African Submitted Names

African names are used on the continent of Africa, covering a wide number of languages. See also about African names.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Oluwafemisola m Yoruba
This is borne by Nigerian actor, speaker and singer Oluwafemisola "Femi" Jacobs.
Oluwafeyisayo m & f Yoruba
Means "God has turned this gift into joy" in Yoruba.
Oluwafisayo m & f Western African, Yoruba
Means "God has added to my joy" in Yoruba.
Oluwagbemileke f Yoruba
Means "God lifted me high" in Yoruba.
Oluwagbotemi f Yoruba
Means "God has heard my prayers" in Yoruba.
Oluwajoba f & m Yoruba
Means "God reigns" in Yoruba.
Oluwakemi f Western African, Yoruba
Means "God cares for me" in Yoruba.
Oluwale m Yoruba
Means "my God has come home" in Yoruba.
Oluwamayowa m Yoruba
Means "the lord brought joy" in Yoruba.
Oluwamuyiwa m Yoruba
Means "the lord brought joy" in Yoruba.
Oluwandara f Yoruba
Means "God has done wonders" in Yoruba.
Oluwande m Yoruba
Means "God has searched for and visited me" in Yoruba.
Oluwanifesimi m & f Yoruba
Nigerian, Yoruban. Meaning: `God loves me`.
Oluwaobafemi m Yoruba
God the king loves me... [more]
Oluwapamilerin m & f Yoruba
Means "the lord has made me laugh" in Yoruba.
Oluwaranti f & m Yoruba
Means "God remembers" in Yoruba.
Oluwarantimi m & f Yoruba
Means "God remembers me" in Yoruba.
Oluwaremilekun m & f Yoruba
Means "God has dried my tears" in Yoruba.
Oluwarotimi m & f Yoruba
Means "the Lord stays with me" in Yoruba.
Oluwaseun m & f Yoruba
Means "the Lord has made it" in Yoruba.
Oluwaseyanu m & f African
GOD has done a miracle
Oluwaseyitan f Yoruba
Means "the lord did this all" in Yoruba.
Oluwasogo m & f Yoruba
Means "God makes glory" in Yoruba.
Oluwasojon m Yoruba
Meaning of Oluwasojon... [more]
Oluwasola f & m Yoruba
Means "God brought prosperity" in Yoruba.
Oluwasolafunmi m & f Yoruba
Means "God has made wealth for me" in Yoruba.
Oluwateniola m & f Western African, Yoruba
Means "God spread the mat (or rug) of wealth" in Yoruba.
Oluwatimileyin m & f Yoruba
The name OLUWATIMILEYIN is of Yoruba language Origin in Nigeria which means "God Supported me".Children in Nigeria are widely named Oluwatimileyin because of the Cultural believe that the name holds a Prayer with it "God supported me" or "God, support me".
Oluwatobi m & f Yoruba
Means "God is great" in Yoruba.
Oluwatobiloba f & m Nigerian, Yoruba
Means "the lord is great as king" in Yoruba.
Oluwatomi m & f Yoruba
Means "God is enough for me" in Yoruba.
Oluwatomiwa m & f Western African, Yoruba
Means "God searched for me" in Yoruba.
Oluwatoni m & f Yoruba (Modern, Archaic)
Means "the lord is worth having" in Yoruba.
Oluwatoniloba f Yoruba
Means "God is good to have a king" in Yoruba. This is the full given name of the winner of "Germany's Next Top Model" 2018, Oluwatoniloba Dreher-Adnuga.
Oluwatosin m & f Yoruba
Means "God is worth worshiping" in Yoruba.
Oluwatoyosi f & m Nigerian, Yoruba
Means "God is worthy to rejoice unto" in Yoruba.
Oluwayemi f Yoruba
Means "I am deserving of God" in Yoruba.
Oluyemi m Yoruba (Rare)
Means "The lord is worthy of me" in Yoruba.
Oluyinka m & f Yoruba
This is a name use by the Abeokuta's family meaning " I'm surrounded by God".
Olwethu f & m South African, Zulu
Means 'ours' in Zulu.
Omanukwue m & f Igbo
Means "let the one who knows speak" in Igbo.
Omatla m Sotho
You are strong
Omerogo f Igbo
Comes from the Igbo people of Nigeria.
Ominira m & f Yoruba
Means "freedom, independence" in Yoruba.
Omodunni f & m Yoruba (Rare)
Means "having a child is joyful" in Yoruba.
Omojayogbe m Yoruba
Is an Ekiti name from the Yoruba speaking South-Western Nigeria.... [more]
Omolayo f Yoruba
Means "the child is joy" in Yoruba.
Omolola m & f Yoruba
Means "the child is wealthy" in Yoruba.
Omonefue f Western African, Edo
Means "the child is more than weight" in Edo language.
Omonigho m & f Urhobo
Omonigho is a name of Edoid (Benin, Isoko, Urhobo) origin and it means "A Child is greater than money."
Omontle f Tswana
My God's beauty in my life is divine
Omorinsola f & m Yoruba
The name “OMORINSOLA” means child walks to wealth or affluence
Omoruyi m & f Western African, Edo
Means "son of glory" or "child is one's glory" in Edo language.
Omosefe f Nigerian
Meaning “child is greater than wealth” in the Isan language of Nigeria.
Omotanwa f Yoruba
Means "the child we searched for" in Yoruba.
Omotola f & m Yoruba
Means "child is as worthy as wealth" in Yoruba.... [more]
Omotunde m Yoruba
Means "the child has returned" in Yoruba, typically given to an Abiku child. Abiku are spirits that are believed to enter a pregnant woman and move in a constant cycle of birth, death, and rebirth... [more]
Omoye f & m Nigerian
A name of African Origin meaning ‘a loved child’.
Onai f Shona
Means "Look and see". This name may be given in various circumstances calling the hearer to look and see what transpired especially before and around the birth of that child
Onalenna m & f Tswana
Means "he (god) is with me" in Tswana.
Onalethata m & f Tswana
Means "he (god) has strength" in Tswana.
Onayi f Shona
"See it, see this". Situational name which says see what we have, behold.
Ondiek m Luo
Name given to a male who survives childhood after successive deaths of infants to the parents. This name suggests strength and determination to survive. Ondiek is also the Hyena in the Luo language... [more]
Ondoukari m Ijaw
Means "pray for long life" in Ijaw.
Ondoutuapere f & m Ijaw
Means "add more life to me" in Ijaw.
Onema f African
Of unknown origin and meaning.... [more]
Onesmus m Eastern African
Ugandan variant of Onesimus.
Ongezwa f Xhosa
Means "addition, one who was added" in Xhosa.
Onkarabile m & f Tswana
Means "He (God) answered my prayers" in Setswana.
Onkgomoditse f Tswana
Means "He (God) consoled me" in Setswana.
Onkgopotse m & f Tswana
Means "He (God) thought of me" in Setswana.
Onochie f Igbo
Means “old” in Igbo.
Onthusitse m Tswana
Means "He (God) helped" in Setswana.
Ontiretse m Tswana
Means "He (God) has done it for me" in Setswana.
Ontlametse m Tswana
Means "He has protected me" in Tswana.
Ontuetse m Tswana
Means "He (God) has rewarded me" in Setswana.
Onumajuru m Igbo
Means "let anger cease" in Igbo.
Oñumsinachi m & f Igbo
Means "my joy is from God" in Igbo.
Onwuegbunam m & f Igbo
Means "let death not kill me" in Igbo.
Onwutalobi m Igbo
Means "death has eaten the kingdom", a shortened form of the sentence I ga adi makana onwu talu obi, roughly translating as "you will endure as death has claimed our entire family".
Onyakopon m Akan
Onyakopon is the God of the Akan people of Ghana. The name means "he who knows and sees everything" and "omniscient, omnipotent sky god" in the Akan language. ... [more]
Onyango m Luo
"born in the morning before noon"
Onyeche f Idoma
Means "Who agrees?" in Idoma.
Onyedikachi m & f Igbo, African
Means "who is greater than God?" in Igbo.
Onyedikachukwu m Igbo
Means "who is like God?" in Igbo.
Onyekaozulu m Igbo
Means "who is self-sufficient?" in Igbo.
Onyemaechi m Igbo
Means "who knows tomorrow?" in Igbo.
Onyemechi m & f Igbo, Western African
Means "who knows tomorrow?" from Igbo onye "who", ma "knows" and echi "tomorrow".
Onyemelukwe m Igbo
Means "who has done evil and agreed to it?" in Igbo.
Onyemowo f Idoma
Means "Who knows God's thoughts" or "Who knows God's plans" in Idoma.
Onyenwuwa m Igbo
Means "who owns the world?" in Igbo.
Onyeyabocoma m & f Agatu
Means "Who can act as God?" in Agatu.
Onyinah m African
Onyinah - is of African Origin with meaning in Ghana and Nigeria especially with the Ukwani speaking people. The name is given to a strong new born marked for greatness. the literary meaning of ONYINAH is - A MIGHTY TREE... [more]
Onyinyechukwu f & m Igbo, Nigerian
Means "God's gift" from Igbo onyinye meaning "gift, present" and chukwu meaning "God".
Ookeditse m & f Tswana
Means "He (God) has increased" in Setswana.
Oomihlynne f Tswana
Oomihlynne is a female South African name meaning "rising star."
Opara f & m Igbo
Opara is common as a surname or literal word in Nigeria. The oldest son, who has inherited the rights and responsibilities of his father after his father has died.
Opei m Akan
Oldest child in Akuapem Twi
Opiyo m Luo
"firstborn of twins"
Opukiri m Ijaw
Means "big land" in Ijaw.
Orakwue m Igbo
Means "let the folks have their say" in Igbo.
Oratile f & m Tswana, African
It is/was His (God's) will.
Oreeditse m Tswana
Means "He (God) is listening" in Setswana.
Orelebe m Tswana
Means "look at us" in Setswana.
Orelias m & f Nigerian (Latinized, Rare)
Variation of Orelia meaning "Golden One". ... [more]
Oreneile f Tswana
Means "He (God) has given us" in Setswana.
Oreoluwa m & f Yoruba
Means "gift from God" in Yoruba.
Orera f English (Modern, Rare), Spanish, Southern African, Eastern African
Possibly from Spanish or Italian orera meaning, "aurora." See also Aurora.
Oresanwo m African
The name is bear by the ijebu speaking people of western nigeria. ... [more]
Orezi m & f Nigerian
A unisex name from a Nigerian origin meaning "Precious, your heart desire".
Orieji f Igbo
Old school Igbo name
Orisabunmi f Yoruba
Means "the gods have provided for me" in Yoruba.
Ornicar m Popular Culture, Western African (Rare)
From the phrase Mais où est donc Ornicar? that is a mnemonic of the French coordinating conjunctions. The phrase is also the title of a movie and part of the French Chuck Norris fact Chuck Norris knows where Ornicar is.
Orpa f Biblical German, Biblical Dutch, Dutch (Rare), Afrikaans
German, Dutch and Afrikaans form of Orpah.
Osaretin m Western African, Edo
Means "God is strength" in Edo language.
Osatohamwen m & f Western African, Edo
Means "the mercy of God is upon me" in Edo language.
Osazee m Edo
This is a religious name. It deals with Osanobua, the creator god, intervention from Edo mythology. There are different meanings apparently. In the case of Osazee one is "God's chosen one." Another case for Osazee is "Osanobua has reconciled us." In the case of Osaze its "God delivered me." In the Osaze situation it deals with conflict and family stress... [more]
Osazuwa m Bini, African
Origin from Edo State of Nigeria, West means God has chosen wealth for me
Ose m & f Esan
Means "god" in Esan. This is also the short form of names that begin in this element.
Osebo m Akan
Osebo is a LEOPARD in the ancient stories of Ananse, the "Spider Man". He was PHYSICALLY STRONG.
Osego f Tswana
Means "she is lucky" in Setswana.
Osehonlen m & f Esan
Osei m & f African
Ghanaian, Akan meaning of royalty
Osemegbe m & f Esan
Means "God is too good" in Esan.
Osemundianmen m & f Esan
Means "God is standing with me" in Esan.
Osenotse f Tswana
Means "He (God) has made things clear" in Setswana.
Oseremen m Esan
Means: God has given me.
Osezua m Esan
Osikani m Akan
Means "rich man" in Akan.
Osine m Edo
Means "God is great" in Edo.
Osita m Igbo
Osita is a shorter form of Osita di nma which means from today onwards it will be better.
Ositadimma m Igbo
Meaning: from today things will be good... [more]
Osogo m Swahili
Means “movement” in Swahili.
Osondu m Igbo
Means "race of life" in Igbo.
Otaiku m Yoruba (Modern, Rare)
This name means a hard stone can not die. In Ijebu land, which a part of the "Yoruba" race, a fine polished hard stone commonly found in the bed of rivers is called Ota. ... [more]
Oteng m Tswana
Means "He (God) is here" in Setswana.
Othusitse m & f Tswana
Means "he (god) has helped" in Tswana.
Otiko f Western African
The given name of the Ghanaian politician Otiko Afisa Djaba.
Otiya m Luo
Means "named after either of his grandparents" in Luo.
Otlile f South African
South African name meaning "She has come; she is here". Otlile "Oti" Mabuse is a professional dancer seen on Strictly Come Dancing.
Oto-obong f Efik
Means "from God" in Efik.
Otsogile m Tswana
Means "he is awake" in Setswana.
Otu m Efik
Means "chief; king" in Efik.
Otuekongabasi f Efik
Means "warrior" in Efik.
Otunba m Yoruba
Means "right-hand of the king" from Yoruba ọ̀tún meaning "right-hand, second-in-command" and ọba meaning "king".
Oumarrou m Western African
Western African transcription of عمر (see Omar).
Oumou f Western African
Means "latecomer" in Bambara.
Ousman m Western African
Form of Uthman used in parts of French-influenced western Africa.
Ousmanou m Western African
Form of Uthman used in parts of French-influenced western Africa.
Ousseynou m Western African
Form of Husayn used in parts of French-influenced western Africa.
Outule m & f Tswana
Means "He (God) heard" in Setswana.
Ovie m Nigerian
Ovie means “King” in Urhobo, a language that belongs to the Urhobo people of Nigeria. It will have baby walking (or crawling) around with all the swagger deserving of a monarch.
Oviegheneomuno m Isoko
Means ”King God has been enthroned" in Isoko.
Ovo f & m Western African
Likely related to Owo.
Ovuvuevuevue m African (Rare)
Extremely rare name, seemingly used exclusively in Africa. A popular bearer of the name is the memestar Ovuvuevuevue Enyetuenwuevue Ugbemugbem Osas. The meaning of the name is practically impossible to comprehend.
Owariladei f & m Ijaw
Means "we have come home" in Ijaw.
Oweditse f Tswana
Means "she completed her job" in Setswana.
Oweikorogha m Ijaw
Means "men will never fall" in Ijaw.
Oweiyai m Ijaw
Means "Jesus Christ" in Ijaw.
Owiti m Luo
"born after a misfortune like a difficult birthing process"
Owolabi m Yoruba
Means "we have given birth to a wealthy person," from 'owo' meaning "money," 'a' meaning "we," and 'abi' meaning "beget."
Owro m Urhobo
OWRO male child, meaning shining eyes, original urhobo ethnic groups in Nigeria
Owuor m Luo
"born at mid-morning"
Owura m Akan
Means "mister" or "man" in Akan.
Oyabrade f Ijaw
Means "I have forgotten my worries" in Ijaw.
Oye f Akan
It means 'it is good'
Oyebisi m & f Nigerian, Yoruba
Means "honour gave birth to more" in Yoruba.
Oyenike f Yoruba
Means "the title has need of pampering" or "honor has care" in Yoruba.
Oyera f Chewa
Means "pure" in Chewa.
Oyetunde m Yoruba
Means "honour has returned" in Yoruba.
Oyin f Yoruba
Means "honey" in Yoruba.
Oyinbodei f Ijaw
OYINBODEI is an ijaw tribe name of west africa meaning "OUR MOTHER HAS RETURNED" A name given to children believed to have #REINCARNITATED
Oyindamola f & m Yoruba
Means "honey mixed with wealth" in Yoruba.
Oyinedidei f & m Ijaw
Means "God has cared for me" in Ijaw.
Oyinkansola f Yoruba
Means "sweetness is dropped into wealth" in Yoruba.
Oyintari f & m Ijaw
Means "God loves me" in Ijaw.
Ozichi f & m Igbo, African
The name originates from Eastern part of Nigeria from the Igbo speaking states. Predominatly from Imo state.... [more]
Ozioma m & f Igbo
Means, "God's good news" in Igbo.
Ozoemena m Igbo
Means " let what has happened before not happen again" in Igbo.
Ozoro f Eastern African
Amharic name, said to come from a biblical name meaning "strength of the Lord" (in which case it is partly from Hebrew ’az "force, strength" and a relative of Oz 2).
Paaye m Ijaw
Means "all things will pass in this world" in Ijaw.
Paballo f Sotho
Means "protection" in Sesotho.
Pacificus m Late Roman, South African
Means "peacemaker" in Latin. From the Latin pāx 'peace' and faciō 'I do, make'.... [more]
Paddington m Literature, African
Transferred use of the surname Paddington.
Pagnaa f Dagbani
Means "queen" in Dagbani.
Paidamoyo f & m Shona, Southern African
What the heart desired was granted
Pakuteh m Mende
Means "powerful man" or "strong man" in Mende.
Pambe m Eastern African, Swahili
Means "decorated" in Swahili.
Pamilekunayo m & f Yoruba
Means "cause me to cry tears of joy" in Yoruba.
Panganai m Shona
Means "to consult or advise each other" in Shona.
Panganayi m Shona
Variant of Panganai.
Panji m & f Tumbuka
Means "maybe", given after the death of the first born to say maybe he will grow.
Panonetsa m Shona
Means "troublesome" in Dhona. ... [more]
Panya f Swahili
The crowned one.
Panyin m & f Akan
Oldest twin
Paolosi m Sotho
Sesotho form of Paul.
Paoneke m Chewa
Means "we will see good things" in Chewa.
Paradzai m Shona
Paradzai means "destroy". This is possibly addressing an adversary challenging them to destroy what you have if they can".
Paseka m Sotho
Means "Easter" in Sesotho.
Pasipao f & m Tumbuka
Means "their ground, earth" in Tumbuka, often given after repeated deaths in the family. Refers to the fact that the child will eventually also die and be buried in the earth.
Pathé m French (African), Western African
Transferred use of the surname Pathé.
Patukanani m Tumbuka
Means "part from one another" in Tumbuka.
Pauro m Shona
Shona form of Paul.
Pawlos m Amharic
Amharic form of Paul.
Payekha m & f Tumbuka
Means "he/she is alone" in Tumbuka.
Peet m Estonian, Afrikaans, Dutch, Limburgish
Short form of Peeter (Estonian) as well as Peter and Petrus (Afrikaans, Dutch and Limburgish).... [more]
Pekeikakai f & m Ijaw
Means "morning star" in Ijaw.
Pelaji m Swahili
Variation of Pelagius.
Pelonomi f Tswana
Means "noble heart" in Setswana.
Pelontle f Tswana
Means "beautiful heart" in Setswana.
Pelumi f & m Yoruba
Means "with me" in Yoruba.
Pemberai m Shona
Means "celebrate" in Shona.
Penda m African
Penda is a shortend name of the Name Pendapala meaning "to be brave" or "be brave" in the ovomba language, indigeonous to the ovamo peolple of Namibia. ... [more]
Penda f Fula
Given to the third child.
Pengwendé m Mossi
Not available.
Penyani m Chewa
Means "look" in Chewa.
Peo f Sotho (Modern, Rare)
The meaning is “Seed” and it is a rare Sesotho name predominantly used in Lesotho
Pere f & m Ijaw
Means "wealthy" in Ijaw.
Pereagbe m & f Ijaw
Means "wealth suits me" in Ijaw.
Pereama m Ijaw
Means "rich town" in Ijaw.
Pereasuodei f Ijaw
Means "wealth has entered me" in Ijaw.
Perebo f & m Ijaw
Means "person of wealth" in Ijaw.
Pere-ere f Ijaw
Means "rich woman" in Ijaw.
Perezimo f & m Ijaw
Means "born into wealth" in Ijaw.
Petelu m Nyakyusa
Nyakyusa form of Peter.
Petina f Shona
The name of the Zimbabwian writer Petina Gappah.
Pfarelo m & f Venda
Means "forgiveness" in Tshivenda.
Pfukani m & f Tsonga
From the Xitsonga pfuka meaning "rise".
Pfuma f Shona
Means "wealth" in Shona.
Pfunani f Tsonga
From the Xitsonga pfuna meaning "help".
Phahamo m Sotho
Means "eminance" in Sesotho.
Phaṱhutshedzo m & f Venda
Means "blessings" in Tshivenda.
Phakalane m Tswana
Means "eagle" in Setswana.
Phatsimo f Tswana
Means "light" in Setswana.
Phatsimoyaone f Tswana
Means "His (God's) Light" in Setswana.
Phatutshedzo m African
Means: Blessings... [more]
Pheello m Sotho
Means "perseverance" in Sesotho.
Pheko m South African
Medicine or herb. Ussually medicine used for protection
Phenyo m & f Tswana
Means "victory" in Tswana.
Phethisi m Sotho
Means "completion" in Sesotho.
Phetolo m Tswana
Means "response" in Setswana.
Phila m & f Southern African, Xhosa, Zulu
Means "to live" or "get well, be healthy" in Nguni languages.
Philene f English (American, Rare), Haitian Creole, South African
Possibly a variant of Philine, a contraction of Philomène, or a feminine form of Phil using the common name suffix lene.
Philisiwe f South African, Zulu
Means "healed" in Zulu.
Phillemon m English (African), Southern African
Variant of Philemon. This form of the name appears to be used in southern Africa.
Phillippus m Afrikaans
Afrikaans form of Philip.
Phindile f South African
A very common female South African name.... [more]
Phumlani m Zulu
Means "rest" in Zulu.
Phusu m & f Venda
Means "havoc" in Tshivenda.
Phutheho f Sotho
Means "congregation" in Sesotho.
Pianga f Chewa
Means “I’m sorry” in Chichewa.
Piesie m & f Akan
Traditionally given to the first born child - the name literally means "erupting from an anthill", from pie "erupt from a place", and sie meaning "anthill".
Pietertjie m Afrikaans
Afrikaans cognate of Pietertje.
Pietie m & f Afrikaans
Diminutive of Piet, as it contains the Afrikaans diminutive suffix -ie.... [more]
Pietjie f Afrikaans
Afrikaans cognate of Pietje.
Pikirayi m Shona
Vow to it. Promise. Name of a Zimbabwean journalist Pikirayi Deketeke.
Pinaere f Ijaw
PINAERE an ijaw tribe name of west Africa meaning "LIGHT SKINNED WOMAN" Pina
Pini m & f Dagbani
Means "gift" in Dagbani.
Pipeloluwa f & m Yoruba
Means "God is perfect" in Yoruba.