Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. Check marks indicate the level to which a name has been verified.
Gender Masculine
Usage Japanese
Scripts 章万, 史寿, 二質十, 生充量, 歩生憲, 豊彌紀, 輔果数, 甫美三, 楓実重, 富巳春, etc.(Japanese Kanji)
Pronounced Pron. FOO-MEE-KA-ZOO  [key]

Meaning & History

From 典 (fumi) meaning "ceremony" or 郁 (fumi) meaning "perfume, fragrance, cultural progress, culture" and 麗 (kazu) meaning "lovely, graceful, beautiful, resplendent", 量 (kazu) meaning "amount, volume", 法 (kazu) meaning "method, rule, principle, method, model, law" or 嘉 (kazu) meaning "auspicious, praise". Other kanji combinations are possible.
Added 1/22/2025 by ShioTanbo1