Browse Submitted Names

This is a list of submitted names in which the person who added the name is epresvanilia.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Abád m Medieval Hungarian
Diminutive of Aba.
Abdiás m Biblical Hungarian
Hungarian form of Abdias.
Abelárd m Hungarian
Hungarian borrowing of Abélard.
Abnér m Biblical Hungarian
Hungarian form of Abner.
Abony m Medieval Hungarian
Diminutive of Aba.
Abos m Medieval Hungarian
Diminutive of Aba.
Abrám m Biblical Hungarian
Hungarian form of Abram 1.
Absa m Hungarian
Diminutive of Absolon.
Achillesz m Hungarian
Cognate of Achilleus, meaning "pain".
Adelmár m Hungarian
Hungarian form of Adelmar.
Áfra f Hungarian (Rare)
Hungarian form of Afra 1.
Agnéta f Hungarian
Latinate diminutive of Ágnes.
Agrippína f Hungarian
Feminine version of Agrippa. Meaning "breech birth". Babies who survived these births were considered to have a lucky life.
Áhim m Hungarian
Truncated form of Joáhim.
Ainó f Hungarian
Hungarian form of Aino.
Aisah f Indonesian, Filipino, Maranao, Malay
Indonesian, Maranao and Malay form of Aisha.
Ajándok m Hungarian
Masculine form of Ajándék.
Ajnácska f Hungarian
From the name of Fort Ajnácskő in Slovakia.
Ajnó f Hungarian
Hungarian spelling of Aino.
Akács m Hungarian
Hungarian form of Achatius.
Alán m Hungarian
Hungarian borrowing of Alan.
Alárd m Hungarian
Hungarian form of Alard.
Albèrta f Gascon, Jèrriais
Gascon form of Alberte 2 and Jèrriais feminine form of Albèrt.
Aldea f Hungarian
Variant of Alda 1.
Álea f Hungarian
Hypocoristic of Eulália.
Alesszia f Hungarian
Hungarian form of Alexia.
Aleszja f Hungarian
Hungarian form of Alexia.
Alett f Hungarian
Hungarian variant of Aletta.
Alfonsine f Flemish, Dutch (Rare)
Feminine form of Alfons.
Alfonzina f Hungarian
Feminine form of Alfonz.
Alfréda f Hungarian
Hungarian form of Alfreda.
Alina f Provençal, Niçard
Niçard form of Aline.
Alissza f Hungarian
Hungarian form of Alissa. German origin, meaning "noble".
Alízia f Hungarian
Variant of Alíz.
Alóma f Hungarian (Rare)
Hungarian form of Aloma 1.
Alpár m Hungarian
Hungarian borrowing of Alper.
Amar m Catalan
Catalan form of Amaro.
Amarillisz f Hungarian (Modern, Rare)
Hungarian form of Amaryllis; the name coincides with the Hungarian word for the flower.
Amáta f Hungarian
Hungarian form of Amata.
Amázia f Hungarian
Hungarian form of Amasia.
Amidala f Popular Culture
Padmé Amidala Naberrie is a fictional character in the Star Wars franchise.
Ámós m Biblical Hungarian
Hungarian form of Amos.
Anatólia f Hungarian
Hungarian form of Anatolia.
Anda f Albanian
Derived from Gheg Albanian andë "desire, inclination, pleasure".
Andelina f Hungarian
Allegedly a Hungarian adaption of Czech Anděla.
Andorás m Hungarian Mythology
Older form of András. According to tradition, Andorás is a descendant of one of the leaders of the conquering Hungarians, the founder of the Andrássy family in Csíkszentkirály and Krasznahorka.
Andorjás m Medieval Hungarian
Old Hungarian form of András.
Andos m Hungarian
Short form of András.
Angelusz m Hungarian
Hungarian form of Angelus.
Ángyán m Hungarian
Hungarian form of Anianus.
Anissza f Hungarian
Hungarian form of Russian Anissa.
Anízia f Hungarian
Hungarian form of Anysia.
Annakata f Hungarian
Combination of Anna and Kata.
Annamíra f Hungarian
Combination of Anna and Míra.
Annaregina f Hungarian
Combination of Anna and Regina.
Annaréka f Hungarian
Combination of Anna and Réka.
Annasára f Hungarian
Combination of Anna and Sára.
Annavera f Hungarian
Combination of Anna and Vera 1.
Anteia f Greek Mythology
According to Homer and other early writers, this was the name of the consort of Proetus. The tragic poets gave the name of the consort of Proetus as Stheneboea.
Antoenne m Walloon
Walloon form of Antoine.
Antos m Hungarian
Old Hungarian short form of Antal.
Ányos m Hungarian
Short form of Ángyán.
Apol f Hungarian
Short form of Apollónia.
Appie m Dutch
Diminutive of Albert and Albertus. A notable bearer of this name was the Dutch author Appie Baantjer (1923-2010), who was well-known for his detective fiction.... [more]
Arad m Hungarian
Of uncertain origin and meaning.
Aramisz m Hungarian
Hungarian form of Aramis.
Arenta f Hungarian (Rare, Archaic)
Old Hungarian name of unknown origin and meaning.
Ari f Hungarian
Diminutive of Aranka.
Ariéla f Hungarian
Hungarian form of Ariella.
Arika f Hungarian
Of uncertain origin and meaning. Theories include a variant of Arikán and a diminutive of Aranka.
Arina f Hungarian, Dutch, Afrikaans
Hungarian contracted form of Adriána and Dutch and Afrikaans contracted form of Adriana.
Arinka f Hungarian
Hungarian adaption of Russian Arina.
Arita f Hungarian
Of uncertain origin and meaning. Theories include a derivation from Greek ἀρετή (arete) "virtue" and a feminine form of Arétász.
Arja f Dutch
Short form of Adriana.
Árkos m Medieval Hungarian
Of uncertain origin and meaning; theories include a Hungarian form of Argus and a diminutive of Arkád.
Armandina f Hungarian
Feminine form of Armand.
Arnó m Hungarian (Rare)
Hungarian borrowing of Arno.
Arnót m Hungarian (Rare)
Old Hungarian form of Arnold.
Artiana f Albanian (Rare)
Feminine form of Artian.
Árven f Literature
Hungarian form of Arwen.
Ásér m Biblical Hungarian
Hungarian form of Asher.
Ászáf m Biblical Hungarian
Hungarian form of Asaph.
Asztrida f Hungarian
Hungarian form of Astrid.
Atika f Hungarian
Diminutive of Atália and Atala.
Augusztina f Hungarian
Hungarian cognate of Augustina.
Aura f Hungarian
Contracted form of Aurea.
Aurélián m Hungarian
Variant of Aurél, meaning "gold".
Azarél m Biblical Hungarian
Hungarian form of Azarel.
Babita f Hungarian (Rare)
Originally a diminutive of Barbara, used as a given name in its own right.
Bagita f Hungarian
Traditional diminutive of Magdolna.
Baján m History
Hungarian form of Bayan.
Balambér m History
Hungarian form of Balambér.
Baldó m Hungarian
Hungarian form of Baldo.
Baltazár m Hungarian
Hungarian form of Balthazar.
Bandó m Hungarian
Diminutive of András.
Barabás m Hungarian
Hungarian form of Barabbas.
Baranka f Hungarian
Originally a diminutive of Ágnes, used as a given name in its own right.
Bardó m Hungarian
Cognate of Bardolph, meaning "small axe".
Barka f Hungarian (Rare)
Derived from Hungarian barka "catkin".
Bartos m Medieval Hungarian
Diminutive of Old Hungarian Bartalom (see Bertalan).
Bárúk m Biblical Hungarian
Hungarian form of Baruch.
Beatrisz f Hungarian
Hungarian adoption of French Béatrice.
Béda m Hungarian
Hungarian form of Bede (compare Beda).
Begónia f Hungarian (Rare)
Hungarian form of Begonia.
Bejke f Hungarian (Archaic)
Of uncertain origin and meaning.
Bella f Judeo-Anglo-Norman, Judeo-French, Judeo-Spanish
Variant of Bela, as well as a Judeo-Spanish form.
Benájá m Biblical Hungarian
Hungarian form of Benaiah.
Béni m Hungarian
Diminutive of Benjámin or Benedek.
Benignusz m Hungarian
Cognate of Benignus, meaning "kind, friendly".
Berkenye f Hungarian
Derived from Hungarian berkenye "rowan".
Berna f Hungarian, German (Bessarabian), Dutch (Rare), Flemish (Rare), Afrikaans
Short form of Bernadett and Bernadetta as well as a Dutch and Afrikaans short form of names beginning with the element Bern-.
Bertila f Asturian
Asturian form of Berthild.
Bertina f Hungarian
Short form of Albertina as well as an elaboration of Berta.
Bertolda f Hungarian
Feminine form of Bertold.
Berzsián m Literature
Coined by Ervin Lázár for the title character of his novel Berzsián és Dideki.
Betta f Hungarian
Short form of Babett, Berta and Erzsébet.
Bíboranna f Hungarian
Combination of Bíbor and Anna.
Biri f Hungarian
Diminutive of Borbála.
Blazsena f Hungarian
Feminine form of Balázs.
Boáz m Biblical Hungarian
Hungarian form of Boaz.
Böbe f Hungarian
Diminutive of Erzsébet.
Bóbita f Hungarian
Coined by Sándor Weöres who apparently based it on Hungarian bóbita "tuft" referring to the feathers on a bird's head.
Bodomér m Hungarian (Rare)
Of uncertain origin and meaning; theories include a Hungarian borrowing of Budimir.
Bogdán m Hungarian
Cognate of Bogdan, meaning "gift of God".
Bogdána f Hungarian (Rare)
Hungarian form of Bogdana.
Bogi f Hungarian
Diminutive of Boglárka.
Bónis m Hungarian
Diminutive of Bonifác.
Bóra f Hungarian (Modern)
Derived from Hungarian bóra "bora (northern to north-eastern katabatic wind in the Adriatic Sea)".
Borbás m Medieval Hungarian
Medieval Hungarian variant of Barabás.
Borcsa f Hungarian
Originally a diminutive of Borbála, used as a given name in its own right.
Boris f Hungarian
Diminutive of Borbála.
Borka f Hungarian
Originally a diminutive of Borbála, used as a given name in its own right.
Bozsidár m Hungarian
Hungarian borrowing of Božidar.
Bozsó m Hungarian
Diminutive of Bozsidár.
Cecilián m Hungarian, Slovak
Hungarian and Slovak form of Caecilianus.
Cecilla f Hungarian (Rare)
Contracted form of Cecília.
Cinka f Romani
Of uncertain origin and meaning.
Ciprienn f Hungarian
Hungarian borrowing of Cyprienne.
Círus m Biblical Hungarian
Hungarian form of Cyrus.
Csendike f Hungarian (Modern)
Diminutive form of Csende.
Csinszka f Hungarian
A pet name created by Endre Ady, for his wife Berta Boncza, from the word 'csacsi' meaning "small donkey".
Dagomér m Hungarian (Archaic)
Hungarian borrowing of Dagomar.
Damarisz f Hungarian
Hungarian form of Damaris.
Damiána f Hungarian
Hungarian form of Damiana. The name coincides with the name of the plant damiána "damiana, turnera diffusa".
Damján m Hungarian
Hungarian form of Damian.
Damos m Hungarian
Diminutive of Damján.
Daniéla f Hungarian
Variant of Daniella and feminine form of Dániel.
Dára f Hungarian
Contracted form of Dária.
Dea f Hungarian
Short form of Adeodáta.
Deli m Hungarian
Derived from Hungarian deli, a literary word meaning "stalwart, athletic (figure), well-built (person)" (from Ottoman Turkish deli "mad, insane", perhaps ultimately via Serbo-Croatian dèli "brave" and thus referring to a soldier in 16th-century Hungary).
Deliana f Dutch
Of debated origin and meaning. Theories include an elaboration of Delia 1.
Denerisz f Literature
Hungarian form of Daenerys.
Deodát m Hungarian
Hungarian form of Deodatus.
Dés m Hungarian
Variant of Dezső.
Detti f Hungarian
Diminutive of Bernadett.
Dienes m Medieval Hungarian
Old Hungarian form of Dénes.
Diké f Hungarian
Hungarian form of Dike.
Diotíma f Hungarian (Rare)
Hungarian form of Diotima.
Ditmár m Hungarian
Hungarian borrowing of Dietmar.
Ditti f Hungarian
Diminutive of Ditta and Ditte.
Dókus m Medieval Hungarian
Old Hungarian diminutive of Dávid and Domonkos.
Dolli f Hungarian
Hungarian borrowing of Dolly.
Domán m Hungarian
Old Hungarian short form of Domonkos.
Domiciána f Hungarian
Feminine form of Domicián.
Dominka f Hungarian
Contracted form of Dominika.
Doné m Walloon
Walloon form of Dieudonné.
Dóri f Hungarian
Diminutive of Dóra.
Dorinka f Hungarian
Diminutive of Dorina 2.
Dorion m Hungarian
Variant of Dorián.
Dorisz f Hungarian
Variant of Dorottya, meaning "gift of God".
Dorkás f Hungarian
Hungarian form of Dorcas.
Dormán m Hungarian
Cognate of Dorman.
Dormánd m Hungarian
Diminutive of Dormán.
Doroti f Hungarian (Modern)
Hungarian borrowing of Dorothy.
Dzsenna f Hungarian (Modern, Rare)
Hungarian borrowing of Jenna.
Dzsenni f Hungarian (Modern, Rare)
Hungarian borrowing of Jenny.
Éda f Hungarian
Short form of various Germanic names beginning with the element adel- or edel-.
Edda f Hungarian
Variant of Éda.
Edekon m History
Variant of Edeko.
Éder m Biblical Hungarian
Hungarian form of Eder 1.
Edgár m Hungarian
Hungarian form of Edgar.
Edmondus m French (Latinized), Flemish (Rare)
Latinized form of Edmond. Also compare the related name Edmundus, which is even rarer in Flanders, but in the Netherlands more popular than this name.
Éhúd m Biblical Hungarian
Hungarian form of Ehud.
Eliáb m Biblical Hungarian
Hungarian form of Eliab.
Eliézer m Biblical Hungarian
Hungarian form of Eliezer.
Elígiusz m Hungarian
Hungarian form of Eligius.
Elihú m Biblical Hungarian
Hungarian form of Elihu.
Éline f French
French form of Elin.
Elinne f Walloon
Walloon form of Hélène.
Eliona f Albanian
Feminine form of Elion.