Browse Submitted Names

This is a list of submitted names in which the usage is English; and the length is 6.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Aarona f English (Rare)
Feminine form of Aaron.
Aaronn m English
Variant of Aaron.
Aarron m English
Variant of Aaron.
Aarynn f English
alternative feminized form of Aaron
Abbott m English
From the English surname Abbott, from Old English abbot, ultimately from Latin abbas "priest".
Abisha m English (American, Archaic)
Variant of Abishai. This was borne by Abisha Woodward (1752-1809), an early American lighthouse builder.
Abrama f & m English (Rare), Indonesian (Rare), Italian (Archaic)
Variant or feminine form of Abram 1 and Abramo.
Achaia f Greek Mythology, English (Rare)
Of uncertain etymology, possibly derived from Greek ἄχος (achos) meaning "grief, pain, distress" (also see Achaios, Achilles)... [more]
Achsia f English (American, Archaic)
Possibly an elaboration of Achsah.
Adabel f English, Spanish (Latin American)
Combination of Ada 1 and the popular name suffix bel.
Adacia f English (American, Rare)
Meaning uncertain. This name may possibly be a combination of the name Ada 1 with any feminine name ending in -cia, such as Acacia, Alicia, Felicia and Patricia.
Adagio m English (Modern, Rare)
From the Italian adagio meaning "slowly, at ease", a word to indicate a musical composition should be played slowly.
Adaire f English (Rare)
Feminine variant of Adair.
Adalee f English (Rare)
Combination of Ada 1 and Lee.
Adalei f English
Modern variant of Adelie.
Adamae f English
Combination of Ada 1 and Mae.
Adamia f English (Rare)
Feminine form of Adam.
Adamus m Hebrew (Latinized), Medieval Latin, Dutch (Rare), English (Archaic), German (Archaic)
Latinized form of Adam, used primarily as a baptismal name or as an official name on birth certificates. In western Europe, this name was especially common in the medieval period.
Adaria f English (American, Modern, Rare)
Possibly an elaboration of the names Adara or Daria.
Addson m & f English
Contracted form of Addison.
Adelah f English
Variant of Adela
Adelie f English (Rare), Medieval English
Anglicized form of Adélie and medieval English short form of Adelicia.
Adison m & f English
Variant of Addison, though it is also possible that this name is a variant of Edison in some cases.
Admire f & m English (American, Rare)
Transferred use of the surname Admire, or directly from the English word admire.
Adonia f English (Modern)
Feminine form of Adonis
Adonna f English (American, Rare)
Possibly a feminine form of Adonis, influenced by Donna.
Adorae f English (Modern, Rare)
Variant of Adorée, or perhaps an elaboration of Adore using the phonetic element ray.
Adoria f English (Rare)
Elaboration of Adora.
Adorya f English (African)
Derived from the greek "doron", meaning "gift", so the meaning is "gifts giver".
Adreal m & f English (Rare)
Variant of Adriel.
Adream f English (Modern)
Combination of the prefix a- with Dream.
Adreya f English (American, Rare)
An elaboration of the feminine name Adrey.
Adwena f English
Latinate form of Adwen.
Aelian m English, History
English form of Aelianus. A bearer of this name was Claudius Aelianus - often called Aelian in English - a Roman author and philosopher from the 3rd century AD.
Æneas m English
From the Gaelic name Aonghas
Aerial f English (American, Modern)
Variant of Ariel. The spelling is apparently influenced by the English adjective aerial meaning "pertaining to the air; ethereal" (ultimately from Greek ἀήρ (aer) "air").
Aeriel m & f English (Modern)
Variant of Aerial.
Aerith f Popular Culture, English (American, Modern, Rare)
From a near-anagram of the English word earth. This is the name of a character in the 1997 videogame 'Final Fantasy VII'.
Aerynn f & m English (Rare)
Variant of Aaron.
Afften f English
Variant of Afton.
Agliss f English (Rare)
Derived from the English-speaking words "a glistening," meaning shining or glittering.
Agness f English
Variant of Agnes.
Ahlana f English
Variant of Alana.
Ahmaar m African American, English
Alternate spelling of Amar 2
Aidean m English (Modern, Rare)
Variant of Aidan incorporating Dean.
Aidine f English (American)
Feminine form of Aiden.
Ailisa f English (American)
Probably a combination of the prefix ai- and Lisa.
Ainsly f & m English (Rare)
Variant of Ainsley.
Airlie f English (Australian, Modern)
Transferred use of the surname Airlie.
Aisley f & m English
Variant of Isley.
Aislyn f English (Modern)
Anglicized form of Aisling.
Ajalon f & m Biblical, Biblical Latin, English (American, Rare)
Variant of Aijalon occurring in some translations of the Old Testament.
Akayla f English (American)
Variant of Kayla. It has been used since 1980.
Akeira f English (Modern, Rare), African American (Modern, Rare)
Variant of Akira. In some cases it can be a combination of the phonetic prefix a with the name Keira.
Akiana f English, African American
Elaboration of Kiana 2 with the prefix a-
Akiane f Lithuanian, Russian, English
Russian girls’ name meaning “ocean.”
Alanah f English
Variant of Alana.
Alania f Portuguese (Brazilian), English (Modern)
As a Brazilian Portuguese name, the origin and meaning are unknown. As an English name, it is likely a feminine form of Alan.... [more]
Alanni f English (American, Modern, Rare)
Possibly a variant of Alani or a diminutive of a Alannah.
Alanzo m English
Variant of Alonzo.
Alarie f English (Rare)
Most likely a transferred use of the Québecois surname Alarie which is derived from the Visigothic personal name Alaric.
Alaska f English
From Aleut alaxsxaq "object to which the action of the sea is directed" or "mainland". It is the name of a US state.
Alaula f Hawaiian (Rare), English (Modern, Rare)
Means "light of the early dawn" or "sunset glow" in Hawaiian, literally "flaming road" from Hawaiian ala "path, road" and ula "flame".
Alaura f English
Elaborated form of Laura or a variant of Elora.
Albion m English
From the ancient name of Great Britain, which is said to have been inspired by the White Cliffs of Dover. The word is ultimately of Celtic origin (of which the meaning is not entirely certain), but it is etymologically related to Latin albus "white"... [more]
Alblan m English
Combination of Albert and Alan.
Alcena f English (Rare)
Possibly a variant of Alcina.
Aldine f & m English
Either a short form of Geraldine or a variant of Alden
Alduin m English, French, Popular Culture
English and French form of Aldwin. Alduin was a king of the Lombards in the 6th century AD.... [more]
Aldwyn m English
Modern form of Ealdwine and/or Æðelwine. A known bearer of this name is Aldwyn Sappleton (b. 1981), a Jamaican track and field athlete.
Aledra f English
Possibly a variant of Aludra or a diminutive of Alexandra
Aleene f English
Variant of Aline.
Alegna f English (Rare), Spanish (Latin American, Rare)
Angela (English) or Ángela (Spanish) spelled backwards (compare Spanish Legna).
Aleigh f English (American, Modern, Rare)
Variant of Ali 2 with the spelling influenced by that of Leigh.
Alexah f English
Alternate spelling of Alexa.
Alexee f English
Diminutive of Alexandra.
Alexie f English
Diminutive of Alexandra.
Aliana f English (Modern)
Variant of Alyona or Eliana 1 or possibly a combination of Ali 2 and Ana.
Aliane f English
Variant of Eliane.... [more]
Alicen f English (Modern)
Variant of Alison influenced by Alice.
Alicya f English
Variant of Alicia.
Alicyn f English (American)
Variant of Allison, likely influenced by the spelling of Alice.
Aliese f English (American, Rare)
Variant of Alice or possibly Elise (See also Alesia).
Aliora f English (Rare)
Contracted form of Alianora or variant of Eliora.
Alirah f English
Variant of Alira
Allain m French, English
Variant of Alain.
Allean f English
Variant of Aline.
Allena f English
Variant of Alena.
Allene f English
Variant of Aline.
Allexa f English, English (American)
Variant of Alexa. Allexa was given to 5 girls in 2014.
Alline f English
Variant of Aline.
Allure f English (Modern, Rare)
From the name of a 1996 Chanel perfume, derived from the English word allure (which also has French roots) meaning "fascination, charm, appeal".
Allyna f English (American, Modern, Rare)
Variant of Alina, possibly influenced by Allyn.
Allyne f English
Feminine variant of Allen.
Almeda f Spanish, English, Breton (Archaic)
Transferred use of the Spanish surname Almeda.... [more]
Almeta f English (Rare)
Probably a variant of Almeda.
Almina f English
Possibly a diminutive form of Alma 1 or a variant form of Elmina. This name was borne by the English aristocrat Almina, Countess of Carnarvon (1876-1969) - she was the wife of George Herbert, Earl of Carnarvon (1866-1923), who was involved in the discovery and excavation of the tomb of the Egyptian pharaoh Tutankhamun.
Almyra f English (Rare)
Variant of Almira 1, perhaps influenced by Myra.
Alphia f English (Rare)
Contracted form of Adelphia, which itself is a short form of Philadelphia. However, in some cases, this name is a feminine form of the English masculine name Alfie... [more]
Alphie m English (Rare)
Diminutive of Alphard and Alphonso. In some cases, it is also a variant of Alfie.
Alpine m English
Late Middle English from Latin Alpinus, from Alpes ‘Alps.’
Alston m English
Transferred use of the surname Alston.
Altham m English
Transferred use of the surname Altham. A locational name from the parish and village of Altham on the river Henburn in North East Lancashire.
Alured m Manx, English
This is a Manx name, said to be a cognate of Alfred via its latinized form Aluredus, a variant of Alvredus.... [more]
Alvira f English, Urdu
Variant of Alvera.
Alwyne m & f English
Variant of Alwyn.
Alyiah f English
Variant of Aaliyah.
Alysyn f English
Variant of Alison.
Amalee f English
Variant of Amalie.
Amarae f English (Modern, Rare)
Possibly a variant of Amari with the phonetic element ray.
Amaria f English (Modern)
Elaborated from of Amara
Amarie f & m English (American, Modern, Rare)
Variant of Amari, possibly influenced by Marie.
Amaris f & m Spanish (Latin American), English (American)
Elaboration of Amara using the popular suffix -is. It coincides with the Latin word amāris meaning "you are loved".
Amarna f English (Rare)
The use of Amarna as a name is likely derived from the Egyptian archeological site of Amarna (also known as el-Amarna or Tell el-Amarna, لعمارنة). The city is located on the east bank of Nile River in the Egyptian province of Minya... [more]
Amaura f English (American, Rare), Portuguese (Brazilian, Rare)
Variant of Amora, possibly influenced by Laura and similar names.
Ambers m English (American)
Transferred use of the surname Ambers.
Ambrea f English (American, Rare)
Variant of Ambria, or in some cases possibly a blending of Ambre and Andrea 2.
Ambrie f English
Meaning unknown, possibly a rhyming variant of Cambrie.
Amerie f Medieval English, English (Rare)
Late medieval variant of Ameria. It was revived in the 1800s.... [more]
Amilyn f English (Modern, Rare), Popular Culture
Modern variant of Amelia. In popular culture, this is the name of a Resistance general from Star Wars: The Last Jedi.
Amorae f African American (Modern, Rare), English (American, Modern, Rare)
Variant of Amore, or an elaboration of Latin amor "love" using the phonetic element ray.
Amoria f English
an elaboration of Amora
Amoris m & f English (Rare, Archaic)
From the Latin word amoris meaning "of love" (the genitive singular of amor), used as a given name according to the English historian William Camden (1551-1623).
Amrynn f English (Modern, Rare), Popular Culture
Variant of Amryn. A minor character in The Witcher video game series bears the name, though in her case it is likely based on the name of the amaranth flower (see Amaranth).
Amylee f English (Rare)
Combination of Amy and Lee.
Amynta f Literature, English (Australian, Rare)
Feminine form of Amyntas. It was used in 18th-century pastoral poetry.
Amyris m & f Ancient Greek, English (Rare)
Both a personal name and the name of a resin, it is derived from the Greek word αμυρων (amyron), which means "intensely scented" and refers to the resin's strong, aromatic odor.
Anaiah f English (Modern, Rare)
Variant of Aniyah. This name was given to 167 girls born in the USA in 2011.
Analee f English (Rare)
Combination of Ana and Lee.
Analia f English, Swedish (Rare)
Either a variant of Analía or a combination of Ana and the popular name suffix -lia.
Anasia f English (American, Modern, Rare), African American (Modern)
Likely a combination of the phonetic elements a and nay and Asia 1, also possibly influenced by Anaya.
Anchor m English
The name is either a masculine form of Anchoretta (finally going back to the Welsh name Angharad) or used with the literal meaning "anchor".
Andrae m English
Variant of Andre.
Andria f English
Variant of Andrea 2.
Androw m English (Archaic), Cornish
Archaic English variant and Cornish form of Andrew. This was borne by Androw Myllar (floruit 1503-1508), the first Scottish printer.
Anelis f English (American, Rare), Luxembourgish
English and Luxembourgish cognate of Anneliese as well as a Luxembourgish contraction of Anna - Elisabeth.
Anevay f English (American, Modern, Rare)
Modern name of unknown meaning. It is likely invented, perhaps based on the sounds found in other names such as Nevaeh.... [more]
Angell f & m English (Rare)
Variant of Angel.
Anglia f English (Rare)
From place name Anglia.
Anicia f Ancient Roman, Spanish (Latin American, Rare), English (Rare), French (Rare)
Feminine form of Anicius. The most well-known bearer of this name was Anicia Juliana, the daughter of Western Roman Emperor Olybrius.
Animus m English (Rare)
From the Latin animus meaning "the mind; the rational soul in man, intellect, will, courage, spirit, feeling, passion, pride, wrath, etc., the breath, life, soul". In Jungian psychology the animus is the masculine component of a feminine personality (see: Anima 2).
Anitah f English (African, Rare)
Variant of Anita 1 primarily used in Uganda.
Anitra f Theatre, Norwegian (Rare), Swedish (Rare), Hungarian (Rare), English (American)
Coined by Norwegian playwright Henrik Ibsen for a Bedouin princess in his play Peer Gynt (1867). The popularity of this name spiked in the United States in the 1970s when the model Anitra Ford (1942-) appeared on the game show The Price Is Right from 1972 to 1976.
Anjuli f Indian, English (Modern)
Variant of Anjali. Anjuli Shukla is an Indian cinematographer.
Annace f English
Variant of Annis.