JenkinsmEnglish (American, Rare) Transferred use of the surname Jenkins. The surname Jenkins is derived from the given name Jenkin, a diminutive of Jen, itself a Middle English form of John.
JennellfEnglish (American, Modern) Variant of Jenelle. Known bearers of this name include the American singer and musician Jennell Hawkins (1983-2006), and American game designer Jennell Jaquays (1956-2024).
JerralmEnglish (American) Most famously borne by Dallas Cowboys NFL team owner, Jerry Jones whose full name is Jerral Wayne Jones. Possibly a folksy form of Gerald.
JesscafEnglish (American) Variant or a Short Form of Jessica. This name was used for a character in the show "Abbott Elementary" (2021-) played by Sabrina Brier.
JobynafEnglish (American, Rare) This name was borne by American actress Jobyna Howland (1880-1936), who was named after her father Joby. Another famous bearer was actress Jobyna Ralston (1899-1967), who was named for Howland.... [more]
JohnlloydmFilipino, English (American, Rare) Combination of John and Lloyd, used primarily in the Philippines. It is likely to be used in honor of Saint John Lloyd, a Welsh priest who was martyred among the Forty Martyrs of England and Wales.... [more]
JoplinfEnglish (American, Modern, Rare) Transferred use of the surname Joplin. This is also the name of a city in Missouri, named for Reverend Harris G. Joplin, one of the first settlers.
JunellenfEnglish (American, Rare) An invented name. It was borne by an American fashion model named Junellen Hawthorne Lott and was a combination of her parents' names Junior and Ellen 1.
KabrinafEnglish (American, Rare) Blending of Katrina and Sabrina. It peaked in popularity in the United States in 1993 when 98 girls were given the name, probably due to an infomercial for the psychic pay-per-call-minute service/hotline Kebrina's Psychic Answer by Kebrina Kinkade, an American celebrity psychic, which began airing on television in 1992.