Browse Submitted Names

This is a list of submitted names in which the gender is masculine; and the usage is Ancient.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Sigihar m Germanic
Derived from Old High German sigu "victory" (a younger form of Gothic sigis, see Sigisbert) combined with Old High German hari "army."
Sigihelm m Germanic
Derived from Old High German sigu "victory" (a younger form of Gothic sigis, see Sigisbert) combined with Old High German helm "helmet, protection".
Sigimer m Germanic
Variant of Sigemar.
Sigisbert m Germanic, Romansh
Derived from Gothic sigis "victory" combined with Old High German beraht "bright".
Sigkætill m Old Norse
Derived from the Germanic name elements sigr "victory" and ketill "cauldron hat, helmet".
Sigketill m Old Norse
Derived from Old Norse sigr "victory" combined with Old Norse kettil "kettle, cauldron" (see also Kettil).
Sigleifr m Old Norse
Derived from Old Norse sigr "victory" and leifr "descendant, heir".
Signiútr m Old Norse
Combination of Old Norse sigr "victory" and njóta "to enjoy".
Sigobert m Germanic, History
Variant of Sigisbert. Sigobert the Lame was a 6th-century king of Cologne and a grandson of Clovis I through his father Childebert I.
Sigram m Germanic
Derived from Old High German sigu "victory" (a younger form of Gothic sigis, see Sigisbert) combined with hraban or hramn "raven."
Sigric m Germanic
Short form of Sigeric.
Sigríkr m Old Norse
Derived from the Germanic name elements sigr "victory" and ríkr "mighty, distinguished, rich".
Sigríkr m Old Norse
Old Norse variant of Sigríkr.
Sigþórr m Old Norse
Derived from Old Norse sigr "victory" combined with the name of the Norse god Þórr (see Thor).
Sigþorðr m Old Norse
Combination of sigr 'victory' and Tord.
Sigtryggr m Old Norse
Old Norse combination of sigr "victory" and tryggr "trusty, true, safe".
Sigvaldr m Old Norse
Old Norse cognate of Sigiwald.
Sigviðr m Old Norse
Derived from Old Norse sigr "victory" combined with Old Norse viðr "tree".
Sigwald m Germanic, German
Short form of Sigewald.
Siharnedjheritef m Ancient Egyptian
Ancient Egyptian masculine name meaning "Horus, he who seizes his power".
Sihtric m Old Norse (Anglicized), Medieval Scandinavian
A medieval form of Sigtryggr. Sigtrygg Silkbeard was a Hiberno-Norse king of Dublin, known in Irish texts as Sihtric and Sitric.
Silius m Ancient Roman
Derived from the Latin word silo meaning "snub nose".
Silli m Icelandic, Old Norse
Pet form of Sigvaldr, Sighulfr, and other names starting with the name element sigr "victory".
Simbert m Germanic
Variant of Sindbert. Derived from Old High German sind "way, path" combined with beraht "bright" meaning "bright path".
Sinal m Sanskrit
Means "hope" in Sanskrit
Sinatroukes m Parthian (Hellenized)
From Σινατρούκης (Sinatroúkēs), A Hellenized of Old Iranian *sāna-taru-ka- meaning “enemy-conquering”. It could also be from Aramaic santū(ā) "senator" with an added Middle Iranian suffix -ūk.
Sinatruces m Parthian (Latinized)
Latinized form of Sinatroukes. This was the name of a king of the Parthian Empire from c. 75 BC to c. 69 BC.
Sindbad m Germanic, Literature
Derived from Gothic sinths "way, path" combined with badu "battle."... [more]
Sindbald m Germanic
Derived from Gothic sinths "way, path" combined with Old High German bald "bold, brave."
Sindbert m Germanic
Derived from Gothic sinths "way, path" combined with Old High German beraht "bright."
Sindered m Gothic
Derived from Gothic sinþs "way, path" and Ancient Germanic rēdaz, "counsel".... [more]
Sinderic m Germanic
Derived from Gothic sinths "way, path" combined with rîcja "powerful, strong, mighty." The second element is also closely related to Celtic rîg or rix and Gothic reiks, which all mean "king, ruler."
Sindman m Germanic
Derived from Gothic sinths "way, path" combined with man "man."
Sindmar m Germanic
Derived from Gothic sinths "way, path" combined with Old High German mâri "famous."
Sindolf m Germanic
Variant of Sindulf.
Sindrad m Germanic
Derived from Gothic sinths "way, path" combined with Old High German râd "counsel."
Sindram m Germanic
Derived from Gothic sinths "way, path" combined with hraban or hramn "raven."
Sindulf m Germanic
Derived from Gothic sinths "way, path" combined with Gothic vulfs "wolf."
Sindward m Germanic
Derived from Gothic sinths "way, path" combined with Old High German wart "guard."
Singhe m & f Sanskrit
Singhe comes from the Sanskrit word siṃha, meaning "lion" or "hero."
Sinuhe m Ancient Egyptian, Literature
From Egyptian zꜣ.nht meaning "son of the sycamore", derived from zꜣ "son" and nht "sycamore tree", a plant associated with the goddess Hathor... [more]
Sin-zeru-iddin m Babylonian
Means "Sin granted offspring", deriving from the Akkadian element zēru ("seed; offspring; sown, arable land").
Síodhachán m Old Irish
Derived from Irish síodhach "peaceful" or "otherworldly" combined with a diminutive suffix. The adjective síodhach is a variant of sítheach, from síth, basically meaning "settlement", hence both "peace" and "place inhabited by other world beings".
Siptah m Ancient Egyptian
From Egyptian zꜣ-ptḥ meaning "son of Ptah".
Siríkr m Old Norse
Old Norse variant of Sigríkr.
Sírnir m Old Norse, Norse Mythology, Icelandic
Means "lazy". This is the name of a Jotunn.
Sisbert m Old High German, Old Saxon, Medieval, Medieval French
Old High German sisu "lament, song" + Old High German beraht, Old Saxon berht "bright" from Proto-Germanic berhtaz.
Sisebald m Germanic
The first element of this Germanic name is derived from sis, which is probably a contraction of sigis (see Sigisbert). However, this is not completely certain - the element might also come from Old High German sisesang "sad song" or from Old Swedish sisu "solemn lament." The second element is derived from Old High German bald "bold, brave."
Sisebert m Germanic
The first element of this Germanic name is derived from sis, which is probably a contraction of sigis (see Sigisbert). However, this is not completely certain - the element might also come from Old High German sisesang "sad song" or from Old Swedish sisu "solemn lament." The second element is derived from Old High German beraht "bright."
Sisebod m Germanic
The first element of this Germanic name is derived from sis, which is probably a contraction of sigis (see Sigisbert). However, this is not completely certain - the element might also come from Old High German sisesang "sad song" or from Old Swedish sisu "solemn lament." The second element is derived from Gothic biutan "to offer" or Old High German boto "bid, offer."
Sisebut m Germanic, History
Variant of Sisebod. Sisebut was the name of a 7th-century king of the Visigoths in Hispania.
Sisemund m Germanic
The first element of this Germanic name is derived from sis, which is probably a contraction of sigis (see Sigisbert). However, this is not completely certain - the element might also come from Old High German sisesang "sad song" or from Old Swedish sisu "solemn lament." The second element is derived from Old High German mund "protection."
Sisenand m Germanic, History
The first element of this Germanic name is derived from sis, which is probably a contraction of sigis (see Sigisbert). However, this is not completely certain - the element might also come from Old High German sisesang "sad song" or from Old Swedish sisu "solemn lament." The second element is derived from Gothic nand "bravery" (or from Gothic nanthjan "to venture, to risk, to dare")... [more]
Siserich m Old High German, Medieval, Medieval Spanish
Old High German sisu "lament, song" + Old High German rih "ruler".
Sismund m Old High German, Old Saxon, Medieval, Medieval French
Old High German sisu "lament, song" + Old Saxon mund, Old High German munt "hand, protection"
Sisulf m Old High German, Medieval, Medieval Spanish
Old High German sisu "lament, song" + Old High German wolf, Gothic wulf "wolf".
Sitalkes m Thracian
The name of two Thracian kings.
Sithric m History (Anglicized), Old Norse (Anglicized)
Variant of Sihtric. This was used by S. Fowler Wright in his historical novel Elfwin (1930).
Sjovald m Old Norse, Norwegian (Rare)
Norwegian younger form of Sævaldi.
Skær m Old Norse, Icelandic
Old Norse byname, from Old Norse sker meaning "rock in the sea", "skerry".
Skæringr m Old Norse
From Old Norse skæringr meaning "man from Skára".
Skagi m Old Norse
Means "low cape, ness".
Skallagrímr m Old Norse
Combination of Skalli and the Germanic name element grímr "person wearing a face mask".
Skalli m Old Norse
Old Norse name and byname, from Old Norse skalli meaning "bald head".
Skamandronymos m Ancient Greek (Rare)
Perhaps a combination of the river name Skamandros and the noun ὄνυμα (onyma) "name". According to some writers, the father of the poet Sappho bore this name (according to others, he was named Skamandros).
Skapti m Old Norse, Icelandic
Derived from Old Norse skapt "stick, shaft, missile".
Skári m Old Norse
Old Norse byname, from Old Norse skári meaning 'young sea-mew'.
Skarpe m Old Norse, Old Danish, Old Swedish
Old Norse variant and Old Danish and Old Swedish form of Skarpi.
Skarpheðinn m Old Norse, Faroese
Old Norse combination of skarpr "barren, skinny, sharp" and heðinn "jacket of fur or skin".
Skarpi m Old Norse
Old Norse byname, From Old Norse skarpr meaning "barren, skinny, sharp".
Skarði m Old Norse
Originally a byname derived from Old Norse skarð "notch, gap, indentation".
Skáviðr m Old Norse, Norse Mythology
Means "good tree" or "slanting tree". This is the name of a dwarf.
Skeggi m Old Norse
Derived from Old Norse skegg meaning "beard". It occurs in 'Grettis saga' belonging to Grettir's first victim.
Skialdbiǫrn m Old Norse
Old Norse variant of Skjaldbjǫrn.
Skiǫldúlfr m Old Norse
Old Norse variant of Skjǫldulfr.
Skioldus m Old Norse (Latinized)
Latinised form of Scyld, used by Saxo Grammaticus to refer to Scyld Sceafing in his Gesta Danorum.
Skirfir m Old Norse, Norse Mythology
Possibly derived from skirfill ("shard, cut piece"). This is the name of a dwarf.
Skjaldbjǫrn m Old Norse
Derived from the Germanic name elements skjǫldr "shield" and bjǫrn "bear".
Skjaldi m Old Norse
Old Norse variant of Skjǫldr.
Skjálgr m Old Norse
Old Norse name and nick name, from Old Norse skjálgr "squinting".
Skjöldólfr m Old Norse
Old Norse variant of Skjöldúlfr.
Skjǫldr m Old Norse, Norse Mythology
From Old Norse skjǫldr meaning "shield". In Norse mythology this is one of Odin's sons, the husband of Gefjon.
Skjöldúlfr m Old Norse
Old Norse variant of Skjǫldulfr.
Skjǫldulfr m Old Norse
Old Norse combination of skjǫldr "shield" and ulfr "wolf".
Skǫll m Norse Mythology, Old Norse
Means "mockery". In Norse mythology Skǫll is the wolf that pursues the sun. He is the son of Fenrir and the brother of Hati.
Skorargeirr m Old Norse
Derived from the Germanic name elements skor "precipice", "rift in a rock", "score", "notch", "incision" and geirr "spears".
Skúli m Icelandic, Old Norse
Derived from Old Norse skýla "protection, shelter".
Skúmr m Old Norse
From Old Norse skúmr meaning "louring man, scary man".
Skunkha m Scythian
Of uncertain etymology, possibly linked to a term in Ossetian that means "distinguishes oneself. This is rendered as skₒyxyn (скойхйн) in the Digor dialect of Ossetian.
Skythianos m Ancient Greek
Means "Scythian" in Greek.
Sǽlafr m Old Norse
Old Norse combination of sær "sea" and leifr "heir", "descendant".
Slúta m Old Norse
From Slúta meaning "hanging down".
Smeawine m Anglo-Saxon (Rare)
Derived from Old English smēah "sagacious, acute, subtle" combined with wine "friend".
Smenkhkare m Ancient Egyptian
Means "living are the forms of Ra".... [more]
Smiðkell m Old Norse
Old Norse combination of smiðr "smith, craftsman, artisan" and ketill "cauldron hat, helmet".
Smiðr m Old Norse
Old Norse name and byname, from Old Norse smiðr meaning "smith, craftsman, artisan".
Snæbiǫrn m Old Norse
Old Norse variant of Snøybiǫrn.
Snær m Icelandic, Old Norse, Norse Mythology
Means "snow" in Old Norse.
Snæúlfr m Old Norse
Ancient Scandinavian masculine name with the combination of snær "snow" and ulfr "wolf".
Snævarr m Old Norse, Icelandic (Rare)
Combination of Old Norse snær "snow" and varr "attentive, aware".
Snari m Old Norse
From Old Norse snarr "quick, swift, sharp".
Sneferka m Ancient Egyptian
From Egyptian snfr-kꜣ, possibly meaning "(his) soul is beautiful", from Egyptian snfr "to make beautiful" combined with kꜣ "soul". This was the throne name of an early Egyptian king who may have ruled at the end of the 1st Dynasty.
Sneferre m Ancient Egyptian
Possibly from Egyptian snfr-rꜥ, perhaps meaning "Ra has made me beautiful", from Egyptian snfr "to make beautiful", a derivative of nfr "beautiful, good" combined with the Egyptian God Ra... [more]
Snelbald m Germanic
Derived from Old High German snel "fast, strong" combined with Old High German bald "bold, brave."
Snelbert m Germanic
Derived from Old High German snel "fast, strong" combined with Old High German beraht "bright."
Snelhard m Germanic
Derived from Old High German snel "fast, strong" combined with Gothic hardus (hart in Old High German) "brave, hardy."
Snelman m Germanic
Derived from Old High German snel "fast, strong" combined with man "man."
Snelmund m Germanic
Derived from Old High German snel "fast, strong" combined with Old High German mund "protection."
Snelrad m Germanic
Derived from Old High German snel "fast, strong" combined with Old High German râd "counsel."
Sniór m Old Norse
Old Norse variant of Snær.
Snjolfr m Old Norse
Old Norse variant of Snæúlfr.
Snór m Old Norse
Old Norse variant of Snorri.
Snøybiǫrn m Old Norse
Derived from the Germanic name elements snær "snow" and bjǫrn "bear".
Sobekemsaf m & f Ancient Egyptian
From Egyptian sbk-m-sꜢ.f meaning "Sobek protects him", derived from the name of the god Sobek combined with m "is; in the role of", zꜢ "protection", and the suffix .f "he, him, his"... [more]
Sodasa m Scythian
From Scythian *Śuḍāsa meaning "who kept the good acts in memory". Name borne by a king of Mathura who ruled circa 15 CE.
Sogdianos m Old Persian (Hellenized)
Possibly meaning "from Sogdia" in Ancient Greek, from Ancient Greek Σογδιανή (Sogdianḗ) "Sogdia", borrowed from Old Persian 𐎿𐎢𐎦𐎢𐎭 (s-u-gu-u-d) of the same meaning, with an added suffix... [more]
Sogdianus m Old Persian (Latinized)
Latinized form of Sogdianos. This was the name of a brief ruler of the Achaemenid Empire for a period of 424–423 BC.
Sogenes m Ancient Greek
Contracted form of Sosigenes.
Sokles m Ancient Greek
Contracted form of Sosikles. This name was borne by an Athenian potter from the 6th century BC.
Sóni m Old Norse
Variant of Suni.
Soos m Ancient Greek, Greek Mythology
Derived from σόος (soos), which is the Epic and Ionic Greek form of the adjective σῶς (sos) meaning "safe, whole, unwounded".... [more]
Sopater m Ancient Greek (Latinized), Biblical Latin
Latinized form of Sopatros. A notable bearer of this name is Sopater of Apamea, a Greek philosopher from the 4th century AD.... [more]
Sopatros m Ancient Greek, Biblical Greek
Contracted form of Sosipatros. This name was borne by a Greek man from the New Testament as well as by a Greek philosopher from the 4th century AD... [more]
Sophainetos m Ancient Greek
Derived from Greek σοφός (sophos) meaning "skilled, clever" and αἰνετός (ainetos) meaning "praiseworthy".
Sophanes m Ancient Greek
Contracted form of Sosiphanes.
Sophilos m Ancient Greek
Derived from the Greek adjective σῶς (sos) meaning "safe, whole, unwounded" (see Sosigenes) combined with the Greek noun φίλος (philos) meaning "friend, lover".... [more]
Sophius m Ancient Greek (Latinized), Dutch
Latinized form of Sophios, which is the masculine form of Sophia.
Sophon m Ancient Greek
Derived from Greek σοφός (sophos) meaning "skilled, clever".
Sǫrli m Old Norse, Norse Mythology
Old Norse form of Sarilo. This is the name of the main character in the story Sǫrla þáttr, found in the Flateyjarbók manuscript.
Sosandros m Ancient Greek
Derived from the Greek adjective σῶς (sos) meaning "safe, whole, unwounded" (see Sosigenes) combined with Greek ἀνδρός (andros) meaning "of a man".
Sosias m Ancient Greek
Derived from Greek σῶς (sos) meaning "safe, whole, unwounded".
Sosibios m Ancient Greek
Derived from the Greek adjective σῶς (sos) meaning "safe, whole, unwounded" (see Sosigenes) combined with the Greek noun βίος (bios) meaning "life".
Sosicrates m Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of Sosikrates. A known bearer of this name is the Greek historian Sosicrates of Rhodes (2nd century BC).
Sosikles m Ancient Greek
Derived from the Greek adjective σῶς (sos) meaning "safe, whole, unwounded" (see Sosigenes) combined with the Greek noun κλέος (kleos) meaning "glory".
Sosikrates m Ancient Greek
Derived from the Greek adjective σῶς (sos) meaning "safe, whole, unwounded" (see Sosigenes) combined with the Greek noun κράτος (kratos) meaning "power".... [more]
Sosipater m Ancient Greek (Latinized), Biblical Latin
Latinized form of Sosipatros. This is the name of a Greek man from the New Testament.
Sosipatros m Ancient Greek, Biblical Greek
Derived from the Greek adjective σῶς (sos) meaning "safe, whole, unwounded" (see Sosigenes) combined with either the Greek adjective πατρός (patros) meaning "of the father" or the Greek noun πατρίς (patris) meaning "of one's fathers" as well as "fatherland".... [more]
Sosiphanes m Ancient Greek
Derived from the Greek adjective σῶς (sos) meaning "safe, whole, unwounded" (see Sosigenes) combined with Greek φανής (phanes) meaning "appearing" (see Theophanes).... [more]
Sosiphron m Ancient Greek
Derived from the Greek adjective σῶς (sos) meaning "safe, whole, unwounded" (see Sosigenes) combined with either the Greek noun φρόνις (phronis) meaning "prudence, wisdom" or the Greek verb φρονέω (phroneo) meaning "to think" as well as "to be minded"... [more]
Sosippos m Ancient Greek
Derived from the Greek adjective σῶς (sos) meaning "safe, whole, unwounded" (see Sosigenes) combined with the Greek noun ἵππος (hippos) meaning "horse".... [more]
Sosistratos m Ancient Greek
Derived from the Greek adjective σῶς (sos) meaning "safe, whole, unwounded" (see Sosigenes) combined with the Greek noun στρατός (stratos) meaning "army".
Sosistratus m Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of Sosistratos. This name was borne by two eponymous archons of Athens, the earliest of which lived in the 5th century BC.
Sositheos m Ancient Greek
Derived from the Greek adjective σῶς (sos) meaning "safe, whole, unwounded" (see Sosigenes) combined with the Greek noun θεός (theos) meaning "god".... [more]
Sositheus m Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of Sositheos. This name was borne by a Greek tragic poet from the 3rd century BC.
Sosius m Ancient Roman
Roman family name which was possibly derived from Greek σως (sos) "safe, whole, unwounded".
Sosthenes m Ancient Greek, Biblical
Means "safe in strength", derived from the Greek adjective σῶς (sos) meaning "safe, whole, unwounded" (see Sosigenes) combined with the Greek noun σθένος (sthenos) meaning "vigour, strength".... [more]
Sostratos m Ancient Greek, Greek Mythology
Contracted form of Sosistratos. Notable ancient Greek bearers of this name include the famous merchant Sostratos of Aegina (6th century BC) and the sculptor Sostratos of Chios (5th century BC).
Sostratus m Ancient Greek (Latinized), Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of Sostratos. A known bearer of this name was Sostratus of Cnidus, an ancient Greek architect and engineer from the 3rd century BC.
Soter m Ancient Greek, Croatian, Polish
Derived from the Greek noun σωτήρ (soter) meaning "saviour, deliverer, preserver". This name was often used as an epithet, for both gods (such as Zeus and Apollo) and real-life rulers, such as Ptolemy I Soter of Egypt (4th century BC) and Antiochus I Soter of the Seleucid Empire (3rd century BC).... [more]
Soteridas m Ancient Greek
Means "son of Soter" in Greek, derived from the name Soter combined with ίδας (idas), which is the Aeolic and Doric Greek form of the patronymic suffix ἴδης (ides).... [more]
Soteris f & m Ancient Greek
Feminine form of Soter or Soterios as well as a rare male variant of Soterios.... [more]
Soterius m Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of Soterios. This was the baptismal name of the 2nd-century pope Soter.
Sous m Ancient Greek (Latinized), Greek Mythology (Latinized)
Latinized form of Soos. This was the name of a semi-mythological king of Sparta, who is thought to have lived in the 9th century BC.
Sousarion m Ancient Greek
Meaning uncertain. This name should be a compound name, of which the first element might be the Greek noun σοῦς (sous) meaning "upward motion" or the Greek noun σοῦσον (souson) meaning "lily"... [more]
Sǫxólfr m Old Norse
Old Norse variant of Sǫxulfr.
Sǫxulfr m Old Norse
Old Norse combination of saxar "Saxons" and ulfr "wolf".
Søybiǫrn m Old Norse
Old Norse variant of Sǽbiǫrn.
Søygæirr m Old Norse
Old Norse variant of Sǽgæirr.
Spaki m Old Norse
Old Norse variant of Spakr.
Spakr m Old Norse
From Old Norse spakr meaning "wise, sensible, peaceable".
Spár m Old Norse
Old Norse byname, from Old Norse spár meaning "prophetic".
Sparta f & m Greek Mythology, Ancient Greek, English
Short form of Spartacus. It is also the name of an ancient Roman city.
Spearhafoc m Anglo-Saxon
Means "sparrowhawk" in Old English, ultimately derived from the elements spearwa "sparrow" and hafoc "hawk". This name was borne by an 11th-century Anglo-Saxon artist and Benedictine monk.
Speusandros m Ancient Greek
The first element of this name is derived from the Greek noun σπεῦσις (speusis) meaning "haste, hurry" as well as "speed". It is ultimately derived from the Greek verb σπεύδω (speudo) meaning "to hasten" as well as "to urge on" and "to set going"... [more]
Speusippos m Ancient Greek
Derived from Greek σπεύδω (speudo) meaning "to hasten; to urge on, to set going" (compare the closely related σπουδή (spoude) meaning "haste, speed" as well as "earnestness, diligence, zeal") and ἵππος (hippos) meaning "horse".
Speusippus m Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of Speusippos. This name was borne by an ancient Greek philosopher from the 4th century BC.
Spiallbuði m Old Norse
From Old Norse *spjallboði meaning "messenger".
Spialli m Old Norse
From Old Norse spjalli meaning "companion, friend".
Spiθradātah m Old Persian (Hellenized)
Hellenized form of Old Persian *Spiθradātah, possibly meaning "given by heaven", from Old Persian *spiθrah “heaven” and 𐎭𐎠𐎫 (d-a-t) "given, created". This was the name of a Persian satrap of Lydia and Ionia under the high king Darius III Codomannus.
Spitamaneh m Old Persian
Derived from Old Persian spita "white" combined with Old Persian manah "mind, intelligence, mentality", thus meaning something like "clear-minded".
Spitamenes m Old Persian (Hellenized), History
Hellenized form of Spitamaneh. This was the name of a Sogdian warlord from the 4th century BC.
Spjute m Old Norse
Modern transcription of Spiuti, originally a byname derived from Old Norse spjót "spear". It appears on several runestones in Sweden as sbiuti and sbiut.
Sporos m Ancient Greek
Derived from the Greek noun σπόρος (sporos) meaning "a sowing" as well as "seed, semen" and "harvest, crop".... [more]
Spǫrr m Old Norse
From Old Norse spǫrr meaning "sparrow".
Sporus m Ancient Greek (Latinized), Ancient Roman
Latinized form of Sporos. This was the name of a young slave boy from the 1st century AD. The Roman emperor Nero had taken a liking to him, because he bore a striking resemblance to his late wife Poppaea Sabina... [more]
Spoudandros m Ancient Greek
The first element of this name is derived from the Greek noun σπουδή (spoude) meaning "haste, speed" as well as "earnestness, diligence, zeal". It is ultimately derived from the Greek verb σπεύδω (speudo) meaning "to hasten" as well as "to urge on" and "to set going"... [more]
Spoudippos m Ancient Greek
The first element of this name is derived from the Greek noun σπουδή (spoude) meaning "haste, speed" as well as "earnestness, diligence, zeal". It is ultimately derived from the Greek verb σπεύδω (speudo) meaning "to hasten" as well as "to urge on" and "to set going"... [more]
Squadka m Sanskrit (Rare, Expatriate)
Means "lord of snakes"
Srit m Sanskrit, Indian, Bengali, Hinduism, Hindi
Name: Srit ( सृत)... [more]
Srut m Sanskrit, Hindi, Indian, Hinduism, Marathi
Name: Srut स्रुत... [more]
Stachys m Ancient Greek, Biblical, Biblical Greek, Biblical Latin
Derived from the Greek noun στάχυς (stachys) meaning "a head of grain, an ear of corn" as well as "scion, progeny".... [more]
Stæinkæll m Old Norse
Old Norse short form of Stæinkætill.
Stæinkætill m Old Norse
Derived from Old Norse steinn "stone" and ketill "cauldron hat", "helmet".
Stafngrímr m Old Norse
Derived from the Germanic name elements stafn "stem (of a ship, prow or stern)" and grímr "person wearing a face mask".
Stanwulf m Anglo-Saxon
Derived from the Old English elements stan "stone" and wulf "wolf". Cognate to Germanic Steinulf and Old Norse Steinólfr.
Starcbert m Germanic
Derived from Anglo-Saxon starc "hard, firm, strong" (starh is the Old High German equivalent) and Old High German beraht "bright."
Starcfrid m Germanic
Derived from Anglo-Saxon starc "hard, firm, strong" (starh is the Old High German equivalent) and Old High German fridu "peace."
Starchard m Germanic
Derived from Anglo-Saxon starc "hard, firm, strong" (starh is the Old High German equivalent) and Gothic hardus (hart in Old High German) "brave, hardy."
Starcman m Germanic
Derived from Anglo-Saxon starc "hard, firm, strong" (starh is the Old High German equivalent) and man "man."
Starcolf m Germanic
Variant spelling of Starculf.
Starcrad m Germanic
Derived from Anglo-Saxon starc "hard, firm, strong" (starh is the Old High German equivalent) and Old High German râd "counsel."
Starculf m Germanic
Derived from Anglo-Saxon starc "hard, firm, strong" (starh is the Old High German equivalent) and Gothic vulfs "wolf."
Stari m Old Norse
From Old Norse stari meaning "starling (bird)".
Starkaðr m Old Norse, Norse Mythology
Derived from the Old Norse elements sterkr "stark, sturdy" and hǫð "battle" (cognate with Old High German hadu). This was the name of a hero in Norse legends.
Stasander m Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of Stasandros. This name was borne by Stasander of Cyprus (4th century BC), who was an officer in the service of Alexander the Great.
Stasandros m Ancient Greek
The first element of this name is derived from the Greek noun στάσις (stasis), which can mean "standing, placing, setting" as well as "a standing still". It basically refers to a state of standing (still)... [more]
Stasanor m Ancient Greek
The first element of this name is derived from the Greek noun στάσις (stasis), which can mean "standing, placing, setting" as well as "a standing still". It basically refers to a state of standing (still)... [more]
Stasikrates m Ancient Greek
The first element of this name is derived from the Greek noun στάσις (stasis), which can mean "standing, placing, setting" as well as "a standing still". It basically refers to a state of standing (still)... [more]
Stasinikos m Ancient Greek
Derived from Greek στάσις (stasis) meaning "standing, posture, position" and νίκη (nike) meaning "victory"... [more]
Stasippos m Ancient Greek
The first element of this name is derived from the Greek noun στάσις (stasis), which can mean "standing, placing, setting" as well as "a standing still". It basically refers to a state of standing (still)... [more]
Stasippus m Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of Stasippos. This name was borne by Stasippus of Tegea (4th century BC), who was the leader of the pro-Spartan oligarchs in Tegea.
Statilius m Ancient Roman
Roman nomen gentile which was derived from Statius. A known bearer of this name was Titus Statilius Taurus, a Roman general and two-time consul from the 1st century BC.
Statius m Ancient Roman
Roman praenomen (which later also came to be used as a nomen gentile) of Oscan origin. The meaning is uncertain, but it may possibly have been derived from Oscan staít meaning "he stands", which would mean that it is closely related to Latin statuo "to set up, to erect, to cause to stand"... [more]
Stefnir m Old Norse, Icelandic
From Old Norse stefnir meaning "coxswain, helmsman, steersman, one who directs".
Steinbiǫrg m Old Norse
Old Norse variant of Stæinborg.
Steinfinnr m Old Norse
Old Norse combination of steinn 'stone' and finnr 'Finn, Lapp'.
Steinhard m Germanic, German
Derived from Old High German stain "stone" combined with Gothic hardus (hart in Old High German) "brave, hardy."
Steini m Old Norse, Icelandic
Old Norse variant of Steinn.
Steinmar m Germanic, German
Derived from Old High German stain "stone" combined with Old High German mâri "famous."
Steinólfr m Old Norse
Derived from Old Norse steinn "stone" and ulfr "wolf".
Steinþórir m Old Norse
Old Norse variant of Steinþórr.
Steinþórr m Old Norse
Combination of Old Norse steinn "stone" and þórr "thunder".
Steinulf m Germanic
Derived from Old High German stain "stone" combined with Gothic vulfs "wolf."
Steinúlfr m Old Norse
Ancient Scandinavian form of Steinulf.
Steorra m Anglo-Saxon
Derived from Old English steorra meaning "star", likely originating as a byname.
Stephán m Old Norse
Old Norse form of Stephanus.
Stesichorus m Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Means "establishing the chorus" or "leading the dance", derived from Greek ἵστημι (histemi) meaning "to stand, to set up" and‎ χορός (choros) meaning "dance" or "chorus, choir; band of singers and dancers"... [more]
Stesimbrotos m Ancient Greek
Derived from Greek ἵστημι (histemi) meaning "to make to stand, to stand, set" and βροτός (brotós), a poetic term meaning "mortal man, human being".
Sthenelaos m Ancient Greek, Greek Mythology
Derived from Greek σθένος (sthenos) meaning "strength, power, vigour" and λᾱός (laos) meaning "people, folk".
Sǽþórr m Old Norse
Derived from the Germanic name elements sær "sea" and þórr "thunder" or a combination of sær "sea" and Þórir.
Stilpon m Ancient Greek
Possibly derived from either Greek στιλπνός (stilpnos) meaning "glittering, glistening" (itself from στίλβω (stilbo) "to gleam, to shine") or στίλπων (stilpon) meaning "dwarf".
Stólfr m Old Norse
Short form of Stórolfr.
Stóri m Old Norse
Old Norse byname, from Old Norse stórr meaning "large, big".
Störkaðr m Old Norse
Old Norse variant of Starkaðr.
Stormr m Old Norse
Old Norse byname, from Old Norse stormr meaning 'storm'.
Stórólfr m Old Norse
Old Norse variant of Stórolfr.
Stórolfr m Old Norse
Derived from the Germanic name elements stórr "large, big" and ulfr "wolf".
Stóðkæll m Old Norse
Old Norse combination of stóð "stud", "flock" (of horses) and ketill "cauldron hat", "helmet".
Strabo m Ancient Roman
Means "squinter, cross-eyed person" in Latin, a calque of Greek Strabon.
Strabon m Ancient Greek, History
Derived from Greek στραβός (strabos) meaning "distorted, oblique; squinting, squint-eyed". This was the name of several historical figures, including a 1st century Greek geographer, philosopher, and historian.
Strato m Italian, Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of Straton and Italian variant of Stratone.
Stratocles m Ancient Greek (Latinized)
Latinized form of Stratokles. This name was borne by an eponymous archon of Athens, who lived in the 5th century BC.
Stratokles m Ancient Greek
Means "glorious army", derived from Greek στρατος (stratos) "army" combined with Greek κλεος (kleos) "glory".
Stratonikos m Ancient Greek
Ancient Greek name which meant "army of victory", derived from Greek στρατος (stratos) "army" and νικη (nike) "victory"... [more]
Strattis m Ancient Greek
Derived from Greek στρατός (stratos) meaning "army".
Strombichos m Ancient Greek
Derived from Greek στρόμβος (strombos) meaning "something round, something spun around; whirlwind, spinning top, spindle, spiral shell".
Strongylion m Ancient Greek
Derived from the Greek noun στρογγύλιον (strongylion) or (stroggylion) meaning "round pot, flask", which itself is ultimately derived from the Greek adjective στρογγύλος (strongylos) or (stroggylos) meaning "round, spherical"... [more]
Stúfr m Old Norse
Old Norse name and byname, from Old Norse stúfr meaning "stump, stub".
Sturla m Old Norse, Norwegian, Icelandic
Old Norse byname meaning "the loon", from sturla "to derange, disturb". Sturla Sigvatsson was a powerful Icelandic chieftain and the nephew of Snorri Sturluson, the author of the Prose Edda.
Styrbiǫrn m Old Norse
Combination of Old Norse styrr "battle, stir, tumult" and biǫrn "bear".
Styrfastr m Old Norse
Derived from Old Norse styrr "stir, tumult, brawl" combined with Old Norse fastr "firm, fast".
Styrk m Old Norse, Norwegian (Rare)
From Old Norse styrkr meaning "strength, force, help".
Styrmir m Icelandic, Old Norse
Derived from Old Norse styrma meaning "to storm, to blow hard".
Styrr m Icelandic (Rare), Old Norse
Derived from Old Norse styrr meaning "stir, tumult, brawl".
Su m & f Sanskrit, Nepali
Derived from a Sanskrit prefix meaning "good, pleasant".
Suadurix m Old Celtic
A Gaulish name, composed of swadus "sweet" + rix "king".
Suchar m Hindi, Sanskrit, Bengali, Kannada, Indian, Marathi, Hinduism, Nepali, Telugu, Tamil, Malayalam, Punjabi
MEANING - "one who walks or moves excellently ", having beautiful gait, performing well . Here सु means well, excellent + चर means moving, performing
Suddhodana m Sanskrit
Means "he who grows pure rice", derived from Sanskrit शुद्ध (śuddha) meaning "pure, true" and धाना (dhānā́) meaning "grain, corn". This was the name of a leader of the Shakya kingdom, the husband of Maya 1, and the father of Siddhartha Gautama, otherwise known as the Buddha.
Suetonius m Ancient Roman
A Roman family name of unknown etymology. It could derive from the Latin suetus "accustomed, wonted, usual". Gaius Suetonius Tranquillus (69-122) was a Roman historian who wrote during the early Imperial era of the Roman Empire.
Suintila m Gothic
Suintila (ca. 588 – 633/635) was Visigothic King of Hispania, Septimania, and Galicia from 621 to 631. He was a son of Reccared I and his wife Bado, and a brother of general Geila. Under Suintila there was unprecedented peace and unity across the Kingdom of the Visigoths... [more]
Sukkalgir m Sumerian
Possibly one of the earliest names recorded. His name occurs on a tablet dated 3200-3100 BC. He was one of two Sumerian slaves of Gal-Sal.
Sulom m Sanskrit, Hindi, Indian, Hinduism, Bengali, Malayalam, Kannada, Telugu, Tamil
MEANING : beautiful haired, having beautiful hair . Here सु means beautiful + लोम means hair... [more]
Sulpicius m Ancient Roman
From a Roman nomen gentile, of which the meaning is uncertain. Over time, this name has been borne by several ancient Romans, one of them being Servius Sulpicius Camerinus Cornutus, who was consul at Rome in 500 BC.
Sumarliðr m Old Norse
Old Norse form of Somhairle.
Sunjaifriþas m Gothic
Gothic name derived from the elements sunja "truth" and friþus "peace".
Sunnegisel m Germanic
The first element of this Germanic name is derived from either sunna "sun", Gothic sunis "true" (or sunja "truth") - or from Old High German sôna "judgement." The second element is derived from gisel "hostage" or "pledge."
Sunnulfr m Old Norse
A combination of Old Norse sunn "southern" and ulfr "wolf". The first name element can also be derived from sunna "sun".
Sunyata f & m Sanskrit
Sanskrit for “emptiness”. From śūnya, “void”, and -tā, a suffix equivalent to the English suffix -ness. An important concept in many religions, including Buddhism, Shaivism, and Vashnaivism, with different doctrinal meaning depending on the religion... [more]
Suomar m Germanic
Suomar was an Alemmanic petty king in the 4th century.
Superbus m Ancient Roman
Roman cognomen which was derived from the Latin adjective superbus, which can mean "superb, excellent, superior" as well as "proud, haughty, arrogant". A bearer of this name was Lucius Tarquinius Superbus, a king of Rome who lived in the 6th century BC.
Supratisthitavarman m Sanskrit, History
Means "well-established shield" in Sanskrit, from Sanskrit prefix सु- (su) "good, well" with प्रतिष्ठा (pratiṣṭhā) "ground, base" and वर्मन् (varman) "shield, armor"... [more]
Supuns m Sanskrit, Hindi, Indian, Hinduism
MEANING : Handsome man, highly masculine .Here सु means handsome, Very + पुंस means male, masculine, man
Supur m Sanskrit, Hindi, Hinduism, Indian, Bengali, Kannada, Tamil, Sinhalese, Nepali
MEANING : a strong fortress. Here सु means strong + पुर means fortress, castle
Sura m Ancient Roman
A Roman cognomen meaning "calf (of the leg)" in Latin, possibly related to Latin surus “t-branch, stake”. Lucius Licinius Sura was an influential Roman Senator from Hispania who was a close friend of Emperor Trajan.
Surdinius m Ancient Roman
Roman family name which was derived from the Roman cognomen Surdinus.
Surdinus m Ancient Roman
Roman cognomen which was derived from the Latin adjective surdus meaning "deaf".... [more]
Suroman m Sanskrit, Hindi, Hinduism, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada
MEANING : beautiful -haired, having beautiful . Here सु means beautiful + रोमन् means hair, bodily hair... [more]
Surti m Old Norse
Variant of Surtr.
Surtr m Old Norse, Norse Mythology
Variant of Svartr. In Norse mythology this is the name of a fire giant, the enemy of the gods, who will fight Freyr at Ragnarok and the two of them will kill each other.