Gender Masculine
Other Forms FormsHindi : टंक , Sanskrit - टड़्क
Meaning & History
Name: Tank टङ्क
MEANING : a spade, hoe, hatchet, stone-cutter's chisel, a peak or crag shaped like the edge of a hatchet, edge or declivity
of a hill, a leg ,borax, pride ,a sword, a scabbard, a weight of 4 माष ,a stamped coin, Feronia elephantum, wrath, (in music)
a kind of measure
Usage : Sanskrit, Indian, Tamil, Telugu, Nepali, Sinhala, Hindi, Sikh
MEANING : a spade, hoe, hatchet, stone-cutter's chisel, a peak or crag shaped like the edge of a hatchet, edge or declivity
of a hill, a leg ,borax, pride ,a sword, a scabbard, a weight of 4 माष ,a stamped coin, Feronia elephantum, wrath, (in music)
a kind of measure
Usage : Sanskrit, Indian, Tamil, Telugu, Nepali, Sinhala, Hindi, Sikh