, pleased", also a species of oak.
Yingxun f & m Chinese
From the Chinese 盈 (yíng) meaning "filled with, full of, overflowing" or 滢 (yíng) meaning "clear, pure water, lucid, glossy" and 勋 (xūn) meaning "meritorious deeds, merits" or 洵 (xún) meaning "true, real, truly".
Yingyi f & m Chinese
From the Chinese 盈 (yíng) meaning "filled with, full of, overflowing" or 滢 (yíng) meaning "clean, pure water; lucid, glossy" and 懿 (yì) meaning "virtuous, admirable, esteemed" or 怡 (yí) meaning "happy, joyful, harmony, joy".
Yiqiang f & m Chinese
From the Chinese 漪 (yī) meaning "ripples on water, swirling", 翌 (yì) meaning "bright, daybreak, dawn" or 怡 (yí) meaning "happy, joyful, harmony, joy" and 蔷 (qiáng) meaning "rose" or 强 (qiáng) meaning "strong, powerful".
Yishan f Chinese
From the Chinese 旖 (yǐ) meaning "romantic, charming", 漪 (yī) meaning "ripples on water, swirling" or 意 (yì) meaning "thought, idea" and 珊 (shān) meaning "coral" or 善 (shàn) meaning "good, virtuous, kind".
Yishui f Chinese
From the Chinese 怡 (yí) meaning "happy, joyful, harmony" and 水 (shuǐ) meaning "water".
Yixi f & m Chinese
Derived from the Chinese 怡 (yí) meaning "happy, joyful" or "harmony, pleasure, be glad", 漪 (yī) meaning "ripples on water, swirling" or 宜 (yí) meaning "suitable, right, proper" and 熹 (xī) meaning "brightness, dawn" or "dim light, glimmer", 希 (xī) meaning "hope, expect, rare", 熙 (xī) meaning "bright, splendid, glorious", 僖 (xī) meaning "joy, gladness" or 喜 (xǐ) meaning "be fond of, like, happy event".
Yōji m Japanese
From the Japanese kanji 洋 () meaning "ocean" or 陽 () meaning "sun; sunlight" or 燿 () meaning "shine, sparkle" combined with 二 (ji) meaning "two; second" or 次 (ji) meaning "sequence" or 司 (ji) meaning "an official, a director, a boss".... [more]
Yolqin m Uzbek
Means "flame" in Uzbek.
Yolqina f Uzbek
Derived from Uzbek yolqin meaning "flame".
Yong'in m Uzbek
Means "fire" in Uzbek.
Yong-Soo m Korean
Means "water" in Korean.
Yoshihiro m Japanese
From Japanese 吉 (yoshi) meaning "good luck", 愛 (yoshi) meaning "love, affection", 伊 (yoshi) meaning "Iraq, Iran", 允 (yoshi) meaning "to grant, to allow, to consent", 佳 (yoshi) meaning "beautiful, good", 可 (yoshi) meaning "passable", 嘉 (yoshi) meaning "praise, auspicious", 賀 (yoshi) meaning "congratulate, greet, celebrate", 歓 (yoshi) meaning "happy, pleased, glad", 喜 (yoshi) meaning "rejoice", 宜 (yoshi) meaning "best regards", 義 (yoshi) meaning "right conduct; righteousness; justice; morality", 圭 (yoshi) meaning "jade pointed at top", 恵 (yoshi) meaning "favour, benefit", 慶 (yoshi) meaning "celebrate", 厳 (yoshi) meaning "strict, rigorous, rigid, stern", 垢 (yoshi) meaning "grime", 好 (yoshi) meaning "fondness; what one likes", 孔 (yoshi) meaning "hole, aperture, opening", 克 (yoshi) meaning "gram, gramme", 善 (yoshi) meaning "good, virtuous, charitable, kind", 禎 (yoshi) meaning "lucky, auspicious, good omen", 美 (yoshi) meaning "beautiful", 芳 (yoshi) meaning "fragrant", 由 (yoshi) meaning "cause, reason", 良 (yoshi) meaning "good, virtuous, respectable" or 贇 (yoshi) meaning "affable, agreeable, pleasant" combined with 洋 (hiro) meaning "ocean"... [more]
You m & f Japanese
From Japanese 洋 (you) meaning "ocean", 耀 (you) meaning "shine, sparkle, dazzle", 遥 (you) meaning "distant, remote", 踊 (you) meaning "leap, jump, dance", or other kanji which are pronounced the same way.
Youhan f & m Chinese
From the Chinese 优 (yōu) meaning "superior, excellent" and 焓 (hán) meaning "the sound of a fiercely-burning fire".
Youma m Japanese
From Japanese 洋 (you) meaning "ocean" combined with 馬 (ma) meaning "horse". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Yozuru f & m Japanese
From Japanese 陽 (yo) meaning "light, sun" or 洋 (yo) meaning "ocean" combined with 弦 (gen, zuru) meaning "string, chord, bowstring".
Ysyry f Guarani
Means "flowing water" in Guarani.
Yuan m & f Chinese
Derived from the Chinese character 源 (yuán) meaning "headspring; source; root" or 淵 (yuān) meaning "abyss; deep; deep water" or 元 (yuán) meaning "head; chief; first; primary" or 遠 (yuǎn) meaning "distant; far; remote" or 缘 (yuán) meaning "edge; to climb up; to ascend; cause"... [more]
Yuehai f Chinese
From the Chinese 月 (yuè) meaning "moon" and 海 (hǎi) meaning "sea, ocean".
Yuemiao f Chinese
From the Chinese 玥 (yuè) meaning "mythological pearl" or 月 (yuè) meaning "moon" and 淼 (miǎo) meaning "wide expanse of water".
Yueran f Chinese
From the Chinese 悦 (yuè) meaning "pleased, contented" and 燃 (rán) meaning "light fire, ignite".
Yueshui f Chinese
From the Chinese 月 (yuè) meaning "moon" and 水 (shuǐ) meaning "water".
Yuetian f Chinese
From the Chinese 月 (yuè) meaning "moon" or 悦 (yuè) meaning "pleased, contented" and 天 (tiān) meaning "sky, heaven" or 湉 (tián) meaning "calmness of water".
Yuhai f Chinese
From the Chinese 妤 (yú) meaning "beautiful, fair, handsome" and 海 (hǎi) meaning "sea, ocean".
Yuh-jung f Korean
Derived from the Korean Hangul 여 (yuh, Hanja 汝) meaning "you" or "water, river" combined with 정 (jung, Hanja 貞) meaning "virtuous, chaste, pure".... [more]
Yuimi f Japanese
From Japanese 悠 (yu) meaning "distant, leisurely", 生 (i) meaning "live" combined with 海 (mi) meaning "sea, ocean". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Yukihiro m Japanese
From Japanese 幸 (yuki) meaning "happiness" combined with 洋 (hiro) meaning "ocean". Other kanji combinations are possible.... [more]
Yuman f Chinese
From the Chinese 雨 (yǔ) meaning "rain" and 漫 (màn) meaning "overflow of water".
Yumemi f Japanese
From Japanese 夢 (yume) meaning "dream" combined with 海 (mi) meaning "sea, ocean", 弓 (mi) meaning "archery bow", 見 (mi) meaning "to see", 光 (mi) meaning "light", 実 (mi) meaning "reality, truth, fruit", 珠 (mi) meaning "pearl", 心 (mi) meaning "heart, mind, soul", 真 (mi) meaning "true, reality", 生 (mi) meaning "raw, live", 美 (mi) meaning "beautiful", 望 (mi) meaning "hope", 満 (mi) meaning "fullness, satisfy", 魅 (mi) meaning "captivate, charm" or 弥 (mi) meaning "extensive, full"... [more]
Yúmi m Aguaruna
Means "water" in Awajún.
Yumiho f Japanese
From Japanese 夕 (yu) meaning "evening", 海 (mi) meaning "sea, ocean" combined with 帆 (ho) meaning "sail". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Yuran f & m Chinese
From the Chinese 妤 (yú) meaning "beautiful, handsome" or 钰 (yù) meaning "rare treasure" and 然 (rán) meaning "yes, certainly, pledge, promise" or 燃 (rán) meaning "light fire, ignite".
Yutian f & m Chinese
From the Chinese 玉 (yù) meaning "jade", 雨 (yǔ) meaning "rain", 煜 (yù) meaning "bright, shining" or 妤 (yú) meaning "beautiful, fair, handsome" and 湉 (tián) meaning "calm water" or 甜 (tián) meaning "sweet, sweetness".
Yuying f & m Chinese
From Chinese 玉 () meaning "jade, precious stone, gem", 钰 (yù) meaning "gold, jade, treasure" or 煜 (yù) meaning "brilliant, bright, glorious, shining" combined with 英 (yīng) meaning "flower, petal, brave, hero", 莹 (yíng) meaning "lustre of gems" or 瀛 (yíng) meaning "ocean, sea"... [more]
Ywerit f & m Old Celtic, Welsh Mythology
Possibly means either "Ireland" or "the Atlantic Ocean" (which lies in the direction of Ireland from Wales), both meanings derived from Proto-Celtic *ɸīweriyū meaning "earth, soil". This was the name of a parent of Brân in Welsh mythology, either being a variant name of Llŷr (which means "the sea") or the name of his wife.
Zabana f Persian
Means "flame (as of a candle)" in Persian.
Zanying f Chinese
From the Chinese 赞 (zàn) meaning "help, support" and 瑛 (yīng) meaning "luster of gem, crystal" or 滢 (yíng) meaning "clear, pure water; lucid; glossy".
Zarana f Sanskrit
A South Asian name derived from Sanskrit, meaning "lake of water" or "waterfall". Notable name bearers include modern bioengineer Zarana Patel and fictional assassin Zarana from the G.I. Joe universe... [more]
Zarona f Dogri
Means "lake of water" in Dogri.
Zêrav f Kurdish
Derived from Kurdish zêr meaning "gold" and av meaning "water".
Zhanar f Kazakh
Means "shine of the eyes" in Kazakh. Alternately, it may be derived from Kazakh жан (zhan) meaning "soul" and Arabic نار (nar) meaning "fire".
Zhengyang m Chinese
From Chinese 正 (zhèng) meaning "right, proper, correct" or 政 (zhèng) meaning "government" plus 阳 (yang) meaning "sun, male, light", or 洋 (yang) meaning "ocean".
Zhenhai f Chinese
From the Chinese 贞 (zhēn) meaning "faithful, loyal, virtuous, chaste" and 海 (hǎi) meaning "sea, ocean".
Zhenhe f Chinese
From the Chinese 真 (zhēn) meaning "clearly, really" or "real, true, genuine" and 荷 (hé) meaning "lotus, water lily".
Zhenlian f & m Chinese
From the Chinese 真 (zhēn) meaning "clearly, really" or "real, true, genuine" or 贞 (zhēn) meaning "faithful, loyal, virtuous, chaste" and 连 (lián) meaning "join, connect" or 莲 (lián) meaning "lotus, water lily".
Zhenling f & m Chinese
From Chinese 貞 (zhēn) meaning "virtuous, chaste, loyal" combined with 菱 (líng) meaning "water caltrop, water chesnut" or 龄 (líng) meaning "age, duration"... [more]
Zhenyang m Chinese
This name can be written with 珍 (zhen) meaning "rare, precious", or 贞 (zhen) meaning "loyal, virtuous, chaste", and 真 (zhen) meaning "genuine, real" combined with 洋 (yang) meaning "ocean" and 阳 (yang) meaning "sun, male, light" (usually for males).
Zhihe f Chinese
From the Chinese 智 (zhì) meaning "wisdom, knowledge, intelligence" and 荷 (hé) meaning "lotus, water lily".
Zhilian f Chinese
From the Chinese 芷 (zhǐ) meaning "angelica, iris" or 祉 (zhǐ) meaning "happiness, blessings, good luck" and 莲 (lián) meaning "lotus, water lily" or 恋 (liàn) meaning "love, long for".
Zhumiao f Chinese
From the Chinese 珠 (zhū) meaning "bead, pearl, gem" and 淼 (miǎo) meaning "wide expanse of water".
Zinara f Kazakh (Rare), Crimean Tatar (Rare)
Derived from Arabic نَار (nār) meaning "fire, flame, light".
Zishui f Chinese
From the Chinese 紫 (zǐ) meaning "purple, violet" and 水 (shuǐ) meaning "water".
Zitian f Chinese
From the Chinese 子 (zi) meaning "child" and 湉 (tián) meaning "calmness of water".
Ziyang m & f Chinese
From Chinese 紫 (zǐ) meaning "purple, violet" or 子 () meaning "child" combined with 阳 (yáng) meaning "light, sun, male", 洋 (yáng) meaning "ocean" or 揚 (yáng) meaning "lift, raise, praise, acclaim"... [more]
Zjarrta f Albanian (Modern, Rare)
Either derived from Albanian i zjarrtë "fiery" or zjarr "fire" and, figuratively, "passion; ardor".
Zongyang m Chinese
From Chinese 宗 (zōng) meaning "ancestors, elders" combined with 洋 (yáng) meaning "ocean, sea" or "multitudinous, vast", as well as other character combinations.
Žubora f Serbian
From Serbian жубор (žubor) meaning "rushing sound of water", "burble".