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Re: AnnaMarie's Story Congrats - Round 1
LN: Grant-McGregorH: Fraser Dominic (26)
W: Lilias Thomasina “Lily” (24)The last time Lily spoke on the phone with her father she had told him she’d be home for Easter. She had never suspected she’d have to travel up there in a hurry much sooner. She had already gone to bed when the telephone rang one night. Lily thought of letting the answering machine pick up the message, but something told her she needed to take the call. So, she did.All Lily could hear at first were a woman’s hysterical cries. She soon realised the voice on the other side of the line belonged to her sister-in-law, Bridget. A chill ran through Lily’s spine. Bridget was a very level-headed woman; she had never seen her in such a state. Something very bad must have happened. In spite of the bad feeling in her gut, Lily tried to remain calm. If she freaked out, Bridget would probably freak out even more and she wouldn’t find out what had happened.After a few minutes, Bridget regained some of her usual composure and told her what had prompted her call. The news shocked Lily so badly all her brain was able to process was: Hamish. Accident. Hospital. Come home. She quickly tossed the essentials in her rucksack, called her boss to explain the situation and flew out the door towards the train station. She needed to get to Edinburgh as soon as possible.A few hours later she arrived to her parents’ house. Nobody was there except for Lily’s younger sister, Elspeth, who had come back home from university as soon as she received the news. Elspeth had been waiting for Lily to come so they could go see Hamish together. Neither of them said a word as the taxi whizzed down the streets in direction to the hospital.The scene the sisters witnessed as they arrived there was terrible. Their father was pacing up and down the hall wearing a dark expression. Their mother was trying to comfort a distressed Bridget. Hamish and Bridget’s two-year-old son, Iain, was sitting next to his mother with sleepy eyes, not understanding anything. Lily and Elspeth walked up to them and were immediately filled in: Hamish had been hit by a bus as he drove back home from work. He had many fractures, had lost a lot of blood and was in a coma at the moment. Doctors were optimistic, as he was only 27 years old and very strong, but anything could happen and everybody was very scared. All they could do for now was wait and pray.Sunrise came by with no news from the doctors. Lily couldn’t stand sitting there any longer. She asked Iain if he wanted to go get something for breakfast with her. The little boy, who had just woken up and was hungry, agreed. They walked to the McDonald’s in front of the hospital and sat down at a table with an order of pancakes each, a coffee for Lily and some milk for Iain. They were in the middle of eating when Lily noticed her nephew was waving hi at a dark-haired man sitting at a table near them. She asked him who that was, and the boy replied ‘Fraser,’ as if it were obvious.The man must have noticed Lily’s inquiring look, because he approached them and introduced himself as Fraser Grant, a friend of Hamish from work who had just arrived to the hospital to see how he was doing. Iain knew him well, that was why he had greeted him when he saw him, and Fraser had recognised Lily from a family picture Hamish had on his desk at work. ‘It’s hard to forget such a beautiful face,’ he had said. Lily was quite charmed by this individual and invited him to join them at their table. They talked and joked a lot over breakfast.The following night, Hamish regained conscience. When the family went in to see him, Iain told him Fraser had come when they were in McDonald’s with Lily. Hamish smirked and said he had wanted to introduce Fraser to his sister for a long time. Lily blushed furiously, which made everybody laugh. After two weeks, Hamish was released from the hospital and Lily went back to York. She and Fraser had exchanged telephone numbers to remain in contact. He was very nice, fun and sweet and she hoped she’d see him again soon.One day, Fraser showed up in York. He had asked his boss to be transferred. He and Lily dated for many months until he took the leap and proposed to her. She accepted. They have just had the wedding of their dreams in Edinburgh with all of their friends and family, but will be returning to their new house in York after their honeymoon.
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