now with finished story!
in reply to a message by Espanolelwales
DH: Esau Apollo Northwood [dec. at 46]
DW: Marchioness Kaylani Callista [Castletown] Morokon of Kandoro [53]
DH: Marquess Renjiro Delano Morokon of Kandoro [55]
DS: Amos Cadogan Northwood [33]
{- DMistress: Lady Qadira Yolande Prophett [32]
- DD/DD: Verona Odilia Prophett/Ione Anola Prophett [4]}
- DW: Theophania Kalona [Murgatroyd] Northwood [33]
{- DParamour: Lord Redmund Abner Amoury [28]}
- DD: Lalitha Lidelle Northwood [dec. at 6]
- DD: Basia Aruna Northwood [10, presumed dead at 1]
- DS: Audric Bakari Northwood [4]
- DD: Santana Winonah Northwood [2] (with Lord Redmund)
- DD/DD: Gianina Magoli Northwood/Esmara Alohi Northwood [nb] (with Lord Redmund)
DS: Ezra Amador Northwood [25]
- DExGF: Lady Iridessa Ambrosine Birdell [27]
- DGF: Dame Hyacinth Saffiya Hasany, Baronetess of Chevyn [25]
- DD: Lira Aderyne Northwood [1]
- DS: Justus Azeem Northwood [nb]
DD: Baroness Amabel Amina Northwood of Westwyn [19]
- DW: Baroness Zosia Ofelia Levandor of Westwyn [21]
Esau and Kaylani with Amos, Ezra, and Amabel
- Amos and Theophania with Basia and Audric
- Amos and Lady Qadira with Verona and Ione
- Theophania and Lord Redmund with Santana, Gianina, and Esmara
- Ezra and Dame Hyacinth with Lira and Justus
- Baroness Amabel and Baroness Zosia
Marchioness Kalyani and Marquess Renjiro
Witb Ezra taking care of the Tower nearly 24/7, Kalyani and Amabel have found much more time to roam about the city of Rosetown. Rosetown is frequented by royalty, and the girls' famed beauty has served them well in attracting it. They've both married - the widow Kalyani to the Marquess Renjiro Morokon, and her daughter to Baroness Zosia Levandor. In the year after Lalitha's death, Amos and Theophania tried to reassemble their family in their new home, even welcoming a son named Audric. But grief wears on you, especially as the couple desperately searched for blame for their daughter's death. Theophania believes it's all her fault, and though he won't admit it, Amos agrees. With all this stress, they've grown apart and lost feelings. In fact, they've both taken on lovers, nobility several times removed on both ends. Theophania has romanced the illustrious Lord Redmund, of the disgraced Amoury family, and Amos dallies with the strong-willed Lady Qadira. The couples have even had children together: Amos and Lady Qadira have two daughters, and Lord Redmund and Theophania have three. With Lord Redmund already fighting to recover his family's name, the couple (truly in love) agree to raise Santana, Gianina, and Esmara as Amos and Theophania's children. Lord Redmund visits often, to see his "good friend". Lady Qadira, on the other hand, has always been a defiant woman, and she refuses to hide her pregnancy. She raises her twin girls, Violet and Ione, in the open, with no public reference to Amos (upon his request). Back at the Tower, Ezra and Lady Iridessa decide to break up. They're better as friends, and they are the best of them. At a party she invited him to, Lady Iridessa introduces Ezra to her friend Dame Hyacinth Hasany, Baronetess of Cheveny. The two immediately connected, and have been in a long term relationship since. They even have two children together, Lira and Justus. But they don't cohabit. Lira and Justus live with Ezra, as his children, with no reference to their mother. Marriage to Ezra, or even knowledge of Lira and Justus' existence, word force Dame Hyacinth to give up her title. So Ezra, Lira, and Justus stay in the home, alone now that Kalyani and Amabel have married. Perhaps it's the new quiet, but Ezra hears bumps in the night and children laughing. His father's things go missing, only to turn up in his favorite spots. Ezra begins to believe the spirits of his father and niece may haunt Northwood Tower. Unsure of what to do, he calls upon the newfound Baroness Amabel, whose curiosity had always spanned to the supernatural as well. Holding a seance, Amabel finds that her father and Lalitha aren't haunting the home, but they are there, trying to communicate. But the candles blow out before she can know what happened.
DW: Marchioness Kaylani Callista [Castletown] Morokon of Kandoro [53]
DH: Marquess Renjiro Delano Morokon of Kandoro [55]
DS: Amos Cadogan Northwood [33]
{- DMistress: Lady Qadira Yolande Prophett [32]
- DD/DD: Verona Odilia Prophett/Ione Anola Prophett [4]}
- DW: Theophania Kalona [Murgatroyd] Northwood [33]
{- DParamour: Lord Redmund Abner Amoury [28]}
- DD: Lalitha Lidelle Northwood [dec. at 6]
- DD: Basia Aruna Northwood [10, presumed dead at 1]
- DS: Audric Bakari Northwood [4]
- DD: Santana Winonah Northwood [2] (with Lord Redmund)
- DD/DD: Gianina Magoli Northwood/Esmara Alohi Northwood [nb] (with Lord Redmund)
DS: Ezra Amador Northwood [25]
- DExGF: Lady Iridessa Ambrosine Birdell [27]
- DGF: Dame Hyacinth Saffiya Hasany, Baronetess of Chevyn [25]
- DD: Lira Aderyne Northwood [1]
- DS: Justus Azeem Northwood [nb]
DD: Baroness Amabel Amina Northwood of Westwyn [19]
- DW: Baroness Zosia Ofelia Levandor of Westwyn [21]
Esau and Kaylani with Amos, Ezra, and Amabel
- Amos and Theophania with Basia and Audric
- Amos and Lady Qadira with Verona and Ione
- Theophania and Lord Redmund with Santana, Gianina, and Esmara
- Ezra and Dame Hyacinth with Lira and Justus
- Baroness Amabel and Baroness Zosia
Marchioness Kalyani and Marquess Renjiro
Witb Ezra taking care of the Tower nearly 24/7, Kalyani and Amabel have found much more time to roam about the city of Rosetown. Rosetown is frequented by royalty, and the girls' famed beauty has served them well in attracting it. They've both married - the widow Kalyani to the Marquess Renjiro Morokon, and her daughter to Baroness Zosia Levandor. In the year after Lalitha's death, Amos and Theophania tried to reassemble their family in their new home, even welcoming a son named Audric. But grief wears on you, especially as the couple desperately searched for blame for their daughter's death. Theophania believes it's all her fault, and though he won't admit it, Amos agrees. With all this stress, they've grown apart and lost feelings. In fact, they've both taken on lovers, nobility several times removed on both ends. Theophania has romanced the illustrious Lord Redmund, of the disgraced Amoury family, and Amos dallies with the strong-willed Lady Qadira. The couples have even had children together: Amos and Lady Qadira have two daughters, and Lord Redmund and Theophania have three. With Lord Redmund already fighting to recover his family's name, the couple (truly in love) agree to raise Santana, Gianina, and Esmara as Amos and Theophania's children. Lord Redmund visits often, to see his "good friend". Lady Qadira, on the other hand, has always been a defiant woman, and she refuses to hide her pregnancy. She raises her twin girls, Violet and Ione, in the open, with no public reference to Amos (upon his request). Back at the Tower, Ezra and Lady Iridessa decide to break up. They're better as friends, and they are the best of them. At a party she invited him to, Lady Iridessa introduces Ezra to her friend Dame Hyacinth Hasany, Baronetess of Cheveny. The two immediately connected, and have been in a long term relationship since. They even have two children together, Lira and Justus. But they don't cohabit. Lira and Justus live with Ezra, as his children, with no reference to their mother. Marriage to Ezra, or even knowledge of Lira and Justus' existence, word force Dame Hyacinth to give up her title. So Ezra, Lira, and Justus stay in the home, alone now that Kalyani and Amabel have married. Perhaps it's the new quiet, but Ezra hears bumps in the night and children laughing. His father's things go missing, only to turn up in his favorite spots. Ezra begins to believe the spirits of his father and niece may haunt Northwood Tower. Unsure of what to do, he calls upon the newfound Baroness Amabel, whose curiosity had always spanned to the supernatural as well. Holding a seance, Amabel finds that her father and Lalitha aren't haunting the home, but they are there, trying to communicate. But the candles blow out before she can know what happened.
This message was edited 6/6/2023, 9:12 PM