Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Kaatyaayani f HinduismThis is one of the 108 names of Maa Durga, the Hindu Goddess signifying power.
Kadru कद्रू f HinduismMeans "tawny, reddish-brown" in Sanskrit. In Hindu mythology Kadru is the wife of
Kashyapa and the mother of the nagas, a race of divine half-human, half-serpent beings.
Kaikeyi f Hinduism, IndianName of a character, the second consort of King Dasharatha and the Queen of Ayodhya, in the Hindu epic, the Ramayana.
Kalika कालिका f HinduismAn epithet of the Hindu goddess
Kali 1, destroyer of time, which is taken to mean "pertaining to time" as a derivative of
kali, the feminine form of Sanskrit
kala "time".
Kalimah f Hinduism, MythologyKali Ma, called the "Dark Mother," is the Hindu goddess of creation, preservation, and destruction.
Kalki कल्कि m HinduismDerived from Sanskrit काल
(kāla) meaning "time, age", likely morphed from the original spelling
Karki taken from the word कर्क
(karka) meaning "white horse". This is the name of the prophesied final avatar of the Hindu god
Vishnu who will appear at the end of the Kali Yuga (the current and last of the four world ages) to usher in the Satya Yuga (the first and best of the world ages) and the destruction of the universe... [
Kalpesh m Hinduismancient times in harappa, the word 'kalpesh' was used as presentation of new articles.
Kamalipa f HinduismKamal, Kamala, Kamalika & Kamalipa. All these names orginated from the flower name "Kamal(Lotus". The name Kamalipa means "Big Lotus"
Kara कारा f Sanskrit, Hindi, Hinduism, Indian, Nepali, Marathi, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam, Punjabi, Bengali, GujaratiMEANING - condconfinement, Prison, binding , a part of lute below the neck ( for deadening the sound ), a female messenger, female worker in gold ● Origin - Sanskrit, Indian
Kashish काशीश m & f Indian, Punjabi, HinduismMeans "lord of the Kashis" or "lord of
Kashi city" in Sanskrit, from the place name काशी
(Kashi), which refers to one of the seven sacred cities of the Hindus (also known as Varanasi or Benares), and ईश
(īśa) meaning "lord"... [
Kayika कायिका f Sanskrit, Hindi, Hinduism, Indian, Marathi, Nepali, Telugu, Tamil, Kannada, Malayalam, Bengali, Gujarati, PunjabiMEANING " Corporeal " ; Relating or belonging to body... [
Keshava केशव m Sanskrit, HinduismMeaning uncertain. It could derive from Sanskrit meaning "beautiful unshorn hair" or "slayer of Keshi demon" in Sanskrit.... [
Ket केत m Sanskrit, Hindi, Hinduism, Indian, Marathi, Nepali, Gujarati, Bengali, PunjabiMEANING - wish, desire, mark; sign; abode; intention ... [
Keta केता f Sanskrit, Hindi, Hinduism, Marathi, Nepali, Indian, Bengali, Gujarati, Assamese, PunjabiMEANING - wish, abode, sign, mark... [
Ketaki केतकी f Sanskrit, Hindi, Indian, Hinduism, Marathi, Nepali, Gujarati, Assamese, Punjabi, Indian (Sikh), Indian (Christian)MEANING - fragrant crew Pine (Pandanus Odoratissimus - Bot.), flower of fragrant crew pine. These flowers are found in two clours white & yellow & are cursed to not to use in worship of lord Shiva
Khadg खड्ग m Sanskrit, Hinduism, Hindi, Indian, Punjabi, MarathiMEANING : sword, scymitar, a large sacrificial knife, a rhinoceros, iron,
Khadyot खद्योत m Sanskrit, Indian, Tamil, Hinduism, Telugu, Nepali, Sinhalese, Hindi, Marathi, Malayalam, Kannada, Gujarati, FijianMeans "Sun" or "firefly".
Khaga खगा f Sanskrit, Hindi, Indian, Tamil, Hinduism, Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam, Gujarati, Marathi, NepaliMEANING : " Moving in air ", flying, a bird
Khal खल m Sanskrit, Tamil, Hinduism, Indian, HindiMEANING : threshing-floor, granary, earth, mould, , place, site ,contest, battle, sediment or dregs of oil, butter-milk boiled with acid vegetables and spices, a mischievous man, the sun, Xanthochymus pictorius, the thorn-apple ... [
Khandav खाण्डव m HinduismMEANING : sugar-candy, sugar-plums, sweetmeats, a sacred wood to lord Indra, Name of a forest in Mahabharata... [
Khandavi खाण्डवी f HinduismMEANING : sweetmeats, sugar-candy, Name of a city built by Sudarshana... [
Khapur खपुर m HinduismMEANING : a city i sky ( city of King Harishachandra), betel nut tree, tympany, water-dropsy, a fragrant grass ( Cyperus Pertenuis)... [
Kharanshu खरांशु m HinduismMEANING : "Hot-rayed", Sun. Here खर means hot or piercing + अंशु means rays... [
Kharat खरट m Indian, Sanskrit, Hinduism, Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, Kannada, Nepali, Sinhalese, Punjabi, Marathi, GujaratiFrom Sanskrit खरट (
kharaTa) meaning "hard".
Khasa खसा f HinduismMEANING : a kind of perfume, Name of a daughter of king Daksha... [
Khashay खशय m HinduismMEANING : resting or dwelling in the air. Here ख means sky + शय means resting , dwelling
Khatilak खतिलक m HinduismMEANING : "sky-ornament ", Sun. Here ख means sky + तिलक means ornament of head... [
Khatvang खट्वाङ्ग m Sanskrit, Hindi, Hinduism, Indian, Nepali, TeluguMEANING - club shaped like the foot of a bedstead’ i.e. a club or staff with a skull at the top (considered as the weapon of lord Shiva and also carried by ascetics ), back-bone... [
Khechar खेचर m Sanskrit, Indian, Hinduism, Hindi, Marathi, TamilMEANING : "moving in air" (bird), flying, any aerial being (as messenger of God), a name of Lord Shiva, quick silver, blue vitriol ... [
Khechara खेचरा f HinduismMEANING : moving in air, flying, a bird, (in music ) a particular melody ( मूर्छना ) Here खे means in air + चराmeans moving ... [
Khegaman खेगमन m HinduismMEANING : moving in air, a kind of gallinule. Here खे means sky, in air + गमन means going... [
Khyat ख्यात m Indian, Punjabi, Sanskrit, Marathi, Hinduism, Fijian, Nepali, Hindi, Sinhalese, Kannada, MalayalamMEANING : renown, famed, well known, called, celebrated ... [
Kovinath m HinduismShows signs of greatness and power. Also is depicted as smart and intelligent
Krit कृत m HinduismKrit is a word in sanskrit that means action or deed. It is derived from the Sanskrit root "kr," which means "to do" or "to make." Thus, the name Krit reflects someone who is engaged in action or acts purposefully.
Kshitiz m Hinduism, IndianIn English we say "Horizon".The place where the Earth and the sky seem to meet.
Kulika कुलिका f Sanskrit, Hindi, Indian, Tamil, Hinduism, Marathi, Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam, Gujarati, Nepali, Bengali, SinhaleseMEANING - "of good or noble family " , any artisan of eminent birth, high-born lady
Kulina कुलीना f Sanskrit, Hinduism, Hindi, Telugu, Indian, Tamil, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Bengali, Gujarati, NepaliMEANING - well-born, of eminent or high descent, belonging to the good or noble family, a name of goddess Durga
Kumbhakarna कुम्भकर्ण m HinduismMeans "pot-eared, pitcher-eared" in Sanskrit, from कुम्भ
(kumbha) meaning "pitcher, pot, jar" and कर्ण
(karna) meaning "ear". In the Hindu epic the
Ramayana he is a rakshasa (a type of supernatural being) and the younger brother of the demon king
Kurma कूर्म m HinduismMeans "tortoise, turtle" in Sanskrit. This is the name of one of the avatars of the Hindu god
Vishnu, who appears as a tortoise to support the base of Mount Mandara during the churning of the ocean.
Labdhi f HinduismJain name meaning or signifying the presence of heavenly power.
Lakhshar m HinduismFrom Lakhsh, which means goal. Meaning is Goal Oriented Fearless Leader
Lav लव m Sanskrit, Hindi, Indian, Nepali, Hinduism, Marathi, Telugu, Tamil, Malayalam, Kannada, Bengali, Punjabi, Gujarati, Sinhalese, AssameseMeaning - little piece, fragment , cloves, plucking, moment, half a second, sport, act of cutting or plucking, numerator of fraction, Name of a son of lord Ram
Libi लिबि, लिबी f Hindi, Hinduism, Sanskrit, Indian, Marathi, Nepali, Gujarati, Bengali, Assamese, Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, Kannada, Indian (Sikh)MEANING - wrting, handwriting, manuscript ... [
Madani मदनी f Sanskrit, Hindi, Indian, Hinduism, Marathi, Nepali, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam, Bengali, Gujarati, AssameseMEANING - "musk", "Civet-cat"... [
Mahakala महाकाल m Hinduism, BuddhismFrom Sanskrit महा
(mahā) meaning "great" and काल
(kala) meaning "time, age, death". This is the name of a deity in Hindu and Buddhist tradition... [
Mahalakshmi महालक्ष्मी f Indian, Hinduism, HindiFrom Sanskrit महालक्ष्मी (Mahalakshmi) meaning "great sign", derived from Sanskrit महा (maha) "great" and लक्ष्मी (lakshmi) "sign, mark".
Maheen महीन m Sanskrit, Hindi, Indian, Tamil, Nepali, Marathi, Hinduism, Telugu, Sinhalese, Malayalam, Kannada, Assamese, Punjabi, BengaliMEANING - "earth-ruler" ,king, prince. Here मही means earth + इन means ruler
Maheshi f Sanskrit, Hinduism, Indian, Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam, Gujarati, Punjabi, Bengali, Indian (Sikh), Marathi, Nepali, SinhaleseMEANING - "wife of great lord Shiva", A name of goddess Durga
Mahi महि f Sanskrit, Hinduism, Marathi, Bengali, Malayalam, Indian, Gujarati, Hindi, PunjabiMEANING - earth, great, intellect, greatness, exceedingly
Mahie मही f Sanskrit, Indian, Hindi, Hinduism, Nepali, Marathi, Sinhalese, Tamil, Punjabi, Gujarati, BengaliMEANING - the earth, cow, heaven & earth, soil, streams
Mahim महिम m Hindi, Sanskrit, Marathi, Indian, Hinduism, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam, Punjabi, Assamese, Gujarati, BengaliMEANING - Great; Glorious ; Powerful; Glory, might
Mahin महिन m Sanskrit, Hindi, Telugu, Indian, Tamil, Hinduism, Marathi, Assamese, GujaratiMEANING - mighty, great, sovereignty, dominion
Mahini महिनी f Sanskrit, Indian (Christian), Indian, Hindi, Hinduism, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Gujarati, Punjabi, BengaliMEANING - "mighty, strong"... [
Makul मकुल m Sanskrit, Hindi, Indian, Hinduism, Marathi, Tamil, Nepali, Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam, Bengali, Assamese, Gujarati, Punjabi"bud" ;Spanish Cherry tree ... [
Manaavi मनावी f HinduismMEANING : first woman on earth, wife of Manu. It shouldn't be confused with another Sanskrit name Manavi or Maanavi... [
Mangala मङ्गल, मङ्गला m & f Hinduism, Buddhism, Hindi, Marathi, Bengali, Kannada, Telugu, SinhaleseMeans "auspicious, lucky" in Sanskrit. This is a transcription of both the Sanskrit masculine form मङ्गल and the feminine form मङ्गला. The masculine form refers to the Hindu god of anger, aggression and war who personifies the planet Mars, while the feminine form is used as another name for the goddess
Parvati... [
Manovir मनोवीर m Sanskrit, Hinduism, Indian, Marathi, Bengali, Hindi, Nepali, Gujarati, Sinhalese, Tamil, Malayalam, Telugu, KannadaMEANING - "brave by heart", courageous person, bold. Here मनः means by heart or mind + वीर means brave, courageous, warrior
Manroop m & f HinduismThe name means smart and able to charm with mental power. It can mean smart or easily able to problem-solve; having a clear idea.
Manyu मन्यु m Sanskrit, HinduismLiterally meaning “passion” in Sanskrit, Manyu is the name of the Vedic deity of passion and war. Related to the Avestan-derived classical Iranian
Angra Mainyu and the modern Iranian
Marish मारिष m Sanskrit, Marathi, Hindi, Indian, Hinduism, Punjabi, Bengali, Nepali, Tamil, Telugu, Indian (Sikh), Gujarati"Respectable man"; worthy friend
Marj मार्ज m Sanskrit, Indian, Hinduism, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Bengali, Gujarati, Punjabi, Nepali, HindiMEANING "cleaner", "purifying ", "one who purifies" , "An epithet for Lord Vishnu"... [
Marjan मार्जन f Sanskrit, Indian, Hindi, Hinduism, Punjabi, Bengali, Gujarati, Tamil, Telugu, Nepali, Kannada, Malayalam, MarathiMEANING - "purification", "cleaning", "cleansing", "wiping off" ,"a brush or broom"... [
Marjana मार्जना f Sanskrit (Archaic), Indian, Hindi (Rare), Hinduism (Modern), Tamil, Marathi, Telugu, Nepali, Kannada, Malayalam, Bengali, PunjabiMEANING -"purifying " ,"washing" , "cleaning" ... [
Marjani मार्जनी f Sanskrit, Hindi, Indian, Hinduism, Marathi, Tamil, Nepali, Telugu, Kannada, Bengali, Malayalam, Punjabi, Gujarati, Indian (Sikh)MEANING - " purification ", "cleansing", "cleaner ", " broom", Name of a female attendant of Goddess Durga ... [
Marul मरुल m Sanskrit, Hindi, Indian, Hinduism, Marathi, Nepali, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam, Punjabi, Gujarati, Bengali, AssameseMEANING - Soft,Gentle, a kind of duck or flemingo
Marula मारुला f Sanskrit, Hindi, Hinduism, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam, Gujarati, Bengali, Punjabi, Indian (Sikh), Marathi, Nepali, AssameseMEANING - a kind of duck or flemingo, Soft, Mild, Name of a poetess... [
Matangi मातंगी f HinduismMatangi is one of the Mahavidyas, ten Tantric goddesses and a ferocious aspect of
Parvati, the Hindu Divine Mother. She is considered to be the Tantric form of Parvati but she is very similar to
Saraswati... [
Matrika f HinduismMEANING: a mother, a divine mother, a grandmother, Name of 8 veins on both sides of the neck (prob. so called after the 8 divine mothers) ,Name of partic. diagrams (written in characters to which a magical power is ascribed ; also the alphabet so employed ; prob... [
Matsya मत्स्य m HinduismMeans "fish" in Sanskrit. This is the name of one of the avatars of the Hindu god
Vishnu, who appears as a fish to save the life of the first man,
Manu, during a great flood.
Meenu f HinduismGirl with Fish Eyes or Fish that navigates through easily anywhere and there is peace and happiness around
Mehana मेहना f Sanskrit, Hinduism, Hindi, Indian, Telugu, Tamil, Malayalam, Kannada, Punjabi, Bengali, Gujarati, Marathi, Nepali, SinhaleseMEANING - abundantly, in streams
Midhush मीढुष m Sanskrit, Indian, Hindi, Hinduism, Marathi, Tamil, Telugu, Nepali, Sinhalese, Gujarati, Kannada, Malayalam, Punjabi, Bengali, AssameseMEANING : bountiful, liberal, Name of a son of lord Indra by
Paulomi... [
Midhushi मीढुषी f HinduismMEANING : liberal, bountiful, bestowing richly, name of goddess Durga or Lakshmi, name of a goddess ( who was wife of Ishaan / ईशान ) ... [
Mooler मूलेर m Sanskrit, Hinduism, Nepali, Punjabi, Hindi, Tamil, Indian, Telugu, Malayalam, Marathi, Bengali, KannadaMEANING - king, Indian Spikenard
Mriduka मृदुका f HinduismMEANING : delicate woman, Gentle lady, soft, Name of an Apsara
Mriduna मृदुना f Indian, Sanskrit, Tamil, Hinduism, Hindi, Bengali, Kannada, Telugu, Malayalam, Nepali, Sinhalese, GujaratiMEANING : gentle lady, soft, moderate ... [
Mrikanda m Sanskrit, HinduismMrikanda is a sage in Hindu mythology. Mrikanda is venerated as the founder of weaving, and as a result of the gods' gratitude he was granted two boons--a tiger and a giant. The giant disobeyed Mrikandaʻs orders and was summarily slain, but the tiger was obedient, and thus lived... [
Mukhar मुखर m Sanskrit, Hindi, Indian, Tamil, Hinduism, Telugu, NepaliMEANING : talkative, verbose, loquacious, garrulous ,leader, principal
Mukhara मुखरा f Sanskrit, Hindi, Hinduism, Indian, Marathi, MalayalamMEANING : talkative, verbose, loquacious, garrulous, chief, leader
Muniandi m Hinduism, TamilPossibly from Tamil முனி
(muni) meaning "sage" combined with ஆண்டவர்
(antavar) meaning "lord". This is the name of a Tamil folk deity who guards plantations and estates.
Nadvala नड्वला f HinduismFeminine Indian name meaning "one covered with reeds".
Naimittik नैमित्तिक m Sanskrit, Hindi, Indian, Hinduism, Marathi, Nepali, Punjabi, Bengali, Gujarati, Assamese, Indian (Sikh)MEANING - Occassional, special, accidental, Fortune-teller
Nainesh m Hinduism, Indian, SanskritThis name is derived from Sanskrit and means "Lord of the Eyes" or "the one with beautiful eyes". It is primarily a masculine name used in Indian communities. In Hindu mythology, the name signifies beauty, grace, and is romantically linked to eyes, considered windows to the soul... [
Nakula m HinduismSanskrit, name of the twin brother, the youngest of the 5 brothers born by king Pandu as recorded in the Mahabharata, younger brothers to Arjuna, great heroes in their own right, Nakula was tall and handsome, Sahadeva spoke eloquently and possessed great filial piety.
Nandi नन्दि m HinduismMeans "joy, pleasure, delight" in Sanskrit. In Hindu mythology this is the name of the bull mount (vahana) of the god
Narsimhan m Tamil, HinduismThe hindu Mythology shows that the hindu god of vishnu took ten forms to destroy evil on earth. one of the form was narsimha which means part human-part lion
Nataraja नटराज m HinduismMeans "lord of dance" in Sanskrit, from नट
(naṭa) meaning "dance" and राज
(rāja) meaning "king". This is the name of a form of the god
Shiva, represented as the divine cosmic dancer.
Nihaka निहाका f Sanskrit, Hindi, Indian, Hinduism, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam, Bengali, Gujarati, Assamese, Punjabi, Nepali"whirlwind"; coming down, storm, Gangetic alligator
Nihara निहारा, नीहारा f Sanskrit, Hindi, Hinduism, Indian, Marathi, Nepali, Bengali, Kannada, Tamil, Assamese, Gujarati, Punjabi, Malayalam, TeluguMEANING - mist , fog, dew, hoar-frost
Nihari निहारी, नीहारी f Sanskrit, Hindi, Indian, Hinduism, Punjabi, Nepali, Gujarati, Assamese, Tamil, Bengali, Kannada, Telugu, Malayalam, Marathi"Mist"; fog; heavy-dew
Nini निनी f Sanskrit, Telugu, Hindi, Kannada, Malayalam, Tamil, Indian, Hinduism, Bengali, Gujarati, Nepali, PunjabiMEANING - to lead, carry or bring towards, to offer as sacrifice, to spend ( as time) , to pour down, to incline
Nirma निर्मा f Sanskrit, Hindi, Indian, Hinduism, Marathi, Nepali, Punjabi, Telugu, TamilMEANING - measure, value, equivalent, to build, fabricate, create,to make
Nirmatri निर्मात्री f Sanskrit, Hindi, Indian, Hinduism, Marathi, Gujarati, Nepali, Bengali, Punjabi, AssameseMEANING - Maker, Producer, Creator, authress
Nirṛti निऋती f HinduismMeans "absence of". Nirṛti is the Hindu goddess of deathly hidden realms, sorrows, death and corruption and one of the
dikpāla (guardians of the directions), representing the southwest.
Nirrti निऋती f HinduismThe name of the Hindu goddess of deathly hidden realms and sorrows as well as the southwest direction. Her name is derived from
nirhti meaning "absence of".
Nish निश m Hindi, Sanskrit, Indian, Hinduism, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam, Bengali, Gujarati, Nepali, Assamese, Punjabi, Marathi"night"
Niyan नियान m Sanskrit, Indian, Hinduism, Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam, Punjabi, Bengali, Marathi, Gujarati, Fijian, Nepali, Sinhalese, AmericanMEANING : a way, access, arrival... [
Nyas न्यास m Sanskrit, Indian, Hinduism, Tamil, Nepali, Hindi, Kannada, MalayalamMEANING: putting down or in, placing, applying, impressing, drawing, painting, putting away, ... [
Odav ओडव m Sanskrit, Hindi, Indian, Hinduism, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam, Punjabi, Bengali, Marathi, Nepali, SinhaleseMEANING - "mode which consists of five notes only"... [
Ogan ओगण m Sanskrit, Indian, Hinduism, Hindi, Bengali (Hindu), Malayalam, Kannada, Telugu, TamilMEANING :assembled, united, standing alone
Oghavaan ओघवान् m HinduismMEANING - having strong streams (like a river). Here ओघ means strong stream + वान् means one having. It was name of a king... [
Oha ओहा f Sanskrit, Indian, Tamil, Telugu, Sinhalese, Hindi, Punjabi, Kannada, Hinduism, Nepali, BengaliMEANING - bringing near, excellent, vehicle, means. It is derived from Sanskrit word ओह... [
Ojas ओजस् m Sanskrit, Indian, Hinduism, Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Marathi, Assamese, Punjabi, Gujarati, Bengali, MalayalamMEANING - bodily strength, vital energy, splendoustrength, manifestation, appearance, vitality, power,
Ojasa ओजसा f Indian, Sanskrit, Hinduism, Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, Kannada, Bengali, Gujarati, Assamese, PunjabiName: Ojasa ओजसा... [
Ojasi ओजसी f Sanskrit, Indian, Hinduism, Hindi, Punjabi, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam, BengaliMEANING;: vigorous , Splendourous , Shine
Ojmana ओज्मना f Indian, Sanskrit, Hindi, Hinduism, Tamil, Telugu, Nepali, Sinhalese, Gujarati, Malayalam, KannadaName: Ojmana ओज्मना... [
Ojo ओजो m Sanskrit, Indian, Tamil, Telugu, Hindi, Hinduism, Kannada, Malayalam, Nepali, Sinhalese, Punjabi, Bengali, Gujarati, MarathiName - Ojo... [
Okas ओकस् m Indian, Sanskrit, Tamil, Hindi, Hinduism, Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam, Bengali, Nepali, MarathiMEANING -house, dwelling, convenience, abode, assylum... [
Omjit m HinduismThe name emans the conqueror of Earth hell and Heaven. It actually signifies that mixing of these three states.
Omkara ओम्कारा f HinduismOmkara ओङ्कारा /ओम्कारा / ॐकारा means- Buddhist Shakti, A female personification of divine energy
Omkrit ओम्कृत m HinduismOmkrit ओङ्कृत /ओंकृत means- having an uttered 'OM', accompanied by 'OM'(ॐ)... [
Oni ओणि f Sanskrit, Indian, Hinduism, Tamil, Telugu, Marathi, Gujarati, Hindi, Malayalam, Nepali, Kannada, Punjabi, Sinhalese, BengaliName: Oni ओणि... [
Oorjit ऊर्जित m HinduismMEANING : endowed with strength or energy, mighty, powerful, energetic , excellent ... [
Osh ओष m Sanskrit, Nepali, Tamil, Telugu, Indian, Hinduism, Sinhalese, Bengali, Malayalam, Hindi, Punjabi, Kannada, American, Marathi, Gujarati, FijianMeans-shining, combustion, burning
Oshna ओष्णा f Sanskrit, Indian, Tamil, Telugu, Nepali, Sinhalese, Malayalam, Kannada, Hinduism, Hindi, American, Fijian, Gujarati, Punjabi, Marathi, AssameseMEANING - a little warm, tepid ... [
Parashurama परशुराम m Hinduismliterally means "Rama with an axe". the sixth avatar among the Dashavatara of the preserver god Vishnu in Hinduism.
Pariksheet m HinduismHindu mythology character of mahabharat known as king pariksheet he was a son of abhimanu and grandson of Arjuna
Parjanya m Hinduism, SanskritParjanya, according to the Vedas, is a deity of rain, thunder, lightning, and the one who fertilizes the earth. It is another epithet of Indra, the Vedic deity of the sky and heaven.
Pashupati पशुपति m HinduismFrom Sanskrit पशु (
paśu) meaning "cattle" and पति (
pati) meaning "lord", thus "lord of animals". Pashupati is a Hindu deity and an incarnation of
Shiva 1.
Pradakshina f HinduismPradakshina is called parikrma means to take a round of statue of god, holy Placea or place worth to pay respect.
Pragyapti प्रज्ञापति f & m HinduismAnother name of the Hindu Goddess
Saraswati, it means "intellectual" or "the most intelligent".
Prasuti प्रसूति f HinduismMeans "birth, generation" in Sanskrit. According to the
Puranas this was the name of a daughter of
Manu and the wife of
Daksha... [
Puloma f Hinduism, SanskritPuloma is the wife of Sage Bhrigu in Hinduism. She is the mother of the sage Chyavana.
Raati राति f Sanskrit, Hindi, Indian, Hinduism, Marathi, Nepali, Gujarati, Bengali, Assamese, Punjabi, Indian (Sikh)Means "liberal; bestowing" in many Indian languages.
Rami रामी f Sanskrit, Hindi, Hinduism, Marathi, Nepali, Sinhalese, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam, Indian, Punjabi, BengaliMEANING - night, darkness
Rampa रम्पा f Sanskrit, Hinduism, Hindi, Indian, Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, Kannada, Gujarati, Bengali, MarathiName : Rampa रम्पा... [
Raran रराण m Sanskrit, Hindi, Indian, Tamil, Gujarati, Punjabi, Hinduism, Malayalam, Nepali, Telugu, Marathi, KannadaMEANING - liberal, bestowing, bountiful, distributing
Rashma रश्मा f Sanskrit, Indian, Hindi, Marathi, Hinduism, Nepali, Telugu, Tamil, Kannada, Indian (Sikh), Bengali, MalayalamMEANING- ray, beam of light
Rashti राष्टि f Sanskrit, Indian, Hinduism, Hindi, Telugu, Tamil, Bengali, GujaratiMEANING : { to rign , rule, shine, be splendid, to govern}... [
Rata रात f Sanskrit, Nepali (Modern, Rare), Hinduism, Hindi, Gujarati, Indian, Marathi, Bengali, Punjabi, Assamese, Indonesian, Indian (Sikh)MEANING - bestowing, granting, bountiful ... [
Rataa रता f Sanskrit, Hindi, Hinduism, Indian, Punjabi, Indian (Sikh), Marathi, Gujarati, Nepali, Assamese, BengaliMEANING - beloved, amused, fond or enamoured of, delighting in
Raunaq m Indian, Muslim, Hinduismthe name is a Hindu/Muslim name. it means "Beauty", "Grace", "Glamour" It can be used as a masculine noun. In Arabic it means (رونق) "Brilliant". Persian (راوناق) "smooth"