African Submitted Names

African names are used on the continent of Africa, covering a wide number of languages. See also about African names.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Zorle m Ogoni
Means "wealth is here" in Ogoni.
Zororo f & m Shona
Rest. "May be speaking of a time of rest or peacefulness experienced by family around time of child's birth".
Zoubo f & m Ijaw
Means "a traveller" in Ijaw.
Zozibini f Xhosa
Xhosa name, said to mean "received with both hands". (In this culture it is considered impolite or unappreciative to accept a worthy gift with one hand; to show appreciation and respect to the giver, you use both hands to accept a gift.)
Zuba m Swahili
Means "jump" in Swahili.
Zubairu m Hausa
Hausa form of Zubair.
Zubeidat f Avar, Nigerian
Avar form of Zubaida also used by Nigerian Muslims.
Zugsung m & f Dagbani
Means "good luck" or "good fortune" in Dagbani.
Zuko m South African, African
Means "harmony, someone with a good heart, loving, appreciative and calm" in Nguni.
Zula m & f Tigrinya
Means "brilliant" in Tigrinya.... [more]
Zumaridi f Swahili
Means "emerald" in Swahili.
Zuna f Lingala
Means "to be sweet" in Bangi, the main lexical source of Lingala.
Zuo m & f Ijaw
Means "protection" in Ijaw.
Zuva f Shona
Means "day; daylight; sun; sunlight" in Shona.
Zuvarashe f & m Shona
Means the "lord's sun"
Zuwa m & f Shona
Meaning “sun”, it is also synonymous with Zuva.
Zuwena f Swahili
Means "small and beautiful" in Swahili.
Zvanaka f Shona
Means "it is well" in Shona.
Zvichanzii m & f Shona
Means "what is it?" in Shona.
Zvido m & f Shona
It means "desires".
Zvidzai m Shona
Means "despise, look down upon" in Shona.
Zvikomborero f Shona
Means "blessings" in Shona.
Zvipo m & f Shona
Meaning "gifts".
Zviyo m & f Shona
It is the plural of Chiyo. It means "grains". This is a name that symbolizes the smallness of grains which when planted and in their own season and time, grow and are harvested for multitudes and nations... [more]
Zvose m & f Shona
Meaning "the all; everything".
Zwatie m Swahili
Means "people of language" in Swahili.
Zwelethu m & f Ndebele
Means "our nation" in Ndebele.