Browse Submitted Names

This is a list of submitted names in which the gender is feminine; and the usage is English.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Gemelle f English (Rare)
From Latin Gemella, the feminine form of Gemellus, a diminutive of geminus "twin". In early use as a Christian name but rare in modern times.
Gemily f English
Portmanteau name combining Gem and Emily
Gemima f Italian (Rare), English (Rare), Portuguese (Archaic)
Italian form of Jemima, as well as an English variant.
Gemmea f English (Rare)
Elaboration of Gemma.
Gemmy f & m English (Rare)
Diminutive of Gemma or variant of Jemmy.
Gen f English
Diminutive of Genevieve or any name beginning with Gen.
Genean f English
Variant of Janine.
Geneen f English
Variant of Janine and/or Jeanine. Also compare Genette.... [more]
Genelle f English
Variant of Jenelle.
Genene f English (Rare)
Variant form of Janine and/or Jeanine. Also compare Genette.
Generous f English (African)
From the English word generous. It is most common in Uganda.
Genesee f & m English
This is the name of a North American river which flows through western New York and Pennsylvania. Numerous U.S. towns and counties are named after the river. Genesee is a corruption of Chin-u-shio, the indigenous Seneca tribe's name for the river valley, originally Čunehstí•yu• meaning "a beautiful open valley".
Genessa f English (Modern)
Variant of Janessa perhaps influenced by Genevieve.
Genessee m & f Seneca, English
From Seneca fen-nis'-hee-yo "the beautiful valley". It is also the name of many locations in the United States.
Genevieva f Lengadocian, Provençal, Gascon, English (Rare)
Languedocian, Provençal and Gascon form of Geneviève as well as an English Latinization of Genevieve.
Genine f English
Variant of Janine.
Genna f English (Modern, Rare)
Variant of Jenna, the spelling possibly influenced by Gina or Gianna.
Gennalie f English (Modern, Rare)
Most likely an elaboration of Genna.
Gennifer f English (Modern)
Modern variant of Jennifer. A famous bearer is the author Gennifer Choldenko.
Genny f English (Modern), Spanish
Diminutive of Genevieve or sometimes Jennifer. ... [more]
Genoa f English (Rare)
From the name of the Italian city of Genoa. "Genoa" comes from "Genua" the name of an ancient city of the Ligurians. Its name is probably Ligurian, meaning "knee" (from Ancient Greek gony "knee"), i.e. "angle", from its geographical position, thus akin to the name of Geneva... [more]
Genova f English (Rare)
Variation of Genoa.
Gentilla f Italian (Archaic), Dutch (Rare), Flemish (Rare), English (Archaic)
Italian variant of Gentila as well as the Dutch, English and Flemish feminine form of Gentilis, most likely via its French feminine forms Gentile and/or Gentille... [more]
Gentle m & f English
Possibly from the word "Gentle", used in the beginning of the nouns gentleman meaning "well-born man, man of good family or birth" or from gentlewoman meaning "woman of good family or breeding"... [more]
Gentry m & f English (American, Modern)
Transferred use of the surname Gentry or simply from the word gentry.
Geoffrina f English (Rare)
Feminine form of Geoffrey.
Georden m & f English (Modern)
Variant of Jordan (compare Geordie).
Geordey m & f English (Rare)
Variant of Geordie.
Geordi m & f English (Rare), Popular Culture
Variant of Geordie. Geordi La Forge (male) from Star Trek: The Next Generation has this name.
Geordy m & f English (Rare)
Variant of Geordie and Jordy.
Geordyn f & m English (Modern, Rare)
Rare variant of Jordan (See also Georden and Jordin).
Georga f English
Variant of Georgia.
Georgann f English (Rare)
Feminine form of George influenced by Ann
Georganna f English
Feminine form of George influenced by the name Ann or Anna.
Georganne f English (American, Modern, Rare)
Feminine form of George influenced by the name Ann or Anna.
Georgeann f English
Feminine form of George influenced by the name Ann or Anna.
Georgeanne f English
Combination of George and Anne 1.
Georgelle f English
A combination of George and Elle (or the suffix -elle).... [more]
Georgenia f English (Rare)
Variant of Georgina modelled on Eugenia.
Georgi f & m English (Rare)
Variant of Georgie.
Georgiann f English
Combination of George and Ann.
Georgietta f English, Italian
Diminuitive of Georgie or Georgia, influenced by names like Georgette.
Germany f & m English
After the country of Germany in Europe.
Gertey f English
Diminutive of Gertrude.
Gertha f English
Variant of Gerda 1, perhaps influenced by Bertha.
Gerty f German, English, French
Diminutive of Gertrude and Gertrud.
Getty f English (Rare)
Diminutive of Gertrude, as in the case of the Dutch singer Gertrude "Getty" Kaspers (1948-). It could also be a transferred use of the surname Getty.
Ghana f English (Modern, Rare)
Influenced by the country in Africa of the same name.
Ghillie f & m Scottish, English
The origin of this word dates from the late 16th century, from the Scottish Gaelic gille, "lad, servant", cognate with the Irish giolla.
Giabella f English (American)
Combination of Gia and Bella. Giabella was given to 19 girls in 2017.
Gianah f English (American)
American alternate spelling of Gianna.
Giavonna f English (American, Modern, Rare)
American variant of Giovanna, possibly influenced by Shavonna.
Gibi f & m English (American, Rare, ?)
A very rare name. Could be related to Gabby or something similar.
Gie f English
Diminutive of Giselle.
Gieanne f English
Variant of Jeanne.
Gieselle f English
Variant of Giselle.
Gigha f English (Rare)
From place name Gigha.
Gigi f English
A pet form of Giselle or Gilberte and made popular by the hit musical 'Gigi'
Gilbertine f English (Rare)
Feminine form of Gilbert.
Gillette f English (American, Rare)
Transferred use of the surname Gillette.
Gilliam m & f English (Rare, Archaic)
Possibly a variant of William or Gillian.
Gillie f English (Rare)
Variant of Jillie or short form of Gillianne.
Gin f & m English (Modern)
Short form of Virginia, Ginnifer, Ginette and other names containing the 'gin' sound... [more]
Ginafae f Literature, English
Combination of Gina and Fae. The name is used in one of R. A. Salvatore's 'Forgotten Realms' novels.
Ginamy f English
English form of Ginami
Ginerva f English (Rare)
Either a spelling error or a rare English variant of Ginevra influenced by Minerva.
Ginia f English
Short form of Virginia.
Ginifer f English
Variant of Jennifer.
Ginn f English
Different spelling for Jinn (romanized as Djinn and anglicized as Genie) which were invisible or concealed Islamic mythological creatures called upon for protection or magical aid.... [more]
Ginnee f English
Diminutive of Ginny.
Ginnette f English
Abbreviation of Virginia.
Ginnifer f English
A variant of Jennifer, originating from Guinevere.
Girtha f English
Variant of Gertha.
Gissell f English (Modern)
Modern variant of Giselle.
Given f & m English (Puritan), African
From the English word given, meaning "A condition that is assumed to be true without further evaluation.".... [more]
Give-thanks m & f English (Puritan)
Referring to giving thanks to God.
Glacia f English (Modern, Rare)
Feminized version of "Glacier". A notable bearer was the Mountain Witch from the Disney TV show "Sofia the First".
Glacie f English (Modern)
Female version of "Glacier", variant of "Glacia", possible combination of "Glory" and "Gracie".
Glacier f & m English (Modern, Rare)
From the English word "glacier"; in turn from Franco-Provençal glacier, which is derived from glace (meaning "ice") and the suffix -ier.
Gladdis f English
Variant of Gladys.
Gladice f English (Rare)
Variant of Gladys, influenced by other names with -ice such as Janice and Clarice.
Gladiola f English (Rare), Albanian (Rare), Romanian (Rare), Spanish (Latin American, Rare), Spanish (Mexican, Rare), Filipino (Rare)
From the name of the flowering plant gladiolus, literally meaning "small sword" from Latin gladius "sword" (a reference to its sword-shaped leaves). Gladiola Josephine "Glady Joe" is a character in the novel 'How to Make an American Quilt' (1991) and subsequent film adaptation (1995).
Gladis f English, Spanish (Latin American)
Variant of Gladys or a Spanish form of the name.
Glady m & f English (Rare)
Possibly a masculine form of Gladys.
Gladysbelle f English (Modern)
Blended with the names Gladys and Belle
Glee f English (American, Rare)
Old English glēo ‘entertainment, music, fun’, of Germanic origin.
Glenalee f English (Rare)
Combination of Glena and Lee.
Glencora f English (Modern, Rare), Literature, Popular Culture
Said to mean "heart of the glen" from English glen and Latin cor "heart"; it may be an altered form of Glendora, influenced by Cora... [more]
Glendi f & m English (Rare)
The feminine name is a hypocoristic form of Glenda.
Glendia f English (Rare)
Elaboration of Glenda.
Glendy f English
Possibly a diminutive of Glenda... [more]
Glenita f English (Modern)
Feminine form of Glenn.
Glenne f English
Feminine variant of Glenn.... [more]
Glennita f English (American)
Combination of the name Glenn with the originally Spanish female diminutive ending -ITA.... [more]
Glenyce f English
Variant of Glenys.
Glenyse f English
Variant of Glenys.
Glissandra f English (Rare)
Mostly likely a combination of "Gliss" and "Sandra".
Gloom m & f English
A word that means "gloaming, twilight, darkness" from Middle English gloom, glom, from Old English glōm.
Glorianna f English, German (Modern, Rare)
Possibly a variant of the name Gloriana, an elaboration of Gloria or a combination of Gloria and Anna.
Gloriette f English
From the word for a pavilion or similar architectural structure in a garden which perhaps meant "little glory" from French (see Gloria). The largest and most well-known example is probably the Schönbrunner Gloriette, in the Schönbrunn Palace Garden at Vienna, built in 1775 for Holy Roman Empress Maria Theresa.
Glorius m & f English (American, Rare)
This name can be a masculinization of Gloria as well as be a variant spelling of the English word glorious, which is etymologically related to the aforementioned name.
Gloryanne f English (Rare)
Combined from Glory and Anne 1.
Glow f & m English
From English glow, Old English glōwan, of Germanic origin; related to Dutch gloeien and German glühen.
Glynda f English
Variant of Glenda (presumably influenced by Lynn).
Glyne m & f English
Variant and feminine form of Glyn.
Glynette f English
Feminine form of Glyn influenced by the name Lynette.
Glynne m & f English
Variant and feminine form of Glyn.
Glynnis f Welsh, English
Variant of Glynis.
Goddess f English (Modern, Rare)
From the English word goddess meaning "female god".
God-help m & f English (Puritan)
Referring to a prayer for help if the life of the child or mother was endangered.
Godly f & m English (Puritan)
Referring to being in a state of grace, i.e. "godly."
Godsgift m & f English (Puritan)
Blend of the phrase 'God's gift' into one word.
Godslove m & f Nigerian (Modern), English
The combination of God is love, God's love. Meaning "God's kind of love" or "God is love"
Golden m & f English, Romani (Archaic)
Either from the English word golden (from Old English gyldan "made of gold") or the surname Golden, originally given as a nickname to someone with blond hair... [more]
Goldyn f English
Feminine variant of Golden.
Gorgeous f English
Meaning, "beautiful, attractive, very pleasant."
Gospel m & f English (Rare)
From the word Gospel.
Gow m & f English (American)
Possibly from the surname Gow, derived from Scottish Gaelic gobha meaning "smith".
Graceann f English
Combination of Grace and Ann.
Graceanna f English (American, Rare)
Combination of Grace and Anna. This name was borne by American ornithologist Graceanna Lewis (1821-1912), who was also known as a social reformer active in the anti-slavery, temperance and women's suffrage movements.
Graceanne f English
Combination of Grace and Anne 1.
Gracee f English
Variant of Gracie.
Graceful f English (Puritan)
The physical characteristic of displaying "pretty agility", in the form of elegant movement, poise, or balance. The etymological root of grace is the Latin word gratia from gratus, meaning "pleasing."
Graceland f English
Inspired by the Graceland mansion in Memphis, Tenessee, once owned by American singer Elvis Presley and named after the original owner's daughter Grace.
Gracelee f English
Grace with -lee.
Gracemary f English
A combination of Grace and Mary.
Gracen f & m English
Variant of Grayson influenced by Grace.
Gracette f English
Diminutive of Grace.
Gracey f English
Variant of Gracie, a diminutive of Grace.
Graceyn f English
Feminine variant of Grayson influenced by Grace.
Graci f English (Modern)
Variant of Gracie, a diminutive of Grace.
Graciemae f English
Combination of Gracie and Mae.
Gracilla f English
Derived from Grace
Gracious m & f English (Puritan), English (African), English
From the English word gracious, ultimately from Latin gratiosus, a derivative of gratia "esteem, favor". This was one of the virtue names coined by the Puritans in the 17th century, possibly inspired by Psalm 145:8: 'The LORD is gracious, and full of compassion; slow to anger, and of great mercy.'
Gracy f English
Variant of Gracie.
Graison m & f English (Modern, Rare)
Variant of Grayson. According to the SSA, Graison was given to 8 girls and 32 boys in 2010.
Grapes f & m English
Transferred from the English surname Grapes.
Grassina f English (Rare)
Rare English name. May be a feminine variant of Gratian from the Roman Gratianus, meaning "grace" from the Latin gratus.... [more]
Gravity f English (American, Modern, Rare)
From the English word gravity, ultimately deriving from Latin gravitatem (nominative gravitas) "weight, heaviness, pressure". This name was used by American models Lucky Blue Smith and Stormi Bree Henley for their daughter born 2017.
Graylee f English (Modern, Rare)
Invented name combining the popular phonetic elements gray and lee, probably based on the sounds found in other names such as Hayley, Kaylee, Bailey and Gracie... [more]
Graylin m & f English
This name means "gray-haired person" ... [more]
Graylyn f & m English
Variant of Graylynn
Graylynn f English
Combination of Gray and Lynn.
Greenie m & f English
Diminutive form of Green
Greenland m & f English (Modern, Rare)
From the name of the island and Danish territory Greenland.
Greenlee f English, Popular Culture
Transferred use of the surname Greenlee.
Greenly f English (Rare)
Transferred from the surname Greenly. A notable bearer is one of Jane's three friends from the Disney TV series "Legend of Tarzan".
Greggie m & f English, Filipino
Diminutive of Gregory or Gregoria.
Grethel f English (Rare), Estonian, Literature
English and Estonian variant of Gretel. Grethel is the main character in Grimm's fairy tails 'Hansel and Grethel' and 'Clever Grethel'.
Greyleigh f & m English (American)
A combination of the names Grey and Leigh.
Greysyn m & f English (American)
Variant of Greyson sometimes used as a feminine form.
Guenna f English (American, Rare)
Extremely rare variant of Gwen.
Guiana f English (Modern), Medieval French, Occitan, Medieval Occitan, Spanish (Rare), Italian (Rare)
Derived from Guyenne, an occasional Occitan corruption of Aquitaine. Guiana is also sometimes a spelling for the country of Guyana in South America.
Gulielma f English (Archaic), Italian (Rare)
Feminine form of Gulielmus, the Latin form of William, as well as a rare Italian variant of Guglielma... [more]
Gussy f English (American, Archaic), German (Archaic)
English diminutive of Augusta and German diminutive of Auguste 2. Gussy Holl (22 February 1888 – 16 July 1966) was a German actress and singer... [more]
Gustie f English
Diminutive of Augusta.
Guyleen f English (American, Rare)
Seemingly a feminized form of Guy using the popular feminine name suffix leen, unless a variation of Guylene.
Gwena f English (Rare)
Variant of Gwenna. According to the Social Security Administration, Gwena was given to 11 girls in 1964.
Gwendola f English (American, Rare), Dutch (Rare), French (Rare), German (Rare)
Variant form of Gwendolen and in some cases (often those of French bearers) also of Gwenola.
Gwendolynette f English (American, Rare)
Combination of Gwendolyn with the suffix -ette.
Gwendora f English
Possibly a blend of Gwendolen and Glendora. Very seldom encountered, it has been used from at least 1901, when a baby of this name was registered in England, one of several registered in the opening years of the 20th century... [more]
Gwendy f English
Diminutive of Gwendolyn.