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Re: AnnaMarie's Story Congrats - Round 1
EVENT: Lyndzie unknowingly catches a shoplifter who has been tormenting mall security!LN: Arthur
DW: Lyndzie Gale 21
DH: Logan Bradley Jamison Longs 25
Lyndzie is now 21 and has married Logan. Logan is handsome, and 6foot 3in tall. He has dark chocolate brown hair with emarald green eyes. He is athletic, and also loves to read. They meet while she was helping the security catch a rather good shoplifter. The shoplifter was in Lyndzie's store attempting to make off with a pair of boots and a few cd's. Lyndzie hit the silent call button and cornered the shoplifter while in the dressing room and even at her small stature she managed to keep the criminal at bay until the mall's head security arrived. At the time Logan was the head of security while he finished his Criminal Justice degree at the local university. Logan asked her out and she accepted and thus started a wonderful relationship with Logan. Last year during Valentines dinner he proposed to her and here they are a year later married and Logan is on the police force and Lyndzie is graduating from the university with honors and is accepting a teaching position from the local high school where she will teach Literature and the elective called Shakespeare: Where is he in today's world?
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Lyndzie is 19 and just out of high school and has taken a job at the local mall. She is attending college in the fall. Lyndzie is 5 feet tall with long dark brown hair and brillant hazel eyes. She wear eye glasses and is a small build. She dreams of being a teacher and having a large family.
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