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AnnaMarie's Story Congrats - Round 1
In round one, you have each been given an event and this effects how you met your significant other. You have just got married so tell us about your new spouse, and the circumstances under which you met.No naming rules will be applied for this round. Also, please alter your characters ages to the age you want them to be when they get married. I will alter the ages after this round.
EVENT: Harry has to make an emergency landing at LAX due to engine failure!LN: Thayer
DH: Harrison Thomas “Harry” (24)Sign Up Story:
Harry is a 24 year old pilot. Harry's mother, Gracia Carmel, is of european descent and Harry has olive skin due to this. His father, Joshua Angus, is scottish however and Harry has inherited his bright green eyes. Harry is an only child.________________________________________________________________________
EVENT: A nasty fight breaks out between two soccer moms at one of Luke's games!LN: Little
DH: Luke Jared (please add age)Sign Up Story:
Luke is a soccer coah in a Little League team in his neighborhood. His team has won the Town Cup every year for the past three years. He is a graduate of the University of Washington in Washington State after recieving a full-ride scholarship for the school's soccer team.________________________________________________________________________
EVENT: Lily's older brother is in a terrible car accident!LN: McGregor
W: Lilias Thomasina “Lily” (23)Sign Up Story:
Lily works for a newspaper in York, England. Her parents and two siblings (one older brother and one younger sister) still live in Edinburgh, where she grew up. She's a bit rebellious and a nomadic soul, so at 18 she chose to attend college in Bath, very far away from her family and friends. After she was done with university he received a job offer in York and that's where she went. She's been there for over a year and loves the place.________________________________________________________________________
EVENT: Funding cuts cause the closure of the elementary school where Rosanna works!LN: Grace
DW: Rosanna Bridget (23)Sign Up Story:
Rosanna is 23 years old and a special education teacher at an elementary school. She loves kids, and she feels like she's ready to have children of her own, but she's not in any hurry. Rosanna is a very fun and easygoing person. She loves to wear bright colors and funky jewelry. She has pale blonde, shoulder-length hair that is very curly, and light green eyes.________________________________________________________________________
EVENT: Jen lands the lead role in a new sitcom!LN: Thomas
DW: Jennifer Nicole “Jen” (21)Sign Up Story:
I am a 21-year-old, living in the Los Angeles area, and pursuing an acting career. I am currently studying acting at a local acting studio and have had a few guest appearances on a number of well-known television shows. I'm looking forward to the day, though that I land my first big break here in Hollywood.________________________________________________________________________
EVENT: Khrystie helps to deliver Quintuplets!LN: Denton
DW: Khrystina Mai "Khrystie" (25)Sign Up Story:
Khrystie, 25, is a labor and delivery nurse. She has black hair and green eyes. She wants to get married soon and have lots of children. Her dream is to one day have her own midwifery practice.________________________________________________________________________
EVENT: Isa wins a competition for a world cruise!LN: Hunt
DW: Isabella Bridget "Isa" (20)Sign Up Story:
Isa is now 20 years old, she is now in her senior year of college. She's studying to be a journalist. She would love to travel and see many other countries one day.________________________________________________________________________
EVENTS: Wil gets scouted for a professional ice hockey team!LN: Thompson
DH: William Alexander "Wil" (19)Sign Up Story:
Wil is nineteen years old. He is very active and outgoing. He enjoys playing almost any type of sport. His favorites are ice hockey and horseback riding. Wil is a sophomore in college. He is hoping to get his degree in sports medicine, then perhaps go on to a master's level program and become an Athletic Trainer. He plays ice hockey for the college and has found a nearby riding stable to work at. He has a horse at home, but has not yet saved up enough money to bring it to school. Wil is a pretty good student. He is known around campus for his good work ethic and compassionate spirit. Wil hasn't found a girl yet, but doesn't know that he's ready.________________________________________________________________________
Gloria Rose
EVENT: Nadya's new book makes the best seller list!LN: Ivanov
DW: Nadya Clementine (24)Sign Up Story:
Nadya Ivanov is a 24 year old writer living in Washington. Both her mother and her father are from Russia, but Nadya was born in the United States along with her three brothers and two sisters. Like her parents, she wants many children.________________________________________________________________________
EVENT: One of the children in Kari's class is diagnosed with lukemia!LN: Allen
DW: Karilyn Elizabeth "Kari" (25)Sign Up Story:
Kari Allen is a 25 year old 3rd Grade teacher. Kari loves reading, jogging and gardening. She likes living simply and hopes to marry and have lots of kids someday.________________________________________________________________________
EVENT: June finds out that her Aunt Maria left her a fortune in her will!LN: Westwood
DW: June Maria (19)Sign Up Story:
June currently works as a waitress in a cafe in New York after leaving her family home in Essex, England, for a brand new start. She did not get along with her parents or sisters Amy and Isabel. She is 19 years old and her ultimate ambition is to become a full time photographer like her favourite Aunt Maria (her namesake) who recently passed away. She is staying in an apartment with her new fellow students to the school she attends studying art and photography.________________________________________________________________________
EVENT: The tabloids publish a story about Anna Marie's crazy party behaviour, accompanied by wild pictures taken a recent club opening!LN: Carter-Smith
DW: Anna Marie (please add age)Sign Up Story:
Anna Marie was born in California to Jada Carter and Juan Smith, famous pop stars that are in 'the buisness'. Anna loves the famous life, but she feels that she is ready to settle down and start a family.________________________________________________________________________
EVENT: William falls and breaks his leg while out walking alone!LN: Wellington
DH: William Atticus (please add age)Sign Up Story:
Liam grew up in a cottage in the country inbetween two small villages. He loves gardening and adventerous strolls through the countryside, likely due to his carefree upbringing. Liam is a chef at a small restaurant in the city. He also has a minor in art and music. He plays the drums and piano and enjoys historically based fiction and historical non-fiction. He is described by his friends as incredibly sweet and friendly. He is known around his small village for generous offerings of flower bouquets and plates of homemade pastry.________________________________________________________________________
EVENT: Caesar is given an oppurtunity to design a new art museum in Rome!LN: Aletto
DH: Caesar Durante (22)Sign Up Story:
Caesar is 22 years old and lives in the United States. His parents are from Italy and someday Caesar would like to move there. He has a big family. He has five siblings and alot of aunts, uncles and so on. He loves music and sports. He has blonde hair and brown eyes. He works as a architect and loves his work.________________________________________________________________________
EVENT: One of Levi's older siblings gets married!LN: Anderson
DH : Levi Solomon (21)Sign Up Story:
Levi is 21 years old.He has brown hair and brown eyes. He just graduate from college. He works as computer programer. He very outgoing person. He is friendly and nice.Always helping out.He comes from big family (he is one of six and he is 4th child ).________________________________________________________________________
EVENT: Evan takes a job teaching music in a development programme for under privileged kids!LN: Sander
DH: Evan Francis (23)Sign Up Story:
Evan is tall, with brown hair. He's now 23, just recently graduated from college with a degree in music.________________________________________________________________________
Tai Angel
EVENT: A freak snow storm during a layover in Ontario prevents James from getting home for the holidays!LN: Margolde
DH: James Timothy (23)Sign Up Story:
James moved to Sydney from England when he was 19 years old. He flys back to visit family every Christmas holidays. He works as a kindergarten teacher here in Australia.________________________________________________________________________
EVENT: Lyndzie unknowingly catches a shoplifter who has been tormenting mall security!LN: Arthur
DW: Lyndzie Gale (19)Sign Up Story:
Lyndzie is 19 and just out of high school and has taken a job at the local mall. She is attending college in the fall. Lyndzie is 5 feet tall with long dark brown hair and brillant hazel eyes. She wear eye glasses and is a small build. She dreams of being a teacher and having a large family.________________________________________________________________________
Working Class Hero
EVENT: Lia's car gets stolen!LN: Lovett
DW: Amelia Roseann Claire "Lia" (please add age)

This message was edited 2/4/2008, 4:00 AM

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AnnaMarie's Story Congrats - Round 1  ·  AnnaMarie  ·  2/4/2008, 3:37 AM
Re: AnnaMarie's Story Congrats - Round 1  ·  LMS  ·  2/7/2008, 2:24 PM
Re: AnnaMarie's Story Congrats - Round 1  ·  Cera  ·  2/6/2008, 8:54 PM
Re: AnnaMarie's Story Congrats - Round 1  ·  HeidiAnn  ·  2/6/2008, 2:11 PM
Re: AnnaMarie's Story Congrats - Round 1  ·  Diamante04  ·  2/5/2008, 10:37 PM
Re: AnnaMarie's Story Congrats - Round 1  ·  slgn4  ·  2/5/2008, 7:47 AM
Re: AnnaMarie's Story Congrats - Round 1  ·  Emilie  ·  2/4/2008, 9:32 PM
Re: AnnaMarie's Story Congrats - Round 1  ·  Gloria Rose  ·  2/4/2008, 5:08 PM
Re: AnnaMarie's Story Congrats - Round 1 edited  ·  BoiCrazii  ·  2/4/2008, 4:24 PM
Re: AnnaMarie's Story Congrats - Round 1 +question  ·  AnnaMarie  ·  2/4/2008, 10:48 PM
Re: AnnaMarie's Story Congrats - Round 1  ·  Working Class Hero  ·  2/4/2008, 3:48 PM
Re: AnnaMarie's Story Congrats - Round 1  ·  Tai Angel  ·  2/4/2008, 2:21 PM
Re: AnnaMarie's Story Congrats - Round 1  ·  Elianora  ·  2/4/2008, 9:17 AM
Re: AnnaMarie's Story Congrats - Round 1  ·  Nikki  ·  2/4/2008, 7:54 AM
Re: AnnaMarie's Story Congrats - Round 1  ·  whimsicalfaery  ·  2/4/2008, 7:35 AM
Re: AnnaMarie's Story Congrats - Round 1  ·  caoilainn  ·  2/4/2008, 7:28 AM
Re: AnnaMarie's Story Congrats - Round 1  ·  Kelsie  ·  2/4/2008, 4:51 AM
Mine  ·  AnnaMarie  ·  2/4/2008, 3:55 AM