Browse Submitted Names

This is a list of submitted names in which an editor of the name is Evil.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Gulmehr f Uzbek
Derived from Uzbek gul meaning "rose, flower" and mehr meaning "love" or "mercy, compassion".
Gulmoh f Uzbek
Derived from Uzbek gul meaning "rose, flower" and moh meaning "moon".
Gulmohira f Uzbek
Derived from Uzbek gul meaning "rose, flower" and mohir meaning "skilled".
Gulmomo f Uzbek
Derived from Uzbek gul meaning "rose, flower" and momo meaning "mother".
Gulmushkin f Uzbek
Derived from Uzbek gul meaning "rose, flower" and mushk meaning "musk".
Gulnafisa f Uzbek
Derived from Uzbek gul meaning "rose, flower" and nafis(a) meaning "fine".
Gulnahor f Uzbek
Derived from Uzbek gul meaning "rose, flower" and nahor meaning "daytime, daybreak".
Gulnarîn f Kurdish
Derived from Kurdish gula meaning "rose" and narîn meaning "delicate".
Gulnasab f Uzbek
Derived from Uzbek gul meaning "rose, flower" and nasab meaning "origin, roots".
Gulnazar f Uzbek
Derived from Uzbek gul meaning "rose, flower" and nazar meaning "look, glance".
Gulnihol f Uzbek
Derived from Uzbek gul meaning "rose, flower" and nihol meaning "shoots, sprouts, new plant growth".
Gulnishon f Uzbek
Derived from Uzbek gul meaning "rose, flower" and nishon meaning "mark, sign".
Gulnoma f Uzbek
Derived from Uzbek gul meaning "rose, flower" and noma meaning "letter, writing, book".
Gulnor f Uzbek
Derived from Uzbek gul meaning "rose, flower" and nor which can mean "camel", "birthmark", "pomegranate" or "fire".
Gulnoz f Uzbek
Derived from Uzbek gul meaning "rose, flower" and noz meaning "flirtiousness", "whim", "tenderness" or "fondness".
Gulnozik f Uzbek
Derived from Uzbek gul meaning "rose, flower" and nozik meaning "fine, delicate".
Gulob f Uzbek
Means "rosewater" in Uzbek.
Gulobbibi f Uzbek
Derived from Uzbek gulob meaning "rosewater" and bibi meaning "learned woman".
Guloro f Uzbek
Derived from Uzbek gul meaning "ros, flower" and oro meaning "adornment".
Gulorom f Uzbek
Derived from Uzbek gul meaning "rose, flower" and orom meaning "rest, quiet".
Guloy f Uzbek
Derived from Uzbek gul meaning "rose, flower" and oy meaning "moon".
Guloyim f Uzbek
Derived from Uzbek gul meaning "rose, flower" and oyim, an obsolete title for aristocratic women.
Guloyna f Uzbek
Derived from Uzbek gul meaning "rose, flower" and oyna meaning "mirror".
Gulozod f Uzbek
Derived from Uzbek gul meaning "rose, flower" and ozod meaning "free".
Gulparchin f Uzbek
Derived from Uzbek gul meaning "rose, flower" and parchin meaning "multicoloured tile" or "horseshoe".
Gulpari f Uzbek
Derived from Uzbek gul meaning "rose, flower" and pari meaning "fairy".
Gulpembe f Turkish
Means "pink rose" in Turkish.
Gulpok f Uzbek
Derived from Uzbek gul meaning "rose, flower" and pok meaning "pure, clean" or "honest".
Gulpora f Uzbek
Derived from Uzbek gul meaning "rose, flower" and pora meaning "piece, fragment".
Gulposhsha f Uzbek
Derived from Uzbek gul meaning "rose, flower" and poshsha, an endearing term for a girl or woman.
Gulqahqah f Uzbek
Derived from Uzbek gul meaning "rose, flower" and qahqaha meaning "laughter".
Gulqamar f Uzbek
Derived from Uzbek gul meaning "rose, flower" and qamar meaning "moon".
Gulqand f Uzbek
Derived from Uzbek gul meaning "rose, flower" and qand meaning "sugarcube".
Gulqiz f Uzbek
Derived from Uzbek gul meaning "rose, flower" and qiz meaning "girl".
Gulraftor f Uzbek
Derived from Uzbek gul meaning "rose, flower" and raftor meaning "behaviour" or "an undulating decorative design".
Gulrang f Uzbek
Derived from Uzbek gul meaning "rose, flower" and rang meaning "colour, complexion".
Gulra'no f Uzbek
Derived from Uzbek gul meaning "rose, flower" and ra'no meaning "dogrose".
Gulravshan f Uzbek
Derived from Uzbek gul meaning "rose, flower" and ravshan meaning "bright, sharp, keen, clear".
Gulrayhon f Uzbek
Derived from Uzbek gul meaning "rose, flower" and rayhon meaning "basil".
Gulşîn f Kurdish
Derived from Kurdish gula meaning "rose" and şin meaning "blue".
Gülümse f Turkish
Means "smile" in Turkish.
Gume m Spanish
Diminutive of Gumersindo.
Gúmer m & f Spanish
Diminutive of Gumersindo and Gumersinda.
Gümüş f Turkish (Rare)
Turkish form of Kümüş.
Gün f & m Turkish
Means "sun" in Turkish.
Gun m Korean
Variant transcription of Geon.
Guna f Latvian
Derived from Latvian guns / uguns "fire, flame". This name was used by Latvian poet and playwright Aspazija in her play Sidraba šėidrauts.
Gunbiørgh f Old Danish
Old Danish form of Gunnbiǫrg.
Gunbiorn m Old Swedish
Old Swedish form of Gunnbiǫrn.
Gunborgh f Old Swedish
Old Swedish form of Gunnbiǫrg.
G'uncha f Uzbek
Uzbek form of Ghoncheh.
Gund f Swedish
Variant of Gun.
Gunda f Abkhaz
Possibly means "beautiful" in Abkhaz. Alternately, it may be a form of the Ossetian name Agunda. This is the name of a legendary Abkhaz woman who could take the form of a white horse.
Gunderik m Dutch, Frisian, Norwegian (Archaic), Swedish (Archaic)
Dutch, Frisian, Norwegian and Swedish form of Gunderic.
Gundobad m Germanic, Dutch, German, Polish, Swedish (Archaic), History
Variant of Gundebad. Gundobad was a 5th-century Burgundian king.
Gundwig f Norwegian (Archaic)
Former Norwegian variant of Gunnveig recorded in the 18th and 19th centuries.
Gunhard m Old Swedish, Finnish
Swedish form of Gundhard.
Gunkil m Old Danish, Old Swedish
Old Danish and Old Swedish form of Gunnkæll.
Gunlef m Old Danish
Old Danish form of Gunnlæifr.
Gunlöd f Swedish (Rare)
Swedish form of Gunnlǫð.
Gunmari f Swedish
Variant of Gunmarie.
Gunná f Sami
Sami form of Gunna.
Gunnár m Sami
Sami form of Gunnar.
Gunnarda f Norwegian (Archaic)
Variant of Gunnharda recorded in the 19th century.
Gunnberg m Icelandic
Icelandic masculine form of Gunnbjǫrg.
Gunnbiǫrg f Old Norse
Derived from the Germanic name elements gunnr "battle, fight" and borg "stronghold, fortification, castle".
Gunnbiǫrn m Old Norse
Derived from the Germanic name elements gunnr "battle, fight" and björn "bear"
Gunnbjørg f Norwegian, Faroese
Norwegian and Faroese form of Gunborg.
Gunnbor f Norwegian (Archaic)
Norwegian dialectal variant of Gunnborg recorded Austlandet and Agder (after the Protestant Reformation).
Gunnborg f Icelandic, Norwegian (Rare)
Norwegian and Icelandic form of Gunborg.
Gunnborga f Old Norse
Variant of Gunnbiǫrg. Gunnborga den goda ("Gunnborga the good") was a 11th century woman and one of the very few known female runemasters.
Gunndór m Icelandic
Icelandic variant of Gunnþór.
Gunneborg f Swedish (Rare)
Swedish variant of Gunborg.
Gunnela f Swedish
Younger form of Gunnila.
Gunngerðr f Old Norse
Derived from the Germanic name elements gunnr "battle, fight" and garðr "enclosure", "protection".
Gunnhæiðr f Old Norse
Derived from the Germanic name elements gunnr "battle, fight" and heiðr "honour".
Gunnharða f Icelandic
Icelandic form of Gunnharda.
Gunnheiður f Icelandic
Icelandic younger form of Gunnhæiðr.
Gunnild f Old Swedish, Old Danish, Danish (Rare)
Old Swedish form of Gunnhildr and Danish variant of Gunild.
Gunnkæll m Old Norse
Derived from the Germanic name elements gunnr "battle, fight" and ketill "helmet".
Gunnlaug f & m Old Norse, Norwegian, Icelandic
Derived from the Old Norse elements gunnr "battle, fight" and laug "to celebrate marriage, to swear a holy oath".
Gunnlaugur m Icelandic
Derived from the Old Norse elements gunnr "battle" and laug "promise" or "vow".
Gunnleivur m Faroese
Faroese modern form of Gunnlæifr.
Gunno m Swedish
Latinized form of Gunne.
Gunnrøðr m Old Norse
Old Norse variant of Gunnfrøðr.
Gunnstæinn m Old Norse
Derived from the Germanic name elements gunnr "battle, fight" and steinn "stone".
Gunnþóra f Icelandic
Feminine form of Gunnþór.
Gunnþrúðr f Old Norse
Derived from the Germanic name elements gunnr "battle, fight" and þrúðr "strength".
Gunnulf m Old Danish, Old Swedish
Old Danish, Old Swedish and modern form of Gunnulfr.
Gunnulfr m Old Norse
Derived from Old Norse gunnr "battle, fight" and ulfr "wolf."
Gunnur f Icelandic, Old Danish, Old Swedish, Faroese
Icelandic and Faroese form of Gunnr.
Gunnvá f Faroese
Faroese form of Gunnveig.
Gunsan f Swedish (Rare)
Swedish diminutive of Gun.
Gunsten m Old Swedish, Old Danish, Swedish (Modern)
Old Swedish, Swedish and Old Danish form of Gunnstæinn.
Gunthrudh f Old Swedish
Old Swedish form of Gunnþrúðr.
Gunveig f Swedish (Rare), Norwegian (Rare)
Swedish and Norwegian variant of Gunnveig.
Gunvidh m Old Swedish
Old Swedish form of Gunnviðr.
Gunvig f Swedish
Swedish form of Gunnveig.
Gur m Hebrew
Means "cub" or "puppy" in Hebrew.
Gürbüz m Turkish
Means "sturdy, robust, solid" in Turkish.
Guren f & m Japanese
From Japanese 紅 (gu) meaning "crimson" combined with 蓮 (ren) meaning "lotus". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Gurra m Swedish
Diminutive of Gustaf. It's occasionally been used as a diminutive of Gunnar.
Gurur m Turkish
Means "pride" in Turkish.
Güschti m Alsatian (Rare)
Alsatian diminutive of August.
Guss m English
Variant of Gus 1.
Gust m English (American)
Transferred use of the surname Gust.
Gustaava f Finnish
Finnish form of Gustava.
Gústaf m Icelandic
Icelandic form of Gustav.
Gustau m Aragonese, Provençal, Lengadocian, Gascon
Aragonese, Provençal, Languedocian and Gascon form of Gustav.
Gustawa f Polish
Feminine form of Gustaw.
Gustie f English
Diminutive of Augusta.
Gusto m Sami
Sami variant of Gusti.
Gùstôw m Kashubian
Kashubian form of Gustav.
Gustu m Sami
Sami variant of Gusto.
Guta f Portuguese
Diminutive of Augusta.
Guðberg m Icelandic
Icelandic variant of Guðbergur.
Guðbergur m Icelandic
Masculine form of Guðbjörg.
Guthbiorn m Old Danish
Old Danish form of Guðbiǫrn.
Guðbjartur m Icelandic, Faroese
From the Old Norse elements guð "god" and bjartr "bright, shining".
Guðbjörg f Icelandic
Icelandic younger form of Guðbjǫrg.
Guðbjørg f Faroese
Faroese modern form of Guðbjǫrg.
Guðbjǫrg f Old Norse
Derived from the Germanic name elements guðr "god" and bjǫrg "help, deliverance".
Guði m Old Norse
From Old Norse guðr meaning "god".
Guðifriðr m Old Norse
Old Norse form of Godefrid.
Guðir m Old Norse
Old Norse variant of Guðvér.
Guthir m Old Danish
Old Danish form of Guðvér.
Guðjohn m Icelandic
Icelandic variant of Guðjón.
Guðjóna f Icelandic
Icelandic feminine form of Guðjón.
Guðlæifr m Old Norse
Derived from Old Norse guðr "god" and leif "inheritance, legacy".
Guðlafr m Old Norse
Old Norse variant of Guðlæifr.
Guðleifur m Icelandic
Icelandic younger form of Guðlæifr.
Guðmann m Old Norse, Icelandic
Variant of Guðmundr or a combination of guðr "god" and maðr "man".
Guðmon m Icelandic
Icelandic variant of Guðmundur.
Guthmund m Old Danish, Anglo-Saxon
Old Danish form of Guðmundr, as well as an Old English name derived from the elements guð "combat, battle, war" and mund "protector, guardian".
Guðmunda f Icelandic
Icelandic feminine form of Guðmundur.
Guðmundína f Icelandic
Icelandic feminine form of Guðmundur.
Guðniótr m Old Norse
Old Norse variant of Guðniútr.
Guðniútr m Old Norse
Derived from Old Norse guðr "god" and njóta "to use".
Guthrie m Scottish, English
Transferred use of the surname Guthrie, borne by the jazz musician Guthrie Govan.
Guðvarðr m Old Norse
Derived from the Germanic name elements guðr "god" and vǫrðr "guard".
Guðvarður m Icelandic
Icelandic younger form of Guðvarðr.
Guðveigur m Icelandic
Masculine form of Guðveig.
Guðvér m Old Norse
Derived from Old Norse guðr "god" and vér "fighter".
Guðvin m Icelandic (Archaic)
Icelandic form of Gudvin.
Guti m Old Swedish
Old Swedish form of Gautr or Goti.
Gûtivfarît m Greenlandic
Greenlandic form of Godefrid.
Gutnel f Sami
Sami form of Gunhild.
Guto m Portuguese
Diminutive of Augusto or Gustavo.
Guuleed m Somali
Means "victor" in Somali.
Gùustave m Norman
Cotentinais Norman form of Gustav.
Guuste m Norman
Norman form of Justus.
Guustène f Norman
Norman form of Justine.
Guustin m Norman
Norman form of Justin.
Guxim m Albanian
Derived from Albanian guxim "daring, boldness, courage; initiative; audacity".
Guykhuar f Dungan
Means "rose" in Dungan.
Guyot m Medieval French
Diminutive of Guy 1.
Guytounet m Norman
Diminutive of Guy 1.
Güzay f Turkish
Means "beautiful" in Turkish.
Gûzê f Kurdish
From Kurdish gûz meaning "walnut".
Güzün f Turkish
Means "autumn" in Turkish.
Gvenda f Hungarian (Rare)
Hungarian form of Gwenda.
Gvendolin f Hungarian
Hungarian borrowing of Gwendolyn.
Gvøðbjørg f Faroese
Faroese form of Guðbjørg.
Gvøðny f Faroese
Faroese variant of Gudný.
Gwaine m Welsh, Arthurian Cycle
Variant of Gawain. Gwaine is a character on the BBC television series 'Merlin', meant to represent the Gawain of Arthurian legend.
Gwang-jin m Korean
From Sino-Korean 光 "light, brilliant, shine; only" and 眞 "real, actual, true, genuine".
Ġwanni m Maltese
Maltese form of John.
Gwawrddydd f Welsh (Rare)
Means "daybreak, dawn", derived from Welsh gwawr "dawn" and dydd "day". (Also compare Gwawr.) This was the name of an early Welsh saint, sometimes called Gwenddydd, one of the supposed daughters of Brychan Brycheiniog.
Gwenhwyvach f Medieval Welsh
Middle Welsh form of Gwenhwyfach.
Gwenifer f Welsh, English (British, Rare)
Anglicized form of Gwenhwyfar (see Guinevere), particularly found in Wales and the Marches.
Gwenisha f English (American, Rare)
Combination of the name Gwen and the popular suffix isha.
Gwenivar f Breton
Breton form of Guinevere.
Gwenny f English
Diminutive of Gwyneth.
Gwhd f Western African, Anaang
Means “disgraceful; unworthy being” in Anaang.
Gwidka f Kashubian
Diminutive of Gwidona.
Gwidon m Polish
A Polish form of Guido.
Gwøni f Faroese
Faroese variant of Gvøðni.
Gwyar m Welsh Mythology
Means "gore, blood" in Welsh. In Welsh legend Gwyar was the father of Arthur's warriors Gwalchmei and Gwalhafed... [more]
Gwynneth f Welsh
Variant of Gwyneth.
Gyaltsen m & f Tibetan
From Tibetan རྒྱལ་མཚན (rgyal-mtshan) meaning "banner of victory", derived from རྒྱལ (rgyal) meaning "to win, to become victorious" and མཚན (mtshan) meaning "mark, sign".
Gyantwachia m Seneca
Means "the planter" in Seneca.
Gyeo-wool f & m Korean (Modern)
Variant transcription of Gyeoul.
Gylfe m Swedish (Rare)
Swedish form of Gylfi.
Gylfi m Icelandic, Old Norse, Norse Mythology
Modern form of GylfR, an Old Norse name derived from gjálfr "roar, heavy sea" or gólf "grain cultivator". In Norse mythology, Gylfi was the name of a sea giant. It was also the name of a mythical Swedish king.
Gylve m Norwegian (Rare)
Norwegian form of Gylfi.
Gylvi m Faroese
Faroese form of Gylfi.
Gýmir m Icelandic
Icelandic younger form of Gymir.
Gyra f Old Norse
Old Norse diminutive of Gyríðr.
Gyridh f Old Swedish, Swedish (Rare)
Old Swedish form of Gyríðr.
Gyríðr f Old Norse
Old Norse variant of Guðríðr.
Gyro f Norwegian (Rare)
Dialectal variant of Guro.
Gyronav f Chukchi
Means "spring" in Chukchi.
Gyrth m Old Danish, Old Swedish
Old Danish and Old Swedish form of Gyrðr.
Gyrðir m Icelandic
Modern form of Gyrðr.
Gyðja f Icelandic
Icelandic feminine form of Guði.
Gyu-Ha m & f Korean
From Sino-Korean 圭 (gyu) meaning "sharpened jade" combined with 夏 (ha) meaning "summer, great, grand". Other hanja combinations can form this name as well.
Gyu-ri f & m Korean
From Sino-Korean 奎 (gyu) meaning "star; sentence, writing; stride," 圭 (gyu) or 珪 (gyu), both meaning "auspicious jewel; hall," and 利 (ri) meaning "benefit, advantage," 理 (ri) meaning "govern, rule; repair; notice, find," 里 (ri) meaning "village," 璃 (ri) meaning "jewel" or 俐 (ri) meaning "smart, intelligent," among other hanja combinations.... [more]
Gzim m Albanian
Variant of Gëzim.
Ha f Vietnamese
Means "sunshine, warmth" in Vietnamese.
Hạ f Vietnamese
Means "summer" in Vietnamese.
Ha'aheo f & m Hawaiian
Means "cherished with pride" in Hawaiian.
Haakko m Finnish (Rare)
Finnish form of Håkon.
Haani f Micronesian
Means "daytime" in Chamorro.
Haarald m Finnish
Finnish form of Harald.
Haaraltti m & f Finnish (Rare)
Finnish form of Harald.
Haaris m Pakistani, Urdu, Arabic
Variant transcription of Haris 1.
Haben f Tigrinya
Means "pride" in Tigrinya.
Habraham m African (Rare), Spanish (Latin American, Rare)
Variant of Abraham, occasionally found in Latin America and French-speaking African countries.
Habronike f Ancient Greek
Means "splendid victory", derived from the Greek elements ἁβρός (habros) meaning "splendid" (a chiefly poetic word which also meant "graceful, delicate, pretty" when used to describe women) and νίκη (nike) "victory".
Habtom m Tigrinya (Modern)
Means "wealthy" in Tigrinya.
Hachi f Japanese (Rare)
Means "bee" in Japanese.
Hadara f Hebrew
Variant of Hadar.
Hadass f Yiddish
Variant of Hadassah, used in the 1983 film, 'Yentl'.
Hadda f Icelandic, Norse Mythology, Old Norse
Feminine form of Haddr. In Norse mythology Hadda is a giantess, the daughter of Svaði and the wife of Norr.
Haddi m & f Icelandic
Variant of Haddr.
Haddon m English (Rare)
Transferred use of the surname Haddon.
Haddur m Icelandic
Icelandic younger form of Haddr.
Haddý f Icelandic
Diminutive of Hadda.
Hadeed m Arabic
Alternate transcription of Arabic حديد (see Hadid).
Hadeline f Dutch (Rare)
Feminine form of Hadelin.
Hadiah f Arabic, Malay, Indonesian
Alternate transcription of Arabic هدية (see Hadia 1) or هادية (see Hadia 2), as well as a Malay and Indonesian variant.
Hadlee f & m English (Modern)
Variant of Hadley.
Hadolf m Germanic
Variant of Hadulf.
Haebinna f Korean (Modern, Rare)
Combination of 해 (hae) meaning "sun" and Binna.
Hæfnir m Old Norse
From Old Norse hefnir meaning "avenger, heir, son".
Hægbiǫrn m Old Norse
Derived from Old Norse heggr "birdcherry tree" and bjǫrn "bear".
Hæghvald m Old Swedish
Old Swedish form of Hægvaldr.
Hæghvidh m Old Swedish
Old Swedish form of Hægviðr.
Hægvaldr m Old Norse
Derived from the Germanic name elements heggr "birdcherry tree" and valdr "ruler", "mighty one", "powerful one".
Hægviðr m Old Norse
Derived from the Germanic name elements heggr "birdcherry tree" and viðr "forest, wood, tree".
Hæilfúss m Old Norse
Derived from the Germanic name elements heill "good luck" and fúss "willing, eager".
Hæilgæirr m Old Norse
Derived from Old Norse heilagr "holy" and geirr "spear".
Hæimkæll m Old Norse
Derived from Old Norse heimr "home, house" and ketill "cauldron hat", "helmet".
Haelee f English
Variant of Hayley.
Haeley f English
Variant of Hayley.