Fusae 房恵, 房枝, 房江, 房重, 房栄 f JapaneseThis name combines 房 (bou, fusa) meaning "bunch, fringe, house, lock (of hair), room, tassel, tuft" with 恵 (e, kei, megu.mi, megu.mu) meaning "blessing, favour, grace, kindness", 枝 (shi, eda, e) meaning "bough, branch, twig, limb", 江 (kou, e) meaning "bay, creek, inlet", 重 (juu, chou, e, omo, omo.i, omo.ri, kasa.naru, kasa.neru) meaning "-fold, heap up, heavy, pile of boxes, pile up" or 栄 (ei, you, e, saka.eru, ha.e, ha.eru, -ba.e) meaning "flourish, glory, honour, prosperity, splendour."... [