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Re: AnnaMarie's Story Congrats - Round 1
EVENT: One of the children in Kari's class is diagnosed with lukemia!LN: Allen
DW: Karilyn Elizabeth "Kari" (25)
DH: Alan Michael Sharp (25)Sign Up Story:
Kari Allen is a 25 year old 3rd Grade teacher. Kari loves reading, jogging and gardening. She likes living simply and hopes to marry and have lots of kids someday.Sadly one of Kari's students was diagnosed with Lukemia. She had all the students make cards for their classmate who is in the Hosptial. The day she brought them to the hospital to deliver them she ran into an old classmate of hers from Highschool. Alan Sharp was there to visit his mother who had some minor surgery that day. Kari and Alan started chatting and decided to get a coffee together in the Coffee Shop. Alan was now working as a Librarian in the next town over. They really hit it off with each other and after dating for many months they decided to get married. And thankfully Kari's student is now in remission.
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