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Re: Fantasy congrats KUY (4/10)
{The former Lord in the Great Tower, Orlando Salvador DeRoy (dead at 35 years of age)}& his Widow, now Amaryllis, Queen of Soleel (41 years of age)
-& her husband, Leolin, King of Soleel (56 years of age)-& his son by the late Queen Jubilee, Sachairi, Crown Prince of Soleel (18 years of age)
--& his bethrothed, Ofelia Esmara, Empress of Kandoro-& his daughter by the late Queen Jubilee, Lilias, Princess of Soleel (11 years of age)-& their son, Leolin, Prince of Soleel (9 years of age)
-& their daughter, Ona, Princess of Soleel (5 years of age)
-& their daughter, Owena, Princess of Soleel (5 years of age)
& their son, the Lord in the Great Tower, Cosimo Albion DeRoy (15 years of age)& his brother, Idris Matteo DeRoy (14 years of age)& his sister, Sellania Maia DeRoy (12 years of age)& his brother, Artur Davido DeRoy (10 years of age)
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