Browse Submitted Names

This is a list of submitted names in which the usage is English or American.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Elynda f English (Modern)
Variant of Elenda, influenced by the names Lynda and Lynn; or possibly a blend of Elinor (or Elizabeth) and Linda, inspired by the similar names Belinda, Melinda and Celinda.
Elyot m Medieval French, English (British, Rare), English (Canadian, Rare), Theatre
Old French diminutive of Elye or Élie. As an English name, it is derived from a surname that was a variant of Elliott... [more]
Elysha f & m English (Rare)
Variant of Elisha.
Elysian m & f English (American, Modern, Rare)
From the English word Elysian meaning "of Elysium; blissful". Also compare Elysia.
Elysium f & m English (American, Modern, Rare)
From the mythological place name Elysium; also see Elysia.
Elyssa f English
Most likely a variant of Elissa 2.
Elytte m English
Variant of Elliot.
Elza m English (American), Hebrew
Possibly a variant or short form of Eliezer used in the Southern United States.
Elzada f English (American, Rare)
Meaning uncertain. This was borne by American botanist Elzada Clover (1897-1980).
Elzie f & m English
A diminutive of Elizabeth or Eliezer or any name starting with 'El'.
Elzy f & m American
Variant of Elzie. Diminutive of names containing Elz or Els or similar sounds.
Emajo f American (South, Americanized, Rare)
A combination of the female names, Emma & Jo. Uses only one M.
Emali f English
Variant of Emily.
Emaline f English
Variant of Emmaline.
Emalye f English
Variant of Emily.
Emanueline f Louisiana Creole
Louisiana Creole diminutive of Emmanuelle.
Emary f & m English (Rare)
Variant of Emery.
Embe m & f English (American, Anglicized, Rare)
It's the Swahili word for mango, but the alternative spelling for it is, "Umbe", which means around, about, or after. I prefer the after idea, so maybe it could be a name for a second child.
Emberlee f English
Variant of Emberly.
Emberlin f English (Modern, Rare)
Either a variant of Emberlynn, or a transferred use of the surname (see Emberlin).
Emberlynn f English (Modern)
Elaboration of Ember using the popular name suffix lyn, possibly influenced by names such as Emberly and Amberlynn.
Embeth f English (Rare)
Contraction of Emily and Elizabeth. Embeth Davidtz (1965-) is a South African actress.
Embrey f & m English (Modern)
Variant of Embry.
Embrial f English
Possibly a variant of Ambriel or Umbriel.
Embry m & f Literature, English (Modern, Rare)
Transferred use of the surname Embry. It was used by Stephenie Meyer for a character in her 'Twilight' series of books.
Emeli f English (Modern), Swedish, Norwegian (Rare), Danish (Rare)
Variant of Emily. A notable bearer is Scottish singer Emeli Sandé.
Émelia f Louisiana Creole
Louisiana Creole cognate of Emelia and Emelie (via Emélie).
Émelise f Louisiana Creole
18th and 19th-century elaboration of Émelia and Émelie with the then-popular feminine name suffix -lise.
Emeney f English (Archaic), Medieval English
Medieval and early English variant of the medieval feminine given name Ismenia, of obscure origins (though some Celtic roots have been suggested, including the Common Celtic *moyni- "treasure" - which became muin in Old Welsh, and mwyn "worth, value" in Middle Welsh).
Emeral f & m English (American, Rare)
Likely a variant of Emeril, influenced in recent years (for girls) by Emerald.
Emerancia f Louisiana Creole
Louisiana Spanish form of Emeranthe.
Emeri f English
Variant of Emery.
Emeril m English (American, Rare)
Notable bearer is celebrity chef Emeril Lagasse.
Emerin m French, English
A variant spelling of Emeran and Emeryn.
Emerine f France, French (Belgian), English (American), French (Quebec), English (British, Rare)
Emerine is a feminine form of names Emery, Emeric, and Emeran, which are the English and French, Germanic, and Bavarian masculine forms, respectively.... [more]
Emerite f Louisiana Creole
Louisiana Creole form of Emerita.
Emerley f English (Modern)
Combination of Emer and Lee. Similar to Emerlyn, Emerald and Emery. Variant of Emerlie.
Emerly f English (Modern)
Variant of Emerley.
Emerlyn f English (Modern)
A combination of Emerson and the popular name suffix Lyn
Emersen f & m English
A variant of Emerson. More often used in feminine meanings. Meaning son of Emery in the original spelling. The surname of English poet Ralph Waldo Emerson popularized this name after his career began to grow exponentially.
Emersynn f English
Variant of Emerson, influenced by Emmersyn
Emerye f & m English
Variant of Emery.
Emeryn f English
Variant of Emerine.
Emeryn m Welsh, English
In Welsh, "-yn" is the masculine suffix to create singular nouns and is used in creating the diminutive for masculine names.  Therefore,... [more]
Emerys f English (American, Modern, Rare)
Variant of Emrys. Emerys was given to 5 girls in 2018 according to the Social Security Administration.
Emet m & f Ancient Hebrew, English
Means "truth" in Hebrew.
Emetherius m English
English form of Emeterius.
Emetilda f Louisiana Creole
Creole variant of Matilda. Compare Acadian Métilde.
Emiah f English (African, Rare)
The name Emiah originated in Hebrew. Emiah means "Gift of God."
Emila f English, Polish
Feminine form of Emil.
Emiley f Brazilian (Rare), English
Elaborated form of Emily or just a variant for Emily.
Emiliah f English
Variant of Emilia.
Emilianne f English (Rare)
Likely a variant of Emiliana by way of French Emiliane.
Emilya f Armenian, Azerbaijani, English (Modern, Rare), French (Modern, Rare)
Armenian and Azerbaijani feminine form of Aemilius (see Emily) as well as an English variant of Emilia and a French variant of Émilia.
Emilye f English
Variant of Emily.
Emilyina f English
Name derived from Emily
Emilynn f English (Modern, Rare)
Elaboration of Emily using the popular name suffix lyn.
Emilynne f English (Rare)
Combination of Emily and Lynne or a variant of Emmeline
Emiree f & m English (Modern)
Variant spelling of Emery
Em-jade f English
A combination of Em, short for Emma or Emily and Jade.
Emjay f & m English (Modern, Rare)
Phonetic spelling of the initials MJ.
Emlen m English, Welsh
Variant of Emlyn. Emlen Tunnell (1924-1975) was an American football player and coach. He was the first African-American to play for the New York Giants and also the first to be inducted into the Pro Football Hall of Fame.
Emlie f English
Variant of Emily
Emm f Medieval English, English
Middle English vernacular form of Emma. In modern times it is a variant of Em, i.e. used as a diminutive of Emma, Emily and other similar-sounding names.
Emmabella f English (Rare)
Combination of Emma and Bella.
Emmabeth f English (Rare)
Combination of Emma and Beth.
Emmadora f English
A combination of Emma and Dora.
Emmajane f English
Combination of Emma and Jane.
Emmajean f English (Rare)
Combination of Emma and Jean 2, probably influenced by Imogene.
Emmakate f English
A combination of Emma and Kate.
Emmakay f English (Rare)
A combination of Emma and Kay.
Emmalee f English (Modern)
Variant of Emily, or a combination of Emma and Lee.
Emmalei f English
Variant of Emily, influenced by Emma.
Emmaleigh f English (American, Modern, Rare)
Combination of the names Emma and Leigh. Could also be considered a variant of Emily.
Emmalena f English (Rare)
Extremely rare name that was either intended as a variant of Emmeline or, more likely, is simply a combination of Emma and Lena.
Emmalie f English
Variant of Emily, influenced by Emma.
Emmalinza f English (Canadian)
Used in Prince Edward Island, Canada. Combination of the Germanic names Emma and Linza, giving the meaning of “wholly, very soft or tender”.
Emmalise f English (Modern, Rare)
Combination of Emma and Lise, or else an elaboration of Emma.
Emmalissa f American (Rare)
Possibly a blend of Emmaline and Melissa.
Emmalou f English
Combination of Emma and Lou.
Emmalouise f English (Rare)
Combination of Emma and Louise.
Emmaluna f English
Combination of Emma and Luna.
Emmaly f English (Modern, Rare)
Variant of Emily, the spelling influenced by Emma.
Emmalynn f English
Variant of Emmalyn.
Emmamae f English (Rare)
Combination of Emma and Mae.
Emmamay f English (Rare)
A combination of Emma and May
Émmanuel m Louisiana Creole
Louisiana French form of Emmanuel.
Emmanuelina f English (African), Eastern African
Feminine form of Emmanuel, particularly used in Tanzania and Uganda.
Emmany f American (Rare)
Apparently a combination of Emma and Bethany. Alternatively it could be a variant of the medieval name Emeney.
Emmaretta f English (Rare, Archaic), African American (Rare)
Altered form of Amoretta. This is the name of a 1969 song by the English rock band Deep Purple, named for Emmaretta Marks (1945-), a cast member of the musical Hair whom singer Rod Evans was trying to seduce.
Emmarie f English (Modern), Filipino
Strictly feminine variant of Emery, the spelling probably influenced by Emma and Marie.
Emmarine f American (Rare)
Perhaps a variant of Emerine.
Emmary f English (American, Modern, Rare)
Variant of Emery influenced by the spellings of Emma and Mary.
Emmaus m English (American, Rare), Biblical
From the name of a biblical town, Ἐμμαούς (Emmaous) in Greek, which is probably from Aramaic hammat meaning "hot spring". In the Gospel of Luke, Jesus appears to two of his disciples on the road to Emmaus after his death, burial and resurrection.
Emme f English, Medieval English
Middle English vernacular form of Emma. In modern times it is used as a variant of Em or Emmy, and is often said to be a short form of Emmeline... [more]
Emmelise f English
Variant of Emmalise, or else a combination of Emme and Lise.
Emmer f American (South, Archaic)
Variant of Emma reflecting the Appalachian accent.
Emmers f English
Nickname for Emily
Emmery m & f English
Variant of Emory.
Emmeryn m English
A variant of Emeryn in use since at least 1866 as a masculine given name.... [more]
Emmey f English
Variant of Emmy
Emmi f English, German
Variant of Emmy.
Emmily f English
Variant of Emily.
Emmly f English
Contracted form of "Emily"
Emmons m English
Transferred use of the surname Emmons.
Emmylee f English
Either a spelling variation of Emily or a smash of Emmy and Lee.
Emogeane f English (American, Rare)
Variant spelling of Emogene. This was the birth name of the American actress Imogene Coca (1908-2001).
Emori f & m English (American)
Variant of Emory.
Emott m English
Other form of Emmett
Emperor m English (Rare), Romani (Archaic)
Middle English (especially representing the title given to the head of the Roman Empire) from Old French emperere, from Latin imperator ‘military commander’, from imperare ‘to command’, from in- ‘towards’ + parare ‘prepare, contrive’.
Empire m & f English (Rare)
From the English word Empire, "Supreme power; sovereignty; sway; dominion".
Empress f English (Rare), English (African)
From the English word meaning "female ruler of an empire" or "consort of an emperor". Also compare the Spanish equivalent Emperatriz and the masculine equivalent Emperor... [more]
Empriss f English (American, Modern, Rare)
A spelling variation of the name Empress.
Emreese f English
Combination of Emily, Emma, Emerald and Reese
Emrhys m English
Variant of Emrys.
Emrin m German (Rare), Finland Swedish (Rare), English
A variant of Emerin, itself a variant of Emeran. Also, but more rarely, Emrin is diminutive of Emris.
Emris m Welsh, English (Rare)
A variant of Emrys. Emrin is a rare diminutive form.
Emryn f English, English (American)
Possibly a female variant of Emrys meaning "immortal" combined with -ryn meaning "ruler". This name was given to 54 girls in 2017 according to the Social Security Administration.
Emryn m & f Welsh, English (British), English (American, Modern)
In Welsh, "-yn" is the masculine suffix to create singular nouns and is used in creating the diminutive for masculine names.  Therefore,... [more]
Emrynn m & f Welsh, English (Modern)
An alternative spelling of Emryn. In recent modern times, American English speakers adopt masculine Welsh names for feminine use and often will differentiate from the masculine origin by doubling the ending "n", e.g Bryn vs Brynn... [more]
Emsley f English (Modern, Rare), English (American, Modern, Rare)
Newly created name that was given to 55 girls in 2018.
Emylee f English
Variant of Emily.
Emylei f English
Variant of Emily.
Emyleigh f English
Variant of Emily.
Emyley f English
Variant of Emily.
Emylia f French (Modern, Rare), English (Modern, Rare)
French variant of Émilia and English variant of Emilia.
Enchantra f English (American, Rare), Obscure
From the English word enchantress meaning "charming woman" or "witch". It was used for a character on the American television series Bewitched (1964-1972).
Endigo m & f African American (Rare)
Maybe a variant of Indigo
Endro m English
Variant of Andrew.
Endurance m & f English (African)
From the English word endurance, which is ultimately of Old French origin. Known bearers of this name include the Nigerian sprinter Endurance Abinuwa (b. 1987), the Nigerian soccer player Endurance Idahor (1984-2010) and the Nigerian cricketer Endurance Ofem (b... [more]
Endure m & f English (Puritan)
Menaing, "to suffer patiently." Referring to enduring the trials and tribulations of life.
Enecha f English (Puritan)
Feminization of Enoch.
Enedelia f Spanish (Mexican), American (Hispanic)
Possibly an invented name based on the sounds found in names such as Enedina and Adelia.
Eneitra f American (Rare)
Maybe a variant spelling of Anitra.
Enella f American (Rare)
Famous bearer is American landscape painter Enella Benedict (1858-1942). Of unknown meaning. Possibly a derivative or variant of Nell or its related names.
England f & m English
The name England is derived from the Old English name Englaland, which means "land of the Angles".
English f & m English (Rare)
Transferred use of the surname English.
Enjoli f American (Modern, Rare)
Adoption of the name of the Enjoli perfume introduced by Revlon in 1978.
Ennik f English (Canadian)
Canadian name of the South Korean-Canadian singer Jeon So-mi.
Ennison m English
"Son of Ennis". According to Forebears.Io, 20 people have this name worldwide.
Ensley f English
Variant of Ainsley.
Enslie m & f English
Variant of Ensley.
Envy f English (American, Modern, Rare), Literature
From the English word envy meaning "envy, resentful desire", itself ultimately from Latin invidia, of the same meaning (compare Invidia). Use of the name has been influenced by the brand of perfume called Envy, which was introduced by Gucci in 1997.
Enyah f English
Variant of Enya. This name was given to 5 girls born in the USA in 2010.
Eoife f English
Variant of Aoife.
Eon m & f English (Rare)
Variant of Ean.
Eone f Greek Mythology, American (South, Archaic), English (Australian, Archaic)
In Greek mythology, Eone was a Thespian princess as one of the fifty daughters of King Thespius.
Eowynn f English (Modern)
Variant of Éowyn, which J. R. R. Tolkien invented using the Old English elements e(o)h "horse" and wynn "joy".
Epenetus m Ancient Greek (Latinized), Biblical, English (Puritan)
Variant of Epaenetus, which is the latinized form of the Greek name Epainetos.
Ephemera f English
Any transitory written or printed matter not meant to be retained or preserved. The word derives from the Greek, meaning things lasting no more than a day.
Ephram m English
Variant of Ephraim.