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The DeRoy Family Part IV
DH: Albion Ronin Hendric DeRoy (40)
DW: Theophania Kataleya Ventura (Godshill) DeRoy (37)DS: Thurstan Calloway Evander DeRoy (14)
DD: Aruna Demetria Caris DeRoy (11)
DS: Idris Nicodemus Brennan DeRoy (10)
DS: Jesper Valens Abriel DeRoy (8, twin)
DD: Jubilee Rosegold Finola DeRoy (8, twin)
DD: Alouette Halsey Maribel DeRoy (died age 3, would be 5)Dog: Duska (deceased)
Dog: Huron
Horse: Iridessa
Horse: Zakai
Cat: RykerYashasuiin!!
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