Submitted Names with "shadow" in Meaning

This is a list of submitted names in which the meaning contains the keyword shadow.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Amalu m Berber
Means "shadow" in Tamazight.
Ata m Tongan
Means "air" or "shadow" in Tongan.
Atalua m Tongan
Means "double shadow" in Tongan.
Betsalel m Hebrew, Biblical
Means "in the shadow" in Hebrew. In the bible, this is the name of a son of Uri who was one of the architects of the tabernacle, and the name of an Israelite.
Betzalel m Jewish
Means "in God's shadow" in Hebrew.
Bezaleel m Hebrew (Anglicized), English (Puritan)
Anglicized form of Hebrew Betsalel, meaning "in the shadow." In the bible, this is the name of a son of Uri who was one of the architects of the tabernacle, and the name of an Israelite.
Chhaya f Indian
Means "shadow" or "shade" in Sanskrit. Chhaya is the Hindu personification of the goddess of a shadow.
Chithuzi m Tumbuka
Means "shadow, picture" in Tumbuka, often given after repeated deaths in the family.
Dolwethil f Literature
Means "dark shadow-woman" from Sindarin doll "dark, dusky, misty, obscure" combined with gwâth "shade, shadow, dim light" and the feminine suffix il. In the works of J. R. R. Tolkien this was another name of Thuringwethil, a vampire of Angband.
Duab m & f Hmong
May mean either "shadow" or "sunbeam, ray".
Duabntxoo f Hmong
Means "shadow" in Hmong.
Eimi f Japanese
From Japanese 依 (e) meaning "reliant, depend on, consequently, therefore, due to", 営 (ei) meaning "occupation, camp, perform, build, conduct (business)", 影 (ei) meaning "shadow, silhouette, phantom", 映 (e, ei) meaning "reflect, reflection, projection", 栄 (ei) meaning "flourish, prosperity, honor, glory, splendor", 永 (ei) meaning "eternity, long, lengthy", 瑛 (e, ei) meaning "sparkle of jewelry, crystal", 頴 (ei) meaning "heads of grain, cleverness", 英 (ei) meaning "England, English, hero, outstanding, calyx", 衛 (ei) meaning "defense, protection", 詠 (ei) meaning "recitation, poem, song, composing", 鋭 (ei) meaning "pointed, sharpness, edge, weapon, sharp, violent", 絵 (e) meaning "picture, drawing, painting, sketch", 江 (e) meaning "creek, inlet, bay", 笑 (e) meaning "laugh" or 榮 (ei) meaning "flourish, prosperity, honour, glory, splendour", 伊 (i) meaning "Italy, that one", 惟 (i) meaning "consider, reflect, think", 衣 (i) meaning "garment, clothes, dressing" or 依 (i) meaning "reliant, depend on, consequently, therefore, due to" combined with 深 (mi) meaning "deep, heighten, intensify, strengthen", 美 (mi) meaning "beautiful", 見 (mi) meaning "see, hopes, chances, idea, opinion, look at, visible", 三 (mi) meaning "three", 実 (mi) meaning "reality, truth", 巳 (mi) meaning "sign of the snake or serpent", 海 (mi) meaning "sea, ocean", 己 (mi) meaning "self", 心 (mi) meaning "heart, mind, spirit", 光 (mi) meaning "light", 扇 (mi) meaning "fan, folding fan", 水 (mi) meaning "water", 未 (mi) meaning "un-, not yet, hitherto, still, even now, sign of the ram, 1-3PM, eighth sign of Chinese zodiac" or 笑 (mi) meaning "laugh"... [more]
Enying f Chinese
From the Chinese 恩 (ēn) meaning "kindness, mercy, charity" and 莹 (yíng) meaning "luster of gems, bright, lustrous", 影 (yǐng) meaning "shadow, image, reflection" or 滢 (yíng) meaning "clear, pure water; lucid, glossy" or 英 (yīng) meaning "hero, brave" or "flower, petal, leaf".
Feoamoeata m Tongan
Means "to accompany the shadow" in Tongan.
Gölgen f Turkish
Means "your shadow" in Turkish
Good-gift m English (Puritan, Rare)
Referring to James 1:17, "Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning."
Guangying f & m Chinese
From Chinese 光 (guāng) meaning "light, brilliant, shine" and 影 (yǐng) meaning "shadow, reflection" or 莹 (yíng) meaning "luster of gems, bright, lustrous".
Hiei m Japanese, Popular Culture
Means "flying shadow" in Japanese, from 飛 (hi) "jump, fly" and 影 (ei) "shadow".... [more]
Humbelina f Polish (Rare), Medieval French
Feminine form of Humbelin, which in turn is a double diminutive of Humbert. Folk etymology connects it to Latin umbria meaning "shadow"... [more]
Ina-ṣilli-esabad f Babylonian
Means "In the protection of Esabad" (the temple of the medicine goddess Gula), from the Akkadian ina ṣilli ("under the aegis of, in shadow, in the shade").
Inei m Japanese
means "dark, shadow" in Japanese
Kageki m Japanese (Latinized)
From Japanese 影 (kage) meaning "shadow" combined with Japanese 希 (ki) meaning "hope."
Keakaokalani m Hawaiian
Hawaiian masculine name meaning "the heavenly shadow".
Khayal m & f Arabic
Means "imagination, shadow" in Arabic.
Kipa f Newar
Means "shadow, image" in Newar.
Kumori f & m Japanese
Means "shadow" in Japanese.
Leying f Chinese
From the Chinese 乐 (lè) meaning "be amused, glad, enjoy, happy, cheerful, music" and 影 (yǐng) meaning "shadow, image, reflection" or 瑛 (yīng) meaning "luster of gems, crystal".
Malyen m Literature
Invented by author Leigh Bardugo for her "Shadow and Bone" book series, first released in 2012. It is the Ravkan version of Malcolm.... [more]
Molimo m Miwok
Means "walking in the shadow" in Miwok.
Nanying f Chinese
From the Chinese 南 (nán) meaning "south" and 瑛 (yīng) meaning "luster of gem, crystal" or 影 (yǐng) meaning "shadow, image, reflection".
Nightshade f & m English (Rare)
From the common name for plants in the Solanaceae, especially Atropa belladonna, a highly toxic perennial also known as deadly nightshade and belladonna. Ultimately from Old English niht "night" and sceadu "shadow, shade".
Nisshoku m Japanese
‘“Nis’ meaning ‘Sun or Moon’, and ‘shoku’ meaning “food” or “eclipse”... [more]
Ohanzee m Sioux
Means "to be overshadowed, overcast, be a shadow on; shaded, cast a shadow on" in Lakota. From the Lakota aháŋzi.
Ombretta f Italian, Literature
Coined as a diminutive of Italian ombra "shade; shadow", this name first came into usage after Antonio Fogazzaro used it for a character in his novel Piccolo mondo antico (The Little World of the Past in English) (1895).
Poemu f & m Japanese
From Japanese 詩 (poemu, poe) meaning "poetry, poem", 保 (po) meaning "protect, guarantee, keep, preserve, sustain, support", 星 (po) meaning "star", 歩 (po) meaning "walk", 帆 (po) meaning "sail", 穂 (po) meaning "grain" or 母 (po) meaning "mother", 笑 (e) meaning "laugh", 絵 (e) meaning "picture, drawing, painting, sketch", 影 (e) meaning "shadow, silhouette, phantom" or 恵 (e) meaning "favor, blessing, grace, kindness" combined with 夢 (mu) meaning "dream" or 笑 (emu) meaning "laugh"... [more]
Qingying f Chinese
From the Chinese 庆 (qìng) meaning "celebrate, congratulate" and 影 (yǐng) meaning "shadow, reflection" or 莹 (yíng) meaning "luster of gems, lustrous, brilliant".
Sayagul f Kazakh
Derived from Persian سایه (sâye) meaning "shadow" and Kazakh гүл (gül) meaning "flower" (of Persian origin).
Sâye f Persian
Means "shadow" in Persian.
Sayeh f Persian
Means "shadow" in Persian.
Sêber f Kurdish
Means "shade, shadow" in Kurdish.
Senko m Croatian, Slovene, Serbian
Derived from South Slavic senka or sjenka meaning "shadow". Masculine form of Senka or a nickname for Jasenko or Arsen.
Shade m & f English
From the English word shade or transferred use of the surname Shade, which may be a topographic name for someone who lived near a boundary (from the Old English scead "boundary") or a nickname for a thin man, (from the Middle English schade, "shadow", "wraith") or an Americanized spelling of the German and Dutch surname Schade.
Shuangying f Chinese
From the Chinese 霜 (shuāng) meaning "frost" or 爽 (shuǎng) meaning "bright, clear, cheerful, happy, refreshing" and 莹 (yíng) meaning "luster of gems, lustrous" or 影 (yǐng) meaning "shadow, reflection".
Sîber f Kurdish
Means "shade, shadow" in Kurdish.
Sîwan m Kurdish
Means "shadow, canopy" in Kurdish.
Tamalut f Berber
Berber feminine name meaning "shadow".
Tsimanka f Asháninka
From the Ashaninka tsimankaantsi meaning "shade, shadow".
Umbriel m Literature
Probably derived from Latin umbra meaning "shadow". This name was created by Alexander Pope for a "dusky, melancholy sprite" in his poem 'The Rape of the Lock' (1712). A moon of Uranus bears this name in his honour.
Varjo m & f Finnish (Rare)
Means "shadow" in Finnish.
Xiangying f Chinese
From the Chinese 香 (xiāng) meaning "fragrant, sweet smelling, incense", 祥 (xiáng) meaning "good luck, good omen, happiness" or 翔 (xiáng) meaning "circle in the air, soar, glide" and 莹 (yíng) meaning "luster of gems, bright, lustrous", 影 (yǐng) meaning "shadow, reflection", 莺 (yīng) meaning "oriole, green finch" or 樱 (yīng) meaning "cherry, cherry blossom".
Xuying f & m Chinese
From the Chinese 旭 (xù) meaning "rising sun, brilliant, radiance", 煦 (xù) meaning "kind, gentle, gracious", 絮 (xù) meaning "raw silk, raw cotton", 徐 (xú) meaning "composed, dignified" or 绪 (xù) meaning "end of thread, thread, clue" and 英 (yīng) meaning "brave, hero" or "flower, leaf, petal", 滢 (yíng) meaning "clear, pure water, lucid, glossy", 莺 (yīng) meaning "green oriole, finch", 莹 (yíng) meaning "luster of gems, lustrous, bright", 影 (yǐng) meaning "shadow, reflection" or 瑛 (yīng) meaning "luster of gems, crystal".
Yaying f Chinese
Derived from the Chinese 雅 (yǎ) meaning "correct, elegant, refined" and 影 (yǐng) meaning "shadow, reflection" or 樱 (yīng) meaning "cherry, cherry blossom".
Yingbo f Chinese
From the 影 (yǐng) meaning "shadow, reflection" and 波 (bō) meaning "wave".
Yingwen f & m Chinese
From Chinese 英 (yīng) meaning "flower, petal, brave, hero", 颖 (yǐng) meaning "clever, skillful, ear of grain, tip", 应 (yīng) meaning "answer, respond, reply, agree" or 影 (yǐng) meaning "shadow, picture, image" combined with 文 (wén) meaning "literature, culture, writing" or 雯 (wén) meaning "cloud patterns"... [more]
Yingxi f & m Chinese
From the Chinese 颖 (yǐng) meaning "rice tassel, sharp point" or "clever", 盈 (yíng) meaning "fill, full of, overflowing", 荧 (yíng) meaning "shine, shimmer, shining, dazzling", 影 (yǐng) meaning "shadow, image, reflection", 滢 (yíng) meaning "clear, pure water, lucid" or 映 (yìng) meaning "mirror, reflect, shine" and 希 (xī) meaning "rare" or "hope for", 熙 (xī) meaning "bright, splendid, glorious", 曦 (xī) meaning "sunshine, sunlight, early dawn", 溪 (xī) meaning "mountain stream", 夕 (xī) meaning "evening, night, dusk" or 汐 (xī) meaning "night tides".
Yingxue f & m Chinese
From Chinese 瑩 (yíng) meaning "lustrous, lustre of gems" or 影 (yǐng) meaning "shadow, picture, image" combined with 雪 (xuě) meaning "snow"... [more]
Yingyu f & m Chinese
Derived from the Chinese 英 (yīng) meaning "hero" or "petal, flower, leaf", 莹 (yíng) meaning "luster of gems, bright, lustrous" or 影 (yǐng) meaning "shadow, image, reflection" and 雨 (yǔ) meaning "rain", 昱 (yù) meaning "bright light, sunlight, dazzling" or 玉 (yù) meaning "jade".
Yoshikage m Japanese (Rare)
This name can combine 義 (gi, yoshi) meaning "morality, righteousness, justice, honour," 吉 (kichi, kitsu, yoshi) meaning "good luck," 佳 (ka, yoshi) meaning "beautiful, excellent, good," 良 (ryou, (-)yo.i, (-)i.i, yoshi) or 好 (kou, i.i,, su.ku, yo.i, yoshi), both meaning "good," or 美 (bi, mi, utsuku.shii, yoshi) meaning "beauty" with 景 (kei, kage) or 影 (ei, kage), both meaning "shadow, figure."... [more]
Zalaph m Biblical Hebrew
Means "shadow, ringing" in Hebrew.
Zil m & f Arabic
Meaning: “Shadow”
Zillethai m Biblical
The name is comprised of two parts. The first, צלל (salal), can have one of two meanings: "to ring" or "to be dark". It is also associated with צל (sel), meaning "shadow". The second, י (yod), has multiple purposes... [more]
Ziying f Chinese
From the Chinese 紫 (zǐ) meaning "purple, violet" and 莹 (yíng) meaning "luster of gems", 子 (zi) meaning "child" and 影 (yǐng) meaning "shadow, reflection", or 梓 (zǐ) meaning "catalpa" and 莺 (yīng) meaning "oriole, green finch", 樱 (yīng) meaning "cherry, cherry blossom" or 盈 (yíng) meaning "filled with, full of, overflowing".