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Re: AnnaMarie's Story Congrats - Round 1
EVENT: Funding cuts cause the closure of the elementary school where Rosanna works!LN: Martelli-Grace
DW: Rosanna Bridget (23)
DH: Samuel Lorenzo "Sam" (25)The public elementary school where Rosanna works as a special education teacher has been struggling with funding for a long time. During the past few years, the problems have gotten especially bad, and many parents have given up on the school and moved their children to other schools in the area. Finally, it reached to the point where the school could no longer provide its students with a proper education, and the school was forced to shut down. A few of the teachers found jobs within the area, but Rosanna had to look further away to find a school with an opening for a special education teacher.Finally, she found an opening in a city about an hour and a half away. Previously, Rosanna had lived and worked in a small town and a small school; the new school was so big, Rosanna got lost just trying to find the principal's office. Fortunately, she was rescued by Sam Martelli, one of the gym teachers. They hit it off immediately; by the end of Rosanna's first semester there, they were dating; they tried to be discrete, but eventually their co-workers and even some of their students began to figure it out. By the end of the year, they were engaged.They got married in the middle of the summer in a very simple outdoor ceremony. Rosanna wore a long white eyelet sundress and a crown of purple daisies. They went to Italy for their honeymoon and visited some of Sam's relatives there, including his grandmother, who could not make it to the wedding but paid for the honeymoon as a gift. They'd both like to have children in the fairly near future, but they're not in a terrible hurry; they've decided to just take things as they come.

This message was edited 2/6/2008, 8:54 PM

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