https://www.random.org/Round 1:
https://www.behindthename.com/bb/game/5408088Round 2:
https://www.behindthename.com/bb/game/5408315Round 3:
5 years have passed since round 3:
(Skip this if you’re not including story elements)
1. A seemingly innocent family member has suddenly let slip an astonishing secret without thinking about it at a family dinner, this secret is strong enough to have the entire family’s image of this certain family member. How will the family member be treated from now on? Is the family amazed or horrified?
2. One of the younger family members to decided to go gardening while the others were out, just for a nice surprise once they got back. They decided to pull out a few dead roots but they had to dig a bit first. After a few minutes they saw what looked like a… finger? And to find out more they carried on digging into they found not one, but multiple bodies buried in the garden, once and older servant saw this they pulled them away forcefully. It wasn’t long before they figured out the family must’ve been covering up a mysterious secret of the recent past…
3. A family member begins hearing things around the house but once they check nothing is there. They start to realise things are going missing or have to moved from the place they left them and seemingly no one else has been around. They begin to think maybe, just maybe the dead is beginning to communicate.
(Skip to here if not including story elements)
Roll a 10 sided dice for every family member, if they get 9 they die, if they are over 80, 8 and 10 also constitutes as a death.
For every couple, roll a 20 sided dice:
1-4: Relationship does not change
5-13: Couple progresses (E.g Engaged——> Married) if they are married or under 18 the couple does not change
14-18 The couple separates, through any way you like, even death(even if you have not rolled either of their deaths beforehand)
19-20 One or both of the partners takes on a lover
Generate a 20 sided dice for all singles aged 15 or older. If they are under 18, 12 or above is a significant other. If they are between 18 and 26, 7-13 is a significant other, 13-16 is an engagement, and 17-20 is a marriage. If they are 27 or older, 6-9 is a significant other, 10-14 Is an engagement, and 15-20 is a marriage. The ages of the spouses and fiancé/fiancée are up to you.
Roll a 13 sided dice to determine the title of any new spouses, it’s up to you wether these spouses are from a foreign land or not.
1. No title / Premier / Knight
2. High Priest / High Priestess
3. Lord /
Lady 4. Emperor / Empress
King /
Queen 6. {Grand}
Duke / {Grand} Duchess
Prince /
Princess 8. Chieftain
9. Marquess / Marchioness
10. Count /
Earl / Countess
11. Baron / Baroness
12. Baronet / Baronetess
13. Viscount / Viscountess
For potential parents, role a 20 sided dice:
For a potential parents aged 18-23: 1-11 is no children, 12-16 is 1 child, 17-20 is 2 children.
For a potential parents aged 24-34: 1-6 is no children, 7-10 is 1 child, 11-15 is 2 children, 16-20 is 3 children.
For a potential parents aged 35-45: 1-9 is no children, 10-15 is 1 child, 16-18 is 2 children, 19-20 is 3 children.
For potential parents aged 45+: 1-14 is no children, 15-18 is 1 child, 19-20 is 2 children.
These children can be biological or adopted.
If you want, roll the dice again, odd number=boys and even number=girls
Add pets if you want to.
Ione Ofelia Axelle Winonah
Zosia Alda Lira Anola Gianina Oceanne Alohi
Tullia Safiya Katya Aerith
Oriana Veta Maira Aderyne Endora Esmara
Odilia Santana Zelia
Araceli Verona Willa Yolande Xylia Qadira
Magali Hyacinth
Abner Ajamu
Delano Farron Audric Ramone
Fidel Vermon axiomatic
Foster Coleman Justus Odell Meirion Engel Ryker Azeem Renjiro Conroy Avory
Bronson Belmont Amell Zakai
Bakari Iver Jethro Redmund Severin Wayman
(Feel free to add an “of” before the surnames)
Chevyn Kenzoland Levandor Hasany Kandoro Southwood Morokon Lockwood Onyxtown Prophett Westwyn
Chance Amoury Goreman Ashtree
This message was edited 12/22/2022, 12:18 PM