This is a list of submitted names in which the gender is feminine; and the usage is Indian.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Jamuna যমুনা, जमुना, ଯମୁନା, ஜமுனா, జమున f Indian, Bengali, Hindi, Odia, Tamil, Assamese, TeluguFrom the name of the Yamuna River, a tributary of the Ganges that flows through northern India. The name is probably derived from Sanskrit यम
(yama) meaning "twin", so named because the river flows parallel to the Ganges.
Janaki जानकी, ஜானகி, ജാനകി, ಜಾನಕಿ, జానకి f Hinduism, Hindi, Tamil, Malayalam, Kannada, Telugu, Odia, Bengali, AssameseMeans "daughter of
Janaka" in Sanskrit. This is another name of
Sita, the wife of the hero
Janaki जानकी f & m IndianMeaning uncertain. This is an epithet of the Hindu heroine
Sita, daughter of King
Japa जपा f Sanskrit, Hindi, Hinduism, Indian, Tamil, Telugu, Malayalam, Nepali, Kannada, Sinhalese, Indonesian, Gujarati, BengaliMEANING : China rose,... [
Japji f Indian (Sikh)The name Japji is a girl's name meaning "holy chanting of word". Japji Sahib is the Sikh thesis, that appears at the beginning of the Guru Granth Sahib – the scripture of the Sikhs.
Jasira f Indian (Muslim)Derived from the Arabic verb جَسَرَ
(jasara) "to dare, to venture boldly; to be foolhearted".
Jasjeet ਜਸਜੀਤ m & f Indian (Sikh)From Sanskrit यशस्
(yaśas) meaning "fame, praise, glory" combined with जिति
(jiti) meaning "victory, conquering".
Jaspal ਜਸਪਾਲ m & f Indian (Sikh)From Sanskrit यशस्
(yaśas) meaning "fame, praise, glory" combined with पाल
(pāla) meaning "guard, protector".
Jasum జసుం, ஜஸுஂ, जसुँ, જસું, ಜಸುಂ f Telugu, Tamil, Hindi, Marathi, Gujarati, Kannada, Malayalam, Bengali, Assamese, SindhiMeaning "Hibiscus".
Jasvir ਜਸਵੀਰ m & f Indian (Sikh)From Sanskrit यशस्
(yaśas) meaning "fame, praise, glory" combined with वीर
(vira) meaning "hero, man, brave".
Jatila जटिला f IndianMEANING - "complex, complicated, one having matted or entangled hair, female ascetic"... [
Jatini जटिनी f Sanskrit, Hindi, Indian, Hinduism, Punjabi, Bengali, Malayalam, Kannada, Telugu, Tamil, Gujarati, MarathiName - Jatini जटिनी ... [
Jauna ਜੌਣ f PunjabiMeaning "Person who is Graceful as a Dove with the Grace of God".
Java जवा f Sanskrit, Indian, Hindi, Tamil, Hinduism, Gujarati, Bengali, Marathi, Malayalam, Kannada, Telugu, NepaliMEANING : China rose, saffron... [
Jesminder f IndianIt's origin of Indian. A famous bearer is fictional character Jesminder Bhamra.
Jhallika झल्लिका f Sanskrit, Indian, Hindi, Tamil, Hinduism, Kannada, Bengali, Malayalam, Gujarati, Telugu, NepaliMEANING : light, sunshine, cloth used for applying colour or perfumes... [
Jhansi झाँसी f IndianMeans "life like". It is the name of a historic city in India.
Jhanvi f Bengali (Hindu)Means "river Ganges," derived from Sanskrit जान्हवी (jāhnavi), which refers to the sacred river Ganga, named after the sage Jahnu who is said to have drunk up the river and then released it.
Jigya f OdiaMeans "the curiosity to know everything" in Odia.
Jijyasa जिज्ञासा f IndianMEANING - "desire to know or learn, investigation, curiosity to learn, enquiring"... [
Jini जिनी f IndianMEANING - Victorious lady, truimphant woman... [
Jiva जीव m & f IndianMeans "life", "soul", "alive". Derived from Sanskrit.
Jiya f IndianHindi word "jiya" means Living or lived.
Jonita जोनिता f IndianAn Indian name. A famous bearer is Jonita Gandhi, who is an Indo-Canadian singer. Her songs received appreciations in 2011, and were attracted to music composers of Bollywood.
Josha जोषा f Sanskrit, Hinduism, Hindi, Nepali, Indian, Marathi, Gujarati, Assamese, Punjabi, Malayalam, TeluguMEANING - woman, lady
Joshana f Indian (Rare)Derived from Sanskrit जोषण
(jośana) meaning "approval, satisfaction, liking".
Juhi जूही f IndianMeans "jasmine" in Hindi, ultimately from Sanskrit.
Jui f BengaliSuar chor,Adibasi,Chorni,Petni,Selfish
Jyota f Indian (Sikh)Light of god it guides you through the dangers and confusions of life
Jyotis ज्योतिष, ज्योतिस, জ্যোতিস, ਜੋਤਿਸ, જ્યોતિસ f & m Indian, Hindi, Marathi, Bengali, Assamese, Punjabi, Nepali, Gujarati, Odia, Tibetan, Bhutanese, Telugu, Tamil, Malayalam, Kannada, SinhaleseDerived from Sanskrit ज्योतिस् (
jyotis) meaning "light". This is a transcription of both the feminine form ज्योती and the masculine form ज्योति.
Kaeya f & m IndianOriginated from the Hindi culture. Kaeya means monsoon flower. Kaeya is pronounced as \ka(e)-ya\.... [
Kafia قافیہ f Urdu, ArabicMeans "rhyme" in Urdu, ultimately from Arabic قَافِيَة (qāfiya).
Kaikeyi कैकेयी, কৈকেয়ী, കൈകേയി f Hinduism, IndianName of a character, the second consort of King Dasharatha and the Queen of Ayodhya, in the Hindu epic, the Ramayana.
Kainat کائنات f UrduMeans "universe" in Urdu, ultimately from Arabic كائنات
Kajol f Hindi, SanskritVariant of
Kajal. Indian film actress Kajol Mukherjee, known mononymously as Kajol, is a famous bearer.
Kalivinasini कलिविनाशिनी f IndianFeminine Indian name meaning "one who destroys or puts an end to any quarrels".
Kaliyana कल्याणा f Sanskrit, TamilDerived from the Sanskrit word
kalyāṇa, meaning "auspicious," "blessed," or "beautiful."
Kamaljeet ਕਮਲਜੀਤ m & f Indian (Sikh)From Sanskrit कमल
(kamala) meaning "lotus" combined with जिति
(jiti) meaning "victory, conquering".
Kamalpreet ਕਮਲਪ੍ਰੀਤ f & m Indian (Sikh)From Sanskrit कमल
(kamala) meaning "lotus" combined with प्रीति
(prīti) meaning "pleasure, joy, love".
Kamda कम्ड f MarathiMeaning "One Who Can Fulfill All Wishes of Others".
Kamika f & m HindiPossibly means "desired, beloved, wished for".
Kaniz কানিজ, کنیز f Bengali, UrduDerived from Persian کنیز
(kaniz) meaning "maid, servant, slave-girl".
Kankana कङ्कना f IndianIndian feminine name of Sanskrit origin meaning "one who wears a bracelet".
Kanwal کنول, ਕੰਵਲ f & m Urdu, PunjabiFrom Urdu and Punjabi کنول
(kanval) meaning "lotus", ultimately derived from Sanskrit कमल
Kanwaldeep ਕੰਵਲਦੀਪ m & f Indian (Sikh)From Punjabi ਕੰਵਲ
(kanwal) meaning "lotus" (ultimately from Sanskrit) combined with Sanskrit प्रीति
(dīpa) meaning "lamp, light".
Kanwaljeet ਕੰਵਲਜੀਤ m & f Indian (Sikh)From Punjabi ਕੰਵਲ
(kanwal) meaning "lotus" (ultimately from Sanskrit) combined with Sanskrit जिति
(jiti) meaning "victory, conquering".
Kanwalpreet ਕੰਵਲਪ੍ਰੀਤ f & m Indian (Sikh)From Punjabi ਕੰਵਲ
(kanwal) meaning "lotus" (ultimately from Sanskrit) combined with Sanskrit प्रीति
(prīti) meaning "pleasure, joy, love".
Kara कारा f Sanskrit, Hindi, Hinduism, Indian, Nepali, Marathi, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam, Punjabi, Bengali, GujaratiMEANING - condconfinement, Prison, binding , a part of lute below the neck ( for deadening the sound ), a female messenger, female worker in gold ● Origin - Sanskrit, Indian
Karamjeet ਕਰਮਜੀਤ m & f Indian (Sikh)From Sanskrit कर्म
(karma) meaning "action, deed, fate" combined with जिति
(jiti) meaning "victory, conquering".
Kashish काशीश, ਕਸ਼ਿਸ਼ m & f Indian, Punjabi, HinduismMeans "lord of the Kashis" or "lord of
Kashi city" in Sanskrit, from the place name काशी
(Kashi), which refers to one of the seven sacred cities of the Hindus (also known as Varanasi or Benares), and ईश
(īśa) meaning "lord"... [
Kasthuri f IndianPossibly of Sanskrit origin. Meaning "fragrance" or "musk".
Kasturba f IndianIndian name meaning "musk from the musk deer" combined with a feminine honorific. This was the name of the wife of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi.
Katariya f IndianPossibly stems from Katariya the city in the Ambedkar Nagar district of India.
Kateni f MaoPossibly from the Mao
ttie meaning "small".
Kaukab f & m Indian (Sikh), Punjabi, PakistaniDerived from Arabic كَوْكَب
(kawkab) meaning "star, planet" (more precisely, this word occurs in the Quran meaning either "star" or "planet", whereas in modern Arabic its meaning is generally limited to "planet" - the word نَجْم
(najm) is used to mean "star").... [
Kaumudi f IndianFrom Sanskrit कौमुदी
(kaumudī) meaning "moonlight". This is another name for Sharad
Purnima, a harvest festival celebrated on the full moon of late September or early October.
Kawaljeet ਕਵਲਜੀਤ f & m Indian (Sikh)From Sanskrit कमल
(kamala) meaning "lotus" combined with जिति
(jiti) meaning "victory, conquering".
Kawalpreet ਕਵਲਪ੍ਰੀਤ f & m Indian (Sikh)From Sanskrit कमल
(kamala) meaning "lotus" combined with प्रीति
(prīti) meaning "pleasure, joy, love".
Kawsar কাউসার f & m Arabic, BengaliArabic alternate transcription of
Kawthar as well as the Bengali form. It is solely used as a feminine name in Arabic-speaking countries while it is unisex (more commonly masculine) in Bangladesh.
Kayalvili கயல்விழி f TamilMeans "fish-eyed" in Tamil, from கயல்
(kayal) meaning "fish" and விழி
(vili) meaning "eye".
Kayika कायिका f Sanskrit, Hindi, Hinduism, Indian, Marathi, Nepali, Telugu, Tamil, Kannada, Malayalam, Bengali, Gujarati, PunjabiMEANING " Corporeal " ; Relating or belonging to body... [
Kedarika কেদারিকা f Bengali (Hindu)Means "residing in a sacred place," derived from Sanskrit केदार (kedāra), referring to a holy field or place, and -ika, a suffix used in Sanskrit to indicate relation.
Keta केता f Sanskrit, Hindi, Hinduism, Marathi, Nepali, Indian, Bengali, Gujarati, Assamese, PunjabiMEANING - wish, abode, sign, mark... [
Ketaki केतकी f Sanskrit, Hindi, Indian, Hinduism, Marathi, Nepali, Gujarati, Assamese, Punjabi, Indian (Sikh), Indian (Christian)MEANING - fragrant crew Pine (Pandanus Odoratissimus - Bot.), flower of fragrant crew pine. These flowers are found in two clours white & yellow & are cursed to not to use in worship of lord Shiva
Khaga खगा f Sanskrit, Hindi, Indian, Tamil, Hinduism, Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam, Gujarati, Marathi, NepaliMEANING : " Moving in air ", flying, a bird
Kharma f IndianOrginal spelling of the word karma; origin: sanscrit from ancient india; in hinduism and buddhism it is the concept of "action" or "deed", understood as that which causes the entire cycle of cause and effect.
Kholia f MaoFrom the Mao
kokho meaning "implore".
Khyati ख्याति f IndianKhyati means famous. The origin however is unknown.
Kimaya किमया f IndianOf Marathi origin, the word is used in the sense of "magic" or "sleight of hand".... [
Kimayah f HindiNot sure, but I assume an alternative spelling to "Kimaya".