GalassomMedieval Italian Variant form of Galeazzo. Known Italian bearers of this name include the military leader Galasso da Montefeltro (died in 1300), the painter Galasso Galassi (c... [more]
GaleottomMedieval Italian Italian form of Galehaut, as it appeared in the fifth canto of Dante Alighieri's Inferno (written between 1308 and 1320) and Giovanni Boccaccio's The Decameron (written between 1348 and 1353)... [more]
GangalandomMedieval Italian Italian form of a Germanic given name that consisted of the Germanic elements gang meaning "path" (see Wolfgang) and land meaning "land."... [more]
Gentilem & fMedieval Italian, French (Archaic) Italian form of Gentilis. This given name was borne by both men and women in medieval Italy, but it was more commonly found on men, which is understandable, as usage of the name appears to have first started in honour of the Blessed Gentilis (c... [more]
GhisolabellafMedieval Italian Combination of Ghisola, and bella meaning "beautiful". Ghisolabella was the sister of Venedico Caccianemico, a thirteenth century Italian politician... [more]
GigliolafItalian (Rare), Medieval Italian Of debated origin and meaning. Even though folk etymology likes to derive this name from Italian giglio "lily" (Latin lilium), a plant considered to symbolize the qualities of candor and purity, it is more likely derived from Giglio or Gilio... [more]
GilettafMedieval Italian, Literature Italian form of Gilette. Giletta di Narbona (Giletta of Narbonne in English) is a character in Giovanni Boccaccio's 'The Decameron' (1353).
GiovannangelomItalian, Medieval Italian Combination of Giovanni and Angelo. This was borne by the Blessed Giovannangelo Porro (1451-1505; also known as John Angelo Porro in English), an Italian priest and hermit, who was responsible for healing Saint Charles Borromeo as a child.
GrifomFrankish, Medieval Italian, History Derived from the noun grifo, which means "griffin" in both Italian and Old High German. In turn, it is derived from the Latin noun gryphus, which itself is ultimately derived from the Greek noun γρύψ (gryps) --- see Griffin.... [more]
GrifonemMedieval Italian Derived from grifone, which is one of the Italian words for a griffin (the other one being grifo - see Grifo), the legendary creature from Greek mythology... [more]
GumbrandmGermanic, Old Norse, Medieval Italian Derived from Old High German gund, Old Norse gunnr, guðr meaning "war, battle" with Old High German, Old Norse brant meaning "fire, brand".
HonestafMedieval Italian Derived from Latin honesta "distinguished, reputable; respected, honorable".
HorabonafMedieval Italian Derived from Latin hora meaning "hour; time, season" and Latin bona meaning "good, kind, right, pleasant; valid, useful, healthy".
IoriomMedieval Italian, Italian (Tuscan) Medieval Italian form of Giorgio originally used in Southern Italy. After Gabriele D'Annunzio used this name in his tragedy La figlia di Iorio (1904) the name has been used mostly in Toscana (Tuscany) and Emilia-Romagna (both in central Italy).
LellafEnglish (Rare), American (South), Italian, Medieval Italian Medieval Italian diminutive of names ending in ella. It can also be used as a diminutive of Elena and other names beginning with or containing el. This was borne by Italian opera singer Adelaide 'Lella' Ricci (1850-1871) as well as Italian actress Elena 'Lella' Fabrizi (1915-1993), Italian designer Elena 'Lella' Vignelli (1934-2016) and Italian racing driver Maria Grazia 'Lella' Lombardi (1941-1992).... [more]
LodrisiomMedieval Italian Meaning uncertain. It is likely of Germanic origin, in which case the first element of the name is probably derived from Old German hlut meaning "famous, loud".
LotteringomMedieval Italian Meaning uncertain. It is possibly derived from Lotaringia, the Italian name for the medieval kingdom of Lotharingia. In turn, the kingdom derived its name from Latin Lotharii regnum meaning "reign of Lotharius".
LuziomMedieval Italian Medieval Italian variant form of Lucio. A known bearer of this name was the Italian painter Luzio Luzi, who lived in the 16th century AD.
MalatestamMedieval Italian Means "bad head" in Italian, as it is derived from Italian mala meaning "bad" combined with Italian testa meaning "head".... [more]
MarcolfomMedieval Italian, Spanish (Latin American, Rare) Variant form of Marculfo, which has become the modern form of the name. Also, it should be noted that given how combining names is a very common practice in Latin America, it is quite possible that there are cases there where Marcolfo is a combination of Marco with a name ending in -olfo, such as Adolfo and Rodolfo.
MartiomMedieval Italian Derived from Latin Martius "March", itself a derivative of Mars, or from Marcius, the name of a Roman gens (ultimately also deriving from Mars).
MaximillafLate Roman, Medieval Italian, Hungarian Latin diminutive of Maxima. Maximilla was a prophetess and an early advocate of Montanism, a heretical Christian sect founded in the third century A.D. by Montanus.
MorgantemCarolingian Cycle, Literature, Medieval Italian From the name of the eponymous character of the epic poem Morgante (1478) written by the Italian poet Luigi Pulci (1432-1484). In the poem, Morgante is a giant who is converted to Christianity by the knight Orlando and subsequently becomes his loyal follower.... [more]
OgnibenemMedieval Italian Derived from Italian ogni meaning "each, every" combined with Italian bene meaning "good".
Ognissantim & fMedieval Italian, Italian (Rare) Means "All Saints’ Day" in Italian, from ogni "every, each" and santi "saints", given as a devotional name to children born on the first day of November.
OliverottomMedieval Italian Diminutive of Olivero or Oliverio (both of which are variants of Oliviero), as -otto is an Italian masculine diminutive suffix.... [more]
OmnebonmMedieval Italian From Latin Omnebonus, composed of Latin omne meaning "every, all" and Latin bonus "good".
OmobonomMedieval Italian, Italian (Rare) Means "good man" in the dialect of the Po valley in Italy. Omobono Tucenghi was a merchant of Cremona, who dedicated all of his life to charity and peacemaking. He was canonized in 1197 and is the patron saint of the city of Cremona as well as of business people, tailors, shoemakers and clothworkers.
OnestafMedieval Italian, Italian Medieval Italian name directly taken from the noun onestà "honesty" or the (feminine) adjective onesta "honest; sincere".
OttobuonomMedieval Italian This was the birth name of Pope Adrian V (c.1205–1276). Perhaps it was a combination of the name Ottone with Latin buono "good".
PaganellomMedieval Italian Diminutive of Pagano. A known bearer of this name was the Italian politician Paganello "Nello" de' Pannocchieschi (ca. 1248-after 1322), a leader of the Guelphs who allegedly ordered a servant to murder his first wife, Pia de' Tolomei... [more]