This is a list of submitted names in which the person who added the name is
cassilda in carcosa.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Jingbo f & m ChineseFrom the Chinese
静 (jìng) meaning "quiet, still, gentle" and
勃 (bó) meaning "sudden, suddenly, quick" or
博 (bó) meaning "rich, win, gain".
Jingcan f ChineseFrom the Chinese
静 (jìng) meaning "quiet, still, gentle" and
灿 (càn) meaning "vivid, illuminating, bright".
Jingchan f ChineseFrom the Chinese
静 (jìng) meaning "quiet, still, gentle" and
禅 (chán) meaning "meditation, contemplation".
Jingchen f ChineseFrom the Chinese
静 (jìng) meaning "quiet, still, gentle" and
琛 (chēn) meaning "treasure".
Jingcong f ChineseFrom the Chinese
静 (jìng) meaning "quiet, still, gentle" and
聪 (cōng) meaning "intelligent, clever, bright".
Jingen f ChineseFrom the Chinese
晶 (jīng) meaning "crystal, clear, bright, radiant" and
恩 (ēn) meaning "kindness, mercy, charity".
Jinghai f ChineseFrom the Chinese
晶 (jīng) meaning "crystal, clear, bright, radiant" and
海 (hǎi) meaning "sea, ocean".
Jinghuan f ChineseFrom the Chinese
静 (jìng) meaning "quiet, still, gentle" or
靖 (jìng) meaning "pacify; calm, peaceful" and
幻 (huàn) meaning "fantasy, illusion, mirage" or
欢 (huān) meaning "joyous, merry, happy, pleased".
Jingjie f & m ChineseFrom the Chinese
晶 (jīng) meaning "crystal, clear, bright, radiant" and
杰 (jié) meaning "hero; heroic, outstanding".
Jinglin f ChineseFrom the Chinese
晶 (jīng) meaning "crystal, clear, bright" and
霖 (lín) meaning "continuous heavy rain" or
粼 (lín) meaning "clear".
Jinglong f & m ChineseFrom the Chinese
晶 (jīng) meaning "crystal, clear, bright" and
珑 (lóng) meaning "gem cut like a dragon".
Jingmeng f ChineseFrom the Chinese
静 (jìng) meaning "quiet, still, gentle" and
朦 (méng) meaning "condition or appearance of the moon".
Jingmi f ChineseFrom the Chinese
静 (jìng) meaning "quiet, still, gentle" and
宓 (mì) meaning "quiet, silent, in good health".
Jingmiao f ChineseFrom the Chinese
靖 (jìng) meaning "pacify; calm, peaceful" and
妙 (miào) meaning "mysterious, subtle, exquisite".
Jingni f ChineseFrom the Chinese
晶 (jīng) meaning "crystal, bright, clear, radiant",
婧 (jìng) meaning "modest,
靖 (jìng) meaning "pacify, calm, peaceful" or
静 (jìng) meaning "quiet, still, gentle" and
霓 (ní) meaning "rainbow".
Jingpiao f ChineseFrom the Chinese
静 (jìng) meaning "quiet, still, gentle" and
飘 (piāo) meaning "whirlwind; floating".
Jingqian f ChineseFrom the Chinese
婧 (jìng) meaning "modest" and
谦 (qiān) meaning "humble, modest".
Jingqiao f ChineseFrom the Chinese
静 (jìng) meaning "quiet, still, gentle" or
婧 (jìng) meaning "modest" and
巧 (qiǎo) meaning "artful, skillful, clever" or
乔 (qiáo) meaning "tall, lofty, proud".
Jingqiong f ChineseFrom the Chinese
靖 (jìng) meaning "pacify, peace, calm" and
琼 (qióng) meaning "jade, rare, precious, elegant".
Jingqiu f ChineseFrom the Chinese
靖 (jìng) meaning "pacify; calm, peaceful" and
秋 (qiū) meaning "autumn".
Jingrong f ChineseFrom the Chinese
静 (jìng) meaning "quiet, still, gentle" and
蓉 (róng) meaning "hibiscus".
Jingrui f ChineseFrom the Chinese
婧 (jìng) meaning "modest" and
瑞 (ruì) meaning "felicitous omen, auspicious".
Jingshan f ChineseFrom the Chinese
靖 (jìng) meaning "pacify; calm, peaceful" and
珊 (shān) meaning "coral".
Jingsheng f ChineseFrom the Chinese
静 (jìng) meaning "quiet, still, gentle" and
昇 (shēng) meaning "rise, ascent, peace".
Jingshuang f ChineseFrom the Chinese
靖 (jìng) meaning "pacify, calm, peaceful" and
霜 (shuāng) meaning "frost".
Jingshui f ChineseFrom the Chinese
静 (jìng) meaning "quiet, still, gentle" or
晶 (jīng) meaning "crystal, clear, bright" and
水 (shuǐ) meaning "water".
Jingsi f ChineseFrom the Chinese
靖 (jìng) meaning "pacify; calm, peaceful" and
丝 (sī) meaning "silk, fine thread".
Jingtang f ChineseFrom the Chinese
静 (jìng) meaning "quiet, still, gentle" and
棠 (táng) meaning "wild plums".
Jingxi f ChineseFrom the Chinese
静 (jìng) meaning "quiet, still, gentle" and
熙 (xī) meaning "bright, splendid, glorious".
Jingxian f ChineseFrom the Chinese
净 (jìng) meaning "clean, pure" and
娴 (xián) meaning "elegant, refined".
Jingxu f ChineseFrom the Chinese
静 (jìng) meaning "quiet, still, gentle" or
晶 (jīng) meaning "crystal, clear, bright, radiant" and
煦 (xù) meaning "kind, gentle, gracious".
Jingxuan f ChineseFrom the Chinese
靖 (jìng) meaning "pacify; calm, peaceful" and
璇 (xuán) meaning "beautiful jade, star".
Jingyan f ChineseFrom the Chinese
晶 (jīng) meaning "crystal, clear, bright, radiant",
靖 (jìng) meaning "pacify, calm, peaceful" or
婧 (jìng) meaning "modest" and
琰 (yǎn) meaning "jewel, gem, glitter of gems",
嫣 (yān) meaning "charming, fascinating" or
焱 (yàn) meaning "flames".
Jingyao f ChineseFrom the Chinese
静 (jìng) meaning "quiet, still, gentle" or
靖 (jìng) meaning "pacify; calm, peaceful" and
姚 (yáo) meaning "handsome, elegant" or
窈 (yǎo) meaning "obscure, refined".
Jingye f ChineseFrom the Chinese
晶 (jīng) meaning "crystal, bright, clear, radiant" and
晔 (yè) meaning "bright, radiant, thriving".
Jingyin f ChineseFrom the Chinese
晶 (jīng) meaning "crystal, clear, bright, radiant" and
殷 (yīn) meaning "many, great, abundant, flourishing".
Jingying f ChineseFrom the Chinese
晶 (jīng) meaning "crystal, clear, bright, radiant" or
镜 (jìng) meaning "mirror, glass" and
莹 (yíng) meaning "luster of gems, bright, lustrous".
Jingyong f & m ChineseFrom the Chinese
静 (jìng) meaning "quiet, still, gentle" and
勇 (yǒng) meaning "brave, courageous, valiant, fierce".
Jingyou f ChineseFrom the Chinese
静 (jìng) meaning "quiet, still, gentle" and
幽 (yōu) meaning "quiet, tranquil, dark".
Jingyuan f ChineseFrom the Chinese
敬 (jìng) meaning "respect, honour" or
镜 (jìng) meaning "mirror, glass" and
媛 (yuàn) meaning "beauty, beautiful woman" or
园 (yuán) meaning "garden, park, orchard".
Jingyue f ChineseFrom the Chinese
靖 (jìng) meaning "pacify, calm, peaceful" or
晶 (jīng) meaning "crystal, clear, bright, radiant" and
悦 (yuè) meaning "pleased, contented" or
月 (yuè) meaning "moon, month".
Jingzi f ChineseFrom the Chinese
静 (jìng) meaning "quiet, still, gentle" and
紫 (zǐ) meaning "purple, violet".
Jinle f ChineseFrom the Chinese
瑾 (jǐn) meaning "brilliance of gems, fine jade" and
乐 (lè) meaning "be amused, glad, enjoy, happy, cheerful, music".
Jinlin f ChineseFrom the Chinese
锦 (jǐn) meaning "bright and beautiful, brocade, tapestry, embroidery" and
粼 (lín) meaning "clear".
Jinliu f ChineseFrom the Chinese
槿 (jǐn) meaning "hibiscus" and
柳 (liǔ) meaning "willow".
Jinlu f ChineseFrom the Chinese
金 (jīn) meaning "gold, metal, money" and
鹭 (lù) meaning "heron, egret".
Jinluan f ChineseFrom the Chinese
金 (jīn) meaning "gold, metal, money" and
娈 (luán) meaning "lovely, beautiful, docile".
Jinmin f ChineseFrom the Chinese
瑾 (jǐn) meaning "brilliance of gems, fine jade" and
旻 (mín) meaning "heaven".
Jinni f ChineseFrom the Chinese
锦 (jǐn) meaning "bright and beautiful, brocade, tapestry, embroidered" and
霓 (ní) meaning "rainbow".
Jinpeng f ChineseFrom the Chinese
锦 (jǐn) meaning "bright and beautiful, brocade, tapestry, embroidery" and
朋 (péng) meaning "friend".
Jinqi f ChineseFrom the Chinese
瑾 (jǐn) meaning "brilliance of jade, fine gems" and
祺 (qí) meaning "good luck, good fortune".
Jinqiu f ChineseFrom the Chinese
锦 (jǐn) meaning "bright and beautiful, brocade, tapestry, embroidery" and
秋 (qiū) meaning "autumn".
Jinrao f ChineseFrom the Chinese
锦 (jǐn) meaning "bright and beautiful, brocade, tapestry, embroidery" and
娆 (ráo) meaning "graceful, charming, fascinating".
Jinrui f ChineseFrom the Chinese
瑾 (jǐn) meaning "brilliance of jade, fine gems" and
蕊 (ruǐ) meaning "unopened flowers, flower bud".
Jinshan f ChineseFrom the Chinese
槿 (jǐn) meaning "hibiscus" and
杉 (shān) meaning "pine, fir".
Jinwei f ChineseFrom the Chinese
瑾 (jǐn) meaning "brilliance of gems, fine jade" and
维 (wéi) meaning "maintain, preserve".
Jinxuan f ChineseFrom the Chinese
槿 (jǐn) meaning "hibiscus" and
萱 (xuān) meaning "day lily".
Jinyi f ChineseFrom the Chinese
锦 (jǐn) meaning "bright and beautiful, brocade, tapestry, embroidered" and
怡 (yí) meaning "happy, joyful, harmony, joy".
Jinying f & m ChineseFrom the Chinese
金 (jīn) meaning "gold, metal, money" or
缙 (jìn) meaning "red silk" and
滢 (yíng) meaning "clean, pure water; lucid, glossy" or
英 (yīng) meaning "hero, brave" or "flower, leaf, petal".
Jiquan f ChineseFrom the Chinese
姬 (jī) meaning "beauty, concubine" and
泉 (quán) meaning "spring, fountain, wealth".
Jitao f ChineseFrom the Chinese
季 (jì) meaning "season" and
桃 (táo) meaning "peach, marriage".
Jiuqiao f & m ChineseFrom the Chinese
玖 (jiǔ) meaning "black-coloured jade" and
俏 (qiào) meaning "like, similar, resemble".
Jiyanqiz f UzbekDerived from Uzbek
jiyan meaning "niece", also a form of address for a younger person, and
qiz meaning "girl".
Jiyao f ChineseFrom the Chinese
冀 (jì) meaning "hope for, wish" and
瑶 (yáo) meaning "precious jade".
Jiyuan f ChineseFrom the Chinese
吉 (jí) meaning "auspicious, lucky, good" and
媛 (yuàn) meaning "beauty, beautiful woman".
Jizhen f ChineseFrom the Chinese
吉 (jí) meaning "auspicious, lucky" and
蓁 (zhēn) meaning "abundant, luxuriant vegetation".
Joddur m & f YiMeans "eagle wings" in Yi.
Jo'jagul f UzbekDerived from
jo'ja meaning "chick" or "kid, darling" and
gul meaning "rose, flower".
Jojji m YiMeans "flying eagle" in Yi.
Jonbibi f UzbekDerived from
jon meaning "spirit, soul" and
bibi meaning "learned woman".
Joniqiz f UzbekDerived from
jon meaning "spirit, soul" and
qiz meaning "girl".
Jonkumush f UzbekDerived from
jon meaning "spirit, soul" and
kumush meaning "silver".
Jononpari f UzbekDerived from
jonon meaning "beautiful woman", "wonderful" or "my dear, darling", also the name of a musical melody, and
pari meaning "fairy".
Jononposhsha f UzbekDerived from
jonon meaning "beautiful woman", "wonderful" or "my dear, darling", also the name of a musical melody, and
poshsha, an endearing term for a girl or woman.
Jonoy f UzbekDerived from
jon meaning "spirit, soul" and
oy meaning "moon".
Jonposhsha f UzbekDerived from Uzbek
jon meaning "spirit, soul" and
poshsha, an endearing term for a girl or woman.
Jonsuluv f UzbekDerived from Uzbek
jon meaning "spirit, soul" and
sulu(v) meaning "beautiful".
Jonuo m YiMeans "black eagle" in Yi.
Jo'ragul f UzbekDerived from
jo'ra meaning "fellows at a social gathering" and
gul meaning "rose, flower".
Jo'raposhsha f UzbekDerived from
jo'ra meaning "fellows at a social gathering" and
poshsha an endearing term for a girl or woman
Jowangsin f Korean MythologyThe goddess of the fire and hearth in traditional Korean religion. Her name is derived from the hanja
竈 (jo) meaning "hearth, kitchen stove, kitchen",
王 (wang) meaning "great, king" and
神 (sin) meaning "god, goddess, spirit".
Juanliang f ChineseFrom the Chinese
娟 (juān) meaning "beautiful, graceful" and
良 (liáng) meaning "good, virtuous, respectable".
Juanmei f ChineseFrom the Chinese
娟 (juān) meaning "beautiful, graceful" and
媚 (mèi) meaning "charming, attractive".
Juanqiao f ChineseFrom the Chinese
娟 (juān) meaning "beautiful, graceful" and
乔 (qiáo) meaning "tall, lofty, proud".
Juanqing f ChineseFrom the Chinese
娟 (juān) meaning "beautiful, graceful" and
清 (qīng) meaning "clear, pure, clean".
Juanrui f ChineseFrom the Chinese
娟 (juān) meaning "beautiful, graceful" and
瑞 (ruì) meaning "felicitous omen, auspicious".
Juanshan f ChineseFrom the Chinese
娟 (juān) meaning "beautiful, graceful" and
珊 (shān) meaning "coral".
Juantang f ChineseFrom the Chinese
绢 (juàn) meaning "thin silk" and
棠 (táng) meaning "wild plums".
Juantong f ChineseFrom the Chinese
娟 (juān) meaning "beautiful, graceful" and
彤 (tóng) meaning "red, vermilion".
Juanxia f ChineseFrom the Chinese
娟 (juān) meaning "beautiful, graceful" and
侠 (xiá) meaning "chivalrous person".
Juanxian f ChineseFrom the Chinese
涓 (juān) meaning "brook, stream" and
贤 (xián) meaning "virtuous, worthy, good".
Juanxin f & m ChineseFrom the Chinese
隽 (juàn) meaning "superior, outstanding, talented" and
歆 (xīn) meaning "like, admire".
Juanying f ChineseFrom the Chinese
娟 (juān) meaning "beautiful, graceful" and
莹 (yíng) meaning "luster of gems, bright, lustrous".
Juanyu f & m ChineseFrom the Chinese
隽 (juàn) meaning "superior, outstanding, talented" and
钰 (yù) meaning "rare treasure".
Juanyue f ChineseFrom the Chinese
涓 (juān) meaning "brook, stream" and
月 (yuè) meaning "moon".
Juerui f ChineseFrom the Chinese
珏 (jué) meaning "two pieces of jade joined together" and
瑞 (ruì) meaning "felicitous omen, auspicious".
Juliang f ChineseFrom the Chinese
菊 (jú) meaning "chrysanthemum" and
良 (liáng) meaning "good, virtuous, respectable".
Julin f ChineseFrom the Chinese
菊 (jú) meaning "chrysanthemum" and
麟 (lín) meaning "female unicorn".
Jumabaxt f UzbekDerived from
juma meaning "Friday" and
baxt meaning "happiness" or "luck, good fortune".
Jumagul f UzbekDerived from
juma meaning "Friday" and
gul meaning "rose, flower".
Jumanor f UzbekDerived from
juma meaning "Friday" and
nor which can mean "camel", "birthmark", "pomegranate" or "fire".
Jumaqiz f UzbekDerived from
juma meaning "Friday" and
qiz meaning "girl".
Jumatoj f UzbekDerived from Uzbek
juma meaning "Friday" and
toj meaning "crown".
Jumaxol f UzbekDerived from Uzbek
juma meaning "Friday" and
xol meaning "mole, dot, beauty mark".
Junai f ChineseFrom the Chinese
均 (jūn) meaning "equal, fair" and
瑷 (ài) meaning "fine quality jade".
Juning f ChineseFrom the Chinese
菊 (jú) meaning "chrysanthemum" and
宁 (níng) meaning "peaceful, calm".
Junqiang f ChineseFrom the Chinese
俊 (jùn) meaning "handsome, pretty, talented, talented person" and
蔷 (qiáng) meaning "rose".
Junqiao f & m ChineseFrom the Chinese
俊 (jùn) meaning "talented, talented person" and
巧 (qiǎo) meaning "artful, skillful, clever".
Junqiong f ChineseFrom the Chinese
珺 (jùn) meaning "beautiful jade" and
琼 (qióng) meaning "jade, rare, precious, elegant".
Junxian f ChineseFrom the Chinese
俊 (jùn) meaning "talented, capable, handsome, pretty" or
珺 (jùn) meaning "beautiful jade" and
娴 (xián) meaning "elegant, refined".
Juqing f ChineseFrom the Chinese
菊 (jú) meaning "chrysanthemum" and
清 (qīng) meaning "clear, pure, clean".
Juri f AymaraEtymology uncertain, either from the Aymara
juri meaning "mud" as a noun and "cloudy" as an adjective, or
jüri meaning "mist".
Jurong f ChineseFrom the Chinese
菊 (jú) meaning "chrysanthemum" and
蓉 (róng) meaning "hibiscus".
Jushan f ChineseFrom the Chinese
菊 (jú) meaning "chrysanthemum" and
善 (shàn) meaning "good, virtuous, kind".
Juxian f ChineseFrom the Chinese
菊 (jú) meaning "chrysanthemum" and
贤 (xián) meaning "virtuous, worthy, good".
Juxiang f ChineseFrom the Chinese
菊 (jú) meaning "chrysanthemum" and
祥 (xiáng) meaning "good luck, good omen, happiness".
Juzhong f ChineseFrom the Chinese
菊 (jú) meaning "chrysanthemum" and
忠 (zhōng) meaning "loyalty, devotion".
Jyan m & f DunganMeans "yart, courtyard" in Dungan.
Kaʻaeʻa f & m HawaiianFrom the Hawaiian
ka meaning "the" and
'ae'a meaning "wandering".
Kaʻahanui f & m HawaiianDerived from the Hawaiian word
ka meaning "the" and
'ahanui, the name of a type of native sedge plant (
Machaerina mariscoides subsp.
Kaʻākau f & m HawaiianFrom the Hawaiian
ka meaning "the" and
ʻākau meaning "right" or "north".
Kaarr-o f SidamoMeans "space between upper incisors" in Sidama, this is traditionally held to be a sign of beauty.
Ka'awa m & f HawaiianFrom the Hawaiian
ka meaning "the" and
'awa meaning "kava" or "cold mountain rain, mist, fog".
Kabinda m & f LuhyaDerived from the Luhya word
binda meaning "to enclose doorway with posts". This name is traditionally given to the last child.
K’acha Illa f AymaraFrom the Aymara
k'acha meaning "beautiful, lovely" and
illa meaning "amulet" in Aymara, also referring to any object to attract good luck and an Aymara spirit of the products and goods, the family, cattle and money.
Kadru f HinduismMeans "tawny, reddish-brown" in Sanskrit. In Hindu mythology Kadru is the wife of
Kashyapa and the mother of the nagas, a race of divine half-human, half-serpent beings.
Kaehuwahine f HawaiianFrom the Hawaiian
ka meaning "the",
ehu meaning "sea spray", "dust, pollen" or "reddish hair" and
wahine meaning "woman".
Kaewa f MaoriMeans "wanderer, traveller" in Maori.
Kagna f KhmerMeans "young woman, virgin" in Khmer.
Kagwala f KassenaMeans "woman who behaves like a slave raider" in Kasem.
Kahandi m PareMeans "knife" in the Athu language of the Pare people.
Ka'ilianu f & m HawaiianFrom the Hawaiian
ka meaning "the",
'ili meaning "skin" or "pebble" and
anu meaning "cool, cold".
Káínaikoan m SiksikaFrom the Siksika
káínaa meaning "blood" and the suffix
–ikoan meaning "male person".
Kaixiang f ChineseFrom the Chinese
凯 (kǎi) meaning "triumphant, victory" and
香 (xiāng) meaning "fragrant, sweet smelling, incense".
Kaixuan f ChineseFrom the Chinese
恺 (kǎi) meaning "enjoy, be contented, joyful" and
璇 (xuán) meaning "beautiful star, jade".
Kajîn f KurdishPossibly from Kurdish
kaj meaning "pine tree".
Kajsiab m & f HmongFrom the Hmong Daw phrase
kaj siab meaning "satisfied", or
kaj meaning "bright" and
siab meaning "liver". In Hmong culture, the liver is seen as seat of the emotions and affection in the same way as the heart is in many European and American cultures... [
Kajy m & f MalagasyMeans "attention, care, vigilance" in Malagasy.
Kakuyama-no-uneo-no-konoshita-ni-zasu-kami f Japanese MythologyAn epithet of the spring water goddess
Nakisawame. It is derived from
香 (kaku) meaning "pleasant scent, fragrance",
山 (yama) meaning "mountain",
の (no) meaning "of",
畝 (une) meaning "raised earth in a field" or "rib",
尾 (o) meaning "tail", "foot of a mountain" or "the end of something",
の (no) meaning "of",
木 (ki) meaning "tree, wood",
の (no) meaning "of",
下 (shita) meaning "the below",
坐 (za) meaning "to sit, to bear fruit" and
神 (kami) meaning "god, deity, spirit".
Kallapi f AymaraFrom the Aymara name for an orange-red variety of wild quinoa.
Kaltes-Ekwa f Siberian MythologyEtymology unknown. Kaltes-Ekwa is a Mansi and Khanty goddess of the moon, childbirth, fate, dawn, fertility and rejuvenation. She is a shapeshifter and known to take the shape of a hare.
Kamanyi m & f LundaMeans "prosperity from hard work" in Lunda.
Kamina f UzbekMeans "your humble servant" in Uzbek, referring to a self-deprecating and humble way of referring to oneself in writing.
Kamola f UzbekDerived from Uzbek
kamol meaning "completion, perfection".
Kamoyo m Tumbuka, ChewaMeans "life" in Tumbuka and Chewa, often given to babies born prematurely.
Kan m BurmeseMeans "fate, luck, fortune, karma" in Burmese.
Kanan m & f Shipibo-ConiboFrom the Shipibo
kana meaning "blue and yellow macaw" and the genitive suffix
Kanefer m Ancient EgyptianFrom Egyptian
kꜣ-nfr meaning "his Ka is beautiful", derived from
ka "soul, life force; personality, essence" and
nfr "beautiful, good, perfect".
Kaneme m & f IgboMeans "let's keep doing" in Igbo.
Kanika f KhmerTaken from the Khmer name for Kanak Champa, a white, jasmine-like plant.
Kanizja f PolishDerived from the surname of
Piotr Kanizjusz (the Polish name for
Peter Canisius), a renowned Dutch Jesuit Catholic priest who is venerated in the Catholic Church as a saint and as a Doctor of the Church.
Kanto m & f MalagasyMeans "well done, good" or "beautiful, attractive" in Malagasy.