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Re: Fantasy congrats KUY (4/10)
W[43]: Violetta Mei Theophania, High Empress of Gold
-Lover of both High Empress and Priest[35]: Hyacinth of Nowhere In Particular
H[42]: Amador, Rune Priest of Honeycutt
DD[18]: Amaryllis Cataleya Mei, Crown Princess of Gold
-SO[19]: Renjiro Zakai of Clan Kandoro DS[18]: Thaddeus Alphonso Esau, Crown Prince of Gold
-W[22]: Zosia Zelia, Honored Princess {Viscountess of Prophett}DD[dec]: Yessenia Idonea Lalitha, Princess of Silverstone
DD[10]: Iridessa Maribel Aster, Priestess Princess of Echoes
DS[2]: Meirion Redmund Iver, Prince of Silverstone
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