ZalemEnglish (American, Rare) Transferred use of the surname Zale. In recent years it has seen a slight boost in popularity, possibly influenced by the phonetic element zay.
ZereldafEnglish (American, Archaic), American (South, Archaic) Variant of Serilda. It was regionally popular in the Midwestern and Southern United States in the 19th century, borne by the Kentuckian mother of Jesse James, outlaw, as well as her husband's niece, whom Jesse later married... [more]
ZerlenefEnglish (American, Rare) Possibly a variant of Zerline. This is the title of a 1955 song by American R&B duo Gene & Billy (singers Gene Ford and Billy Boyd), about a woman named Zerlene.
ZhaviafEnglish (American, Modern) Possibly a variant of Xavia. It was brought to some public attention in 2018 by American singer Zhavia Ward (2001-), also known as Zhavia Vercetti, a finalist on the first season of the American reality television music competition series The Four: Battle for Stardom.
ZiafEnglish (American) From the name of the indigenous Zia people of New Mexico. The Zia sun symbol is the national symbol of the state of New Mexico and used on the state flag.
ZillionmEnglish (American, Modern, Rare) From the word zillion, coined in the 1940s to refer to an unspecified large number, itself a blend of the letter Z and million.
ZoradafEnglish (American, Rare, Archaic) Probably a variant of Zoraida. This was the middle name of American lighthouse keeper Ida Lewis (1842-1911), who was born Idawalley Zorada Lewis.