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Re: AnnaMarie's Story Congrats - Round 1
EmilieLN: Hunt-Bridges
DH: William Thomas "Liam" (26)
DW: Isabella Bridget "Isa" (23)What a crazy 3 years it has been! Let's start from the beginning... One day, I randomly filled out a contest to win a cruise around the world or lots of other prizes. It was purely out of boredom and lack of interest in a paper I was writing. Six weeks later, after I had completely forgot about the silly contest, I got a phone call claiming I had won. At first, I thought it was all a silly scam, but two tickets came in the mail and they were really legit. I was going on a world cruise! I couldn't believe it! Then came graduation, not only did I have a job lined up for fall but I was going to spend the best two months of my life, tanning on a huge cruiseship, all expenses paid. I brought my best friend Ella along. A few days into the cruise, we start to notice a handsome guy walking around solo on the cruiseship. This was a surprise since most of the men were either with a woman already, or with lots of their guy friends. A few days later, Ella made me talk to him one day when we were sitting by the pool. His name was Liam.As the cruise went on, Liam started spending more and more time with us. Ella already had a boyfriend waiting for her back home, so she willingly gave him to me. We found it somewhat odd that Liam always arrived with drinks or trays of food, but we never cared to ask. Half way through the cruise, me and him were sitting on the deck under the stars one night, and my curiosity finally gave it and I asked him why he always seemed to have food or drinks. Did he not have to pay for those? He laughed for a bit and realized I didn't know who he was. Turns out he was William Bridges of 'The Bridges World Cruises', he owned the boat we were on. I felt silly and a little embarassed, but he found it sweet. The rest of the cruise went by fast but with great memories. Liam kept in touch after the end of the cruise, and when we found ourselves at the same place at the same time (because of our occupations), Liam invited me on the boat for a few days. The distance made me realized how much I missed him. Three months later, Liam invited me on his ship for a few weeks. I took the time off and went. It was a lovely vacation and the start of our relationship. We dated long distance for a while, but as he found the company booming, I found myself climbing higher and higher in my job. With the flexibility we both now had, we found ourselves finding more and more time to spend with each other. A year after, we bought a house in the south of France. Most of my work is done in Paris and there is a main office for his job in Bordeaux. Six months later, he popped the question and we had a beautiful summer wedding near our home. And now, here I am. Living in the south of France with my wonderful husband with a great job. We can't wait to start expanding our family! :)
(I got a little carried away; oh well! :) haha)
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