Danish Submitted Names

Danish names are used in the country of Denmark in northern Europe. See also about Scandinavian names.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Soffi f Old Swedish, Swedish (Archaic), Danish (Rare), Welsh
Nordic variant and Welsh form of Sophie as well as a Danish diminutive of Sofia.
Soffie f Limburgish, Danish (Rare)
Limburgian form of Sophie as well as a rare Danish variant of the name.
Soffy f Danish (Rare)
Diminutive of Sofia.
Søhren m Danish
Variant of Søren.
Solrun f Danish, Norwegian
The first element of this name is derived from either Old Norse sól "sun", Old Norse salr "house, living room" (see also Salabert) or Old Norse sölr "yellow, sallow." The second element of this name is derived from Old Norse rún "secret lore."
Sølve m Norwegian, Danish (Rare)
Norwegian form of Sölve.
Solvejg f Danish
Danish variant of Solveig.
Søn m Danish (Rare)
Danish modern form of Suni.
Sørence f Danish
Feminine form of Søren.
Sørene f Danish
Feminine form of Søren.
Sørense f Danish
Variant of Sørence.
Sørina f Danish
Feminine form of Søren.
Sørine f Danish
Danish feminine form of Søren.
Sørna f Danish (Rare)
Feminine form of Søren.
Søs f Danish
Diminutive of Søster.... [more]
Søster f Danish
This is the Danish word for "sister" and was mostly used back before the 1900s I'd say.
Steinbjørn m Danish (Rare), Faroese, Norwegian (Rare)
Faroese and Norwegian younger form of Stæinbiǫrn.
Stinna f Danish
Danish regional variant of Stina.
Stinne f Danish
Danish regional variant of Stine.
Stiven m Danish (Rare), Swedish (Rare)
A more phonetic spelling of the English given name Steven.
Sunna f Germanic Mythology, Icelandic, Swedish (Rare), Norwegian (Rare), Danish (Rare), German (Rare), Dutch (Rare)
Derived from Old High German and Old Norse sunna meaning "sun". This was the name of the Germanic goddess who personified the sun. In Scandinavia it has also been used as a short form of Sunniva and Susanna... [more]
Sus f Danish (Rare), Swedish (Rare), Spanish
Danish and Swedish short form of Susanna as well as a Spanish short form of Jesusa and Susana.
Sussi f Danish, Swedish
Diminutive of Susanne.
Sussie f Danish, Swedish
Variant of Sussi, a diminutive form of names beginning in Sus-, such as Susan and Susanna... [more]
Svala f Old Norse, Icelandic, Swedish (Rare), Danish (Rare), Norwegian (Rare)
Derived from Old Norse svala "swallow (bird)". This name is also considered a short form of Svalaug.
Svanna f Faroese, Danish (Rare)
Faroese form of Svana.
Svavar m Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, Icelandic
Masculine form of Svava and younger form of Svávarr.
Svenaage m Danish
Old form of Svenåge.
Svenåge m Danish (Rare)
Combination of Sven and Åge.
Svenne m Swedish, Danish
Diminutive of Sven. It is also a slang word for "Swede", mostly used ironically or derogatory.
Svenning m Danish, Swedish (Rare), Norwegian (Rare)
Derived from Old Norse sveinungr meaning "descendant of Sven".
Sverri m Faroese, Danish, Swedish
Faroese modern form of Sværri.
Tajs m Danish
Variant of Theis.
Taus m German, Danish
Variant of Tage.
Teis m Danish, Norwegian (Rare)
Variant of Theis. It was brought to Norway from the Netherlands in the 1700's.
Tejs m Danish, Swedish
Variant of Theis.
Telli f & m Norwegian, Danish, Swedish, Finnish (Rare)
Norwegian dialectal pet form of Torleiv... [more]
Tenna f Danish
Danish diminutive of Hortensia used from the 19th century onward.
Teoderik m Danish, Finnish, Norwegian
Danish, Finnish and Norwegian form of Theodoric.
Terkel m Old Danish, Danish, Norwegian
Norwegian dialectal variant of Torkel and Danish dialectal (Jutish) variant of Torkel.
Terkil m Danish (Rare)
Danish variant of Torkel.
Terkild m Danish (Rare)
Danish variant of Torkel.
Tesse f Danish (Modern), Norwegian (Rare)
Danish and Norwegian diminutive of Theresa.
Therkel m Danish
Variant of Terkel.
Thit f Danish (Rare)
A famous bearer was Danish author Thit Jensen (1876-1957). Her birth name was Maria Kirstine Dorothea.
Thomsine f Danish (Archaic)
Contracted form of Thomasine.
Thorfrid f Danish (Rare)
Danish variant of Torfrid.
Thorger m German, Danish
German and Danish form of Torgeir.
Thorgil m Danish (Archaic), Swedish (Archaic), Norwegian (Archaic)
Variant transcription of Þórgísl. The name of 10th century Danish chieftain Thorgil Sprakling.
Thorkil m Old Danish, Old Swedish, Danish, Norwegian
Old Danish and Old Swedish form of Þórkæll and Variant spelling of Torkil.
Thorlak m Old Swedish, Danish (Rare)
Old Swedish form of Þórlæikr and variant of Torlak.
Thorlejf m Danish
Variant of Thorleif.
Thorlev m Danish (Rare, Archaic)
Danish younger form of Þórlæifr.
Tinna f Danish, Icelandic
Either from Old Norse tinna meaning "flint", or a variant of Tina.
Toke m Danish, Low German
Danish and Low German form of Thorger.
Toki m Old Danish, Danish (Rare), Popular Culture
From Tóki, an Old Norse short form of Þórketill and other similar-sounding names (alternatively, it may have derived from Old Danish toki "jerk, simpleton")... [more]
Tolvar m Danish (Modern)
Modern diminutive of Tholf.
Tolver m Danish (Modern)
Diminutive of Tholf.
Tommas m Cornish, Danish (Rare)
Cornish form and Danish variant of Thomas.
Tonja f Danish, Finnish, Slovene (Rare)
Slovene short form of Antonija and Scandinavian short form of Antonia as well as a variant of Tonje.
Tonny m & f Danish, Norwegian, Swedish, Dutch, Central African
Variant of Toni 1 and Toni 2, which are short forms of Anton and Antonia respectively... [more]
Tordur m Norwegian, Danish
Danish and Norwegian form of Þórður and Tórður.
Torkil m Norwegian, Danish, Faroese
Modern form of the Old Norse name Þórketill meaning "Thor's cauldron".
Torkild m Danish
Danish younger form of Thorkil.
Torlek m Danish (Rare)
Danish modern form of Þórlæikr.
Torlif m Danish (Rare)
Danish variant of Torleif.
Torvi f Swedish (Rare), Danish (Rare)
Swedish form of the Old Norse name Þórví.
Tua f Swedish, Finland Swedish, Danish (Rare)
Origin uncertain, possibly a variant of Tova 2, a feminine form of Tue or a short form of Perpetua... [more]
Tulla f Swedish (Rare), Norwegian (Rare), Danish (Rare)
From Swedish tulta and Norwegian tulle, both meaning "little girl".
Tulle f Danish (Rare)
Possibly a variant of Tulla.
Tutta f Danish (Rare), Norwegian (Rare), Swedish
Variant of Tutti, a diminutive of Dorothea. Swedish usage could possibly be from Swedish tutta "little girl" (compare Tulla and Stinta)... [more]
Ubbe m Old Swedish, Danish, Swedish
Old Swedish and modern form of Ubbi or diminutive of Urban.
Uggi m Old Norse, Faroese, Icelandic, Danish (Rare)
Variant and modern form of Uggr.
Ulff m Danish (Rare)
Variant of Ulf.
Ulricus m Danish (Rare)
Latinized form of Ulrik.
Ulver m Danish
Danish modern form of Ulfarr.
Unna f Old Norse, Danish (Rare), Faroese, Icelandic (Rare), Swedish (Rare), Finnish (Rare)
Derived from Old Norse unna "to love" or unnr "wave".
Utilia f German, Danish
Variant of Otilia.... [more]
Uve m Frisian, Danish, Swedish (Rare)
Frisian form of Ove.
Vaage m Danish
Danish form of Våge.
Vagner m Danish (Rare), Portuguese (Brazilian)
Transferred use of the surname Vagner.... [more]
Vala f Icelandic, Swedish (Rare), Danish (Rare), Norwegian (Rare)
Short form of names containing the Old Norse name element valr- "the slain (in Valhalla)" as well as a direct adoption of Swedish vala (or völva) "fortune teller; prophet" (ultimately from Old Norse vǫlva).
Valdus m Swedish (Rare), Danish (Rare)
Derived from the Norse name element valdr "power, leader, ruler".
Valiant m Literature, Popular Culture, Dutch (Rare), Danish (Rare), Swedish (Rare), Norwegian (Rare)
From the English word valiant, which denotes a person who has and shows courage. The word is derived from Anglo-French vaillant "brave, strong, worthy", which itself is ultimately derived from Latin valens meaning "strong, vigorous, powerful"... [more]
Vally f Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, English, German
Pet form of names beginning with Val-, Wal-.
Valther m Danish (Rare), Swedish (Rare)
Swedish and Danish variant of Walter.
Vedis f Norwegian (Rare), Danish (Rare)
Norwegian younger form of Védís.
Vibe f Danish
Variant of Wiebe or taken directly from Danish vibe meaning "northern lapwig" (a type of bird native to Europe).
Vibs f Danish
Danish diminutive of Vibeke.
Vibse f Danish
Variant of Vibs.
Vida f Swedish (Modern), Norwegian, Danish (Rare)
Feminine form of Vide or short form Arvida, Alvida, or other names ending with -vida.
Vigge m Danish (Rare), Swedish (Rare)
Derived from the Old (West) Norse name Vígi, a short form of other masculine names containing the element víg "war, battle". (The name Vígi belonged to one of King Ólafr Tryggvasson's hounds.) As a Swedish name it is sometimes used as a diminutive of Viktor, and can also be inspired by the word vigg meaning "lightning".
Vigo m Swedish (Rare), Danish (Rare), Croatian, Dutch (Modern), Galician
Croatian and Galician form and Swedish and Danish variant of Viggo as well as a Dutch borrowing of the Scandinavian name.
Vilhelmine f Danish (Rare), Norwegian (Rare)
Danish and Norwegian form of Wilhelmine.
Villy m & f Danish, Swedish, Norwegian
Scandinavian form of Willy, predominantly used by men.
Vineke f Danish
Nordic form of Wineke.
Vinter m & f Old Swedish, Swedish (Modern, Rare), Danish (Rare), Norwegian (Rare), Finnish (Rare)
Old Swedish form of Vetr meaning "winter" as well as the modern Scandinavian word for "winter" (see Winter).
Viol f Danish
Short form of Viola.
Vivica f English (Rare), Swedish (Rare), German (Modern, Rare), Danish (Rare)
Variant of Viveca. A famous bearer is actress Vivica Fox.
Vorm m Danish, Icelandic, Norwegian
Danish dialectal form of Ormr.
Wagn m Danish
Variant of Vagn.
Wagna f Danish
Variant of Vagna.
Yelva f Danish, Theatre
Danish adoption of a short form of the Russian name Yelizaveta. ... [more]
Yrsa f Old Norse, Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, Icelandic, Faroese
Of unknown meaning. Theories include a derivation from an Ancient Norse word for "she-bear" with the same roots as Latin ursa (compare Ursula, which used to be used as a Latinization of Yrsa), even though this seems rather unlikely... [more]
Yutte f Danish (Rare, ?)
Anglicized form of Jytte in the case of Danish-born actress Yutte Stensgaard (1946-), whose birth name was Jytte.
Zebina f Danish (Rare)
Either a variant of Sebina or a feminine form of Zebulon.
Zerlina f Literature, Theatre, Yiddish (Rare, Archaic), Danish, German (Rare)
The name of a character in Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart's opera 'Don Giovanni' (1787), to an Italian libretto by Lorenzo Da Ponte, which was based on the legend of Don Juan.... [more]
Zette f Danish (Rare)
Short form of names ending in -zette, such as Suzette or Lizette.
Zidtzel f Danish (Archaic)
Variant of Sidsel, common in 17th century Denmark.
Zitta f Danish (Rare)
Danish variant of Zita 1.
Zophia f English (Modern, Rare), Danish (Modern, Rare), Polish (Archaic)
English and Danish variant of Sophia as well as an archaic Polish variant of Zofia.