ArbutusfEnglish (American) From the name of trailing arbutus (species Epigaea repens), a fragrant flowering plant also known as the mayflower. It is the state flower of Massachusetts in the United States, as well as the official provincial flower of Nova Scotia in Canada.
AriannyfEnglish (American, Modern) Apparently a form of Arianna. This name was popularized in the early 2010s by American ring girl Arianny Celeste (1985-), born Penelope López Márquez, in whose case it is reportedly derived from a nickname she had as a child.
ArizonafEnglish (American) From the name of the state in the Southwestern region of the United States. Its etymology is uncertain; it may be derived from O'odham alĭ ṣonak meaning "small spring", via the Spanish intermediary form Arizonac... [more]
ArlafEnglish (American) Of uncertain origin and meaning. It might be a direct adoption of the Scandinavian name Arla; however, it is also possible that Arla arose as an elaboration or quasi-Latinization of Arlie.
ArsonmEnglish (American, Modern, Rare) Probably a spelling variant of Arsen. It coincides with the English word arson meaning "the criminal act of deliberately setting fire to property".
Artistm & fEnglish (American, Rare) Simply from the English word artist. First recorded as a name in 1916 (where it was given to five boys), this name has seen sporadic usage in the United States until 2017, where it began to rise. It was given to 89 American baby boys in 2021.
AsagaofEnglish (American, Japanized, Rare) Asagao, first introduced in the Heian period in Japan, blooms in summer. As its name suggests, this flower blooms only in the morning and on cold days. Asagao comes in a variety of colors, but an intense yellow... [more]
Athensm & fEnglish (American) From Greek Athenai (plural because the city had several distinct parts), traditionally derived from Athena, but probably assimilated from a lost name in a pre-Hellenic language.
AuderyfEnglish (American) Variant of Audrey. From 1880 to 2018, the Social Security Administration has recorded 495 babies born with the first name Audery in the United States.
AzerahfEnglish (American) A feminine adaptation of Lazarus, derived from “Eleazar” as both an omission of “El” (God) and having a feminine ending (“-ah”).
AzerethfEnglish (American, Rare) Probably derived from the Jewish feast day atzeret (alternative transcription: azereth) with unclear meaning, proposed interpretations include "conclusion" and "gathering" that coincides in time with the Christian pentecost... [more]
AzlandfAfrican, English (American, Rare) As an African name it means "powerful". As an English name, it is an alternate spelling of Azlan which is a variant of Aslan, a Turkish name meaning "lion"... [more]
BabyfEnglish (American) From babi, "infant of either sex," diminutive of babe (see babe) with -y (3). Meaning "childish adult person" is from c. 1600. Meaning "youngest of a group" is by 1897.
Babylonm & fEnglish (American, Rare) From the ancient place name, from the Greek form of Akkadian Bab-ilani meaning "the gate of the gods" from bab "gate" and ilani, plural of ilu "god".
Banditf & mEnglish (American, Rare), Popular Culture (Rare) From the English word, ultimately from the late Latin bannire "to proclaim". Used by My Chemical Romance vocalist Gerard Way and Mindless Self Indulgence bassist Lyn-Z for their daughter.... [more]
BelvafEnglish (American, Rare, Archaic) Apparently a feminine form of Belvedere. A notable bearer of this name was Belva Lockwood (1830-1917), one of the first female lawyers in the United States.
BelvederemEnglish (American, Rare, Archaic) From an Italian word meaning "beautiful sight", from Italian bel "beautiful" and vedere "a view, sight". It was apparently coined in the early 19th century, when it first appears as a given name in United States historical records (for both Northern and Southern states), along with its feminine variant Belva.... [more]
BelzorafEnglish (American, Rare) Meaning unknown. It might possibly be derived from Belzora, the name of a port town in Texas that was abandoned in the 1870s.
BerettafEnglish (American, Rare) Transferred use of the surname Beretta. The usage in the USA is probably influenced by the fact that there is a producer of firearms named Beretta.
BethabarafEnglish (American, Rare, Archaic) From a New Testament place name, Βηθαβαρά (Bēthabará) in Greek, which is derived from Hebrew בית עברה (bēt ‛ăbārāh) meaning "house of the ford" or "place of crossing"... [more]
BodhisattvaxmBuddhism, English (American, Modern, Rare) Means "enlightened being" from Sanskrit, literally "one whose essence is perfect knowledge", composed of बोधि (bodhi) "perfect knowledge, perfect wisdom" (see Bodhi; also related to Buddha) and सत्त्व (sattva) "essence, reality, being"... [more]
BotaniefEnglish (American, Modern, Rare) From the word botany, a noun meaning “the scientific study of plants, including their physiology, structure, genetics, ecology, distribution, classification, and economic importance”.