This is a list of submitted names in which the gender is masculine; and the usage is Portuguese.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Pelé m Portuguese (Brazilian)Famous bearer of this name is Pelé (Born as Edson Arantes do Nascimento) and is widely regarded as the greatest player of all time. ... [
Peri m Portuguese (Brazilian), Tupi (?)Possibly derived from Tupi
piripiri, which refers to a type of reed. This is the name of the hero of José de Alencar's novel
The Guarani (1857), a fictional member of the Goitacá people of Brazil... [
Porco m PortugueseMeaning "pig" or "filthy" in Portuguese. Attack on Titan's Porco Galliard is a bearer of this name.
Protásio m PortuguesePortuguese form of
Protasius. Known bearers of this name include the Brazilian physician and politician Protásio Antônio Alves (1859-1933) and Protásio Garcia Leal (1858-1943), who was one of the three founders of the Brazilian city of Três Lagoas.
Raí m Portuguese (Brazilian)A famous bearer is Raí Souza Vieira de Oliveira, commonly known as just Raí, is a Brazilian retired footballer who played as an attacking midfielder.
Ramos m & f Spanish, PortugueseFrom Spanish and Portuguese
ramos meaning "branches", in reference to the Christian festivity
Domingo de Ramos ("Palm Sunday").
Rivaldinho m Portuguese (Brazilian)Diminutive of
Rivaldo. A famous bearer is the Brazilian soccer player Rivaldo Vítor Mosca Ferreira Júnior (1995-), who is usually called simply Rivaldinho; he is the son of the soccer star Rivaldo Vítor Borba Ferreira (who is commonly known only by his first name).
Sacramento f & m Spanish, PortugueseFrom the word meaning "sacrament," which is defined in Roman Catholic theology as either "an outward sign instituted by Christ to give grace" or "outward and visible sign of inward and spiritual grace."
Saulo m Spanish, Portuguese, Italian (Rare)Spanish, Portuguese and Italian form of
Saul. Known bearers of this name include the Spanish poet Saulo Torón Navarro (1885-1974), the Brazilian pop singer Saulo Roston (b... [
Selton m Portuguese (Brazilian)Name of brazilian actor Selton Mello (Passos, Minas Gerais, 30/12/1972). Selton played Dom Pedro II, Emperor of Brazil, in the soap novel Nos Tempos do Imperador.