Browse Submitted Names

This is a list of submitted names in which the person who added the name is liaeremashvili.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Aabidah f Arabic
Feminine form of Aabid.
Aarohi f Hindi, Sanskrit
Means "rising" in Sanskrit.
Abalina f Obscure
Possibly a variant of Abilene.
Achird Astronomy
In Astronomy it is a name of a star, otherwise known as η Cassiopeiae
Acrab Astronomy
Acrab is a name of a star in constellation Scorpius, also known as Beta Scorpii. Beta Scorpii bore the traditional names Acrab, Akrab or Elacrab, all deriving from the Arabic name (Arabic: العقرب‎) al-'Aqrab "the Scorpion"
Acubens Astronomy
The traditional name of a star in the constellation Cancer. It's also known as the Alpha Cancri, α Cancri.
Adaia f Hebrew, Spanish
Hebrew variant and Spanish form of Adaiah.
Adelhelma f German (Rare)
Feminine form of Adelhelm.
Adelya f Russian, Belarusian
Russian and Belarusian form of Adela.
Adhil f & m Astronomy
Derived from Arabic الذيل (að-ðayl) meaning "the train (of a garment)". This is the traditional name of several stars in the constellation Andromeda.
Ægileif f Old Norse
The first element Ægi- may be related to Old Icelandic Ægir, "the sea" or "the god of the sea", found in compounds as ægisandr "sea-sand" or the Icelandic place-name Ægisiða... [more]
Agena f Astronomy
Hadar and Agena are the traditional names of a star in the constellation Centaurus, also known as the Beta Centauri. It bore the traditional names Hadar and Agena... [more]
Ahaan m Hindi
Masculine variant of Ahana.
Ahaana f Hindi
Variant of Ahana.
Ainalrami m & f Astronomy
Nu¹ and Nu² Sagittarii (together designated Nu Sagittarii) bore the traditional name Ain al Rami (Ainalrami), which is from the Arabic عين الرامي ʽain al-rāmī meaning "eye of the archer".
Ainul m & f Arabic, Malay, Indonesian, Bengali
First part of compound Arabic names beginning with عين ال (ʾayn al) meaning "eye of the".
Akrab m Astronomy
Akrab is a name of a star in constellation Scorpius, also known as Beta Scorpii. Beta Scorpii bore the traditional names Acrab, Akrab or Elacrab, all deriving from the Arabic name (Arabic: العقرب‎) al-'Aqrab "the Scorpion"
Alamak m Astronomy
Variant of Almach.
Alasia f Astronomy
Alasia is the name of the star HD 168746. The star is named after an ancient name for Cyprus.
Alathfar f Astronomy
This is the traditional name of a star in the constellation Lyra - Mu Lyrae. Its traditional name Alathfar comes from the Arabic الأظفار al-ʼaẓfār, meaning "the talons (of the swooping eagle)".
Albaldah m & f Astronomy
This is the official name of the star Pi Saggitarii. Albaldah was the traditional name of a star system. It comes from the Arabic بلدة bálda "the town".
Albali m & f Astronomy
This is the traditional name of the star Epsilon Aquarii. It comes from Arabic البالع (albāli‘), meaning "the swallower".
Albireo m Astronomy
This is the name of the star Beta Cygni.... [more]
Albulaan m Astronomy
This is the name of two stars in the constellation Aquarius: Mu Aquarii and Nu Aquarii. The name comes from an Arabic term al-bulaʽān (ألبولعان) meaning "the two swallowers".
Alchiba f & m Astronomy
This is the name of the star Alpha Corvi in the Corvus constellation. It bore the traditional names Al Chiba (Arabic ألخبا al-xibā meaning "tent") and Al Minliar, al Ghurab (Arabic منقار الغراب al-manxar al-ghurab) or Minkar al Ghurab.
Alcor m Astronomy
Alcor is a binary star system in the constellation of Ursa Major. Alcor was originally Arabic سها‎ Suhā/Sohā, meaning either the "forgotten" or "neglected" one.
Alderamin m & f Astronomy
This is the name of the star Alpha Cephei in the constellation Cepheus. It bore the traditional name Alderamin, a contraction of the Arabic phrase الذراع اليمين al-dhirā‘ al-yamīn, meaning "the right arm".
Aldhanab m Astronomy
This is the name of the star Gamma Gruis in the constellation Grus. The name Aldhanab comes from Al Dhanab, from the Arabic الذنب al-dhanab meaning "the tail (of the Southern Fish)".
Aldhibah f Astronomy
This is the traditional name of the star Zeta Draconis in the Draco constellation. Zeta Draconis has the old Arabic name الذئب al-dhiʼb "the wolf", given in its feminine form Al Dhiʼbah (ذئبة)
Aldulfin m Astronomy
This is the name of the star Epsilon Delphini in the constellation Delphinus.
Alfirk m Astronomy
This is the traditional name of the star Beta Cephei in the constellation Cepheus. The name is derived from the Arabic الفرقة al-firqah "the flock" (of sheep).
Algeneb m & f Astronomy
Variant of Algenib.
Algenib m & f Astronomy
This is the traditional name of the star Gamma Pegasi in the constellation Pegasus. The name Algenib comes from the Arabic al-janb, meaning “the side.”
Algorab m Astronomy
This is the name of the star Delta Corvi in the constellation Corvus. It bore the traditional name Algorab derived from Arabic الغراب al-ghuraab, meaning "the crow".
Alhaud m Astronomy
According to the catalogue of stars in the Technical Memorandum 33-507 - A Reduced Star Catalog Containing 537 Named Stars, Al-Haud were the title for seven stars : f as Alhaud I, τ as Alhaud II, e as Alhaud III, h as Alhaud IV, this star (θ) as Alhaud V, υ as Alhaud VI and φ as Alhaud VII .
Alkalurops m & f Astronomy
This is the name of Mu Boötis. The system's traditional name Alkalurops is from the Greek καλαύροψ kalaurops "a herdsman's crook or staff", with the Arabic prefix -al attached.
Alkes m & f Astronomy
This is the name of a star Alpha Crateris in the constellation Crater. It bore the traditional name Alkes, from the Arabic الكاس alkās or الكأس alka's meaning "the cup".
Alkirdah m Astronomy
The star Xi Cephei in the constellation Cepheus bore the traditional names Kurhah, Alkirdah or Alkurhah... [more]
Alkurhah m Astronomy
The star Xi Cephei in the constellation Cepheus bore the traditional names Kurhah, Alkirdah or Alkurhah... [more]
Almaach m Astronomy
Variant of Almach.
Almaack m Astronomy
Variant of Almach.
Almaak f Astronomy
Variant of Almach.
Almaaz m Astronomy
This is the name of the star Epsilon Aurigae in the Auriga constellation. The name comes from Arabic Al Maʽaz meaning "the billy goat".
Almach m Astronomy
The star Gamma Andromedae in the constellation Andromeda is called Almach. Almach was the traditional name (also spelt as Almaach, Almaack, Almak, Almaak, or Alamak), derived from the Arabic العناق (al-‘anāq), "the caracal" (desert lynx).
Almak m Astronomy
Variant of Almach.
Alnair f Astronomy
This is the name of Alpha Gruis in the constellation Grus. It bore the traditional name Alnair or Al Nair (sometimes Al Na'ir in lists of stars used by navigators), from the Arabic al-nayyir meaning "the bright one", itself derived from its Arabic name, al-nayyir min dhanab al-ḥūt (al-janūbiyy), meaning "the bright one from the (southern) fish's tail" (see Aldhanab).
Alniyat m & f Astronomy
Sigma Scorpii and Tau Scorpii together bore the traditional name Al Niyat (or Alniyat) derived from the Arabic النياط al-niyāţ "the arteries" and referring to their position flanking the star Antares, the scorpion's heart, with Sigma Scorpii just to the north.
Alphecca f Astronomy
This is the traditional name of the star Alpha Coronae Australis. The name Alfecca, Alphecca or Alphekka is Arabic, short for نير الفكّة nayyir al-fakka "the bright (star) of the broken (ring of stars)".
Alrai m & f Astronomy
Gamma Cephei is a binary star system in the constellation Cepheus. The system bore a traditional name variously spelled as Errai, Er Rai or Alrai, deriving from the Arabic الراعي (ar-rā‘ī), meaning "the shepherd".
Alrescha f Astronomy
This is the name of a binary star system Alpha Piscium in the constellation Pisces. The system bore the traditional name Alrescha (alternatively Al Rescha, Alrischa, Alrisha) derived from the Arabic الرشآء al-rishā’ "the cord" and less commonly Kaitain and Okda, the latter from the Arabic عقدة ʽuqdah "knot".
Alsafi f Astronomy
This is the name of the star Sigma Draco is in the constellation Draco. It bore the traditional name Alsafi, derived from the Arabic Athāfi, itself erroneously transcribed from the Arabic plural Athāfiyy, meaning "the cooking tripods"... [more]
Alsciaukat m & f Astronomy
This is the name of the star 31 Lyncis. It bore the traditional names Alsciaukat, from Arabic الشوكة (aš-šawkat) meaning "the thorn" and Mabsuthat.
Alsephina f Astronomy
Derived from Arabic al-safīnah meaning "the ship". Alsephina, also known as Delta Velorum, is a triple star system that is a part of the constellation Vela.
Anadil f Literature
The character Anadil from The School For Good And Evil by Soman Chainani bears this name.
Anassa f Ancient Greek
Derived from the Greek noun ἄνασσα (anassa) meaning "queen, lady". In other words, one could say that this name is the feminine form of Anax.
Aridela f Greek Mythology
Feminine form of Aridelos. On the Greek island of Crete, the mythological Cretan princess Ariadne was also called Aridela... [more]
Atargatis f Semitic Mythology (Hellenized)
Atargatis was the chief goddess of northern Syria in Classical antiquity. She was also referred to as Derketo (Ancient Greek: Δερκετὼ) or Deasura (by Romans)... [more]
Brina f English
Short form of Sabrina.
Camelita f English
Diminutive of Camellia.
Cougar m English (Rare)
From late 18th century, from French couguar, abbreviation of modern Latin cuguarcarana, from Guarani guaçuarana.
Crocus m Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Derived from Greek κρόκος (krokos) "crocus". In Greek mythology, Crocus was a mortal youth who was changed by the gods into a saffron flower.
Dariushka f Russian
Diminutive of Darya 1.
Darunya f Russian
Diminutive of Darya 1, not ususally used as a given name in its own right.
Daryona f Russian
Diminutive of Darya 1, not usually used as a given name in its own right.
Daryusha f Russian
Diminutive of Darya 1, not usually used as a given name in its own right.
Daryushka f Russian
Diminutive of Darya 1, not usually used as a given name in its own right.
Dashenka f Russian
Diminutive of Darya 1.
Dashulia f Russian
Diminutive of Darya 1, not usually used as a given name in its own right.
Dashulya f Russian
Variant transliteration of Дашуля (see Dashulia).
Dashunia f Russian
Diminutive of Darya 1, not usually used as a given name in its own right.
Dashunya f Russian
Variant transliteration of Дашуня (see Dashunia).
Dayssy f Obscure
Variant of Daisy.
Democracy m & f English
From the English word democracy, from French démocratie, via late Latin from Greek dēmokratia, from dēmos ‘the people’ + -kratia ‘power, rule’.
Diphda f Astronomy
From Arabic ضِفْدَع‎ (ḍifda') "frog", taken from the phrase ضفدع الثاني (aḍ-ḍifdaʿ aṯ-ṯānī) meaning "the second frog". This is the name of a star in the constellation Cetus.
Ederic m English
Variant of Eadric.
Elacrab m Astronomy
Elacrab is a name of a star in constellation Scorpius, also known as Beta Scorpii. Beta Scorpii bore the traditional names Acrab, Akrab or Elacrab, all deriving from the Arabic name (Arabic: العقرب‎) al-'Aqrab "the Scorpion"
Emmabel f Obscure
Combination of Emma and a popular suffix -bel.
Emmabeth f English (Rare)
Combination of Emma and Beth.
Energy m Obscure
From the English word energy, from French énergie, or via late Latin from Greek energeia, from en- ‘in, within’ + ergon ‘work’.
Errai m & f Astronomy
Gamma Cephei is a binary star system in the constellation Cepheus. The system bore a traditional name variously spelled as Errai, Er Rai or Alrai, deriving from the Arabic الراعي (ar-rā‘ī), meaning "the shepherd".
Fuschia f English (Rare)
Misspelled variant of Fuchsia.
Gandolf m Germanic
Variant of Gandulf.
Goderdzi m Georgian
Georgian form of a Persian given name, of which the original form is currently uncertain. The name is said to mean "strong bull" in Persian, which seems possible indeed, since the modern Persian word for the animal is گاو (gav).... [more]
Ieso m Theology
Georgian form of Jesus.
Iunona f Georgian (Rare)
Georgian form of Iuno (see Juno).
Iunone f Medieval Italian
Medieval Italian form of Iuno (see Juno).
Jaguar m & f English (Rare)
Early 17th century from Portuguese, from Tupi-Guarani yaguára.
Jonquille f English (Rare)
Means "daffodil, jonquil" in French; also see Jonquil.
Kamellia f Bulgarian
Variant transliteration of Камелия (see Kamelia).
Karissime f Medieval Flemish
Medieval Flemish variant of Carissima
Kassima f Obscure
Feminine form of Kassim.
Katiusha f Russian
Diminutive of Yekaterina and Ekaterina, not usually used as a given name in its own right.
Katiushka f Russian
Variant transliteration of Катюшка (see Katyushka), not usually used as a given name in its own right.
Konkia f Georgian, Folklore, Literature, Popular Culture
Georgian form of Cinderella. It is derived from the Georgian word კონკები (konkebi) meaning "rags".... [more]
Kostia m Russian
Alternate transcription of Kostya, diminutive of Konstantin.
Kurhah m Astronomy
The star Xi Cephei in the constellation Cepheus bore the traditional names Kurhah, Alkirdah or Alkurhah.... [more]
Lenochka f Russian
Diminutive of Elena or Yelena, variant of Lena.
Lerka f Russian
Diminutive of Lera or Valeriya.
Lerna f Astronomy
A star in the constellation Hydra. Named after the lake Lerna where the mythological Hydra lived.
Liako f Georgian
Diminutive of Lia 1. It can also be a contracted form of Lianiko, in which case it is a diminutive of Liana.
Lills f English (American)
A nickname for the name Lilly or Lilliana.
Mabsuthat m & f Astronomy
This was the traditional name of the star 31 Lyncis in the constellation Lynx. The name derives from Arabic المبسوطة (al-mabsūtah) meaning "the outstretched (paw)".
Makho m Georgian
Short form of Malkhaz. Also compare the related name Malkho.... [more]
Mashenka f Russian
Diminutive of Masha or Mariya.
Nadiusha f Russian
Alternate transcription of Nadyusha, diminutive of Nadezhda.
Nadiushka f Russian
Alternate transcription of Nadyushka, diminutive of Nadezhda, variant of Nadyusha/Nadiusha.
Nadyusha f Russian
Diminutive of Nadezhda (see Nadya 1).
Nadyushka f Russian
Diminutive of Nadezhda, variant of Nadyusha (see Nadya 1).
Nuki f Georgian
Short form of Anuki. Also compare names like Nutsiko, of which Nuki could be a contraction (more or less) in some cases.... [more]
Odriana f Medieval Flemish
Medieval Flemish variant of Adriana.
Otiko m Georgian
Diminutive of Otar and its short form Oto. It can also be a contraction of Otariko.
Oto m Georgian
Short form of Otar.
Parissa f Persian
Alternate transcription of Persian پریسا (see Parisa).
Parwin f Persian
Variant of Parvin.
Qaisara f Arabic (?)
Possibly a feminine variant of Qaisar.
Qalisha f Malay (Rare)
Meaning uncertain, possibly a variant of Kalisha.
Roanna f English, Dutch (Rare)
Feminine form of Roan.
Romka m Russian
Diminutive of Roman.
Shako m Georgian
Diminutive of Shakro and Shalva. In the case of the latter name, perhaps Shako first started out as a contraction of Shaliko.
Snegurka f Folklore
This is the name of the popular Russian fairy tale character Snegurochka "The Snow Maiden". The name comes from Russian снег (sneg) which means "snow".
Snegurochka f Folklore
Diminutive of Snegurka.... [more]
Sonechka f Russian
Diminutive of Sofya or Sofiya, variant of Sonya.
Taniusha f Russian
Alternate transcription of Tanyusha, diminutive of Tatiana or Tatyana, (see Tanya).
Taniushka f Russian
Alternate transcription of Tanyushka, diminutive of Tatiana or Tatyana (see Tanyusha, Tanya).
Tatuli f Georgian
Derivative of the Georgian given name Tatia. Due to close resemblance with Tata, the name is also often used as a nickname for women named Tamar.
Urani m Georgian (Rare)
Georgian form of Uranus. In Georgian, ურანი (urani) also means "uranium".
Valbon m Albanian
Masculine form of Valbona.
Walli f German
Variant of Wally.
Yasya f Russian, Ukrainian
Possibly a diminutive of Yaroslava.
Yulechka f Russian
Diminutive of Yuliya.
Yulenka f Russian
Diminutive of Yuliya.
Zila f Hebrew
Alternative spelling of Tsila.
Zurikela m Georgian, Literature
Diminutive of Zuriko, which in turn is a diminutive of Zurab. In other words: this name is a double diminutive of Zurab.... [more]