Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
ShulgimSumerian Of uncertain etymology, name borne by a king of the 3rd dynasty of Ur, who ruled for 48 years circa 2094 BC to 2046 BC.
Shulgi-simtifAncient Near Eastern, Akkadian Possibly means "Shulgi is my glory". Name borne by a wife of Shulgi, who is known from texts concerning her possessions, and the people who worked for her in her household. Her name is possibly of Akkadian origin, and hints at an Akkadian origin for Shulgi-simti herself (as she likely assumed this name on her marriage to Shulgi).
ShulianfChinese From the Chinese 淑 (shū) meaning "kind and gentle" and 连 (lián) meaning "join, connect".
ShuliangfChinese From the Chinese 淑 (shū) meaning "kind and gentle" and 良 (liáng) meaning "good, virtuous, respectable" or 亮 (liàng) meaning "bright, brilliant, radiant, enlightened".
ShulinfChinese From the Chinese 淑 (shū) meaning "kind and gentle" and 琳 (lín) meaning "beautiful jade, gem" or 麟 (lín) meaning "female unicorn".
ShulingfChinese From the Chinese 淑 (shū) meaning "kind and gentle" and 铃 (líng) meaning "bell".
ShulkmPopular Culture Shulk is a fictional character and the main protagonist from Monolith Soft's 2010 role-playing video game Xenoblade Chronicles, part of their overarching Xeno series of video games.
ShullatmNear Eastern Mythology Etymology uncertain, possibly deriving from the Akkadian šullatum ("despoilment"), although this etymology is contested. Name borne by a minor god of destruction, that was always invoked alongside his twin Hanish.
Shulonm & fMormon (Rare) From the Land of Shulon mentioned in the Book of Moses.
ShulongfChinese From the Chinese 淑 (shū) meaning "kind and gentle" and 珑 (lóng) meaning "gem cut like a dragon" or 隆 (lóng) meaning "prosperous, plentiful, abundant".
Shumbushof & mRwandan, African God's consolation. Used both as a family name or a first name.
ShumeifChinese From Chinese 淑 (shū) meaning "good, pure, virtuous, charming" combined with 媚 (mèi) meaning "charming, attractive, flatter" or 梅 (méi) meaning "plum, apricot"... [more]
ShumengfChinese From the Chinese 淑 (shū) meaning "kind and gentle" and 梦 (mèng) meaning "dream".
ShumiaofChinese From the Chinese 淑 (shū) meaning "kind and gentle" and 淼 (miǎo) meaning "wide expanse of water".
Shuminf & mChinese From Chinese 淑 (shū) meaning "good, pure, virtuous, charming" or 树 (shù) meaning "tree, plant" combined with 敏 (mǐn) meaning "quick, clever, sharp" or 民 (mín) meaning "people, citizens", as well as other character combinations that can form this name.
ShumingfChinese From the Chinese 淑 (shū) meaning "kind and gentle" and 茗 (míng) meaning "tea".
ShumiraifShona Meaning “praise” or “express admiration, adoration or reverence.”
ShumisefXhosa 10 shillings or 10 bob, created by the father of Alice Jean Shumise Madinga.... [more]
ShunbeimJapanese From Japanese 俊 (shun) meaning "sagacious, genius, excellence" combined with 平 (bei) meaning "peace, flat". Other kanji combinations are possible.
ShunheimJapanese From 瞬 (shun) meaning "wink, blink, twinkle", 隼 (shun) meaning "falcon", 駿 (shun) meaning "fast" or 俊 (shun) meaning "talented" combined with 平 (hei) meaning "peace, flat, even, low"... [more]
ShunimBiblical Shuni was a son of Gad according to Genesis 46:16 and Numbers 26:15. He was one of the 70 souls to migrate to Egypt with Jacob.
ShuniaofChinese From the Chinese 淑 (shū) meaning "kind and gentle" and 鸟 (niǎo) meaning "bird".
Shunjitsum & fJapanese From Japanese 春日 (shunjitsu) meaning "spring sunlight".
Shunjuum & fJapanese From Japanese 春秋 (shunjuu) meaning "spring and autumn".
ShunkafJapanese From Japanese 俊 (shun) meaning "sagacious, genius, excellence" combined with 香 (ka) meaning "fragrance". Other kanji combinations are possible.
ShunkichimJapanese From 隼 (shun) meaning "peregrine falcon" combined with 吉 (kichi) meaning "fortune, good luck". Other kanji combinations can be used.
ShunkofJapanese From Japanese 瞬 (shun) meaning "wink, blink" combined with 子 (ko) meaning "child". Other kanji combinations are possible.
ShunpeimJapanese From Japanese 俊 (shun) meaning "sagacious, genius, excellence", 舜 (shun) meaning "althea" or 春 (shun) meaning "spring" combined with 平 (hei) meaning "peace, flat". Other kanji combinations are possible.... [more]
Shunpuuf & mJapanese From Japanese 春風 (shunpuu) meaning "spring breeze".
ShunsakumJapanese From 駿 (shun) meaning "fast" or 俊 (shun) meaning "talented", and 作 (saku) meaning "make, build, preperation". Other kanji combinations are possible.
ShunsukemJapanese From Japanese 俊 (shun) meaning "talented" or 駿 (shun) meaning "fast" combined with 輔 (suke) meaning "help" or 介 (suke) meaning "forerunner, herald". Other kanji combinations can also form this name.
ShuntamJapanese From Japanese 春 (shun) meaning "spring", 瞬 (shun) meaning "wink, blink, twinkle", 駿 (shun) meaning "a good horse, speed, a fast person", 旬 (shun) meaning "Decameron, ten-day period", 準 (shun) meaning "semi-, correspond to, proportionate to, conform, imitate", 尚 (shun) meaning "esteem, furthermore, still, yet" or 隼 (shun) meaning "falcon" combined with 太 (ta) meaning "thick, big" or 汰 (ta) meaning "washing, sieving, filtering, weeding out, luxury"... [more]
ShuntarōmJapanese From Japanese 俊 (shun) meaning "talented, handsome" combined with 太 (ta) meaning "thick, big, great" and 郎 (rō) meaning "son"... [more]
ShuntomJapanese The kanji used among males is 峻 (shun) meaning "high, steep, towering (mountains)" combined with 人 (to) meaning "person" or 旬 (shun) meaning "ten-day period" combined with 時 (to) meaning "time".
ShunyinfChinese From the Chinese 瞬 (shùn) meaning "wink, in a wink, in a flash" and 音 (yīn) meaning "sound, tone".
Shuom & fChinese From Chinese 硕 (shuò) meaning "large, big, great", 朔 (shuò) meaning "new moon, north", 烁 (shuò) meaning "bright, brilliant, luminous, glisten, glimmer" or 铄 (shuò) meaning "fuse, melt, fine, glorious", as well as other characters that are pronounced similarly.
ShuohuifChinese From the Chinese 烁 (shuò) meaning "shine, glitter, sparkle" and 蕙 (huì), a species of orchid.
Shuojiaof & mChinese From the Chinese 烁 (shuò) meaning "shine, glitter, sparkle" and 姣 (jiāo) meaning "handsome, beautiful".
ShuojinfChinese From the Chinese 朔 (shuò) meaning "the first day of the lunar month" or "north" and 瑾 (jǐn) meaning "brilliance of gems, fine jade".
ShuojingfChinese From the Chinese 朔 (shuò) meaning "the first day of the lunar month" or "north" and 静 (jìng) meaning "quiet, still, gentle".
ShuoluanfChinese From the Chinese 烁 (shuò) meaning "shine, glitter, sparkle" and 娈 (luán) meaning "lovely, beautiful, docile".
ShuoqifChinese From the Chinese 朔 (shuò) meaning "the first day of the lunar month" or "north" and 绮 (qǐ) meaning "fine silk".
ShuoshuangfChinese From the Chinese 烁 (shuò) meaning "shine, glitter, sparkle" and 霜 (shuāng) meaning "frost" or 爽 (shuǎng) meaning "bright, clear, happy, cheerful, refreshing".
ShuowenfChinese From the Chinese 烁 (shuò) meaning "shine, glitter, sparkle" and 雯 (wén) meaning "cloud patterns".
ShuoxiafChinese From the Chinese 烁 (shuò) meaning "shine, glitter, sparkle" and 霞 (xiá) meaning "rosy clouds".
ShuoxinfChinese From the Chinese 烁 (shuò) meaning "shine, glitter, sparkle" and 馨 (xīn) meaning "fragrant, aromatic, distant fragrance".
ShuoxuanfChinese From the Chinese 烁 (shuò) meaning "shine, glitter, sparkle" and 璇 (xuán) meaning "beautiful jade, star".
ShuoyanfChinese From the Chinese 烁 (shuò) meaning "shine, glitter, sparkle" and 琰 (yǎn) meaning "jewel, gem, glitter of gems".
ShuoyinfChinese From the Chinese 烁 (shuò) meaning "shine, glitter, sparkle" and 音 (yīn) meaning "sound, tone".
ShuoyingfChinese From the Chinese 烁 (shuò) meaning "shine, glitter, sparkle" and 潆 (yíng) meaning "tiny stream, swirl around" or 英 (yīng) meaning "brave, hero" or "petal, leaf, flower".
ShuoyufChinese From the Chinese 朔 (shuò) meaning "the first day of the lunar month" or "north" or 烁 (shuò) meaning "shine, glitter, sparkle" and 瑜 (yú) meaning "fine jade, virtues", 钰 (yù) meaning "rare treasure" or 玉 (yù) meaning "jade, precious stone".
ShuoyuanfChinese From the Chinese 烁 (shuò) meaning "shine, glitter, sparkle" and 媛 (yuàn) meaning "beauty, beautiful woman".
ShupeifChinese From the Chinese 淑 (shū) meaning "kind and gentle" and 珮 (pèi) meaning "jade ornament" or 沛 (pèi) meaning "abundant, full".
Shupingm & fChinese From Chinese 淑 (shū) meaning "good, pure, virtuous, charming", 叔 (shū) meaning "uncle", 树 (shù) meaning "tree, plant" or 舒 (shū) meaning "open up, unfold, comfortable, easy" combined with 平 (píng) meaning "level, even, peaceful" or 萍 (píng) meaning "duckweed, wander, travel"... [more]
ShuqifChinese From the Chinese 淑 (shū) meaning "kind and gentle" and 祺 (qí) meaning "good luck, good fortune".
ShuqianfChinese From the Chinese 淑 (shū) meaning "kind and gentle" and 谦 (qiān) meaning "humble, modest" , 茜 (qiàn) meaning "madder, reeds" or 骞 (qiān) meaning "raise, hold high, soar".
ShuqiaofChinese From the Chinese 舒 (shū) meaning "open up, unfold" or "comfortable, easy" or 姝 (shū) meaning "beautiful girl" and 巧 (qiǎo) meaning "artful, clever, skillful" or 乔 (qiáo) meaning "tall, lofty, proud".
ShuqinfChinese From the Chinese 姝 (shū) meaning "beautiful girl", 淑 (shū) meaning "kind and gentle" or 曙 (shǔ) meaning "bright, light of rising sun" and 勤 (qín) meaning "industrious, diligent, attentive" or 琴 (qín), a Chinese lute.
ShuqingfChinese From the Chinese 淑 (shū) meaning "kind and gentle" and 清 (qīng) meaning "clear, pure, clean, peaceful" or 庆 (qìng) meaning "congratulate, celebrate".
ShuqiongfChinese From the Chinese 淑 (shū) meaning "kind and gentle" and 琼 (qióng) meaning "jade, rare, precious, elegant".
ShuqiufChinese From the Chinese 淑 (shū) meaning "kind and gentle" and 秋 (qiū) meaning "autumn".
ShuquanfChinese From the Chinese 淑 (shū) meaning "kind and gentle" and 泉 (quán) meaning "spring, fountain, wealth".
ShuralimSiberian Mythology Shurali is a forest spirit in Tatar and Bashkir mythology. According to legends, Shurali lives in forests. He has long fingers, a horn on its forehead, and a woolly body. He lures victims into the thickets and can tickle them to death.
ShuranfChinese From the Chinese 姝 (shū) meaning "beautiful girl" and 然 (rán) meaning "yes, certainly, pledge, promise".
ShuraofChinese From the Chinese 姝 (shū) meaning "beautiful girl" and 娆 (ráo) meaning "graceful, charming, fascinating".
ShurdhmAlbanian Mythology Shurdh is a weather and storm god in Albanian mythology and folklore, who causes hailstorms and throws thunder and lightning. Worshiped in northern Albania until recent times, he is thought to have been an ancient Illyrian god... [more]
ShurenfChinese From the Chinese 淑 (shū) meaning "kind and gentle" and 仁 (rén) meaning "humaneness, benevolence, kindness".
ShurenchimegfMongolian Means "coral ornament" in Mongolian, from шүрэн (shüren) meaning "coral" and чимэг (chimeg) meaning "adornment, ornament, embellishment".
ShurengerelfMongolian Means "coral light" in Mongolian, from шүрэн (shüren) meaning "coral" and гэрэл (gerel) meaning "light".
ShushaofChinese From the Chinese 淑 (shū) meaning "kind and gentle" and 劭 (shào) meaning "encourage, excel, excellent" or 绍 (shào) meaning "continue, join".
Shushengf & mChinese From the Chinese 淑 (shū) meaning "kind and gentle" and 胜 (shèng) meaning "victory, excel" or 圣 (shèng) meaning "holy, sacred, sage".
ShusukemJapanese From 秋 (shū) meaning "autumn" or 柊 (shū) meaning "holly osmanthus" combined with 輔 (suke) meaning "help" or 祐 (suke) meaning "divine intervention, protection". Other kanji combinations can also make up this name.
ShuumJapanese From Japanese 秀 (shuu) meaning "excellent, outstanding" or 修 (shuu) meaning "discipline, study", as well as other kanji with the same pronunciation.
ShuukofJapanese From 萩 (hagi, shu, ha) “Japanese clover, bush clover”, 洲 (su, shu, shima) “state, continent” or 須 (su, shu, subeka-raku, mochi-iru, moto-meru, mochi, motomu, matsu) ”mandatory, necessary, moment, short while” combined with 子 (ko, ne, shi) meaning "child, sign of the rat"... [more]
ShuumamJapanese From Japanese 周 (shuu) meaning "circumference", 修 (shuu) meaning "discipline, study" or 秀 (shuu) meaning "beautiful; elegant; graceful" combined with 真 (ma) meaning "real, genuine". Other combinations of kanji can form this name as well.
ShuurganbaatarmMongolian Derived from Mongolian шуурга (shuurga) meaning "storm" and баатар (baatar) meaning "hero".
ShuutamJapanese From Japanese 秀 (shuu) meaning "excellent, outstanding" combined with 太 (ta) meaning "thick, big". Other kanji combinations are possible. ... [more]
ShuutomJapanese From Japanese 修 (shuu) meaning "discipline, study" combined with 斗 (to), which refers to a Chinese constellation. Other kanji combinations are also possible.
Shuvom & fBengali (Hindu) Via Sanskrit Śubha (शुभ), meaning "good" or "lucky". Ultimately from Sanskrit root śubh (शुभ्), meaning to embellish.... [more]
ShuwafChinese From the Chinese 姝 (shū) meaning "beautiful girl" and 娃 (wá) meaning "doll, pretty girl".
ShuwangfChinese From the Chinese 淑 (shū) meaning "kind and gentle" and 望 (wàng) meaning "look at, look forward to, hope, expect".
Shuweim & fChinese From Chinese 淑 (shū) meaning "good, pure, virtuous, charming", 书 (shū) meaning "book", 树 (shù) meaning "tree, plant" or 叔 (shū, shú) meaning "uncle" combined with 伟 (wěi) meaning "great, robust, extraordinary", 纬 (wěi) meaning "weft" or 薇 (wēi) meaning "fern"... [more]
Shuwenf & mChinese From Chinese 叔 (shū) meaning "clear, pure, good, virtuous" or 书 (shū) meaning "book" combined with 文 (wén) meaning "literature, culture, writing"... [more]
Shuxiaf & mChinese From Chinese 淑 (shū) meaning "good, pure, virtuous, charming" or 舒 (shū) meaning "open up, unfold, comfortable, easy" combined with 霞 (xiá) meaning "rosy clouds, mist" or 侠 (xiá) meaning "chivalrous, gallant"... [more]
ShuxianfChinese From the Chinese 淑 (shū) meaning "kind and gentle" or 姝 (shū) meaning "beautiful girl" and 娴 (xián) meaning "elegant, refined" or 纤 (xiān) meaning "fine, delicate, graceful".
ShuxiangfChinese From the Chinese 淑 (shū) meaning "kind and gentle" and 祥 (xiáng) meaning "good luck, good omen, happiness" or 翔 (xiáng) meaning "circle in the air, soar, glide".
ShuxinfChinese From the Chinese 淑 (shū) meaning "kind and gentle" and 新 (xīn) meaning "new, fresh" or 歆 (xīn) meaning "like, admire".
ShuxingfChinese From the Chinese 淑 (shū) meaning "kind and gentle" and 幸 (xìng) meaning "luck, favour, fortunately".
ShuxuefChinese From the Chinese 淑 (shū) meaning "kind and gentle" and 雪 (xuě) meaning "snow".
ShuxunfChinese From the Chinese 淑 (shū) meaning "kind and gentle" and 洵 (xún) meaning "true, real, truly".
ShūyamJapanese, Popular Culture From the Japanese kanji 秋 (shū) meaning "autumn" combined with 也 (ya) meaning "to be; also". Another combination could be 柊 (shū) meaning "holly osmanthus" and 弥 (ya) meaning "more".... [more]
ShuyanfChinese From the Chinese 淑 (shū) meaning "kind and gentle", 舒 (shū) meaning "open up, unfold" or "comfortable, easy" or 书 (shū) meaning "book, letter" and 嫣 (yān) meaning "charming, fascinating", 雁 (yàn) meaning "wild goose", 琰 (yǎn) meaning "jewel, gem, glitter of gems" or 燕 (yàn) meaning "swallow (bird)".
ShuyaofChinese From the Chinese 姝 (shū) meaning "beautiful girl" and 谣 (yáo) meaning "folksong, ballad".
ShuyefChinese From the Chinese 姝 (shū) meaning "beautiful girl" and 晔 (yè) meaning "bright, radiant, thriving".
ShuyifChinese From the Chinese 淑 (shū) meaning "kind and gentle" or 舒 (shū) meaning "open up, unfold" or "comfortable, easy" and 屹 (yì) meaning "rise high", 溢 (yì) meaning "overflow, full", 翌 (yì) meaning "bright, daybreak", 薏 (yì) meaning "lotus seeds" or 谊 (yì) meaning "friendship, appropriate".
ShuyinfChinese From the Chinese 淑 (shū) meaning "kind and gentle" or 姝 (shū) meaning "beautiful girl" and 银 (yín) meaning "silver, money, wealth" or 吟 (yín) meaning "sing, hum, a type of poetry".
ShuyingfChinese From the Chinese 淑 (shū) meaning "kind and gentle" and 盈 (yíng) meaning "be full of, overflowing".
ShuyongfChinese From the Chinese 淑 (shū) meaning "kind and gentle" and 勇 (yǒng) meaning "brave, courageous, valiant, fierce" or 雍 (yōng) meaning "harmony, union, harmonious".
ShuyoufChinese From the Chinese 淑 (shū) meaning "kind and gentle" and 侑 (yòu) meaning "help, assist" or 友 (yǒu) meaning "friend, companion, friendly".
ShuyufChinese From the Chinese 淑 (shū) meaning "kind and gentle" and 裕 (yù) meaning "abundant, rich", 玉 (yù) meaning "jade" or 昱 (yù) meaning "bright light, sunlight, dazzling".
ShuyuanfChinese From the Chinese 书 (shū) meaning "book, letter, writings" or 淑 (shū) meaning "kind and gentle" and 苑 (yuàn) meaning "pasture, park, garden", 园 (yuán) meaning "garden, park, orchard" or 缘 (yuán) meaning "hem, margin; reason, cause; fate".
ShuzengfChinese From the Chinese 淑 (shū) meaning "kind and gentle" and 增 (zēng) meaning "increase, add to".
Shuzhenf & mChinese From Chinese 淑 (shū) meaning "good, pure, virtuous, charming" or 抒 (shū) meaning "to relieve, to ease" or "to express" combined with 珍 (zhēn) meaning "precious, rare" or 真 (zhēn) meaning "real, genuine, true"... [more]
Shuzhengm & fChinese From Chinese 树 (shù) meaning "tree, plant" or 淑 (shū) meaning "good, pure, virtuous, charming" combined with 铮 (zhēng) referring to the clang of a metal object as well as an ancient percussion instrument (similar to a small gong)... [more]
ShuzhifChinese From the Chinese 淑 (shū) meaning "kind and gentle" and 智 (zhì) meaning "wisdom, intelligence, knowledge".
ShuzomJapanese This name is made of (Shu) 修 "Discipline, Mastering, Study", (Shu) 秀 "Excellent, Fine", (Zo) 三 "Three" often for a "Third Son", (Zo) 蔵 "Storehouse, Own, Possess", or (Zo) 造 meaning "Build, Create".
ShuzuofChinese From the Chinese 淑 (shū) meaning "kind and gentle" and 佐 (zuǒ) meaning "assist, aid".
ShyngyskhanmKazakh From the given name Shyngys combined with the Turkic title khan meaning "leader, ruler". It is most likely given in reference to the 12th-century Mongol leader Genghis Khan.
SifDanish Danish diminutive of Signy, Sigrid and other names beginning with the Old Norse element sigr meaning "victory", as well as Sofia, Cecilia and Lucia, or other names containing a similar sound.
SiafEnglish Diminutive of any name containing the element -sia-. A noted bearer is Australian singer-songwriter Sia, born Sia Kate Isobelle Furler (b.1975), best known for her collaboration songs 'Titanium', with David Guetta, and 'Wild Ones', with Flo Rida.
SiafKorean From Sino-Korean 始 (si) meaning "begin, start" or 時 (si) meaning "time, era, season" or 詩 (si) meaning "poetry, poem, verse" combined with 雅 (a) meaning "elegant, graceful, refined" or 娥 (a) meaning "good, beautiful" or 阿(a) meaning "hill"... [more]
SiaadfArabic Arabic feminine name of uncertain origin, purportedly meaning "help, support, aid".
SiaifChinese From the Chinese 丝 (sī) meaning "silk, fine thread" and 瑷 (ài) meaning "fine quality jade".
SiakamWestern African Siaka, meaning ''chief'', was the one who made the tribes in primarily West Africa. In old culture every family had to name at least one son Siaka.