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Re: Fantasy congrats KUY (4/10)
The Featherstone Family!(aka "My Miserable Life")DH:[53]Lord Cassian Cadogan Featherstone
-DW:[52]Viscountess Alouette Bonetta Finola of Featherstone(née Florian)
-DS1[13]Leolin "Leo" Flynn Caspian Featherstone of Florian
-DD1:[8]Arabela "Bella" Margo Aster Featherstone of Florian
ExDW:[51]Aikaterine Theophania Featherstone(née DeRoy)(dec.)DS1:[28]Hendric Cassian Featherstone
-DFiancée:[26]Lady Harriot Normana Janella Brandol "Norma"DS2:[26]Julius "Julie" Raen Featherstone
-DFiancée:[25]Princess Alena Briony Maia of Braegan(found)DD1:[20]Callista "Callie" Gweneth Featherstone
-DFiancé[21]Baron Farron Justus Redmund of Westwyn
-ExSO:[22]Prince Aurelian Lysander Armel Gabrien(dec.)A lot of things have happened...first of all, all three Featherstone children are engaged. Callie's significant other, Prince Aurelian, died under very mysterious circumstances...they're still working on that. Callie met a nice young Baron named Farron(the rhyme made everyone laugh), and they fell in love. Bella and Leo think it all a little sappy, honestly. Speaking of Leo, he said something quite surprising at dinner: He could read minds. At first, it's absurd, but as he gives a few examples over dinner, the truth sinks in. Callie can sympathize, her visions of the future seem absurd, too. Everyone is a little uneasy, but they try to treat Leo like a normal person, though whenever they see him, they immediately think of the number 7. Leo is still trying to get used to his mysterious powers, and he finds Callie a great help with this. Soon the family relaxes, and being around Leo is a little easier. This is the time that Callie confesses her Callie's surprise, no one is that surprised, saying that she was always a strange one growing up.8-year-old Arabela "Bella" skips into the family garden. She wants to do some gardening while everyone is busy. She kneels down in her dirtiest dress and starts to dig, pulling dead roots. She spots something sticking up in the dirt. Thinking that it was another dead root, Bella pulled, but the root wouldn't come loose. She starts to dig to see if that would make it easier until she realizes that she is staring at a human finger. Eyes widening, she digs even more using multiple tools until she uncovers not one, but five human bodies hidden in the dirt. Bella screams, attracting the attention of one of the servants. The servant notices and pulls Bella away from the sight and tries to get her to stop screaming. Even Bella can tell that everything is not what it seems here...neither she nor the servant tells the rest of the family...Hendric Featherstone is taking a stroll throughout the manor when he stops in his tracks. He hears...are those whispers? The whispers are a little indistinct at first, but then he hears words. The whispers want to be freed...they want to roam the earth and claim the manor as their own...they want revenge, sweet sweet revenge...Hendric clears his head. Knock it off! There are no voices, it must be the wind or the house settling. That night, he hears it again. Whispers...he goes outside late at night to clear his mind. He hadn't been to the garden in a minute, but this was an exception. And then he freezes. Five human bodies are lying in the dirt. They're not alive...Hendric gives a startled yell and Bella, who is closest to the garden and wasn't asleep, hears it. She rushes outside and her face turns bright red. Oops...Hendric glares at Bella and tells her to explain, so she does. He hears the whispers again, louder this time, and they seem to be coming from the bodies...Bella guides her older half-brother back inside and gives him a cup of tea. Then she suggests that the dead might be trying to speak to him. It is possible, not that absurd at all...To be continued!“It is better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what you are not.” - Andre Gide
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