Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Ravind रविन्द m Sanskrit, Hindi, Indian, Kannada, Hinduism, Marathi, Tamil, Telugu, Indian (Sikh), Punjabi, Bengali, Gujarati, Assamese, Nepali, MalayalamMeans "lotus flower" in Sanskrit.
Revant रेवन्त m HinduismMEANING : wealthy, opulent, splendid, brilliant, handsome. It is the name of a son of lord Surya ... [
Richik ऋचीक m Sanskrit, Hinduism, Hindi, Indian, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam, Punjabi, Gujarati, Marathi, Assamese, Nepali, SinhaleseMEANING - one who knows sacred verses, one sings hymns, praising, Name of a Rishi
Riddh ऋद्ध m Indian, Sanskrit, Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam, Hinduism, Punjabi, Bengali, NepaliMEANING: increased, thriving, prosperous, abundant, wealthy, filled with (voices), made to resound,stored grain,... [
Riddhida ऋद्धिदा f Sanskrit, Hindi, Indian, Nepali, Sinhalese, Hinduism, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam, Bengali, Gujarati, AssameseMEANING - giver of sucess, bestowing magical-powers or fortune. a name of goddess Durga. Here ऋद्धि means magicalpowers, success + दा means conferring
Rishaan m HinduismRishaan is a name of Hindi origin and holds diverse meanings. Widely interpreted as ‘good’ or ‘strong,’ it also signifies ‘Lord Shiva,’ ‘saint,’ and ‘seeker of enlightenment.’ Additionally, Rishaan could mean ‘one who meditates on the Lord’s name,’ encapsulating spiritual significance... [
Roch रोच m Sanskrit, Hindi, Hinduism, Indian, Punjabi, Bengali, Gujarati, Marathi, Nepali, Tamil, Kannada, Malayalam"Shining "; "radiant" ;"one who lightens or makes bright "... [
Ruchika f HinduismRuchika means Shinning or Beautiful, is of Indian origin.
Rudrakshi रूद्राक्षी f Hinduism (Sanskritized)From Sanskrit रूद्राक्षी(Rūdrākṣī) meaning "power, fearless, fierce". Etymologically means "tear of lord Rudra(Shiva" and metaphorically means "Goddess Shakti or Parvati".
Saam साम m Sanskrit, Hindi, Indian, Hinduism, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam, Bengali, Nepali, Marathi"Sweet words for winning an adversary "; pacify; tranquilize; appease... [
Saanvi सानवी, सान्वी f Indian, HinduismBelieved to be another name for the Hindu goddess
Lakshmi, though its ultimate meaning and origin are uncertain. It may be from Sanskrit सा
(sa) referring to Lakshmi combined with अन्वि
(anvi) meaning "follow, pursue, go after" or from सानु
(sanu) meaning "peak, summit, ridge".
Sahadeva सहदेव m HinduismMeans "one with the gods" in Sanskrit. From
saha meaning "one" and
deva meaning "God".
Sairika f Sanskrit, Hinduism, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Hindi, Malayalam, Nepali, Indian, Marathi, BengaliMEANING - celestial, heavenly
Sakasha सकाशा f & m Sanskrit, Indian, Malayalam, Hinduism, Telugu, Tamil, Hindi, Punjabi, Bengali, Marathi, Nepali, KannadaMeaning- near, visible, present, having appearance, vicinity
Samali समाली f Sanskrit, Hindi, Indian, Hinduism, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Bengali, Gujarati, Nepali, AssameseMeans "nosegay, collection of flowers" in Sanskrit.
Sambid m Hinduism, Nepalia form of the word 'Vidya' which means wisdom/knowledge. Sum is a prefix which makes it a positive wisdom, wise, knowledgable person defined as sambid. For further reference, look into a Nepali,Hindi,Sanskrit dictionary.
Sana सना f Sanskrit, Tamil, Telugu, Hinduism, Kannada, Hindi, Malayalam, Punjabi, Marathi, Gujarati, Nepali, SinhaleseName- Sana
Sanaa सना... [
Sanaka सनक m HinduismMeans "old, ancient" in Sanskrit. In Hindu mythology this is the name of one of the four Kumaras, a group of child sages who are the firstborn sons of the god
Sananda f & m Hindi, Bengali, HinduismDerived from Sanskrit आनन्द
(ananda) meaning "happiness, bliss". In Shaiva tradition, this name belongs to one of the four sages created by the god
Brahma... [
Sanandana सनन्दन m HinduismMeans "ever-joyful" from Sanskrit सन
(sana) meaning "long-lasting, perpetual" and नन्दन
(nandana) meaning "glad, joyful". In Hindu mythology this is the name of one of the four Kumaras, a group of child sages who are the firstborn sons of the god
Sanatana सनातन m HinduismMeans "eternal, everlasting" in Sanskrit. In Hindu mythology this is the name of one of the four Kumaras, a group of child sages who are the firstborn sons of the god
Sanatkumara सनत्कुमार m HinduismMeans "ever-young" from Sanskrit सन
(sana) meaning "long-lasting, perpetual" and कुमार
(kumāra) meaning "boy, son, prince"... [
Sanu सानु m & f Sanskrit, Indian, Hindi, Hinduism, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam, Bengali, Gujarati, Assamese, Marathi, PunjabiMEANING - top of mountain, mountain -ridge, table-land, Sun, sage
Sarama सरमा f Hinduism, PetThe name of a mythological being referred to as the dog of the gods, or Deva-shuni (देव-शुनी,
devaśunī), in Hindu mythology. She first appears in one of Hinduism's earliest texts, the Rig Veda, in which she helps the god-king
Indra to recover divine cows stolen by the Panis, a class of demons... [
Saranya f Hinduism, Indian, Tamil, Malayalam, ThaiFrom Sanskrit शरण्य
(sharanya) meaning "protector, defender, refuge" or सरण्यु
(saranyu) meaning "nimble, quick, agile". This is the name of a Hindu goddess.
Sarayu सरयु f Indian, Hinduism, TeluguFrom the name of a river in North India that flows through Uttarakhand and Uttar Pradesh. Its name seems directly taken from the Sanskrit word सरयु
(sarayu) meaning "air, wind".
Sauri सौरि m Sanskrit, Hinduism, Indian, Hindi, Marathi, Nepali, Gujarati, Sinhalese, KannadaMEANING - "son of sun", a name of Saturn, Indian- Laurel, clammyweeds plant
Saurik सौरिक f Sanskrit, Hinduism, Indian, Tamil, Telugu, Hindi, Kannada, Malayalam, Gujarati, Marathi, BengaliMEANING - Celestial, heavenly, paradise, relating to spirituous liquor
Sesha शेष m & f HinduismIn Hindu tradition, Sesha (also: Shesha, Sheshanaga) is the king of all Nagas (serpent deities).
Shadri शद्रि m & f Sanskrit, Indian, Hindi, Hinduism, Bengali, Marathi, Nepali, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam, GujaratiMEANING (as masuline ) - cloud, elephant... [
Shamath शमथ m Sanskrit, Hinduism, Indian, Hindi, Marathi, Gujarati, Bengali, Assamese, Punjabi, Fijian, Indian (Sikh)MEANING - counsellor, Minister, tranquility, quiet, absence of passion
Shashidhara शशिधर m Hinduism, KannadaMeans "bearer of the moon" in Sanskrit, from शशी
(shashi) meaning "moon" and धर
(dhara) meaning "holding, bearing". This is an epithet of the Hindu god
Shatarupa शतरूपा f HinduismMeans "she of one hundred forms", from Sanskrit शत
(śatá) meaning "hundred" and रूप
(rūpa) meaning "shape, beauty, form". In Hindu tradition Shatarupa is a daughter of
Brahma and the wife of the first man,
Shatrughna शत्रुघ्न m HinduismMeans "destroyer of enemies" in Sanskrit, from शत्रु
(shatru) meaning "enemy, foe" and घ्न
(ghna) meaning "destroyer, killer". In the Hindu epic the
Ramayana he is the twin brother of
Lakshmana and the half-brother of the hero
Shaunit m HinduismShaunit (शौनित) is an Indian boy name derived from the Irish name Shaun which means God is gracious; gift from God.
Shesha शेषा f Sanskrit, Hindi, Indian, Hinduism, Punjabi, Sinhalese, Nepali, Kannada, Malayalam, Telugu, TamilMEANING - [the remains of flowers or other offerings made to an idol and afterwards distributed amongst the worshippers and attendants (sg. " a garden made of the remains of flowers " ), residue, remainder, conclusion... [
Shishupala m Hinduism, SanskritShishupala lit. 'protector of children' was the king of the Chedi kingdom, and an antagonist in the Mahabharata.
Shivum m Hinduism, IndianThis name is of Indian and Hindu origin and generally means "auspicious" and relates to the god Shiva.
Shiwin शिविन् m Nepali, Sanskrit, Hindi, Hinduism, Marathi, Tamil, Sinhalese, Kannada, TeluguMEANING - auspicious, dear, favourable. It is a derived name from Sanskrit word Shiva/शिव . As Sanskrit word रोहिन् is derived from रोह/रोह् and बोधिन् derived from बोध.... [
Shunmugavelan m HinduismThe name of a Hindu god. Very unpopular,and not widely used, but most rare and best Indian name ever!
Shyava श्यावा f Sanskrit, Hindi, Hinduism, Indian, Malayalam, Telugu, Tamil, Assamese, Gujarati, Marathi, Punjabi, Bengali, KannadaMEANING - brown, dark, dark-brown
Sidda f HinduismDerivation of Sanskrit word "Siddha" meaning "enlightened, accomplished, fulfilled"
Siddhida सिद्धिदा f Sanskrit, Hindi, Hinduism, Indian, Marathi, Gujarati, Bengali, Tamil, Malayalam, Kannada, NepaliMEANING - Conferring felicity or beatitude, bestowing success. a name of goddess Durga. Here सिद्धि means success + दा means giving
Sini f Sanskrit, Hindi, Indian, Hinduism, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Marathi, Malayalam, Bengali, Punjabi, GujaratiMEANING - "white" ; " bright "... [
Soham m HinduismOriginating from the Sanskrit words 'So' and 'Aham' , Soham literally translated means, I am He, that is, I am God, proclaiming that God is within all of us.... [
Sparsh m Indian, Hinduismact of touching; touch; contact; the quality of touch or tangibility; whit, jot; effect of touch or contact; any of the consonants.
Suchar सुचर m Hindi, Sanskrit, Bengali, Kannada, Indian, Marathi, Hinduism, Nepali, Telugu, Tamil, Malayalam, PunjabiMEANING - "one who walks or moves excellently ", having beautiful gait, performing well . Here सु means well, excellent + चर means moving, performing
Suda सुदा f Sanskrit, Hindi, Indian, Hinduism, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam, Bengali, Punjabi, Gujarati, Assamese, Indian (Sikh)MEANING - giving bountifully; munificent, highly generous. Here सु means very highly + दा means bestowing, giving
Sugriva सुग्रीव m HinduismMeans "beautiful-necked" from Sanskrit सु
(su) meaning "good, well" and ग्रीवा
(grīvā) meaning "neck". In the Hindu epic the
Ramayana this is the name of a son of
Sumitra f & m Hinduism, Indian, Bengali, Hindi, Odia, Marathi, Assamese, Punjabi, Kannada, Thai, IndonesianMeans "good friend" from the Sanskrit prefix सु
(su) meaning "good" combined with मित्र
(mitra) meaning "friend"... [
Sunanda f Hinduismmeaning is that, Hindu Mythology told that,the great festival called DURGA PUJA-MAA DURGAS name is it.
Sund सुन्द m HinduismMEANING : shining, handsome, name of lord Vishnu, It was also the name of a demon... [
Sunrita सूनृता f Sanskrit, Indian, Hindi, Hinduism, Punjabi, Assamese, Bengali, Gujarati, Marathi, Nepali, Indian (Sikh)MEANING - "Goddess of truth "; truth personified as Goddess; Glee; exultation; song of joy; Kind & true speech
Sushim सुषीम m Sanskrit, Hindi, Hinduism, Indian, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam, Bengali, Marathi, Nepali, Sinhalese, Punjabi, GujaratiMEANING - cold, frigid, Moonstone or Moon gem, pleasant. Agreeable ... [
Svaksh स्वक्ष : m Sanskrit, Indian, Hindi, Telugu, Hinduism, Tamil, Kannada, Malayalam, Bengali, Punjabi, Nepali, Sinhalese, GujaratiMEANING : beautiful eyed, a name of lord Vishnu, having beautiful axle .Here सु means beautiful + अक्ष means eye, axle
Svika स्विका f Sanskrit, Indian, Hinduism, Hindi, Nepali, Tamil, Telugu, Gujarati, Malayalam, Bengali, Kannada"One's own" ;"my own" ; "peculiar"... [
Swaka स्वका f & m Sanskrit, Indian, Hindi, Hinduism, Telugu, Tamil, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, BengaliMEANING - one's own, one of one's own people, a relation, kinsman, friend, one's own people, friends ,one's own goods property, wealth, riches. It is feminine of स्वक... [
Swaksh स्वक्ष m Indian, Hinduism, Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Punjabi, Sanskrit, Marathi, Nepali, Bengali, Malayalam, AssameseMeans "beautiful eyed" in Sanskrit.
Takshaka तक्षक m HinduismTakshaka is the third and current King of Nagas in Hinduism.
Tanuja f Hinduismriver yamuna in india,hindu mythalogy-sisiter of yam.
Tilak तिलक m Sanskrit, HinduismTilak (or Tilaka) is the Hindu ritual of marking someone's forehead with a fragrant paste, such as of sandalwood or vermilion, as a welcome and expression of honour when they arrive. ... [
Tilottama तिलोत्तमा f HinduismTilottama (Sanskrit: तिलोत्तमा, Tilottamā) is an Apsara (celestial nymph) described in Hindu mythology. Tila is the Sanskrit word for sesame "seed" or a "bit" and uttama means "better" or "higher"... [
Trimurti त्रिमूर्ति m HinduismTrimurti in Hinduism, Triad of the Three Gods Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva. The Concept was known at least by the time of Kalidasa's Poem, Kumarasambhava.
Tripat तृपत् m Sanskrit, Hinduism, Hindi, Indian, Punjabi, Gujarati, Bengali, Nepali, Assamese, Indian (Sikh)MEANING : with pleasure, to one's satisfaction, Moon, a parasol... [
Triptatman तृप्तात्मन् m HinduismMEANING : having a contented mind, satisfied. Here तृप्त means satiated + आत्मन् means mind... [
Truvee f Hinduism (Anglicized, Rare)In Indian, the name Truvee means- Superior. The name Truvee orginated as an Indian name. The name Truvee is used for female name.
Tulsi f & m Hinduism, Indian, Bengali, Hindi, NepaliFrom Sanskrit तुलसी
(tulasī) meaning "holy basil (a type of plant)". The plant is considered sacred in Hinduism, and it is sometimes personified as an avatar of
Ujjayan उज्जयन m Indian, Tamil, Telugu, Sanskrit, Hinduism, Hindi, Malayalam, Kannada, Punjabi, Marathi, Nepali, SinhaleseName: Ujjayan उज्जयन... [
Uluben m HinduismThis is used bythe god of thunder in hindu myths. "The special one"
Upal उपल m Sanskrit, Hindi, Indian, Hinduism, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam, Bengali, Gujarati, Punjabi, Nepali, Marathi, Assamese, Indian (Sikh)MEANING - opal; Jewel, precious stone, rock
Upasa उपासा f Sanskrit, Hindi, Indian, Hinduism, Marathi, Nepali, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam, Bengali, Gujarati, Assamese, PunjabiMEANING - Adoration, homage, worship ... [
Uri उरी f Sanskrit, Hindi, Indian, Hinduism, Gujarati, Bengali, Malayalam, Kannada, Telugu, Tamil, Nepali, SinhaleseName: Uri उरी... [
Ush उष m Sanskrit, Indian, Hinduism, Hindi, Bengali, Tamil, Kannada, Telugu, Marathi, GujaratiMEANING : early morning, dawn, daybreak, lover, bdellium, saline earth, fossile salt ... [
Vaarish वारिश m HinduismMEANING: "one who sleeps in waters or ocean", a Name of lord Vishnu... [
Vairocana वैरोचन m Buddhism, HinduismFrom Sanskrit वैरोचन
(vairocana) meaning "solar, of the sun", a derivative of विरोचन
(virochana) meaning "sun, giver of light". This is the name of a cosmic buddha in Mahayana tradition, as well as an epithet of the Hindu asura (demon)
Valga वल्गा f Sanskrit, Marathi, Indian, Hinduism, Hindi, Bengali, Nepali, Sinhalese, Gujarati, TamilMEANING - a bridle, rein, Goddess Durga
Vamana वामन m HinduismMeans "dwarfish, small, short-statured" in Sanskrit. This is the name of one of the avatars of the Hindu god
Vishnu, who appears as a dwarf man to recover the three worlds (earth, heaven and the netherworld) from the demon king Bali.
Vamini f HinduismThis name (not to be confused with Bamini, Padmini, Yamini, Jamini, or Kamini) was a very much in use in India before 1700’s. It was a name only taken by female babies in royal families or women of highest status and caste.... [
Vani f Sanskrit, Indian, Hinduism, Telugu, Tamil, Hindi, Kannada, Malayalam, Nepali, MarathiMEANING - wish, desire, fire, bestowing, procuring
Vansha वंशा f HinduismMEANING - lineage, race, dynasty. It was the name of an Apsara.
Varahi वाराही f Indian, HinduismMeans "boar" in Sanskrit. This is the name of a Hindu goddess, one of the Matrikas.
Vasha वशा f Sanskrit, Hindi, Indian, Hinduism, Nepali, Marathi, Telugu, Tamil, Kannada, Bengali, Malayalam, Gujarati, AssameseMEANING - willing, obedient, submissive, free, daughter , woman, female elephant ... [
Vashish m Mauritian Creole, Indian, HinduismVariant of Vashisht, which is a varaint of Vashistha. In Hinduism, Vashistha is one of the Saptarishis (seven great Rishis) in the seventh, i.e. the present Manvantara, or age of Manu. Vashista is a manasputra (mind-son) of
Vasvi वस्वी f Sanskrit, Hindi, Indian, Hinduism, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Marathi, Malayalam, Bengali, Gujarati, Assamese, PunjabiMEANING - night; excellent, beneficent , sweet
Veenapani वीनापनी f Indian, HinduismMeans "one who plays veena, veena-playing", from a combination of
Veena (an Indian lute) and Sanskrit
pani ("water" or "flowing"). This is an epithet of the Hindu goddess
Saraswati, who is often depicted playing a veena on the back of a swan.
Vega वेगा f Sanskrit, Hinduism, Hindi, Indian, Nepali, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Punjabi, Gujarati, BengaliMEANING - speed, quickness, velocity, current ( of water ), momentum
Venkateshwara m Hinduism, Indian, TeluguFrom Venkata, the name of a hill in Andhra Pradesh state, India, combined with Sanskrit ईश्वर
(ishvara) meaning "lord, god". This is the name of a form of the Hindu god
Vishnu particularly revered in southern India.
Vibhishana विभीषण m Indian, HinduismFrom विभीषण (
vibhīṣaṇa), meaning "terrifying" in Sanskrit. Vibhishana, a
rakshasa or humanoid being, is the brother of
Ravana, the king of Lanka, and ally of
Rama in the Ramayana.
Vidul विदुल m HinduismMEANING: rattan plant or Fasciculatus (Calamus Rotang - Bot.), it also means wise, skilled... [
Vidura विदुर m HinduismMeans "skilled, intelligent, wise" in Sanskrit. In the Hindu epic Mahabharata, Vidura is the prime minister of the Kuru kingdom and is the paternal uncle of both the Pandavas and the Kauravas.
Vinata विनता f HinduismAccording to Hindu legends, Vinata is the mother of birds. She is one of the thirteen daughters of Prajapati Daksha. Married to Kashyapa along with her 12 sisters. She bore him two sons, named Aruṇá, and Garuda (Suparna).
Vinayika विनायिका f Sanskrit, Hindi, Hinduism, Tamil, Indian, Kannada, Telugu, Malayalam, NepaliMEANING - remover of obstacles, female leader, female preceptor, a term for wife of lord Ganesha
Vinda वृंदा m & f HinduismTaken from Mitravinda, one of the eight principal queen-consorts of the Hindu god Krishna.
Viraaj विराज, विराज् m Sanskrit, Indian, Hinduism, Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, BengaliMEANING : Shining, Brilliant. Splendid, ruling far & wide, Sovereign, King
Virata विराट m HinduismMeans "huge, magnificent" in Sanskrit. This is the name of a character in the Hindu epic the
Visha विषा f Indian, Sanskrit, Hindi, Hinduism, Sinhalese, Kannada, MalayalamMEANING - Atis tree, Aconite tree(its bark is used as dye), feces, wisdom, intellect
Vishada विशदा f Sanskrit, Hindi, Indian, Hinduism, Marathi, Nepali, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Bengali, Malayalam, Gujarati, Indian (Sikh), AssameseMEANING - spotless, brilliant, bright, calm, evident, intelligible, clear, cheerful
Vishadi विशदी f Sanskrit, Hindi, Indian, Hinduism, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam, Gujarati, Indian (Sikh), Assamese, Bengali, Punjabi, Marathi, NepaliFeminine form of
Vishpala विश्पला f HinduismFrom
viś "settlement, village" and
bala "strong", "protecting the settlement" or "strong settlement". It's the name of a famous warrior queen in the Rigveda according to Griffith, a famous indologist... [
Vishva विश्व m Hinduism, HindiMeans "all, whole, world, universe" in Sanskrit. This is another name for the Hindu god
Vrinda वृन्दा f Hinduism, Hindi, MarathiThis name comes from the ancient Indian language Sanskrit. It is one of the names given to the Hindu goddess Radha, one of the god Vishnu's many lovers. The name is also used for the
Tulsi plant, a sacred plant in Hinduism, because it is said Radha's hair was wavy and luxurious, like the leaves on the plant.
Vrishali f Hinduismthe history goes back to the Mahabharata where it is the name of karna's wife.
Yajush याजुष m HinduismMEANING - "partridge, observerof religious ceremonies as prescribed in yajur-veda, relating to yajurveda(यर्जुवेद)"... [
Yokshith m HinduismYokshith Meaning Lord VISHNU. Another name from sanskrit text
Zidartha m Hinduism (Americanized, Rare)The name Zidartha derives from the name
Siddhartha better known as The Buddha, l. c. 563 - c. 483 BCE. He was, according to legend, a Hindu prince who renounced his position and wealth to seek enlightenment as a spiritual ascetic, attained his goal and, in preaching his path to others, founded Buddhism in India in the 6th-5th centuries BCE... [