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EVENT: Harry has to make an emergency landing at LAX due to engine failure!LN: Thayer
DH: Harrison Thomas “Harry” (26)
DW: Alexa Jean (25)
It was the scariest moment of Harry's life when he realised that the engines had failed on the 747 plane he was in control of. He had 200 passengers and crew on board and he'd have to make an emergency landing at LAX...What happened after that was just a blur as Harry's instincts as a pilot took over. 25 minutes later they were on the ground and Harry was in an absolute state of shock, he'd landed the huge plane safely. The media had found out about it and were already waiting when he got off the plane. Microphones were shoved in his face and the lights of the emergency vehicles almost blinded him. He was a hero, but the absolute shock of the whole event had turned him into a zombie. After a few moments most of the reporters gave up on him, realising that they weren't going to get a story out of him on that night... All excpet one. She was young, with blonde hair, blue eyes, and a sympathetic smile. She approached him after the hordes had left and invited him out for a drink, he looked like he needed one! Harry agreed gratefully and they made their way to the airport bar. The woman, whose name was Alexa Hamilton, was a reporter for one of the smaller television networks. After a few stiff drinks, Harry gave her the exclusive to the story and they talked all night.Harry's 15 minutes of fame soon wore off and he didn't see Alexa again for awhile, though he couldn't get her out of his head. It was only by chance that he bumped into her at a charity fundraiser and, once again, they spent the whole night talking and getting to know each other. Harry wasn't silly enough to let her go a second time and got her number before she left. He called her the next day, and they've been dating ever since.That was 2 years ago now and Alexa Jean Hamilton has just become Alexa Jean Thayer. They got married in a lavish ceremony attended by almost 300 guests and Alexa wore a one-off Vera Wang gown. Alexa has also just been promoted to anchorwoman, and Harry still flys, though he's pretty particular about the machanical checks these days!
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