Browse Submitted Names

This is a list of submitted names in which the gender is feminine; and the usage is Russian.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Katjuscha Катюша f Russian (Germanized)
German transliteration of Катюша (see Katiusha), not usually used as a given name in its own right.
Katyushenka Катюшенька f Russian
Russian diminutive pet form of Yekaterina.
Katyushka Катюшка f Russian
Diminutive of Yekaterina.
Katyuska Катуска f Russian
Variant of Katyusha.
Kejla f Polish, Jewish, Yiddish, Russian, Swedish (Modern, Rare)
Polish and Lithuanian spelling of Kayla, this form was far more common among Jews in Eastern Europe before it was overrode by its anglicized form of Kayla in the 1980s... [more]
Ket Кэт f Soviet, Russian (Rare)
Acronym of the Russian words коммунизм (kommunizm) meaning "communism", электрификация (elektrifikatsiya) meaning "electrification" and труд (trud) meaning "labour"... [more]
Kharitina Харитина f Russian (Archaic), Ukrainian (Archaic), History (Ecclesiastical)
Russian and Ukrainian form of Charitina.
Khelina хелина f Russian
Presumably a Russian form of Helia.
Khil'da Хильда f Russian (Rare)
Russian form of Hilda.
Khiona Хиона f Russian, Ukrainian
Russian and Ukrainian form of Chione.
Khioniya Хиония f Russian (Rare), History (Ecclesiastical)
Russian form of Chionia. This name was borne by a failed assassin of Rasputin; Khioniya Guseva stabbed Rasputin in the street in 1914, but he recovered and she was institutionalized.
Khloya Хлоя f Russian
Russian form of Chloe.
Khristina Христина f Bulgarian, Russian (Rare)
Bulgarian variant transcription of Hristina and rare Russian variant transcription of Kristina.
Kilina Килина f Russian
Russian short form of Akilina
Kima Кима f Russian, Soviet
Feminine form of the Russian name Kim.
Kiriakiya Кириакия f Russian (Rare)
Russian form of Kyriaki.
Kirochka Кирочка f Russian
Diminutive of Kira 1.
Kirsana Кирсана f Russian (Modern, Rare)
Feminine form of Kirsan.
Klarina Кларина f Russian, Dutch
Elaboration of Klara.
Konkordiya Конкордия f Russian (Rare)
Russian form of Concordia.
Konstantsiya Констанция f Russian
Russian form of Constantia.
Krasarma Красарма f Soviet, Russian (Rare)
Contraction of Russian Красная армия (Krasnaya armiya) meaning "Red army". This name was created by Communist parents who were eager to reject traditional names.
Krasava Красава f Russian (Rare, Archaic), Czech (Rare, Archaic)
Derived from the Slavic element krasa "beauty, adornment".
Krasota Красота f Russian, Kazakh
Russian word meaning "Beauty".
Ksanka Ксанка f Ukrainian, Russian
Diminutive of Oksana.
Ksantippa Ксантиппа f Russian (Rare)
Russian form of Xanthippe.
Ksenya f Russian
Russian pet form of Kseniya
Ksyushechka Ксюшечка f Russian
Diminutive of Kseniya via Ksyusha.
Kvinta Квинта f Bulgarian, Russian, Slovak, Ukrainian
Bulgarian, Russian, Slovak and Ukrainian form of Quinta.
Kvintiana Квинтиана f Russian
Russian form of Quintiana.
Kvintiliana Квинтилиана f Russian
Russian form of Quintiliana.
Kvintilla Квинтилла f Russian
Russian form of Quintilla.
Kvintina Квинтина f Russian (Archaic)
Russian form of Quintina.
Kviteriya Квитерия f Russian
Russian form of Quiteria.
Lanya Ланя f Russian, Ukrainian
Diminutive of Melaniya.
Larachka Ларачка f Russian
Nickname of Larisa.
Larushka Ларушка f Russian
Diminutive of Lara 1.
Larusya Ларуся f Russian
Diminutive of both Lara 1 and Larisa.
Lavanda Лаванда f Croatian, Russian, Italian
Means "lavender" in Croatian, Italian and Russian.
Laviniya Лавиния f Bulgarian, Russian, Ukrainian
Russian, Ukrainian, and Bulgarian form of Lavinia.
Lavrentina Лаврентина f Greek (Rare), Russian (Rare)
Modern Greek and Russian form of Laurentina.
Lavrentiya Лаврентия f Russian (Rare)
Feminine form of Lavrentiy.
Lelya f Russian
Diminutive of Helen or Yelena.
Lemira Лемира f Soviet, Russian
Feminine form of Lemir. This name was created by Communist parents who were eager to reject traditional names.
Lemira Лэмира f Soviet, Russian (Rare)
Most likely an acronym of the surnames of Ленин (Lenin), Энгельс (Engels) and Маркс (Marx) combined with the Russian words интернационал революция (internatsional revolyutsiya) meaning "international revolution".
Leniza Лениза f Russian, Tatar, Arabic
Acronym based on Ленинские заветы, meaning "Lenin's testaments" which coincides with an Arabic name.
Lenochka Леночка f Russian
Diminutive of Elena or Yelena, variant of Lena.
Lenusya Ленуся f Russian
Variant diminutive form of Yelena.
Leoniya Леония f Russian
Russian variant of Leonie.
Leontiya Леонтия f Russian
Russian form of Leontia.
Lerka f Russian
Diminutive of Lera or Valeriya.
Letisiya Летисия f Russian
Russian form of Letitia.
Letitsiya Летиция f Russian
Russian form of Letitia.
Leva f Russian (Archaic)
Feminine form of Lev 1.
Leysana Лейсана f Russian
Russian variant of Leysan.
Lida Лида f Danish (Rare), Dutch, Finnish (Rare), Georgian, Norwegian (Rare), Russian, Swedish (Rare), Ukrainian
Short form of Alida, Dalida, Lidia, Lidiya and other feminine names that contain -lid-.
Lidiia Лидия f Russian, Ukrainian
Variant transliteration of Лидия and Лідія (see Lidiya).
Lidusha Лидуша f Russian
Diminutive form of Lidiya.
Lika Лика f Russian
Short form of Anzhelika and Glikeriya.
Lilyushka Лилюшка f Russian
Variant Russian diminutive form of Liliya.
Lilyusya Лилюся f Russian
Diminutive form of Liliya.
Lipa f Serbian, Croatian, Bosnian, Russian, Ukrainian
It derives from the Slavic name for the linden tree Lipa (Липа), which originates from the Greek word "Lipos" (λίπος) meaning: "fat, thick". And a shorter form of the Russian and Ukrainian name Olimpiada.
Lisa Лиса f Russian
Short form of Larisa. It also means "fox" in Russian.
Liuba Люба f Moldovan, Belarusian, Russian, Ukrainian
Variant transliteration of Люба (see Lyuba) as well as a Moldovan form of this name.
Liubava Любава f Medieval Slavic, Belarusian, Russian, Ukrainian
Belarusian usual form of Lyubava as well as a Russian and Ukrainian variant transcription of the name.
Liviya Ливия f Bulgarian, Russian, Ukrainian
Bulgarian, Russian and Ukrainian form of Livia 1.
Liya Лия f Russian (Rare)
Form of Lia.
Lizanka Лизанька f Russian
Diminutive of Yelizaveta via its short form Liza. It is the equivalent of Lizziekins.
Lizinka f Russian, Croatian, Theatre
Diminutive of Yelizaveta. This was the title character of an opera by Croatian composer Ivan Zajc, Lizinka (1878).
Lizochka Лизочка f Russian
Diminutive or pet form of Yelizaveta.
Loreleya Лорелея f Russian, Ukrainian
Russian and Ukrainian form of Lorelei.
Loudmila f Greek, Russian
Greek form and Russian variant transcription of Lyudmila.
Lubow f Polish, Russian (Polonized), Ukrainian (Polonized)
Polish transliteration of Любовь and Любов (see Lubov).
Luchiia Лучия f Russian
Variant transcription of Лучия (see Luchiya).
Luchiya Лучия f Bulgarian, Russian
Bulgarian and Russian form of Lucia.
Lukerya Лукерья f Russian (Rare)
Truncated form of Glikeriya.
Lukilla Лукилла f Russian (Rare)
Russian form of Lucilla via its hellenized form Loukilla. Also compare Lutsilla.
Lukina Лукина f Czech (Rare), Russian (Archaic), Ukrainian (Rare)
Czech, Russian and Ukrainian form of Lucina via its hellenized form Loukina. Also compare Lutsina.
Lukiya Лукия f Russian
Russian form of Lucia via its hellenized form Loukia. Also compare Lutsiya.
Lukretsiya Лукреция f Bulgarian (Rare), Russian (Rare), Ukrainian (Rare)
Bulgarian, Russian and Ukrainian form of Lucretia.
Lukyana Лукьяна f Russian, Ukrainian
Feminine form of Lukyan.
Lunika f Russian
Meaning: "A small piece of moon" or "gift"
Lusja f Russian, German (Rare)
Variant transcription of Lusya.
Lusya Луся, Люся f Russian
Russian variant of Luchiya and diminutive of Lyudmila.
Lutsilla Луцилла f Russian
Russian form of Lucilla. Also compare Lukilla and Lyutsilla.
Lutsina Луцина f Russian
Russian form of Lucina. Also compare Lukina and Lyutsina.
Lutsiya Луция f Bulgarian, Russian, Ukrainian
Bulgarian, Russian and Ukrainian form of Lucia. Also compare Lukiya and Lyutsiya.
Lyolya Лёля f Russian
Diminutive of Larisa.
Lyubasha Любаша f Russian
Diminutive of Lyubov.
Lyubava Любава f Medieval Slavic, Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian (Rare)
Variant of Lyubov. A known bearer of this name is the Ukrainian actress Lyubava Greshnova (b. 1988), whose birth name is Lyubov... [more]
Lyubimaya Любимая f Russian
Means "beloved" in Russian.
Lyuda Люда f Russian
Diminutive of Lyudmila.
Lyudochka Людочка f Russian
Diminutive or pet form of Lyudmila.
Lyudovika Людовика f Russian
Russian feminine form of Ludwig.
Lyudviga Людвига f Russian
Feminine transcription of Lyudvig.
Lyuiza Люиза f Russian (Rare)
Variant of Luiza.
Lyusya Люся f Russian
Diminutive of Lyudmila.
Lyutsilla Люцилла f Russian
Russian variant of Lutsilla, which is the main Russian form of Lucilla.
Lyutsina Люцина f Russian
Russian variant of Lutsina, which is the main Russian form of Lucina.
Lyutsiya Люция f Russian, Soviet
Russian variant of Lutsiya, which is one of the main Russian forms of Lucia.... [more]
Maiya Майя f Russian
Makariya Макария f Russian (Rare)
Feminine form of Makariy.
Makrida Макрида f Russian (Rare), Serbian (Rare)
Russian and Serbian form of Macris.
Makrina Макрина f German, Russian, Serbian, Greek, Banat Swabian, Hungarian
German, Greek, Russian, Hungarian and Serbian form of Macrina.
Maksina Марксина f Russian
Russian variant of Maxine.
Malekaya f Russian
This name is The Grand Duchess Anastasia Nikolaevna Romanov's childhood nickname.
Malinka Малинка f Russian
Derived from the Russian word "malina" meaning "raspberry."
Mamika Мамика f & m Georgian (Rare), Russian (Archaic)
In both Georgia and Russia, the use of this name probably started in honour of the 4th-century female martyr Mamika (also known as Kamika), who is venerated in the Eastern Orthodox Church. She was one of the 26 Gothic Christians who were martyred under king Athanaric... [more]
Manoushka Манушка f Russian, Dutch (Rare)
Variant transcription of Manushka. Not to be confused with Polish mamoushka meaning "dear little mother".
Manushka Манушка f Russian
Russian cognate of Maňuška.
Mara Мара f Russian, Ukrainian
Diminutive of Maria.
Maremyana Маремьяна f Russian (Archaic)
Variant of Mariamna.
Marenka f Russian, Slovene
Russian diminutive form of Mariya and Marya and Slovene diminutive of Marija.
Margaritka маргаритка f Russian
The name means Daisy.
Margosha Маргоша f Russian
Diminutive of Margarita.
Mariia Мария f Finnish, Russian, Ukrainian
Variant spelling of Maria (Finnish) or alternate transcription of Mariya (Ukrainian and Russian).
Marinochka Мариночка f Russian
Diminutive of Marina. Short forms of Marina are traditionally not used, but in the modern day, they can be.
Marisha Мари́ша f Russian, English
Diminutive of Marina or Mariya. Alternately, a variant of Marissa.
Marishka Маришка f English, Russian
English and Russian form of the originally Hungarian name Mariska.
Marita Марита f Russian (?)
Markiana Маркиана f Russian (Rare)
Russian form of Marciana.
Marlena Марлена f Soviet, Russian
Feminine form of Marlen 1. This name was created by Communist parents who were eager to reject traditional names.
Marucia Маруся f Russian
Variant transcription of Marusya. Also compare Marusia.
Marusha Маруша, Маруща f Russian, German (Modern, Rare)
Diminutive of Mariya. Compare Marushka, Marusya, and also Marusch.... [more]
Marushka Марушка, Марущка f Russian
Russian diminutive of Mariya. Also compare Annushka, Marusha and Marusya.
Marusia Маруся f Russian, Ukrainian, Polish, Romanian, Medieval Romanian
Variant transliteration of Маруся (see Marusya), Polish and medieval Romanian diminutive of Maria as well as the Romanian transliteration of Bulgarian Маруся.... [more]
Marusja Маруся f Russian, Ukrainian, Finnish (Rare)
Alternate transcription of Marusya.
Maryasha f Jewish, Yiddish, Russian
Diminutive of Marya.
Maryutka Марютка f Russian
Diminutive of Mariya.
Marzana f Russian, Slavic Mythology, Baltic Mythology
Baltic and Slavic goddess associated with seasonal agrarian rites based on the idea of death and rebirth of nature, Marzana is often referred to as a goddess of death.... [more]
Mashenka Машенька f Russian
Diminutive of Masha or Mariya.
Mashka f Russian
Pet form of Mariya or Marya, variant of Masha. Nickname of Grand Duchess Maria Nikolaevna Romanova of Russia(1899-1918) who was executed along with the rest of the Romanov family in July 1918.
Matasha Маташа f Russian (Rare), African American (Modern, Rare)
Combination of names Masha and Natasha, or it is a combination of a prefix Ma and name Tasha.
Matryoshka матрёшка f Russian
The diminutive of Matrona 1. This is also the name of the Russian nesting dolls.
Mavra Мавра f Greek (Rare), Georgian, Russian (Archaic), Ukrainian, Moldovan, Romanian, History (Ecclesiastical), Theatre
Modern Greek form of Maura 1, which has spread to Eastern Europe and the Caucasus region via the Eastern Orthodox Church.... [more]
Mavrilia Маврилия f Russian
Russian variant form of Maurillia.
Maya Мая f Soviet, Russian (Rare)
From Russian май (may), meaning "May". It was used by communist parents wanting to reject traditional names as a reference to International Worker's Day on May 1st. The name is written as Maya (Мая) because it is feminine.
Maya Майя f Russian
Alternate transcription of Maiya 4.
Mechislava Мечислава f Russian (Rare)
Feminine form of Mechislav.
Medinya f Russian
Diminutive of Medlin.
Medlin f Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian
Russian, Ukrainian, and Belarusian form of Madeline.
Meela Мила f Russian (Rare)
Diminutive of Lyudmila.
Melpomena Мельпомена, Мелпомена f Russian, Ukrainian, Polish, Serbian, Croatian, Bulgarian
Slavic variant of Melpomene.
Mila Мила f Russian, Ukrainian
Diminutive of Milena or Milana and in Russian also Lyudmila.
Milika Милика f Russian (Archaic), Dutch (Rare)
Russian cognate of Milica. The name has also seen some use in Belgium and the Netherlands, where the best known bearer is the Dutch television presenter Milika Peterzon (b... [more]
Milintina Милинтина f Russian (Rare), Moldovan (Rare)
Variant of Militina.
Milolika Милолика f Russian, Literature
Artificially created name, used by Russian poets and writers in XVIII and XIX centuries. It derives from Russian words милый (mily) - "loveable","pleasant" and лик (lik) - "face" and means "she who has loveable face".
Milusha Милуша f Russian, English (Rare)
Russian diminutive of any Slavic feminine name that contains the element milu meaning "gracious" or "dear", such as Lyudmila. Also compare Milushka and Milusya.
Milushka Милушка f Russian
Russian diminutive of any Slavic feminine name that contains the element milu meaning "gracious" or "dear", such as Lyudmila. Also compare Annushka, Milusha and Milusya.
Milusya Милуся f Russian
Russian diminutive of any Slavic feminine name that contains the element milu meaning "gracious" or "dear", such as Lyudmila. Also compare Milusha and Milushka.
Milya Миля f Russian
Diminutive of Lyudmila.
Milyushka Милюшка f Russian (Rare)
Diminutive of Milya, which itself is a diminutive of Emiliya and Lyudmila.... [more]
Miropiya Миропия f Russian (Rare)
Variant transliteration of Миропия (see Miropia).
Mirra f Italian, Russian
Italian meaning, “myrrh.”
Mirusha Мируша f Russian
Russian diminutive of any Slavic feminine name that contains the element miru meaning "peace" or "world", such as Miroslava. Also compare Mirushka and Mirusya.
Mirushka Мирушка f Russian
Russian diminutive of any Slavic feminine name that contains the element miru meaning "peace" or "world", such as Miroslava. Also compare Annushka, Mirusha and Mirusya.
Mirusia Мируся f Russian
Variant transcription of Mirusya. A well-known bearer of this name is the Dutch-Australian soprano Mirusia Louwerse (b. 1985).
Mirusya Мируся f Russian
Russian diminutive of any Slavic feminine name that contains the element miru meaning "peace" or "world", such as Miroslava. Also compare Mirusha and Mirushka.
Monya Моня f Russian
Variant of Маня (see Manya).
Mosha m & f Russian
Diminutive of Matvey, Mariya, or Matrona 1.
Mstislava Мстислава f Russian (Rare)
Feminine form of Mstislav.
Musya муся f Russian
Russian diminutive of Mariya.
Nadezda Надежда f Russian
Variant transcription of Nadezhda.
Nadiusha Надюша f Russian
Alternate transcription of Nadyusha, diminutive of Nadezhda.
Nadiushka Надюшка f Russian
Alternate transcription of Nadyushka, diminutive of Nadezhda, variant of Nadyusha/Nadiusha.
Nadka Надка f Bulgarian, Russian
Diminutive of Nadezhda.
Nadusha f Russian
Diminutive of Nadia 1.
Nadyusha Надюша f Russian
Diminutive of Nadezhda (see Nadya 1).
Nadyushka Надюшка f Russian
Diminutive of Nadezhda, variant of Nadyusha (see Nadya 1).
Naina Наина f Russian (Rare)
Created by Alexander Pushkin for a character in his poem "Ruslan and Ludmila". Sometimes used as a given name or as a diminutive of Anastasiya.
Nalia Наля f Russian
Variant transliteration of Наля (see Nalya).
Nalya Наля f Russian
Diminutive of Natalya.
Nasha Наша f Hebrew, Russian
Nastyona Настёна f Russian
Diminutive of Anastasiya styled like Alyona.
Nataliia Наталия f Russian, Ukrainian
Variant transliteration of Наталия (Russian) or Наталія (Ukrainian) (see Nataliya).
Nataly Натали f English (Modern), Spanish (Latin American), Portuguese (Brazilian), Greek (Rare), Russian, Ukrainian, Estonian (Rare)
English variant and Spanish and Portuguese borrowing of Natalie, as well as a variant transcription of Russian Натали and Ukrainian Наталі (see Natali).
Natashenka f Russian
Diminutive of Nataly. Used in Tolstoy's War and Peace as term of endearment for heroine Natasha Rostov.
Natasya Натася, Натасья f Russian, Ukrainian
Russian and Ukrainian diminutive of Natalya. Also compare Nastasya, which is quite similar in appearance.
Natella Нателла f Russian, Armenian
Form of Natela.
Natka Натка f Polish, Kashubian, Slovene, Russian, Ukrainian
Polish diminutive of Natalia, Kashubian diminutive of Nataliô, Slovene diminutive of Nataša, and Russian and Ukrainian diminutive of Nataliya or Natalya.
Navsikaya Навсикая f Russian (Rare)
Russian form of Nausicaa.
Nazariya Назария f Russian, Ukrainian
Russian and Ukrainian form of Nazaria and feminine form of Nazariy.
Nellya Неллия f Russian, Ukrainian (Rare)
Variant of Nelya.
Neya Нея f Soviet, Russian
Contracted form of Energiya. This name was used by Communist parents who were eager to reject traditional names.... [more]
Nikasha Никаша m & f Russian, Belarusian (Rare)
Russian diminutive of various names including popular Nikita 1, Nikolay, Veronika and other names that contain the syllable nik.
Nikushka Никушка m & f Russian, Ukrainian
Russian and Ukrainian diminutive of given names that contain the element -nik-, such as Kallinik, Nikifor and Nikolay (for men) and Dominika and Veronika (for women)... [more]
Nikusya Никуся m & f Russian, Ukrainian
Russian and Ukrainian diminutive of given names that contain the element -nik-, such as Kallinik, Nikifor and Nikolay (for men) and Dominika and Veronika (for women)... [more]
Nimfodora Нимфодора f Russian (Archaic), Romanian (Rare), History (Ecclesiastical)
Russian and Romanian form of Nymphodora. This name was borne by Russian actress and opera singer Nimfodora Semenova (1788-1876).
Ninka Нинка f Russian, Georgian
Russian diminutive of Nina 1, which the Georgians use as a diminutive for Nino 2.
Ninoshka Ниношка f Russian, Spanish (Latin American)
Diminutive of Nina 1.
Ninushka f Russian
Diminutive of Nina 1.
Nioba Ниоба f Serbian, Bulgarian, Macedonian, Russian, Kazakh, Slovene
Serbian, Bulgarian, Macedonian, Russian, Kazakh and Slovene form of Niobe.
Nonna Нонна f Soviet, Russian (Rare)
Either a contracted form or a diminutive of Noyabrina. A known bearer of this name was the Russian actress Noyabrina "Nonna" Mordyukova (1925-2008).
Nyurochka Нюрочка f Russian
Diminutive of Anastasiya or Anna.
Nyusha Нюша f Russian
Diminutive of Anna.
Nyuta Нюта f Russian
Diminutive of Anna.
Odri f Russian, Croatian (Rare)
Variant of Audrey, reflecting the English pronunciation.
Okeana Океана f Bulgarian (Rare), Kyrgyz (Rare), Russian (Rare), Ukrainian (Rare)
Feminine form of Okean. This name is not to be confused with Oksana.
Oksaniya Оксания f Russian, Ukrainian
Alternative form of Oksana, sometimes transliterated as Oxaniya.
Oksanya Оксаня f Russian (Rare)
Diminutive of Oksana.
Okseniia f Russian
Variant of Kseniia.
Oktaviya Октавия f Bulgarian, Russian, Ukrainian
Bulgarian, Russian and Ukrainian form of Octavia.
Oleka Олька f Russian
Colloquial diminutive of Olya.
Oleksasha Олексаша m & f Ukrainian, Russian (Rare)
Ukrainian form and Russian variant of Aleksasha.
Olenitsa f Russian
Diminutive of Olena.
Olesja Олеся f Russian, Albanian (Rare), Latvian (Rare), Ukrainian (Rare), Estonian
Diminutive of Olga and a Russian variant transcription of Olesya.
Olessia f Russian (Germanized), Ukrainian (Germanized)
German transliteration of Олеся (see Olesya and Olesia).
Olia Оля f Georgian, Moldovan (Rare), Bulgarian, Russian (Rare), Ukrainian (Rare)
Georgian and Moldovan form of Olya as well as a Bulgarian, Russian and Ukrainian variant transcription of the name.... [more]
Olimpiodora Олимпиодора f Russian
Russian form of Olympiodora.
Oliviia Оливия f Ukrainian, Russian
Variant transliteration of Оливия (Russian) or Олівія (Ukrainian) (see Oliviya).
Olyenka Оленька f Russian
Diminutive of Olya.
Onoslava f Russian
Meaning "his glory".
Onoslawa f Russian
Variant transcription of Onoslava.
Orifija Орифия f Russian
Russian and Ukrainian form of Orithyia. According to Greek mythology, upon the death of her mother, she became the new queen of the Amazons. She was famous for her perpetual virginity. Her war techniques were outstanding and brought much honor to the Amazon empire.
Osanna f German (Archaic), Russian (Rare)
Probably derived from an Old Germanic name beginning in os-.
Oxaniya Оксания f Russian
Russian diminutive of Oksana.
Parasha Параша f Russian
Diminutive of Praskovya.
Paraskovia f Russian (Archaic)
Archaic Russian form of Paraskeve and older transcription of Praskovya. In the Russian Orthodox Church, Paraskovia is the patron saint of cloth as well as of spinning and weaving.
Pasifaya Пасифая f Russian, Ukrainian
Russian and Ukrainian form of Pasiphaë.
Pelageia f Russian (Archaic)
Variant transcription of Pelageya.
Pelageja Пелагея f Estonian, Russian (Germanized)
Estonian and German transcription of Russian Пелагея (see Pelageya).
Persefona Персефона f Russian, Ukrainian, Polish
Polish, Russian and Ukrainian form of Persephone.
Petiya m & f Russian, Bulgarian
Variant of Petia
Petroniya Петрония f Bulgarian (Rare), Russian (Rare)
Bulgarian and Russian form of Petronia.
Pirra Пирра f Italian, Spanish, Russian
Cognate of Pyrrha.
Platona Платона f Italian (Rare), Russian (Rare)
Feminine form of Platon.
Platonida f Russian, Medieval Romanian
Russian feminine form of Platon. This is the name of a character in Ivan Turgenev's novella: 'Klara Milich' (1883).
Platosha f Russian
Diminutive of Platonida.
Plenira Пленира f Russian, Literature
Name invented by Gavriil Romanovich Derzhavin (1743 - 1816), one of the most highly esteemed Russian poet. It is derived from Russian verb пленить (plenit') meaning "to captivate", "to charm"... [more]
Poliyushka f Russian
Diminutive of Polina
Polyna f Ukrainian, Russian, Greek (Cypriot)
Variant transcription of Polina.
Praskova Праскова f Russian
Variant of Praskovya.
Pravda Правда f Croatian, Serbian, Bulgarian, Russian, Ukrainian, Macedonian
Derived from the Proto-Slavic word *pravьda meaning "truth; justice" in many Slavic languages.
Praxeda Пракседа f Russian (Archaic), Ukrainian (Archaic)
Variant transcription of Prakseda.
Psamafa Псамафа f Russian (Rare)
Russian form of Psamathe.
Pulheria Пульхерия f Romanian (Archaic), Russian (Archaic), Ukrainian (Archaic), History (Ecclesiastical)
Romanian form of Pulcheria and Russian and Ukrainian variant transliteration of Пульхерия (see Pulkheriya).
Pulkheria Пулхерия f Russian (Rare, Archaic), Literature
Russian form of Pulcheria
Pulkheriya Пульхерия f Russian (Rare)
Russian form of Pulcheria.
Raav Раав f Russian
Russian form of Rahab.
Radia f Russian (Archaic)
Elaboration of Rada.
Raduga Ра́дуга f Russian
From Russian ра́дуга (ráduga) meaning "rainbow".
Radya m & f Czech, Russian
Czech male nickname for Radim and a Russian female variant of Rada.
Rakhil f Russian
Russian form of Rachel.
Raychka Райчка f Russian
Diminutive of Raisa 1.
Raysa f Ukrainian, Russian, Portuguese (Brazilian), Spanish (Latin American)
Ukrainian form, Russian variant transcription and Portuguese and Spanish variant of Raisa 1.
Rema Рэма f Soviet, Russian
Feminine form of Rem 4.
Remira Ремира f Soviet, Russian
Feminine form of Remir, which is a variant form of Revomir.
Remo Рэмо f Soviet, Russian
Acronym of the Russian words революция (revolyutsiya) meaning "revolution", электрификация (elektrifikatsiya) meaning "electrification" and мобилизация (mobilizatsiya) meaning "mobilization" or мировой Октябрь (mirovoy Oktyabr) meaning "world's October"... [more]
Renata Рената f Russian, Soviet
Feminine form of Renat.
Renya Реня f Russian
Russian diminutive of Regina.
Reva Рева f Russian (Rare), Soviet (Rare)
Diminutive of Revolyutsiya, or also a standalone name derived from Russian революция (revolyutsiya), meaning "revolution".
Revmira Ревмира f Soviet, Russian
Feminine form of Revmir, which is a variant form of Revomir.... [more]
Revolyutsiya Революция f Soviet, Russian
Derived from the Russian noun революция (revolyutsiya) meaning "revolution". Like names such as Melor and Vilen, this name was created by Communist parents who were eager to reject traditional names.
Reychel Рэйчел f Russian
Russian transcription of Rachel (after the English pronunciation).
Rimma Римма f Russian
The name of a Slavic (male) saint, which was Ριμμᾶς (Rimmas) in the original Greek, the etymology of which is uncertain. In modern times this is used as a Russian feminine name and is sometimes associated with Рим (Rim) "Rome", the Russian name for the Italian city.
Riorita f Russian
Alternate form of Aurora
Ronya Роня f & m Russian
Russian diminutive of Veronika and Roman.
Rossiya Россия f Russian (Rare)
Means "Russia" in Russian. Used by patriotic parents.
Rozalina Розалина f Russian, Bulgarian
Russian and Bulgarian form of Rosalind or Rosaline.
Rumiya f Uzbek, Russian, Tajik, Kazakh, Kyrgyz, Azerbaijani, Turkmen
Form of Rumina used in Central Asia.
Rutanya f Latvian, Russian
Best known as the given name of a Latvian American actress.
Ryzza Риза f Russian (Latinized, Rare), Filipino
Diminutive of Clarissa
Sanechka Санечка f & m Russian
Russian diminutive form of Aleksandr or Aleksandra.
Sania Саня f & m Russian
Variant transcription of Sanya 2.
Sashunya Сашуня m & f Russian
Russian diminutive form of Aleksandr or Aleksandra.
Schanna Жанна f Russian
German transcription of Zhanna, a Russian form of Jeanne.
Senya m & f Russian
Russian short form of several names including Semyon, Ksenofont, and Kseniya
Sepfora Сепфора f Russian (Rare)
Russian form of Zipporah.