English Submitted Names

English names are used in English-speaking countries. See also about English names.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Ismary f Spanish (Latin American, Rare), American (Hispanic, Rare), Medieval English, English (Archaic)
Spanish variant of Ismaria as well as a Medieval English vernacular form and Early Modern English variant of Ismeria.
Ismay f English (British), Dutch, Anglo-Norman, Medieval Irish
Variant of Isemay, an Anglo-Norman name of uncertain origin and meaning. It was also recorded in medieval Ireland on women born into Anglo-Norman families.
Isobeth m & f Biblical, English
In the Bible, this is a variant of Ishbosheth. ... [more]
Isola f English (Rare), Italian (Rare)
Popularly claimed to be derived from the Italian word isola "island", this name might actually rather be a variant of Isolda.... [more]
Isolene f English (Rare)
19th-century elaboration of Isola.
Israell m English (Archaic)
Variant of Israel recorded in the 16th century.
Issie f English
Variant of Issy.
Issobel f English
Variant spelling of Isobel
Italy f English (American, Modern, Rare)
From the country of Italy in Europe.
Ithaca f & m English (Rare)
This name comes from the name of a Greek island, a legendary home of Odysseus, located in the Ionian Sea.... [more]
Itsa f English (American)
This was the name of one of the Hogg sisters.
Itzak m Hebrew, English
Variant of Yitzhak, the original Hebrew form of Isaac meaning "he will laugh"
Iva f English
Feminine form of Ivor.
Ival m English (American)
Of unknown meaning or origin.... [more]
Ivalene f English
Elaborated form of Iva with the suffix -lene, or variant of Evaline.
Ivaly f English (American), American (Hispanic)
Of uncertain origin and meaning.... [more]
Ivalyn f English (Modern, Rare)
Variant of Ivy, using the name suffix -lyn.
Ivanette f English (Rare), Central American
Combination of Ivana with the suffix -ette.
Ivee f English (American)
Variant of Ivy that was given to 34 girls in 2017.
Iverna f English (Rare), Dutch (Rare)
Old Latin form of a lost Celtic name which also gave modern Irish Erin and was corrupted to Hibernia. Therefore a rather esoteric reference to Ireland... [more]
Ivey f & m English
Transferred use of the surname Ivey. In the case of the feminine name, it is also considered a variant of Ivy.
Ivie f English
Variant of Ivy.
Ivietta f English
Combination of Ivy and Etta.
Ivoire f English (American, Rare), French (African, Rare)
Derived from French ivoire meaning "ivory", which makes this name a cognate of Ivory.
Ivonia f English (American)
Czech, Slovak, Croatian, Serbian, Macedonian
Ivvy f English (Rare)
Variant of Ivy. According to the SSA, Ivvy was given to 6 girls in 2018.
Ivyann f English (American, Modern, Rare)
Combination of Ivy and Ann. A famous bearer is American actress Ivyann Schwan.
Ivyanna f English
Combination of Ivy and Anna.
Ivyanne f English
Combination of Ivy and Anne 1.
Ivye f & m English
Variant of Ivy.
Ivylyn f English
Combination of Ivy and Lyn.
Ivyrose f English, English (American)
Combination of Ivy and Rose. Ivyrose was given to 17 girls in 2017.
Ixora f English (American, Modern, Rare)
From the name of a tropical flower (and genus) also known as West Indian jasmine. It is derived from Sanskrit ईश्वर (īśvara), itself derived from ईश् (īś) meaning "to rule" and वर (vará) meaning "best".
Iyla f English (Rare)
Most often a variant form of Isla and Ila, but sometimes also of Ayla 3 and Elah.... [more]
Iysis f English (American, Rare)
Possibly a variant of Isis. It was given to 6 girls in 2000 according to the SSA.
Iyvan m English
Variant of Ivan.
Izaac m English
Variant of Isaac
Izack m English (American, Modern, Rare)
Variant of Isaac, possibly influenced by Zack.
Izeah m English (American)
Alternate spelling of Isaiah.
Izebel f English (Rare)
Variant of Isabel influenced by Jezebel.
Izen m English (Rare)
A rearranged masculine variant of "Inez".
Izetta f American (Rare, Archaic), English (American, Rare)
This name was used at least as early as the 1870s in the Appalachian Mountain area of the eastern United States. Notable bearer is New Jersey born actress Izetta Jewel (1883-1978) who advocated for women's legal right to vote in the US.
Izora f English, Louisiana Creole
Possibly a variant form of Isora.
Izzak m English (American, Modern, Rare)
Variant of Isaac. The name form is maybe influenced by the unrelated name Izzat.
Izzie f English, Romani (Archaic)
Diminutive of Isabel and its variants. As a Romani name, it was also used as a diminutive of Esmeralda.
Jabe m English (American, Rare)
Possibly a variant of Gabe including the popular element jay.
Jac f & m English
Jac may be used as a diminutive of Jacque or Jacqueline, or as an acronym for the initials, for example, Jennifer Adelaide Cameron, which acronyms as Jac.
Jacabeth f English (American, Rare, Archaic)
Possibly a corruption of Jochebed influenced by Jacqueline (and possibly the masculine name Jack) and Elizabeth.
Jacelyn f English (American, Modern, Rare)
Variant of Jocelyn or combination of Jace and Lyn.
Jacen m English (American, Modern), Popular Culture
Variant of Jason. This is the name of Han Solo and Princess Leia's oldest son in the Star Wars Legends books, Jacen Solo. Since Jacen Solo's first appearance in the books in 1993, the name has risen in popularity in the United States.
Jaceona f English (Modern)
Female name for Jaceon meaning "healer".
Jackcock m English (Puritan)
Diminutive of John. Transferred use to the surname Jacox in modern times.
Jackey m & f English (Rare)
Variant of Jackie.
Jackiel m English
Longer version of Jack, Jake or James
Jackii f English
Variant of Jackie.
Jacklin f English
Variant spelling of Jacqueline.
Jackman m English (American, Rare)
Transferred use of surname Jackman.
Jacko m Dutch, English
Diminutive of Jackson.
Jacks m English (Rare)
Variant of Jax.
Jacky f & m English
Variant of Jackie.
Jackyson m English
The name "Jackyson" seems to be a modern variant or alteration of the traditional name "Jackson." The origin of "Jackson" itself can be traced back to English and Scottish roots. It is derived from the medieval English personal name "Jack," a diminutive form of "John," combined with the suffix "-son," meaning "son of." Over time, "Jackson" became a surname and later a given name... [more]
Jacobi m English
Variant of Jacoby.
Jacoby m English (Modern)
Transferred use of the surname Jacoby.
Jacodi m & f English (American, Modern, Rare)
Variant of Jacobi incorporating Codi.
Jacolynne f English (Rare)
An extremely rare variant of Jacqueline.
Jacon m English (Modern, Rare), Medieval English
Rare variant of Jason. In medieval English this is a variation of Jenkin.
Jacoub m English
Variant of Jacob.
Jacova f English (Rare), Literature
The name of a character in Caitlín R. Kiernan's short story Houses under the Sea.
Jacque f English
Short form of Jacqueline.
Jacquelle f English (American, Modern, Rare)
Feminine form of Jacques with the diminutive suffix -elle.
Jacquelyne f English
Variant of Jacqueline and combination of Jacquelyn and Jacqueline.
Jacquewyn f English
Form of Jacquelyn influenced by Wynne 2. Alternatively, Jacquelyn with a W.
Jacub m English
Variant of Jacob.
Jacy f & m English
Popular in Westerns and Western romances for both male and female, white and Native American characters. It is probably a variant of Jessie 1 or Jesse, a name popular in the American West for both men and women.
Jadean m & f English (Modern, Rare)
Variant of Jaden or a combination of Jade and Dean.
Jadeanna f English (Rare)
Combination of Jade with Deanna.
Jadelyn f English (Modern)
Combination of Jade and popular name suffix -lyn.
Jadessa f English (American, Modern, Rare)
Either a combination of Jade and Vanessa or an elaboration of Jade by way of adding the name suffix -(i)ssa... [more]
Jadey f English (Rare)
Diminutive of Jade, or a feminine variant of Jaydee. A known bearer of this name is the English actress and film producer Jadey Duffield (1991-).
Jadian m & f English (Modern)
Probably an elaborated form of Jaden.
Jadie f & m English (Rare)
Diminutive of Jade.
Jadin m & f English (Modern)
Variant of Jaden.
Jadine f English (Rare)
Elaborated form or diminutive of Jade, or perhaps a blend of the popular phonetic element jay with Nadine... [more]
Jadona f English
Feminine form of Jadon.
Jadore f & m English (American, Modern, Rare), African American (Modern)
From the brand of perfume called J'adore, which was introduced by Christian Dior in 1999. It is taken from the French phrase j'adore meaning "I love (very much)" (or, when used in a colloquial context, "I'm loving it").
Jady f & m English (American, Rare)
Diminutive of Jade or a variant of Jaydee. A known bearer of this name is the Brazilian kickboxer Jady Menezes (1992-).
Jadynn f & m English (Modern)
Primarily feminine variant of Jaden.
Jaeceion m English (American, Modern)
Variant of Jason. According to the SSA, Jaeceion was given to 5 boys in 2014.
Jaeceon m English (American, Modern)
Variant of Jason. According to the SSA, Jaeceon was given to 21 boys in 2018.
Jaedan m & f English
Variant of Jaden
Jaeden m & f English (Modern)
Variant of Jaden.
Jaedyn f & m English (Modern)
Variant of Jaden.
Jaeger m English (Rare)
Transferred use of the surname Jaeger.
Jaela f English (Rare), Dutch (Rare)
Elaborated form of Jael.
Jaelan m & f English (Modern)
A variant of Jaylen. A notable bearer is Jaelan Phillips, a footballer.
Jaelen m & f English
Variant of Jalen.
Jaelie f English (American)
Akin to Kaylee and Baylee, Jaylee was created by modern American parents who love the warmth of Jay paired with the uplifting Lee. Jaylee technically doesn't have a meaning, being a contemporary addition composed of melodic sounds.
Jaelin m & f English (Modern)
Variant of Jaylen.
Jaella f English (American, Modern, Rare)
Clearly feminine extended form of Jael.
Jaelle f Romani, English (American, Modern, Rare)
Romani form of the Biblical name Jael.
Jaelynne f English (Modern)
Feminine variant of Jalen
Jaemeson m & f English (Modern, Rare), English (American, Modern, Rare)
Variant of Jameson or Jamison. According to the SSA, Jaemeson was given to 5 boys in 2016.
Jaemin m English (Rare)
Variant of Jamin. Jaemin was given to 8 boys in 2008 according to the SSA.
Jaeson m English
Variant of Jason.
Jaffray m English
Other form of Geoffrey
Jaguar m & f English (Rare)
Early 17th century from Portuguese, from Tupi-Guarani yaguára.
Jahann m & f English
Variant of Jahan.
Jahmyah f English (Modern, Rare)
Possibly a variant of Jamya.
Jahnese f English (Modern, Rare)
Likely a variant of Janice.
Jahpsalm m English (Rare)
Combination of Jah and Psalm.
Jahvis m English (Modern, Rare), German (Modern, Rare)
Of unknown origin and meaning, although it might simply be a variant of Javis. ... [more]
Jaia f English (Modern, Rare)
Possibly a variant of Jaya.
Jaidan m & f English (Modern)
An alternate spelling of the popular name Jayden, given to 52 males and 7 females in the U.S. in 2012.
Jaidann f English (Modern)
Intended to be a feminine variant of Jaden (though in other cases it could represent a combination of Jaida and Ann).
Jaide f & m English (American, Modern)
Variant of Jade. A known bearer of this name is the American track and field athlete Jaide Stepter Baynes (1994-).
Jaidenne f English (Modern)
Feminine variant of Jaden, influenced by the French feminine suffix -enne (found in names such as Vivienne and Julienne).
Jaidon m English (Modern)
Variant spelling of Jaden.
Jailyn f English
Variant of Jaylyn.
Jaimes m English
Variant of James.
Jaimey f & m English (Rare)
Variant of Jamie.
Jaimi f English
Variant of Jamie.
Jaimy f & m English (Rare), Dutch
Variant of Jamie.
Jaina f Literature, English, Indian
The name of the daughter of Han Solo and Princess Leia Organa in the Star Wars expanded universe.
Jainelee f English
combination of Jane and Lee
Jainet f English
Feminine form of John.
Jainette f English
Variant of Jainet.
Jais m English (Modern)
Short form of Jason.
Jaisley f English (American, Modern)
An invented name, blending the phonetic element jay with Paisley. Also compare Haisley and Kaisley.
Jaisyra f English (American)
Possibly a variant of Jazira.
Jajuana f English
Feminine equivalent of JaJuan
Jak m English
Variant of Jack.
Jakarta f & m English
From the name of the capital city of Indonesia.
Jakaylah f English
Variant of Jakayla.
Jakeb m English (Modern)
Variant of Jacob (the spelling possibly influenced by that of Jake).
Jakelyn f English (Modern, Rare)
Variant of Jacqueline or a combination of Jake and Lyn.
Jakey m English
Diminutive of Jake.
Jaksyn m & f English (Modern)
Variant spelling of Jackson.
Jalan m English
Variant of Jalen.... [more]