Lithuanian Submitted Names

Lithuanian names are used in the country of Lithuania in northern Europe.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Haroldas m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Harold.
Haumėja f Astronomy, Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Haumea.
Hefaistas m Lithuanian (Modern, Rare)
Lithuanian form of Hephaistos (see Hephaestus).
Hektoras m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Hector.
Heraklitas m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Herakleitos via its latinized form Heraclitus.
Hermanas m Lithuanian (Rare)
Lithuanian form of Herman.
Hersilija f Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Hersilia.
Hiacintas m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Hyacinthus.
Hilarijus m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Hilarius.
Hilderikas m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Hilderic.
Hiliaras m Lithuanian
Variant form of Hilarijus, which is the Lithuanian form of Hilarius.
Hipatija f Bosnian, Lithuanian
Bosnian and Lithuanian form of Hypatia.
Hiperionas m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Hyperion.
Honoratas m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Honoratus.
Honorijus m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Honorius.
Horas m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Horus.
Hortenzija f Latvian, Serbian (Rare), Lithuanian (Rare)
Latvian, Serbian, and Lithuanian form of Hortensia.
Hubertas m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Hubert.
Hyginas m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Hyginus.
Ievutė f Lithuanian
Diminutive of Ieva, since this name contains the feminine diminutive suffix -utė.
Ignacas m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Ignatius.
Ignacijus m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Ignatius.
Ignasija f Lithuanian (Rare)
Feminine form of Ignas.
Ignė f Lithuanian
Feminine form of Ignas.
Ignotas m Lithuanian
Variant form of Ignacijus, which is the Lithuanian form of Ignatius. This name is not to be confused with Ignotus.
Ildas m Lithuanian (Rare)
Shortened form of Ildefonsas.
Imgarda f Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Irmingard.
Inara f Lithuanian (Rare), Estonian (Rare), Swedish (Rare), Finnish (Rare)
Borrowing of Latvian Ināra or posssibly a variant of Inari.
Indraja f Lithuanian (Rare), Baltic Mythology
Borrowed from the name of a lake and river in the Utena district municipality of north-eastern Lithuania, derived from Eastern Aukštaitian Lithuanian indrė (standard Lithuanian nendrė) meaning "reed."... [more]
Indrė f Lithuanian
Either a short form of Indraja or a direct borrowing from Eastern Aukštaitian Lithuanian indrė (standard Lithuanian nendrė) meaning "reed."
Ingeborga f Latvian (Rare), Lithuanian, Polish
Latvian, Lithuanian and Polish form of Ingeborg.
Ingrida f Lithuanian, Slovak
Lithuanian form and Slovak variant of Ingrid.
Inocentas m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Innocent.
Ipolitas m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Hippolytos, perhaps via its Russian form Ippolit.
Irenėjus m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Eirenaios (see Irenaeus).
Irenijus m Lithuanian
There is none, just a brand new name.
Iridė f Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Iris.
Irutė f Lithuanian
Diminutive form of Irena.
Ivanas m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Ivan.
Izaijas m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Isaiah.
Izaokas m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Isaac.
Izidė f Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Isis.
Izidorius m Lithuanian (Rare)
Lithuanian form of Isidorus.
Izolina f Portuguese (Brazilian), Lithuanian (Rare)
Portuguese variant and Lithuanian form of Isolina.
Janė f Lithuanian
Short form of Janina.
Janytė f Lithuanian
Diminutive form of Janina.
Jasonas m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Jason.
Javinė f Baltic Mythology, Lithuanian
Name of a feminine household god who protects grains and barns.... [more]
Jefrosinija f Latvian, Lithuanian
Latvian and Lithuanian form of Euphrosyne.
Jeremijas m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Jeremiah.
Jeronimas m Lithuanian (Rare)
Lithuanian form of Hieronymos (see Jerome).
Jesenija f Lithuanian (Rare)
Lithuanian form of Yesenia.
Jieva f Lithuanian (Rare)
Dialectal variant of Ieva.
Jievutė f Lithuanian (Rare)
Diminutive of Jieva, which is a rare Lithuanian variant of Ieva. In other words, you could also say that this name is a variant of Ievutė.... [more]
Joakimas m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Joachim.
Jobas m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Job.
Jodaugas m Lithuanian
Derived from the Lithuanian verb joti meaning "to ride horseback" combined with Lithuanian daug meaning "much" (see Daumantas).
Jodaugė f Lithuanian
Feminine form of Jodaugas.
Jogaila m Lithuanian, History
Derived from the Lithuanian verb joti meaning "to ride horseback" combined with old Lithuanian gailas, which usually means "strong, potent" but has also been found to mean "sharp, jagged" as well as "angry, fierce, violent" and "miserable, sorrowful, remorseful"... [more]
Jogailė f Lithuanian
Feminine form of Jogaila.
Jogaudas m Lithuanian
The first element of this name is derived from the Lithuanian verb joti meaning "to ride horseback". The second element is either derived from the Lithuanian verb gaudyti meaning "to take" as well as "to catch, to hunt" or from the Lithuanian adjective gaudus meaning "sonorous, resonant, ringing, loud, echoing".
Jogintas m Lithuanian
Derived from the Lithuanian verb joti meaning "to ride horseback" combined with Lithuanian ginti meaning "to defend, to protect".
Jogintė f Lithuanian
Feminine form of Jogintas.
Jogirdas m Lithuanian
The first element of this name is derived from the Lithuanian verb joti meaning "to ride horseback". The second element is derived from the Lithuanian noun girdas meaning "rumour", which is ultimately derived from the Lithuanian verb girdėti meaning "to hear"... [more]
Jokimas m Lithuanian
Variant form of Joakimas, which is the Lithuanian form of Joachim.
Jolita f Lithuanian
Diminutive of Jolanta.
Jomantas m Lithuanian
The first element of this name is derived from the Lithuanian verb joti meaning "to ride horseback". The second element is either derived from Lithuanian mantus meaning "intelligent" (see Daumantas) or from Lithuanian manta meaning "property, estate" as well as "wealth, riches, fortune".
Jomantė f Lithuanian
Feminine form of Jomantas.
Jonė f Lithuanian
Feminine form of Jonas 1.
Jorė f Lithuanian
Feminine form of Joris, coinciding with the name of a Romuva festival of spring.
Jorinta f Lithuanian (Rare)
Elaboration of Jorė (compare Raminta).
Joris m Lithuanian
From Old Lithuanian stem jor- referring to the spring season, supposedly belonging to a Lithuanian vernal diety mentioned by Simonas Daukantas.
Jorūnė f Lithuanian
The name Jorūnė is a derivative of the Lithuanian word jorė, which means "greenery, spring greenery". In ancient Lithuanian mythology, Joris was the god of spring and the watchman of the earth.
Jotautas m Lithuanian
Derived from the Lithuanian verb joti meaning "to ride horseback" combined with Baltic tauta meaning "people, nation" (see Vytautas).
Jotautė f Lithuanian
Feminine form of Jotautas.
Jovaidas m Lithuanian
The first element of this name is derived from the Lithuanian verb joti meaning "to ride horseback". The second element is derived from the old Lithuanian verb vaidyti meaning "to visit, to appear", which is related to the modern Lithuanian verb vaidentis meaning "to haunt" as well as "to appear, to see"... [more]
Jovaidė f Lithuanian
Feminine form of Jovaidas.
Jovainas m Lithuanian
Derived from the Lithuanian verb joti meaning "to ride horseback" combined with the old Lithuanian noun vaina meaning "cause, reason" as well as "fault".
Jovainė f Lithuanian
Feminine form of Jovainas.
Jovaišas m Lithuanian
The first element of this name is derived from the Lithuanian verb joti meaning "to ride horseback". The second element is either derived from the Lithuanian verb vaišinti meaning "to entertain, to treat" or from the related Lithuanian noun vaišės meaning "feast, party, celebration" as well as "entertainment".
Jovaldas m Lithuanian (Rare)
Derived from the Lithuanian verb joti meaning "to ride horseback" combined with Baltic vald meaning "rule" (see Visvaldas).
Jovaras m Lithuanian
Derived from the Lithuanian noun jovaras, which refers to several types of tree, namely: the black poplar, the common hornbeam and the sycamore.
Jovilas m Lithuanian
Derived from the Lithuanian verb joti meaning "to ride horseback" combined with Baltic vil meaning "hope" (see Viltautas). Also compare Joviltas.
Jovilė f Lithuanian
Feminine form of Jovilas. Also compare Joviltė.
Joviltas m Lithuanian
Derived from the Lithuanian verb joti meaning "to ride horseback" combined with Lithuanian viltis meaning "(to) hope". Also compare Jovilas.
Joviltė f Lithuanian (Rare)
Feminine form of Joviltas. Also compare Jovilė.
Jovydas m Lithuanian
Derived from the Lithuanian verb joti meaning "to ride horseback" combined with Baltic vyd meaning "to see" (see Vytautas). Also compare other names that end in -vydas, such as Alvydas and Tautvydas.
Jovydė f Lithuanian
Feminine form of Jovydas.
Jozuė m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Joshua.
Judrė f Lithuanian
The name is derived from the Lithuanian judrus meaning "agile, quick."
Julianas m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Julianus (see Julian).
Julijona f Lithuanian (Rare)
Lithuanian form of Juliana.
Julijonas m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Julianus (see Julian).
Julijus m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Julius.
Julytė f Lithuanian
Diminutive form of Julija.
Junda f Baltic Mythology (Archaic), Lithuanian (Archaic), Literature
Fictional character used by the Lithuanian writer Skomantas in his book 'Jundos Lemtis,' (English: The Faith of Junda).... [more]
Juneta f Lithuanian
An elaborate form of Juna
Juozapota f Lithuanian
A character in J.Biliūnas book "Sad Story"
Juozapotas m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Josaphat.
Jūra f Lithuanian
Derived from the Lithuanian noun jūra meaning "sea".
Jurga f Lithuanian
Feminine form of Jurgis.
Jurijus m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Yuriy.
Justė f Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Iusta (see Justa) as well as a short form of Justina.
Juvencijus m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Iuventius (see Juventius).
Juzė f Lithuanian
Etymology uncertain, possibly a Lithuanian form of Josephine.
Juzefa f Lithuanian, Latvian
Lithuanian and Latvian feminine form of Joseph.
Kajetonas m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Caietanus (see Gaetano).
Kalikstas m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Callixtus.
Kalnė f Lithuanian
Feminine form of Kalnius.
Kalnius m Lithuanian
From Lithuanian kalnas meaning "mountain".
Kalpurnijus m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Calpurnius.
Kamėja f Lithuanian
Originally a contraction of Kamilė, its modern use was more likely popularized due to it also being the Lithuanian word for cameo
Kamilis m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Camillus, possibly via its Polish form Kamil 2.
Kanel m Latvian, Lithuanian
From the surname Kanel, derived from the word "kanēlis," which means "cinnamon" in Latvian.
Kantrimė f Lithuanian
Lithuanian feminine name meaning "calm and patient".
Kantvilė f Lithuanian
Feminine form of Kantvilas.
Karilė f Lithuanian
From the Lithuanian element karė which is either derived from karas (war) or karys (warrior).
Karlas m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Karl.
Kasijonas m Lithuanian (Archaic)
Lithuanian form of Cassianus (see Cassian).
Kasijus m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Cassius.
Kasiodoras m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Cassiodorus.
Kaštonas m Lithuanian (Rare)
Derived from the Lithuanian noun kaštonas meaning "(horse-)chestnut, conker".
Katalėja f Lithuanian
Recent usage, a Lithuanian form of Cataleya
Katažina f Lithuanian
Most likely a Lithuanian alternate transcription of Katarzyna.
Katryna f Lithuanian, English (Modern, Rare)
Variant of Kotryna (Lithuanian) or Katrina (English).
Kaz m & f English, Polish, Lithuanian, Russian
Short form of Kazimieras, Kazimir, and other names beginning with Kaz.
Kazė f Lithuanian
Diminutive of Kazimiera.
Kazys m Lithuanian
Short form of Kazimieras.
Kedras m Lithuanian (Rare)
Derived from the Lithuanian noun kedras meaning "cedar tree".
Kefalas m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Cephalus.
Kęsgailas m Lithuanian
Means "to endure with strength" or "the strength to endure", derived from Lithuanian kęsti meaning "to cope" as well as "to suffer, to endure, to undergo" (see Kęstutis) combined with old Lithuanian gailas, which usually means "strong, potent" but has also been found to mean "sharp, jagged" as well as "angry, fierce, violent" and "miserable, sorrowful, remorseful"... [more]
Kęsgailė f Lithuanian
Feminine form of Kęsgailas.
Kęsmantas m Lithuanian
The first element of this name is derived from Lithuanian kęsti meaning "to cope" as well as "to suffer, to endure, to undergo" (see Kęstutis)... [more]
Kęsmantė f Lithuanian
Feminine form of Kęsmantas.
Kęsmina f Lithuanian
Variant form of Kęsminė.
Kęsminas m Lithuanian
The first element of this name is derived from Lithuanian kęsti meaning "to cope" as well as "to suffer, to endure, to undergo" (see Kęstutis)... [more]
Kęsminė f Lithuanian
Feminine form of Kęsminas.
Kęstautas m Lithuanian
Derived from Lithuanian kęsti meaning "to cope" as well as "to suffer, to endure, to undergo" (see Kęstutis) combined with Baltic tauta meaning "people, nation" (see Vytautas).
Kęstautė f Lithuanian
Feminine form of Kęstautas. Also compare Kęstutė.
Kęstutė f Lithuanian
Feminine form of Kęstutis.
Kęsvilas m Lithuanian
Derived from Lithuanian kęsti meaning "to cope" as well as "to suffer, to endure, to undergo" (see Kęstutis) combined with Baltic vil meaning "hope" (see Viltautas).
Kęsvilė f Lithuanian
Feminine form of Kęsvilas.
Kevinas m Lithuanian
Lithuanian adoption of Kevin.
Kiknas m Lithuanian (Rare)
Lithuanian form of Cygnus.
Kipras m Lithuanian
Short form of Kiprijonas.
Kiprijonas m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Cyprianus (see Cyprian).
Kirilas m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Cyril.
Klaidas m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Clyde.
Klaudijus m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Claudius.
Klėjo f Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Clio.
Klemensas m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Clement.
Kletas m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Cletus.
Klevas m Lithuanian (Rare)
Derived from the Lithuanian noun klevas meaning "maple tree".
Klitemnestra f Croatian, Lithuanian
Croatian and Lithuanian form of Clytemnestra.
Klotilda f Croatian (Rare), Lithuanian, Czech (Rare), Slovak (Rare), Kashubian, Slovene, German (Bessarabian), Albanian
Croatian, Lithuanian, Czech, Slovak, Kashubian, Albanian and Slovene form of Clotilde.
Kojas m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Koios.
Komodas m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Commodus.
Konradas m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Konrad.
Konstancija f Croatian (Rare), Lithuanian, Latvian (Rare)
Croatian, Latvian and Lithuanian form of Constantia.
Konstancijus m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Constantius.
Kordelija f Lithuanian, Croatian
Croatian and Lithuanian form of Cordelia.
Kornelijus m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Cornelius.
Kostė f Lithuanian
Short form of Konstancija and Konstantina and related names.
Krasas m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Crassus.
Krejas m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Kreios.
Krescencija f Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Crescentia.
Krescencijus m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Crescentius.
Kristalė f Lithuanian
The name is derived from kristalas "crystal"
Kristas m Lithuanian (Rare)
Short form of masculine names that start with Krist-, such as Kristijonas and Kristupas.
Kristijona f Lithuanian
Feminine form of Kristijonas, or Lithuanian form of Christiana.
Kristinas m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Christian.
Kristoforas m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Christopher.
Kronas m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Cronus.
Ksavera f Lithuanian
Lithuanian feminine name, derived from the name Xavier.
Ksaveras m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Xavier, probably via its Polish form Ksawery or its German form Xaver.
Ksutas m Lithuanian (Rare)
Lithuanian form of Xuthus.
Kunigundė f Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Kunigunde.
Kunotas m Lithuanian, Literature
Derived from old Lithuanian kunoti meaning "to fight, to battle, to combat". Also compare the modern Lithuanian noun kūnas meaning "body".... [more]
Kuonstantėns m Lithuanian
Saimogaitian (Lithuanian dialect) form of Constantine.
Kvedaras m Lithuanian (Archaic)
Old Lithuanian form of Theodore.
Kventinas m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Quintinus.
Kvintas m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Quintus.
Kvirinas m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Quirinus.
Kyras m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Cyrus.
Laimantas m Lithuanian
The first element of this name is either derived from the old Lithuanian particle lai meaning "let, allow" as well as "may (it be that)" or from the Lithuanian noun laimė meaning "luck" (see Laima)... [more]
Laimantė f Lithuanian
Feminine form of Laimantas.
Laimis m Latvian (Rare), Lithuanian
Masculine form of Laima.
Laimona f Lithuanian
Variant form of Laimonė.
Laimonas m Lithuanian
Lithuanian variant of Laimonis. In some (rare) cases, this name can also be a variant of Laimontas.
Laimonė f Lithuanian
Feminine form of both Laimonis and its variant form Laimonas.
Laimonis m Latvian (Rare), Lithuanian (Rare), Literature
As a Latvian given name, this name is derived from the Latvian noun laime meaning "luck" (see Laima) combined with Latvian aplaimot meaning "to make happy".... [more]
Laimūnas m Lithuanian (Rare)
Derived from the Lithuanian noun laimė meaning "luck" (see Laima) combined with the (masculine) patronymic suffix -ūnas.
Laimutis m Lithuanian
Diminutive of masculine names that start with Laim- (such as Laimantas and Laimonas), since this name contains the masculine diminutive suffix -utis... [more]
Laisvė f Lithuanian
The name comes directly from the Lithuanian word for freedom.
Laisvydas m Lithuanian (Rare)
Derived from Lithuanian laisvė meaning "freedom, liberty" combined with Baltic vyd meaning "to see" (see Vytautas). Also compare other names that end in -vydas, such as Alvydas and Tautvydas.
Laisvydė f Lithuanian
Feminine form of Laisvydas.
Larija f Lithuanian
Variant of Laria.
Laris m Lithuanian
Lithuanian short form of Lawrence.
Laumė f Lithuanian, Baltic Mythology
Lithuanian form of Lauma.
Lauras m Lithuanian
Lithuanian masculine form of Laura.
Lelytė f Lithuanian
Diminutive form of Lelija.
Lengvenė f Lithuanian
Feminine form of Lengvenis.
Leokadija f Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Leocadia.
Leonė f Lithuanian
Feminine form of Leonas. In other words, this name is the Lithuanian equivalent of Leona.
Leonydas m Lithuanian (Rare)
Lithuanian form of Leonidas.
Leonytė f Lithuanian
Diminutive form of Leona.
Leopoldas m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Leopold.
Leukipas m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Leukippos via its latinized form Leucippus.
Leviatanas m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Leviathan.
Levutė f Lithuanian
Feminine form of Levutis.
Liaudas m Lithuanian
Derived from the Lithuanian noun liaudis meaning "people, folk", which is etymologically related to the Germanic element leud meaning "people" (see Leopold and Leutwin).... [more]
Liaudė f Lithuanian
Feminine form of Liaudas as well as a short form of feminine compound names that start with Liaud- (such as Liaudmina and Liaudvilė) or end in -liaudė, such as Vyliaudė.... [more]
Liaudgintas m Lithuanian
The first element of this name is derived from the Lithuanian noun liaudis meaning "people, folk", which is etymologically related to the Germanic element leud meaning "people" (see Leopold and Leutwin)... [more]
Liaudmantas m Lithuanian
The first element of this name is derived from the Lithuanian noun liaudis meaning "people, folk", which is etymologically related to the Germanic element leud meaning "people" (see Leopold and Leutwin)... [more]
Liaudmina f Lithuanian
Variant form of Liaudminė.
Liaudminas m Lithuanian
The first element of this name is derived from the Lithuanian noun liaudis meaning "people, folk", which is etymologically related to the Germanic element leud meaning "people" (see Leopold and Leutwin)... [more]
Liaudvilas m Lithuanian
The first element of this name is derived from the Lithuanian noun liaudis meaning "people, folk", which is etymologically related to the Germanic element leud meaning "people" (see Leopold and Leutwin)... [more]
Liaudvydas m Lithuanian
The first element of this name is derived from the Lithuanian noun liaudis meaning "people, folk", which is etymologically related to the Germanic element leud meaning "people" (see Leopold and Leutwin)... [more]
Liaugas m Lithuanian (Rare)
Short form of masculine names that start with Liaug-, such as Liaugaudas, Liaugedas and Liaugintas.
Liaugaudas m Lithuanian
The first element of this name is either derived from the Lithuanian verb liautis meaning "to stop, to cease" or from the Lithuanian noun liaudis meaning "people, folk", which is etymologically related to the Germanic element leud meaning "people" (see Leopold and Leutwin)... [more]
Liaugaudė f Lithuanian
Feminine form of Liaugaudas.
Liaugė f Lithuanian (Rare)
Short form of feminine names that start with Liaug-, such as Liaugaudė, Liaugedė and Liaugintė.
Liaugedas m Lithuanian
The first element of this name is either derived from the Lithuanian verb liautis meaning "to stop, to cease" or from the Lithuanian noun liaudis meaning "people, folk", which is etymologically related to the Germanic element leud meaning "people" (see Leopold and Leutwin)... [more]
Liaugintas m Lithuanian
The first element of this name is either derived from the Lithuanian verb liautis meaning "to stop, to cease" or from the Lithuanian noun liaudis meaning "people, folk", which is etymologically related to the Germanic element leud meaning "people" (see Leopold and Leutwin)... [more]
Libertas m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Libertus.
Ligija f Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Ligeia.
Ligitas m Latvian, Lithuanian
Masculine form of Ligita.
Lineta f Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Lynette or Eluned.
Lionginas m Lithuanian
Variant form of Longinas, which is the Lithuanian form of Longinus.
Lisute f Lithuanian
A lithuanian form of Lisa
Liubartė f Lithuanian
Feminine form of Liubartas.
Liubovė f Lithuanian (Rare)
Most likely a Lithuanian form of Lyubov.
Liucilė f Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Lucilla.
Liucina f Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Lucina.
Liuda f Lithuanian, German (East Prussian)
Lithuanian short form of names beginning with Liud-, like Liudvika or Liudmila, and East Prussian German short form of Liudvise.
Liudas m Lithuanian
Short form of Liudvikas. In other words, you could say that this name is the Lithuanian cognate of Ludo.
Liudgarda f Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Luitgard.
Liudvina f Lithuanian (Rare)
Lithuanian form of Ludwina.
Liūtas m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Leo.
Liutauras m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Leuthar, which is an older form of Luther.
Liutaurė f Lithuanian
Feminine form of Liutauras.
Liveta f Lithuanian (Modern)
Elaboration of Livija through its short form Liva. This name was popularised, beginning in 1993 and 1994, by pop singer and politician Liveta Kazlauskienė (1964-).
Livija f Slovene, Lithuanian
Slovene and Lithuanian form of Livia 1.
Lokys m Lithuanian (Rare)
Derived from the Lithuanian noun lokys meaning "bear". However, it should be noted that Lokys is also the name of a river in Lithuania, which is located in the county of Kaunas. As such, it is possible that in some cases, bearers of the given name Lokys were named after the river, rather than after the animal... [more]
Longinas m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Longinus.
Lozorius m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Lazarus.
Lucijus m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Lucius.
Lūgnė f Lithuanian
The name comes directly from the Lithuanian word for the nuphar plant
Luisas m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Louis.
Luka f Lithuanian (Modern)
Feminine form of Lukas.
Lukrecija f Croatian, Lithuanian
Croatian and Lithuanian form of Lucretia.
Lydija f Sorbian, Lithuanian (Rare)
Sorbian and Lithuanian form of Lydia.
Magdė f Lithuanian
Lithuanian diminutive of Magdalena.
Magdutė f Lithuanian
Diminutive form of Magdalena.
Magnas m Lithuanian (Rare)
Lithuanian form of Magnus.
Mahometas m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Muhammad.
Mainotas m Lithuanian (Rare)
It comes from the Lithuanian word change "mainytis"
Majus m Lithuanian
Lithuanian masculine form of Maja 1 or Maja 2.
Makrinas m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Macrinus.
Maksimas m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Maximus.
Maksimilijonas m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Maximilianus (see Maximilian).
Mamertas m Lithuanian
Lithuanian form of Mamertus.
Mandravas m Lithuanian
Derived from manti meaning "to think" and dravas meaning "strong like a tree".
Mandravė f Lithuanian
Feminine form of Mandravas.
Manfredas m Lithuanian (Rare)
Lithuanian form of Manfred.