Browse Submitted Names

This is a list of submitted names in which the person who added the name is Nienna9.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Abdi-milkutti m Phoenician
Possibly deriving in part from the Phoenician element 𐤌𐤋𐤊 mlk ("king"). Name borne by a King of Sidon who rebelled against Assyrian rule.
Abimilki m Phoenician
Means "my father is king", deriving in part from the Phoenician element 𐤌𐤋𐤊 mlk ("king"). Name borne by a prince of Tyre known from his correspondance with Akenhaten, recorded in the Amarna letters.
Abnātu f Babylonian
Means "precious stone", deriving from the Akkadian word aban nisiqtu ("a choice stone, a precious stone, a gem").
Acamapichtli m Nahuatl, Aztec
Means "a handful of reed arrows". Name borne by several rulers of Tenochtitlan.
Achuvesr m Etruscan Mythology
Of uncertain etymology. Name borne by a deity associated with the goddess Turan.
Adad-guppi f Babylonian
Means "Adad has saved", possibly deriving from the Old Akkadian element gamalum ("to save"). Name borne by a prominent priestess of the moon god Sin.
Adamma f Hurrian Mythology, Semitic Mythology
Etymology uncertain, possibly deriving from the Eblaite element ʾdm ("blood, red"). Name borne by a goddess of the Eblaite pantheon who was later incorporated into the Hurrian pantheon.
Aeji f Korean
From Sino-Korean 愛 (ae) meaning "love, affection" and 智 (ji) meaning "wisdom, intellect" or 地 (ji) meaning "earth, soil, ground". Other hanja character combinations are possible.
Ae-shim f Korean
From Sino-Korean 愛 (ae) meaning "love, affection" and 沈 (sim) meaning "sink, submerge, addicted to". Other hanja combinations are possible.
Agušaya f Akkadian, Near Eastern Mythology
Means "the whirling dancer", deriving from the Akkadian words gâšum ("to dance") and gūštum ("dance"). Attested as an epithet for Ishtar in the Hymn of Agushaya.
Ahāssunu f Babylonian
Means "their sister", deriving from the Akkadian element aḫātu ("sister") combined with the suffix -(aš)šunu ("for them (masculine plural), to them, towards them"),
Ahatmilku f Ancient Near Eastern
Possibly means "sister of the king" in Amorite. Name borne by a princess of Amurru (fl. 1265 BCE), who would go on to become queen of Ugarit (modern day Ras Shamna in Northern Syria) as the wife of King Niqmepa.
Ahkal m Classic Mayan
Possibly means "turtle", deriving from the Classic Maya element ahk-al. This was occasionally used as an element in the names of Maya royalty.
Akurgal m Sumerian
Means "descendant of the great mountain", deriving from the Sumerian elements 𒀀 a ("offspring, father"), 𒆳 kur ("mountain, highland"), and 𒃲 gal ("large, mighty, great")... [more]
Alākšu-lūmur f Babylonian
Means "may I see his path", deriving from the Akkadian element alaktu ("the route,the journey (of gods, of people)").
Allaituraḫḫi f Hurrian
Possibly deriving in part from the Hurrian element allai=ni ("lady, mistress"). Name borne by a Hittite ritual practitioner, likely of Hurrian origin, known from several texts that bear her name.
Ama-e f Sumerian
Possibly deriving in part from the Sumerian element ama ("mother"). Name borne by a Sumerian businesswoman who lived during the reign of Sargon of Akkad.
Amanikhatashan f Meroitic
May derive from the Egyptian god of the sun Amun. Name borne by a Kandake of Kush who ruled between 50 CE and 62 CE.
Amanipilade f Meroitic
May derive from name of the Egyptian god Amun. Name borne by the last reigning Kandake of Kush, who ruled between 308-320 CE.
Amanirenas f Meroitic
Meaning uncertain. Name borne by a reigning Kandake of Kush between 40 BCE and 10 BCE, who famously lead Kushite armies in a war against Rome from 27 BCE to 22 BCE. It is likely she was a ruling queen, as her full title was "Amnirense qore li kdwe li" ("Ameniras, qore and kandake")
Amanishakheto f Meroitic
Meaning uncertain. Name borne by a Kandake of Kush who ruled between 10 BCE and 1 CE. In Meroitic hieroglyphs her name is written "Amanikasheto" (Mniskhte or (Am)niskhete).
Amanitaraqide f Meroitic
Meaning uncertain. Possibly means "begotten of Amun", deriving from the Meroitic element terike ("to beget") and Amun, the Egyptian god of the sun and air... [more]
Amanitore f Meroitic
Meaning uncertain. Name borne by a Kandake of Kush. Amanitore is often mentioned in contemporary texts as being a co-regent with Natakamani, who was the son of Amanishakheto.
Amaśilu m Old Celtic
Of uncertain etymology, possibly deriving from the Lepontic element *amb-aχto ("servant") combined with the patronymic suffix -ilo.
Amat-nanāya f Babylonian
Means "servant of Nanaya", deriving from the Akkadian element amtu ("woman servant").
Amat-nanāya-qerbet f Babylonian
Means "the servant of Nanaya is at hand" deriving from the Akkadian elements amtu ("woman servant") and qereb ("close ,near ,at hand ,within reach").
Amat-ninlil f Babylonian
Means "servant of Ninlil", deriving from the Akkadian element amtu ("woman servant").
Amat-tasmetu f Babylonian
Means "servant of Tashmetum", deriving from the Akkadian element amtu ("woman servant").
Amiltu f Babylonian
Means "servant woman", deriving from the Akkadian element amtu ("woman servant").
Amminaya f Hittite
Meaning unknown. Name borne by a Hittite queen, who is known only from a mention in a single document (KBo XIX 84,7). Her spouse is unknown, however some historians theorize that she was married to Arnuwanda II.
Ammurapi m Ancient Semitic
Of uncertain etymology. Name borne by the last king of Ugarit, known from a letter he wrote to the king of Alashiya pleading for military aid during an invasion.
Amoashtart f Phoenician (Latinized)
Means "Astarte is my mother". Name borne by a queen of Sidon.
Androniqi f Albanian
Albanian borrowing of Androniki.
Ankhnesneferibre f Ancient Egyptian
From Egyptian ꜥnḫ-n.s-nfr-jb-rꜥ meaning "Neferibre lives for her", derived from ankh "life" combined with n "to, for, because of; belonging to", .s "she, her, hers", and Neferibre, the throne name of pharaoh Psamtik II... [more]
Anniwiyanni f Hittite
Of uncertain etymology. Name borne by the mother of an augur, known from a text detailing a fertility ritual involving burying clay birds on the steppe.
Annunitum f Near Eastern Mythology, Akkadian
Means "the skirmisher" or "the martial one". This was an epithet of Ishtar in her capacity as a war goddess. Later in the Sargonic period, Annunitum became a distinct deity in her own right.
Apayauq f & m Inupiat
Meaning unknown, name borne by Apayauq Reitan, the first trans woman to compete in the Iditarod (a long distance dog sledge race from Alaska to Nome).
Arsay f Semitic Mythology, Ugaritic Mythology
Means "earthy", deriving from the Ugaritic element ‘arṣ ("earth, underworld"), combined with the feminine suffix y. Although her role is unknown, it is theorised that she was an underworld goddess... [more]
Artimpasa f Scythian, Mythology, Scythian Mythology
Likely deriving from the name of the goddess Arti, with the elements paya ("pasture") and pati ("lord") (both of which stem from a common root). This was the name of a major Scythian goddess of fertility, warfare, and sovereignty... [more]
Āryawarme m Tocharian
Possibly deriving from the Sanskrit elements ārya (“noble”), and varman ("armour, protection").
Asītu-tabni f Ancient Assyrian, Babylonian
Means "you created the tower", deriving from the Akkadian elements atti ("thou, you") and banû ("to create, to build").
Aškašepa m Hittite Mythology
Means "genius of the gate/door", deriving from the Hittite element aška ("door"). Aškašepa is thought to have been a deified mountain, worshipped in Kanesh and Hattusa. He was a major member of the Hittite pantheon.
Ašmu-nikal f Hittite
While the meaning is unknown, the second element likely derives from Nikkal, a Hittite goddess derived from the Sumerian Ningal.
Ašratum f Near Eastern Mythology
A cognate of the Ugaritic Asherah. Name borne by an Amorite goddess who was likely derived from the same source as Asherah, however she came to occupy her own distinct position in the Amorite pantheon... [more]
Āsugīsalaz m Old Norse
Deriving from the Germanic elements ansu- ("god") and gīslaz ("hostage"). This name is part of an inscription in Proto-Norse on Kragehul I, a lance-shaft from Denmark that has been dated to between 200 and 475 CE.
Athiratu f Ugaritic Mythology, Semitic Mythology
Ugaritic form of Asherah. She was worshipped under this name at her cult center in the city of Ugarit.
Atotoztli f Nahuatl, Aztec
Means "water parrot", deriving from the Nahuatl elements atl ("water, a body of water") and toztli ("yellow parrot"). Name borne by an Aztec queen that possibly ruled as tlatoani (ruler of a city-state) in her own right.
Ayauhcihuatl f Nahuatl, Aztec
Etymology uncertain, possibly deriving in part from the Classical Nahuatl elements ayahuitl ("fog") and cihuatl ("woman, wife"). Name borne by an Empress of Tenochtitlan (fl. 1400).
Ayu-ikalti f Hurrian Mythology
The Hurrian name for the Sumerian sun goddess Aya 3, who was incorporated into the Hurrian pantheon. This name likely derives from the phrase Aya kallatu, meaning "Aya, the bride".
Ayuush m & f Mongolian
Possibly derived from Sanskrit आयुष (ayusa) meaning "long life" (compare Ayush).
Azayamankawin f Sioux
Means "berry picker". Name borne by a Mdewakanton Dakota woman, known for running a ferry service in St Paul Minnesota, and for sitting for many photographic portraits.
Bahlam m Classic Mayan
Means "jaguar", deriving from the Classic Maya element balam ("jaguar"). This was used as a name element by Classic Maya royalty.
Banât-esagil f Babylonian
Means "Esagil is beautiful", deriving from the Akkadian element banûtu ("beauty").
Banitu f Ancient Assyrian
Of unknown etymology. Possibly derived from either Akkadian banītu meaning "beautiful", or bānītu (also Akkadian), meaning "divine Creatress". Banitu was a queen of the Neo Assyrian empire circa 729 BCE.
Bara-irnun f Sumerian
Etymology uncertain, possibly deriving in part from the Sumerian element bára, meaning "throne dais, ruler". Name borne by a queen of the city of Umma (fl. 2400 BCE).
Baranamtarra f Sumerian
Etymology unknown, possibly deriving from Sumerian elements nam meaning "(area of) responsibility; destiny, fate, lot" and tar meaning "deliberate, judicious". Name borne by a queen of Lagash (circa 2384 BCE), known for her involvement in the trade of wool, silver, and bronze between Lagash, Dilmun, and Umma.
Barangaroo f Indigenous Australian
Of uncertain etymology. Name borne by an Eora woman of the Cammeraygal clan (fl. 1780s).
Bašmu m Near Eastern Mythology, Sumerian Mythology
Means "venomous snake", possibly deriving from the Sumerian elements muš ("snake, reptile") and ("venom, poison"). Name borne by a figure from Mesopotamian mythology, a horned snake with two forelegs and wings.
Batkhuyag m & f Mongolian
From Mongolian бат (batu) meaning "strong, firm" and хуяг (khuyag) meaning "armour" or "warder, overseer".
Bēl-bullissu m Babylonian
Means "Bel, keep him alive", deriving from the Akkadian element balāṭu ("to revive ; to keep alive, healthy").
Bēleta f Babylonian
Means "lady", deriving from the Akkadian element bēltu ("lady, mistress").
Bēlet-bābili f Babylonian, Akkadian, Near Eastern Mythology
Means "lady of Babylon", deriving from the Akkadian element belet (mistress, lady). This was a Babylonian name for the goddess Ishtar. Ishtar was worshipped under this name in the temple of Eturkalamma.
Bēlet-balāṭi f Near Eastern Mythology, Akkadian
Means "mistress of life", deriving from the Akkadian elements bēlet ("mistress or lady") and balāṭu ("life, vigour, good health"). This was possibly an Akkadian name for the goddess Nungal.
Belet-eanna f Near Eastern Mythology, Akkadian
An Akkadian name for the goddess Inanna, specifically in her capacity as Inanna of Uruk. Likely derives in part from the Akkadian belet ("mistress or lady").
Belet-ekallim f Near Eastern Mythology, Akkadian
Means "Mistress of the Palace", from Akkadian element belet ("mistress or lady"). This was the Akkadian name for the Sumerian goddess Ninegal.
Belet-nagar f Akkadian, Near Eastern Mythology
Means "Mistress of Nagar" (an ancient city in Syria), from the Akkadian element belet (meaning "mistress or lady"). Belet-Nagar was a tutelary goddess associated with kingship. She was possibly an Akkadian equivalent to the Hittite goddess Nabarbi.
Belet-ninua f Akkadian, Near Eastern Mythology
Means "Lady of Nineveh", deriving from Akkadian elements belet ("lady") and ninua (likely an Akkadian form of Nineveh).
Belet-uruk-atkal f Babylonian
Means "I trusted in the Lady of Uruk", deriving from the Akkadian element belet ("mistress, lady").
Bēl-ṣarbi m Near Eastern Mythology, Akkadian
Means "lord of the poplar", deriving from the Akkadian elements bēlu ("boss, chief, master, lord") and ṣarbat (deriving from a place name, that presumably later became associated with groves of trees... [more]
Bilegsaikhan m & f Mongolian
From Mongolian билэг (bileg) meaning "gift, talent" and сайхан (saikhan) meaning "nice, beautiful, handsome".
Birtum m Near Eastern Mythology
Means "fetter" or "shackle". Birtum was an underworld god, regarded as the husband of Nungal.
Bissāya f Babylonian
Of as yet unknown etymology, this name is attested several times in various Babylonian legal records from the Late Assyrian period.
Bizilla f Near Eastern Mythology, Sumerian Mythology
Possibly means "she who is pleasing". Bizilla was a love goddess considered to be the "sukkal" (vizier deity) for the goddess Ninlil. She is occasionally counted among the courtiers of Inanna, and is also closely associated with Nanaya.
Buluqhan f Medieval Mongolian
Means "sable", deriving from the Mongolian element bulga ("sable").
Buyinzhu f Manchu
Of uncertain etymology, name borne by a Noble Lady (6th rank consort) of the Kangxi emperor. She was the sister of Nalanzhu.
Cacamacihuatl f Nahuatl, Aztec
Etymology uncertain, possibly from the Classical Nahuatl elements cacamatl "small corncobs, small ears of corn" and cihuatl "woman, wife". Name borne by a queen of Tenochtitlan.
Camadevi f History
Etymology uncertain. Name borne by a queen of Hariphunchai (an ancient Mon kingdom, which is part of modern-day Thailand).
Chae-hyun f Korean
From Sino-Korean 采 (chae) meaning "collect, gather, pluck" or 彩 (chae) meaning "colour", and 賢 (hyeon) meaning "virtuous, worthy, able". Other hanja combinations are also possible.
Checheikhen f Medieval Mongolian
Of uncertain etymology. Name borne by a daughter of Genghis Khan and his first wife Börte.
Chiomara f Old Celtic, Galatian
Meaning uncertain, possibly deriving in part from the Galatian element *māro- ("great"). Name borne by a Galatian noblewoman in the 2nd century BCE.
Chuldu f Ancient Aramaic
Meaning uncertain. Name borne by a Nabatean queen who ruled alongside her husband Aretas IV.
Coquannathacka m Indigenous American, Yavapai
Means "green leaves" in Yavapai. Name borne by a Yavapé Yavapai leader.
Dadhikra m Sanskrit
Possibly deriving from the Sanskrit elements दधि (dadhi), meaning "thickened milk, curd" and kri, meaning "to scatter". This possibly refers to the effect of the morning sun on dew... [more]
Daduhepa f Hittite
Of uncertain etymology, although the second element of the name (hepa) likely derives from the Hurrian sun goddess Ḫepat. Name borne by a Hittite queen who was possibly the wife of Tudhaliya I. She is known to have occupied the role of Tawananna (ruling queen) during the reign of Šuppiluliuma I, who is thought to have been her son.
Dalilu-essu m Babylonian
Means "new praise", deriving from the Akkadian elements dalīlu ("praise, thanks") and eššu ("new, modern").
Damqāya f Babylonian
Means "good", deriving from the Akkadian element damqu ("good, pretty, nice").
Danuhepa f Hittite
Etymology uncertain. The second element of the name (hepa) likely derives from the Hurrian sun goddess Ḫepat. Danuhepa was a Hittite queen who was likely the wife of Mursili II.
Dilbat f Near Eastern Mythology
Means "the planet Venus". This was an epithet for Ishtar, attested in the Babylonian text, "The Cuthean Legend of Naram-Sin".
Djeseretnebti f Ancient Egyptian
Possibly derived from ḏsr.t-nbtj meaning "the holy one of the Two Ladies", derived from ḏsr "holy, sacred" combined with the feminine suffix t and the dual form of nbt "lady, mistress", referring to the dual goddesses Wadjet and Nekhbet... [more]
Dobrodeia f Medieval Ukrainian, History
Dobrodeia of Kiev (died 16 November 1131), was a Rus' princess, spouse of the Byzantine co-emperor Alexios Komnenos, and author on medicine.
Duleima f Medieval Mongolian
Of uncertain etymology, this was the personal name of one of the wives of Hooge.
Dumqišu-āmur f Babylonian
Means "I saw his goodness", from the Akkadian elements damqu ("good, pretty, nice"), iššû ("his, hers"), and amāru ("to see (someone, something)").
Ea-niša f Sumerian, Ancient Near Eastern
Of uncertain etymology, possibly deriving from the name of the god Ea 1, and the Sumerian element nisig ("beautiful, blue, green")... [more]
Eḫli-nikkal f Ancient Near Eastern, Hurrian, Hittite
Means "let Nikkal keep safe", deriving from the name of the goddess Nikkal, and the Hurrian element eġl=i ("to keep safe"). This name was borne by a Hittite princess, who was likely the daughter of Tudhaliya IV.
Ehyophsta f Cheyenne
Means "yellow-haired woman". Name borne by a Cheyenne woman who fought in the Battle of Beecher Island.
Ekʼ f Classic Mayan
Means "star", deriving from the Classic Maya element ek’ ("star").
Ekʼ-naah f Classic Mayan
Means "star house", deriving from the Classic Maya elements ek' ("star") and na' ("house, structure"). Name borne by a prominent Maya queen of Kaan (fl. 520 CE).
Enlil-nadin-apli m Babylonian
Means "Enlil (is) giver of an heir". Name borne by the fifth king of the 2nd dynasty of Isin, who ruled from c. 1099–1096 BC.
Enshakushanna m Sumerian
Possibly deriving from Sumerian elements en meaning "dignitary; lord; high priest", ur-saĝ meaning "hero, warrior" and an meaning "sky, heaven; the god An"... [more]
Entemena m Sumerian
Of uncertain etymology, possibly deriving in part from the Sumerian element en, meaning "lord, high priest, dignitary". Name borne by a king of Lagash, notable for being named in the earliest known peace treaty between two kings.
Esagilāya f Babylonian
Means "of Esagil". Esagil was a temple dedicated to the god Marduk.
Esharra-hammat f Ancient Assyrian
From from Akkadian elements ešarra (the name of a temple), and ḫammat meaning "mistress". Possibly means, "In Ešarra, she is mistress". Name of a queen of the Neo-Assyrian empire (c... [more]
Eshmunazar m Phoenician
Meaning "Eshmun helps" (Eshmun was a Phoenician god of healing and the tutelary god of Sidon). Name borne by two kings of Sidon.
Gabbi-ina-qātē f Babylonian
Means "In the hands (of the gods) is totality", deriving from the Akkadian element kalû ("totality, all").
Gambara f Lombardic
Possibly derives from the Old High German *gand-bera or gand-bara meaning "wand-bearer" (a term for seeresses or women that made prophecies). Another possible origin is from the Old High German gambar meaning "strenuous".
Gassulawiya f Hittite
Possibly means "woman of Kashulas" (a settlement in the Kashka region of the Hittite empire), deriving from the Luwian element wiya ("woman").
Geme-ninlilla f Sumerian, Ancient Near Eastern
Of uncertain etymology, however the last element is likely derived from the goddess Ninlil. Geme-Ninlilla was a wife of King Shulgi during the final years of his reign.
Genepil f Mongolian
Of uncertain etymology, possibly deriving in part from the Mongolian element гэнэн (genen) meaning "innocent, naive, fond". This was the regnal name of the last queen concert of Mongolia, born Tseyenpil.
Ḫabūrītum f Hurrian Mythology
Etymology uncertain, possibly means either "the one from Ḫabura" (a name borne by several settlements in ancient Mesopotamia and Anatolia) or "the one from the Khabur river". Name borne by a river goddess worshipped as part of the Hurrian pantheon.
Haiyang m & f Chinese
From Chinese 海 (hǎi) meaning "sea, ocean" combined with 洋 (yáng) meaning "ocean" or 阳 (yáng) meaning "light, sun, male"... [more]
Harapšeki f Hittite
Meaning uncertain, possibly derived in part from the Hittite element ḫāran ("eagle"). Name borne by a Hittite queen (fl. 15th century BCE).
Ḫarapšili f Hittite
Meaning uncertain, possibly derived in part from the Hittite element ḫāran ("eagle"). Name borne by a Hittite queen (fl. circa 1550 BCE).
Ḫaštayar f Hittite
Of uncertain etymology. Name borne by a Hittite noblewoman who was speculated to be either a daughter or a wife of Hattusili I.
Hattusa-ziti m Hittite
Possibly means "man from Hattusa", deriving from the Luwian element ziti ("man"). The city of Hattusa was a major political center for the Hittite Empire. Name borne by an envoy of Suppiluliuma I, who was sent to the court of the Egyptian queen Ankhesenamun.
Ḫenti f Hittite
Meaning uncertain, name borne by a Hittite queen who was the first wife of King Suppiluliuma I.
Ḫepat f Hurrian Mythology
Means "She of Halab". Ḫepat was the mother goddess of the Hurrian people. Her name occurs frequently as an element of personal names, examples being the names Puduḫepa, and Tadukhipa.
Hetephernebti f Ancient Egyptian
From Egyptian ḥtp-ḥr-nb.ti, derived from ḥtp "peace, satisfaction", ḥr "face", and the royal title nbtj meaning "the Two Ladies (Wadjet and Nekhbet)" (see nbt "lady, mistress").
Hinook-Mahiwi-Kalinaka f Indigenous American, Ho-Chunk
Means "fleecy cloud floating in place" in the Ho-Chunk language. This was the Ho-Chunk name of painter and teacher Angel De Cora Dietz.
Ḫišamītum f Near Eastern Mythology, Semitic Mythology
Means "Lady of Ḫišamta" (a city in the kingdom of Mari), utilising the Akkadian feminine suffix tum. Name borne by the tutelary goddess of Ḫišamta, who is thought to have been a localised adaptation of Ishtar.
Hoelun f Medieval Mongolian
Etymology uncertain. Name borne by an Olkhonud woman, who was the mother of Genghis Khan.
Humbaba m Sumerian Mythology, Near Eastern Mythology
Of uncertain etymology. Name borne by a figure from Mesopotamian mythology, whose name has been attested both with and without the dingir 𒀭 (a determinative sign written before the names of gods and goddesses)... [more]
Hutellura f Hurrian Mythology
Likely means "midwife", deriving from the Hurrian hutelluri. Hutellura was a goddess of fate, and a divine midwife. In her role as a divine midwife she is closely associated with Hutena.
Hutena f Near Eastern Mythology, Hurrian Mythology
Likely derived from the Hurrian ḫut, which has been translated as both "to favour" and "to raise". Hutena was a goddess of fate in Hurrian mythology, and was also a divine midwife. In her role as a divine midwife, she is associated closely with Hutellura.
Ḫuwaššanna f Hittite Mythology, Luwian Mythology
Of uncertain etymology. Name borne by a goddess worshipped as part of the Hittite and Luwian pantheons. Her main centers of worship were in Ḫupišna and Kuliwišna.
Huzālu m Babylonian
Means "gazelle", deriving from the Akkadian ḫuzālu ("gazelle kid").
Hyang-sim f Korean
Possibly deriving from the Sino-Korean elements 香 (hyang "fragrant, sweet-smelling, incense") and 沈 (sim "sink, submerge, addicted to"). Other hanja combinations are possible.
Hye-young f Korean
From Sino-Korean 惠 (hye) meaning "benefit, to confer kindness" or 慧 (hye) meaning "bright, intelligent" and 英 (young) meaning " petal, flower, leaf". Other hanja combinations are possible.
Iaba f Ancient Aramaic
Possibly derives from one of the following West Semitic elements: yph ("beautiful"), nby ("to name") or yhb ("to give"). Name borne by an Assyrian queen, who was possibly of Aramean origin.
Ibaqa f Medieval Mongolian
Etymology uncertain, name borne by a Kerait princess that became a wife of Genghis Khan. He divorced her after two years of marriage, and she remarried to the general Jürchedei.
Illuyanka m Near Eastern Mythology, Hittite Mythology
Likely means "snake", from Proto-Indo-European elements *h₁illu- and *h₂engʷeh₂. Illuyanka was the name of a serpentine dragon in Hittite mythology, who was slain by the sky god Tarhunz... [more]
Ina-egasil-ramat f Babylonian
Means "She dwells in Esagil". Name borne by the mother of Nupta, who was the wife of Itti-marduk-balatu... [more]
Ina-eturkalamma-alsišu f Babylonian
Means "In Eturkalamma, I called out to him", deriving from the Akkadian element šasû ("to shout, to call for"). Eturkalamma was a temple to Ishtar in Babylon, where she was worshipped as Bēlet-bābili.
Ina-ṣilli-esabad f Babylonian
Means "In the protection of Esabad" (the temple of the medicine goddess Gula), from the Akkadian ina ṣilli ("under the aegis of, in shadow, in the shade").
Inbāya f Babylonian
Means "fruit", deriving from the Akkadian inbu ("fruit").
Inenek f Ancient Egyptian
Meaning uncertain, name borne by a queen consort of Pharoah Pepi I.
Inseon f Korean
Deriving from the Sino-Korean elements 仁 (in), meaning "benevolence, kindness, humaneness", and 善 (seon) meaning "good, virtuous, charitable, kind" or 仙 (seon) meaning "immortal, transcendent, Taoist super-being"... [more]
Inzak m Semitic Mythology
Of uncertain origin, this was the name of one of the main gods worshipped in Dilmun. A proposed etymology is from the Sumerian nin-za-ak ("lord of the beads"), however this is disputed.
Irandokht f Iranian
Likely using the suffix -dokht, meaning "daughter". This was the name of a princess of the Qajar dynasty.
Iršappa m Hurrian Mythology, Semitic Mythology
The Hurrian name for the god Resheph. He was worshipped under this name in the Hurrian pantheon and was regarded as a god of commerce and the marketplace.
Ištapariya f Hittite
Possibly deriving from the Luwian element tapar, meaning "strong, mighty". Name borne by a Hittite queen (fl. 15th Century BCE), who was possibly of Luwian origin. Queen Ištapariya was assassinated during a period of political intrigue by rivals to her husband's throne.
Itti-marduk-balatu m Babylonian
Means "With Marduk there is life". Name borne by a king of the 2nd dynasty of Isin, who ruled c. 1135–1128 BC.
Iyarri m Near Eastern Mythology, Hittite Mythology, Luwian Mythology
Meaning uncertain. Iyarri was a god of plague and war in both the Hittite and Luwian pantheons. He is known from oaths sworn in the in the Šuppiluliuma-Šattiwazza treaty, where he is depicted as a man standing on the back of a lion.
Jerjer f Medieval Mongolian
Possibly meaning "lady" or "beauty". This was the personal name of one of the wives of Hong Taiji. She was later given the posthumous name Empress Xiaoduanwen.
Jirgalang m Manchu
Of uncertain etymology, this was the name of a prominent Manchu leader (1599-1655).
Kabtāya f Babylonian
Means "honoured", deriving from the Akkadian element kabātu ("to be honored, shown respect").
Kammamma f Hittite Mythology, Hattian Mythology
Of uncertain etymology. Name borne by a goddess considered to be the daughter of the storm god Tarhunna. She was possibly associated with magic, as one of her known epithets is ḫašawanz ("sorceress").
Kamrušepa f Hittite Mythology, Near Eastern Mythology, Luwian Mythology
Meaning uncertain. Kamrušepa was a Hittite goddess of medicine and magic, who was also worshipped as part of the Luwian pantheon during the Bronze age. She seems to have been associated with the Mesopotamian goddess Gula.
Karangarang f Indigenous Australian
Possibly means "pelican", deriving from the Dharug word karranga-ba ("pelican"). Name borne by a prominent Eora woman (1771-1837).
Kataḫziwuri f Near Eastern Mythology, Hattian Mythology
Possibly deriving from the Hattian elements kattaḫ ("queen") and wur ("country). Name borne by a Hattian and Palaic goddess known from texts surrounding purification and building rituals... [more]
Katešḫapi m & f Hittite
Means "King of the Gods", from the Hittite elements katte ("king") and ašḫab ("god"). The name of a Hittite god, which was also borne by a queen of the Middle Kingdom period of the Hittite empire, who is known only from fragmentary documents... [more]
Kattaḫḫa f Hittite Mythology, Hattian Mythology
Likely deriving from the Hattic word kattaḫ ("queen"), this theonym was applied to several goddesses, the most prominent of whom was the tutelary goddess of the city of Ankuwa. She is listed alongside other 'queen goddesses' in treaties, such as Ḫuwaššanna.
Khawisara f Thai
Possibly means "great poet", deriving from จอม (jom), meaning "top, highest point, peak" and กวี (gà-wee), meaning "poet, bard".
Khutulun f Medieval Mongolian
Of uncertain etymology, name borne by a Mongol noblewoman renowned for her athletic prowess and strength in battle (c.1260 - c.1306).
Kiaše m Hurrian Mythology
Means "sea", deriving from the ordinary Hurrian noun. Name borne by a Hurrian deity that represented the sea, who was also worshipped in Ugarit and Alalakh. He was often seen as an ally of the god Kumarbi.
Kiluš-ḫepa f Hittite
Possibly means "Messenger of Ḫepat" deriving from the Hattic element kiluḫ ("spy, scout, messenger"), with the second element hepa likely deriving from the name of the Hurrian sun goddess Hepat... [more]
Kinnaru m Ugaritic Mythology, Semitic Mythology
Possibly meaning "lyre", from the Ugaritic word knr. As this word is used in both reference to the stringed instrument, and to the god Kinnaru, it is thought that Kinnaru was a deification of the lyre.
Konzapeas m Ancient Near Eastern (Hellenized)
Hellenized variant of the Luwian name Kwanza-piya attested from Isauria during the classical period.
Kośio m Old Celtic
A Lepontic name deriving from the Proto-Celtic element *gostiyos ("guest").
Kothar-wa-khasis m Semitic Mythology, Ugaritic Mythology
Means "skillful and wise". Name borne by an Ugaritic god of craftsmanship and magic. Some academics consider him to be equivalent to the Greek god Hephaestus.
Kubaba f Hurrian Mythology
Of unknown etymology. Kubaba (kug-ba-u) was the name of minor Hurro-Hittite goddess. A Sumerian queen that ruled in the Early Dynastic III (ca. 2500–2330 BC) period of Sumer, also went by this name... [more]
Kuilix f Indigenous American, Salishan
Means "red one" or "red shirt". Name borne by a Kalispel woman (fl. 1832) who led a band of warriors.
Kuišḫamaššani f Near Eastern Mythology, Luwian Mythology
Means "any god", deriving from the Luwian word maššan(i) ("god"). Name borne by a goddess of the Luwian pantheon, who was often depicted holding grapes.
Kulaprabhavati f Khmer (Archaic, ?), Sanskrit
Meaning uncertain, possibly deriving in part from the Sanskrit element कुल (kula) meaning "family". Name borne by a ruling queen of Funan (present day Cambodia), who ruled from 514-517 CE.
Kurmanjan f Kyrgyz
Meaning uncertain. Name borne by a prominent Kyrgyz politician (1811-1907) who served as Datka (governer) of Alai from 1862 until her death.
Kurunnītu f Akkadian, Near Eastern Mythology
Likely means "high quality beer", deriving from the Akkadian kurunnum (itself a derivation of the Sumerian kurun). Name borne by an Akkadian goddess, likely equivalent to the Sumerian goddess of beer Ninkasi.
Kurunnitu-sarrat f Akkadian, Ancient Assyrian
Possibly means "Kurunnitu is queen", derived from the goddess Kurunnītu, and šarrat ("queen").
Kurunnitu-tabni f Akkadian, Ancient Assyrian
Possibly means "Kurunnitu is our comrade", derived from the name of the goddess Kurunnītu, and the Akkadian elements tappa-um ("comrade") and ni ("our").
Kurunta m Hittite Mythology
Possibly deriving from the Proto-Indo-European root *kerh ("horn"). Name borne by a Hittite god of hunting and wild animals, who was often associated with deer. A possible Luwian origin has been proposed for Kurunta, by way of the god Runtiya entering the Hittite pantheon, however this is disputed.
Kuwannaniya f Near Eastern Mythology, Hittite Mythology
Of uncertain etymology, possibly deriving in part from the Hittite element kuu̯an ("woman"). Kuwannaniya was a Hittite goddess of spring, possibly related to a specific sacred space (known as loci numinosi).
Kwanza-piya m Ancient Near Eastern, Luwian
Means "gift of the Kwanza (goddesses of fate in the Luwian pantheon)", deriving from the Luwian element pi-i-ya ("to give").
Kyung-ae f Korean
Deriving from the Sino-Korean elements 敬 (kyung) meaning "respect, honour, respectfully" or 景 (kyung) meaning "scenery, view", and 愛 (ae) meaning "love, be fond of, like"... [more]
Kyungri f Korean
From Sino-Korean 京 (gyeong) meaning "capital city" or 敬 (gyeong) meaning "respect, honour" and 利 (gains, advantage, profit, merit). Other hanja character combinations are possible.... [more]
Kyungwon f & m Korean
From Sino-Korean 京 (gyeong) meaning "capital city", 卿 (gyeong) "noble", 耿 (gyeong) "bright, shining", or 敬 (gyeong) meaning "respect, honour" combined with 原 (won) meaning "source, origin, beginning"... [more]
Labbatu f Near Eastern Mythology, Akkadian
Means "lioness", deriving from the Akkadian lābatu ("lioness"). This is attested as an alternate name for Ishtar in an Eblaite god list.
Lamashtu f Near Eastern Mythology, Akkadian
Possibly means "she who erases", deriving from the Akkadian element pašāṭu ("to erase"). Name borne by a female demon thought to menace women during childbirth. Since her name was written with the symbol 𒀭 (dingir, used to signify the name of a deity), and she is described as acting malevolently of her own accord (rather than at the direction of the gods), it is hypothesised that she was a goddess or demigoddess in her own right.
Lammašaga f Sumerian Mythology
Means "the good Lamma (a kind of protector spirit)", deriving from the Sumerian element šag ("sweet, good, pleasant"). Name borne by a sukkal (vizier deity) of the goddess Bau.
Laṣ f Near Eastern Mythology, Sumerian Mythology
Of unknown etymology, possibly deriving from an unrecorded Semitic language. Laṣ was considered to be the wife of the Sumerian god Nergal, as she is listed as such in the Weidner god list... [more]
Lelluri f Hurrian Mythology
Of unknown meaning, however the name is linked to several other names in Hurrian mythology by the suffix -luri. Lelluri was a Hurrian goddess of mountains.
Libbali-sharrat f Ancient Assyrian
Possibly derived from the Akkadian elements libbāli meaning "inner city" (possibly an epithet of the goddess Ishtar) and šarratum, meaning "queen".
Lipoxšaya m Scythian, Mythology, Scythian Mythology
Possibly means "the king of heaven". This name is borne by one of the sons of Targitaos and the Snake-Legged Goddess in one of Herodotus' recordings of the Scythian genealogical myth.
Lkhamdegd f Mongolian
From Tibetan ལྷ་མོ (lha mo) meaning "goddess, fairy" (see Lhamo) and Mongolian дэгд (degd) meaning "gentian (flower)".
Lugal-irra m Near Eastern Mythology
Possibly means "mighty lord", deriving in part from the Sumerian element 𒈗 (lugal), meaning "king, owner, master". Name borne by Mespotamian god who, along with his twin brother Meslamta-ea, was thought of as a guardian of doorways... [more]
Lugal-kinishe-dudu m Sumerian
Etymology uncertain, likely deriving in part from the Sumerian element lugal ("master, king"). Name borne by a king of Uruk and Ur who ruled at the end of the 25th century BCE.
Lugal-kisalsi m Sumerian
Possibly deriving from Sumerian element lugal, meaning "king, owner, master", and tar " to cut; to decide". Name of a King of Uruk and Ur (some contemporary sources also place him as King of Kish), circa 2400 BCE.
Lugalsilâsi m Sumerian
Means "The lord fills the streets", deriving from the Sumerian elements 𒈗 lugal ("king, master, lord"), 𒋻𒋛 silâ ("street, path"), and 𒋛 si ("to fill up")... [more]
Lurindu f Babylonian
Means "pomegranate", from the Akkadian lurintu ("a pomegranate").
Maaxiiriwia f Indigenous American, Hidatsa
Means "buffalo bird woman". Name borne by a Hidatsa woman known for maintaining many aspects of the traditional Hidatsa lifestyle, including gardening and cooking.
Maḫdianna m Sumerian Mythology
Likely meaning "lofty one from heaven", deriving from the Sumerian elements mah ("high, exalted), and 𒀭 an ("sky, heaven"). This was the Sumerian name of a Mesopotamian god of uncertain character... [more]
Maiagizis m Ojibwe
Means "right/correct sun", deriving from the Ojibwe giizis ("sun, moon, a month"). This was the Ojibwe name of Ignace Tonené, a chief of the Teme-Augama Anishnabai people.
Makata f Manchu
Of uncertain etymology, this was the personal name of Princess Wenzhuang, who was a daughter of Hong Taiji.
Mallidunna f Ancient Near Eastern, Luwian
Possibly deriving in part from the Luwian element ma-al-li ("honey"). Name borne by a ritual practitioner known from fragments of ritual tablets that bear her name.
Mammitum f Near Eastern Mythology, Sumerian Mythology
Possibly means "frost", deriving from the Akkadian element mammû ("ice, frost"). Mammitum is an underworld goddess that was associated with the god Nergal... [more]
Mandukhai f Medieval Mongolian
Of uncertain etymology, name borne by a khatun (queen) of Northern Yuan.
Mankamo f Indigenous American, Waorani
Possibly means "blackbird" in the Waorani language.
Manungal f Sumerian Mythology
Possibly means "Mother Nungal", deriving from the Sumerian element ama, and the name of the goddess Nungal. This name was most commonly used to refer to the goddess Nungal in texts written in Akkadian, and in the Emesal dialect of Sumerian.
Marduka m Ancient Near Eastern
Of uncertain etymology. Name borne by several court officials in the courts of Xerxes I and Darius, and is considered as a possible origin for the name Mordecai.
Marduk-kabit-ahheshu m Babylonian
Means "Marduk is the most important among his brothers". Name borne by the founder of the 2nd dynasty of Isin, who ruled c. 1153–1136 BC.
Marduk-shapik-zeri m Babylonian
Means "Marduk (is) outpourer of seed", deriving from the god Marduk, and the Akkadian elements šapāku ("to pour on / to lavish") and zēru ("seed ; offspring ; sown, arable land").
Maroboduus m Germanic (Latinized)
A dithematic name formed from the Germanic name elements mari "famous" and bod "ruler". The name also admits a Celtic etymology but the historical namesake was the leader of a Germanic tribe (Marcomanni).
Mašḫuiluwa m Luwian
Means "mouse" in Luwian. Name borne by a king of the Luwian kingdom of Mira, a vassal state to the Hittite empire, that married Muwatti, the sister of Mursili II.
Massanauzzi f Hittite
Means "god's wish", deriving in part from the Luwian element massanalli ("divine"). Name borne by a Hittite princess (fl. 1300s BCE), who is mentioned in correspondance between King Hattusilli II and Pharaoh Ramesses II.
Medimša f Near Eastern Mythology
Sumerian name for the Hurrian goddess Šala, meaning "possessing lovely limbs".
Mehytenweskhet f Ancient Egyptian
From Egyptian mḥy.t-n-wsḫ.t meaning "Mehyt of the broad hall". Name borne by a queen of the twenty-sixth dynasty of ancient Egypt.
Menka f Ancient Egyptian
Means "(my) ka shall be durable" or "(my) ka shall remain", derived from mn "to stay, remain; to be established, steadfast" and ka "soul". Name borne by a queen of the Second Dynasty.
Meres-nip f Ancient Egyptian
Means "beloved of Napata", from the Egyptian element mryt. Possibly the Egyptian personal name of the Nubian queen Pebatjma.
Meret-isesi f Ancient Egyptian
Means "beloved of Isesi" from Egyptian mryt and Isesi, one of the names of the Pharaoh Djedkare. Name borne by a fifth dynasty princess of Egypt (late 25th century to mid 24th century BCE).
Mernua f Meroitic
Meaning uncertain. Name borne by a Kandake of Kush (fl. 600 BCE), known solely from her burial at Meroe.
Meslamta-ea m Near Eastern Mythology
Possibly means "he who comes forth from the Meslam (the name of a temple in Kutha)". Name borne by Mespotamian god who, along with his twin brother Lugal-irra, was thought of as a guardian of doorways... [more]
Mezulla f Near Eastern Mythology, Hittite Mythology
Meaning uncertain. Name borne by a minor Hittite goddess, who was seen as the daughter of Tarhunna and the sun goddess of Arinna. She was invoked as an intermediary for her mother, and also worshipped as part of a triple deity with the sun goddess of Arinna and Zintuḫi
Miahuaxihuitl f Nahuatl, Aztec
Etymology uncertain, possibly deriving from the Classic Nahuatl elements miahuatl "the maize plant in bloom" and xihuitl "plant" or xihuitl "year". Name borne by the mother of Monteczuma I.
Milin f Thai
Unknown meaning
Mincaye m Indigenous American, Waorani
Means "wasp" in the Waorani language.
Minha f Korean
Derived from the Korean Hangul 민하 (min-ha) that can be the combination of the Korean Hanja 珉 (min) meaning "jade" or 敏 (min) meaning either "nimble; quick" or "humble; well-mannered; hardworking" combined with 河 (ha) meaning "river" or 荷 (ha) meaning either "load; to bear" and "lotus; waterlily".... [more]
Mitiarjuk f Inuit
Of uncertain etymology, name borne by a prominent Inuk author, educator and sculptor.
Miyahuaxochtzin f Nahuatl, Aztec
Etymology uncertain. Possible name elements include miyahuatl "tassel, of maize or things with a similar appearance", xōchitl "flower" and tzin "lady"... [more]
Miyatanzipa f Hittite Mythology
Means "growth genius", deriving from the Hittite element mai or miya ("to grow, to be born, to thrive"). Name borne by a minor Hittite goddess of vegetation.
Mo' m Classic Mayan
Means "macaw", deriving from the Classic Maya element mo' ("macaw"). This was a common name element used by Classic Maya royalty.
Möge f Medieval Mongolian
Of uncertain etymology, name borne by a wife of Genghis Khan, and later of his son Ögedei following Genghis's death.
Mönkhtuyaa f Mongolian
From Mongolian мөнх (mönkh) meaning "eternal, forever" and туяа (tuyaa) meaning "ray, beam (of light)".
Mönkhzayaa f & m Mongolian
From Mongolian мөнх (mönkh) meaning "eternal, forever" and заяа (zayaa) meaning "future, fortune, fate".
Mulanadiri f Near Eastern Mythology, Sumerian Mythology
Means "the ruling star of heaven", possibly deriving from the Sumerian elements mul ("star, constellation, planet"), and 𒂗 en ("to rule"). This is documented as an epithet of goddess Inanna in the god list An = Anum.
Mullissu f Near Eastern Mythology, Ancient Assyrian
Meaning uncertain. Name borne by an obscure goddess who was a consort of the god Ashur. May derive from "Mullitum", which was an epithet for the Sumerian goddess Ninlil.
Mullissu-mukannishat-Ninua f Ancient Assyrian
Etymology uncertain. A possible meaning is "Mullissu is the victor in Nineveh" (Ninua being the Akkadian form of Nineveh), deriving from the Akkadian element mukannišum ("subjugator /subduer / conqueror / victor").
Munânguri f Indigenous Australian
Of uncertain etymology, possibly deriving in part from the Dharug element guri ("ear"). Name borne by a sister of the prominent Eora leader Bennelong.
Mušmaḫḫū m Near Eastern Mythology, Sumerian Mythology
Means "distinguished/exalted serpent", deriving from the Sumerian elements muš ("snake, reptile") and mah ("high, exalted"). Name borne by a demon in Mespotamian mythology that was thought to be a hybrid of lion, serpent, and bird.
Mušuni f Hurrian Mythology
Means "she of justice", deriving from the Hurrian mušu ("just, righteous"). Name borne by a minor goddess often invoked as part of a dyad with the sun goddess Ḫepat... [more]
Mutakkil-nusku m Ancient Assyrian
Means "He whom Nusku endows with confidence". Name borne by a king of Assyria who ruled for a brief period c. 1132 BCE.
Muwatalli m Hittite
Meaning unknown. Name borne by two Hittite kings, Mutawalli I (fl. 15th century BCE), and Mutawalli II (fl. 13th century BCE).
Myeerah f & m Indigenous American
Means "walk in the water". Name borne by a Wyandot woman who played a prominent diplomatic role between the Wyandot and colonial settlers.
Myung-hee f & m Korean
From Sino-Korean 明 (myeong) meaning "bright, light, brilliant" and 姬 (hui) meaning "beauty, imperial concubine", 熙 (hui) meaning "bright, splendid", or 希 (hui) meaning "rare, hope, expect"... [more]
Nabarbi f Hurrian Mythology, Hittite Mythology
Means "she of the pasture", from the Hurrian element naw ("pasture"). Nabarbi was a major Hittite goddess associated with ritual purification, and with farming. She was also possibly worshipped as part of a dyad with the goddess Šauška.
Nadāya f Babylonian
Meaning uncertain, possibly derived from the Akkadian element nadānu ("gift, tribute, payment").
Nahb m Classic Mayan
Means "lake", deriving from the Classic Maya element nab ("lake, pool").
Nalanzhu f Manchu
Of uncertain etymology, this was the personal name of Consort Yi, a consort of the Kangxi emperor.
Nam-ra f Korean
From Sino-Korean 南 (nam) meaning "south" and 路 (ra) meaning "road, path, street; journey", or 羅 meaning "net for catching birds". Other hanja combinations are also possible.
Nanāya-kānat f Babylonian
Possibly means "Nanaya has gathered", deriving from the Akkadian element kanāšu ("to gather in (harvest, people)").
Nanaya-kesirat f Babylonian, Akkadian
Means "Nanaya is the one who compensates", deriving from the goddess Nanaya, and the Akkadian element kašāru ("to compensate, to give its due").
Nanāya-rīšat f Babylonian
Possibly means "Nanaya's joy", deriving from the Akkadian element rīšātu ("joy, happiness").
Nanseolheon f Korean (Rare, Archaic)
Deriving from the Sino-Korean elements 蘭 (nan), meaning "orchid", 雪 (seol) meaning "snow", and 軒 (heon) meaning "carriage, high, wide, balcony". This was the nomme de plume of a prominent female poet of the Joseon dynasty.
Nanyan f Chinese
From Chinese 楠 (nán) meaning "Chinese cedar" and 雁 (yàn) meaning "wild goose". Other character combinations can form this name as well.
Napir-asu f Ancient Near Eastern, Elamite
Possibly derived from the name of the Elamite god of the moon Napir. Name borne by Napir-Asu, who was the queen of Elam during the Middle Elamite period... [more]
Nasalsa f Meroitic
Meaning uncertain. Name borne by a Nubian queen who lived during the Twenty-fifth dynasty of Egypt.
Natakamani m Meroitic
Meaning uncertain. Name borne by a Qore (king) of Kush, who ruled alongside Amanitore.
Natnaree f Thai
Means "a female sage", deriving from the Thai element นักปราชญ์ (nák bpràat) meaning "philosopher; sage".
Nawidemak f Meroitic
Meaning uncertain. Name borne by a ruling Kandake of Kush, who is known from a wall relief in her burial chamber at Meroe, which shows her wearing the royal coat, sash and tasselled cord; elements more commonly associated with male rulers of Kush.
Na-woon f Korean
From Sino-Korean 娜 (na) meaning "elegant, graceful, delicate" or 那 (na) meaning "that one" and 雲 (woon) "clouds" or 芸 (woon) meaning "rue, herb to keep insects away"
Nemonte f Indigenous American, Waorani
Means "many stars" or "constellation of stars" in the Waorani language. This name is borne by a Waorani climate activist.
Nikarawa f Near Eastern Mythology, Luwian Mythology
Of uncertain etymology. Name borne by a Luwian goddess, known from various inscriptions in Carchemish. She has been linked by some scholars to the Mesopotamian goddess Ninkarrak, however this is not a universally accepted theory.
Nikkalmati f Hittite
Likely means "the wisdom of Nikkal" from the Hurrian element madi, meaning "wisdom", and Nikkal, a Hittite goddess derived from the Sumerian Ningal. Name borne by a Hittite queen (fl... [more]
Nindumgul f & m Near Eastern Mythology, Sumerian Mythology
Means "lord/lady of the mooring pole", deriving from the Sumerian element nin. Nindumgul was a sukkal (vizier deity) for the goddess Nungal.
Ninegal f Near Eastern Mythology, Sumerian Mythology
Meaning uncertain. Name borne by a minor Sumerian goddess associated with royal palaces.
Ninka'ašbaranki f Sumerian Mythology
Means "mistress who makes decisions for heaven and earth", deriving from the Sumerian elements nin ("queen, mistress, lady"), ka-aš-bar ("decision"), 𒀭 an ("heaven"), and 𒆠 ki ("earth")... [more]
Nin-kalla f Sumerian
Means "precious sister", deriving from the Sumerian elements nin ("sister") and níĝ-kal-la ("precious"). Name borne by many prominent high-status women during the Neo-Sumerian Empire.
Ninkarrak f Near Eastern Mythology
Possibly means either "Lady of Karrak" (from Sumerian element nin) or "Lady of the harbour" (from Sumerian element kar). Other Assyriologists have asserted that Ninkarrak is more likely to be a deity from a culture that pre-dated the Sumerian and Akkadian cultures, who was assimilated into Sumerian religion, meaning that her name originates from a language that is thus far unknown... [more]
Ninkasi f Near Eastern Mythology, Sumerian Mythology
Likely means "mistress of beer", derived from the Sumerian elements nin ("lady") and kaš ("beer, alcoholic beverage"). As a goddess of beer, Ninkasi was associated with the production and consumption of beer, and all of the positive and negative effects that came with it.
Ninkiaĝnuna f Sumerian Mythology
Means "mistress beloved by the prince", deriving from the Sumerian elements nin ("queen, mistress, lady"), ki-áĝ ("beloved"), and nun ("prince, noble")... [more]
Ninkusi f Sumerian Mythology, Near Eastern Mythology
Means "lady of gold", deriving from the Sumerian elements nin ("lady or mistress") and kù-sig ("gold"). Attested as a Sumerian name for the goddess Shalash.
Ninme f Sumerian Mythology
Means "lady of battle", deriving from the Sumerian elements nin ("queen, mistress, lady") and me (an archaic word for "battle"). This is attested as an epithet of Inanna, in her capacity as a war goddess... [more]
Ninšatapada f Ancient Near Eastern, Sumerian
Means "Lady Chosen by (means of) the Heart (Omens)", deriving from the Sumerian elements nin ("queen, mistress") and saĝ ("to chose"). Name borne by a high-priestess of Meslamta-ea (fl... [more]
Ninshubur f Sumerian Mythology
Possibly means "Lady of Subartu", deriving from Sumerian element nin, and shubur (Sumerian form of Subartu, a kingdom in Upper Mesopotamia referenced in three of the Amarna Letters)... [more]
Ninsuhzagina f Sumerian Mythology
Means "lady of the diadem of lapis lazuli", deriving from the Sumerian elements nin ("lady or mistress"), aga ("diadem, circlet, crown"), and naza-gìn ("lapis lazuli, precious stone")... [more]
Nintinugga f Near Eastern Mythology
Means "mistress who revives the dead". Nintinugga was a Mesopotamian medicine goddess, who was also associated with the underworld. Nintinugga was primarily worshipped in Nippur.
Ninudishara f Sumerian Mythology, Near Eastern Mythology
Means "lady who amazes the world", deriving from the Sumerian elements nin ("lady or mistress"), u-di ("admiration, amazement"), and šár ("all, totality, world")... [more]
Ninura f Sumerian Mythology
Of uncertain etymology, likely deriving in part from the Sumerian element nin ("queen, mistress, lady"). Name borne by a tutelary goddess of Umma, who was considered to be the consort of the god Shara.
Ninurta-nadin-shumi m Babylonian
Means "Ninurta is giver of progeny". Name borne by a Babylonian king of the 2nd dynasty of Isin, who ruled c. 1127–1122 BC.
Ninuwawi f Hurrian Mythology
Means "she of Nineveh". This was an epithet of the Hurrian goddess Šauška that was also possibly used in reference to the goddess Ishtar.
Nisaba f Sumerian Mythology
Derived from the Sumerian element 𒉀 naga, meaning "wheat". Nisaba was the Sumerian goddess of writing, learning, and the harvest. She was considered a patron goddess of scribes.
Nubwenet f Ancient Egyptian
Of unknown meaning. Name borne by a queen consort of Pharaoh Pepi I.
Nungal f Sumerian Mythology
Means "great princess", deriving from the Sumerian elements gal ("mighty, great") and nun ("noble, prince"). Nungal was the Sumerian goddess of prisons, who was also associated with the underworld.
Nupta f Babylonian
Meaning uncertain, possibly deriving from the Akkadian element nuāru ("singer , musician , poet"). Name borne by the wife of Itti-marduk-balatu.
Obabaamwewe-giizhigokwe f Ojibwe
Means "Woman of the Sound (that the stars make) Rushing Through the Sky", deriving from the Ojibwe elements babaam ("place to place"), wewe ("makes a repeated sound"), giizhig ("sky"), and ikwe ("woman)... [more]
Oesho m Near Eastern Mythology
Of uncertain etymology. Name borne by a Kushan deity associated with wind and high places, primarily worshipped between the 2nd and 6th centuries CE. Oesho is associated today with the Hindu god Shiva, and the Zoroastrian deity Vayu-Vata.
Ohatchecama m Indigenous American, Yavapai
Means "striking enemy" in Yavapai. Name borne by a Tolkepaya Yavapai leader (fl. 1871).
On-jo m & f Korean
From Sino-Korean 溫 (on) meaning "lukewarm, warm; tepid, mild" and 祚 (jo) meaning "throne; blessing, happiness". Other hanja combinations are also possible.
Oyuunsüren f Mongolian
From Mongolian оюун (oyuun) meaning "wisdom, intellect" and Tibetan ཚེ་རིང (tshe ring) meaning "long life, longevity".
Ozhaguscodaywayquay f Ojibwe
Means "woman of the green glade", or "green prairie woman", deriving in part from the Ojibwe element ikwe ("woman").
Paetongtarn f Thai
Means "silk and golden water", in part from the Thai ผ้าแพ (pâa pae "silk fabric, silk cloth") and สีทอง (sĕe tong "(to be) gold"). This is the name of the current Prime Minister of Thailand, who is also known by her nickname Ung Ing.
Pakota m Indigenous American, Yavapai
Means "big man" in Yavapai. Name borne by a 19th century Yavapai leader that attended a peace conference with Ulysses S. Grant in 1872.
Paškuwatti f Hittite, Luwian
Of uncertain etymology. Name borne by a magician from Arzawa, known from a text that details a ritual dedicated to the goddess Uliliyašši to cure impotence.
Patchanan f Thai
Meaning uncertain.
Patyegarang f Indigenous Australian
Of uncertain etymology. Name borne by an indigenous Australian woman (fl. 1780) of the Cammeraygal clan of the Eora nation.
Pavida f Thai
Possibly means " (to) teach ; instruct; train".
Pentikalli f Near Eastern Mythology, Hurrian Mythology
The Hurrian form of Belet-ekallim, which was itself the Akkadian name for the goddess Ninegal... [more]
Phasaelis f Ancient Aramaic
Of uncertain etymology. Name borne by a Nabatean princess, who was the first wife of Herod Antipas.
Phimnara f Thai
From Thai พิมพ์ (phim) meaning "type, print" and นารา (nara) which can mean "radius, length", "water" or "human, person".
Piankher f Meroitic
May derive from Ancient Egyptian element ankh, meaning "life, truth". Name borne by a Nubian queen who lived in the 6th century BCE.
Pidenḫi f Hurrian Mythology
Means "she of Piten". This was a Hurrian epithet for the goddess Shalash, referring to her cult center in Piten (also written as Bitin).
Pidray f Semitic Mythology, Ugaritic Mythology
Etymology uncertain. Possibly derives from the Semitic element pdr ("to scatter/spread"). Another possible origin is the element bqr ("lightning"). A Hurrian origin for her name has also been speculated, specifically from the element pedari ("bull")... [more]
Pišaišapḫi m Hurrian Mythology, Hittite Mythology
Means "he of Mount Pišaiša". Name borne by a Hurrian mountain god also worshipped as part of the Hittite and Ugaritic pantheons. He is recorded as receiving offerings alongside the goddesses Šuwala, Šauška, and Ninegal... [more]
Piyama-kurunta m Luwian
Means "gift of Kurunta", deriving from the Luwian element pi-i-ya ("to give"). Name borne by a prince of the kingdom of Arzawa.
Plúr na mBan f Irish Mythology
Means "the flower of women", deriving from the Anglo-Norman element flur ("flower, blossom"), and the Irish element na mban ("of the women"). Name borne by the daughter of Oisín and Niamh in the Fenian Cycle of Irish mythology.
Puduḫepa f Hittite
Meaning unknown, although the second element of the name (hepa) likely derives from the Hurrian sun goddess Ḫepat. Name borne by a Hittite queen (fl. 13th century BCE). Puduḫepa was the wife of King Hattusili III, and the mother of Maathorneferure, who went on to become the Great Royal Wife of Rameses II.
Qibī-dumqī-ilat f Akkadian, Babylonian
Meaning uncertain, however the name possibly derives from the Akkadian elements qibītu "speech ; order, command ; request, prayer" and "dumqu ("goodness , good thing").
Qingchen f Chinese
From Chinese 清 (qīng) meaning "clear", and 晨 (chén) meaning "morning". Other character combinations can also form this name.
Qudāšu f Akkadian, Babylonian
Means "earring", deriving from the Akkadian word qudaštu.
Qunhua f Chinese
From Chinese 群 (qun) meaning "group, crowd, numerous, many", and 华 (hua) meaning "splendid, illustrious, Chinese". Other Chinese characters can also form this name.
Qunnabatu f Babylonian
Means "hemp-flower", deriving from the Akkadian qunnabu.
Qutlugh f Medieval Mongolian
Etymology uncertain. This was the Mongol personal name of Princess Supreme Jeguk, who was the wife of Chungnyeol of Goryeo.