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Re: Fantasy congrats KUY (4/10)
H [dec] Sir Edric Romaro Foxland
{H's Paramour [54] Miss Adhara Amina Creed}
W [57] Lady Violetta Amabel Grange, Countess of Rosetown and Godshill
{W's H2 [58] Lord Julius Alphonso Thornton, 6th Earl of Godshill}S [30] Darion Edric Foxland-Grange, Lord Murgatroyd
- ExSO [32] Maribel Ambrosine Finola Twyle, 2nd Countess of Echos
--- S1 [1] Farron Severin Twyle | Triplet
--- S2 [1] Vermon Jethro Twyle | Triplet
--- S3 [1] Bronson Amell Twyle | Triplet
- Betrothed [23] Esmara Ione Goreman, 1st Viscountess of LevandorH's D1 [27] Amaryllis Ayita Sonnet, née Creed
- ExSO [26] Lord Harrell Marcomer Braegan, 2nd Earl of Silverstone
- ExH [33] Caspian Inigo Abriel Sonnet, High Priest of Malakai
-- S [5] Zakai Avory Sonnet
-- D [4] Zelia Aderyne Sonnet
- Betrothed [25] Wayman Redmund Chewyn, 2nd Baronet of SouthwoodH's D2 [20] Miss Andromeda Adhara Creed
- SO [20] Abner Audric Hasany, High Priest of Morokon~*~*~*~kuin metsäorvokki laaksossa

This message was edited 12/21/2022, 9:40 AM

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