English Submitted Names

English names are used in English-speaking countries. See also about English names.
Submitted names are contributed by users of this website. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed.
Delighter f English (Rare)
This name is derived from the word of the same name meaning "one who gives/takes delight", which is derived from the word delight meaning "joy, pleasure", which was spelled delite until the 16th century because of the change of the word that was being influenced by words ending with -light (from Middle English delit which, in turn, is derived from Old French delit meaning "pleasure, delight, sexual desire" or delitier meaning "please greatly, charm." Those Old French words originate from Latin delectare meaning "to allure, delight, charm, please", which is a frequentative of delicere meaning "entice.")
Delila f Biblical German, Dutch (Rare), English (Rare), Bosnian, Hungarian (Rare), Romani (Archaic)
Dutch, Hungarian, Bosnian and German form and English variant of Delilah.
Delina f English (Rare), Sicilian, Spanish (Rare), Spanish (Latin American), Romani
English truncated form of Adeline and Sicilian truncated form of Adelina. This name was borne by Delina Filkins, the first person verified to reach the age of 113, in 1928.
Delino m English
Poss. variant of DELANO. Famous bearers are Delino DeShields, an MLB player, and Delino Dexter Calvin, who was an Ontarian political figure and businessman.
Delisa f English (Modern)
Variant of Delicia. In some cases it may be a combination of the popular name prefix De and Lisa.
Delise f English (Modern)
Apparently a later variant of Delice. This occurred in the 1970s. In the United States Delisa, Delesha, Delisiah, Delisha, etc., are found... [more]
Delisse f English
Variant of Delice.
Deliverance f English (Puritan)
From the English word deliverance meaning "action of setting free" in physical or spiritual senses. An especially common name given in regard to the perils of child birth.
Delivery m & f English (Puritan)
Referring to being delivered from evil.
Dellan m & f English (Modern)
Combination of the given names Dell and Allan
Dellareese f English (American, Rare), African American
Variant of Dolores, possibly modeled on the names Della and Reese. Notable bearer of the name is the American singer and actress Della Reese (1931-2017), whose birth name was Delloreese Patricia Early... [more]
Delle f English
Diminutive of Adele, Delilah, Delia 1, and other names with a del sound.
Dellie f English
Diminutive of Della.
Delmara f English (Rare), Spanish (Rare)
Possibly a variant of Delmira influenced by Spanish del mar "of the sea". As an American given name it may be thought of as a feminine form of Delmar.
Delmas m English (American)
Transferred use of the surname Delmas.
Delmer m English
Variant of Delmar.
Delois f English
Transferred use of the surname Delois or combination of popular prefix De- with the name Lois 1.
Delonda f English (Rare)
Meaning unknown.
Deloras f English (Rare)
Rare English variant of Dolores.
Delorean m & f English
Transferred use of the surname Delorean.
Delos m Greek Mythology, Literature, Mythology, English
In Greek myth, a Lydian ship was sailing for the island of Delos. When the crew captures Dionysus, he finds himself sailing toward the island.... [more]
Delpaneaux m English (American, Rare)
Possibly a partial gallicization or French translation of a Spanish surname Delpaneaux, as the name appears to contain the Spanish contraction del meaning "of the, from the" (which does not exist in modern French) and the French noun panneaux, which is the plural of panneau meaning "panel" as well as "sign, signpost".... [more]
Delpha f English (American, Rare)
Possibly originated as a short form of Philadelphia or Delphine.
Delphanie f English
Possible combination of Delphine and Stephanie.
Delphi f English (Rare, Archaic), Romani (Archaic)
Perhaps a diminutive of Delphine or Delphia, or a direct borrowing of the ancient Greek place name.
Delphie f English
Diminutive of Delphia, Delphine, and other names beginning with Delph.
Delphy f English
Variant of Delphi.
Delray m English
Variant of Delroy.
Delsie f English (Rare)
Likely a variant of Dulcie influenced by Elsie.
Delsworth m English (Rare)
A notable bearer is Delsworth Mote Buckingham, a politician.
Delthea f English (Rare), American (South, Rare)
Possibly a variation of the name Delphia.
Delton m English (American)
Transferred use of the place name Delton.
Delyla f English
Variant of Delilah.
Delylah f English
Variant of Delilah
Delyse f English (Rare)
Either a variant of Delise or of Delyth.
Demas m Ancient Greek, Biblical, Biblical Greek, Biblical Latin, English (American), Literature
Contracted form of Demetrios as well as of given names that contain the Greek element δῆμος (demos) meaning "the people", such as Demokritos and Demosthenes... [more]
Demason m English (Rare)
Combination of the prefix De- and the given name Mason or transferred use of the surname Demason.
Demetrian m English (Rare), History (Ecclesiastical)
English form of Demetrianos. This is the name of several saints.
Demetricia f English (American, Rare)
Probably a combination of Demeter 1 or Demetria with Patricia or an other name that ends in -cia, such as Alicia and Felicia.
Demetry m English
English form of Demetrius.
Deming m English (American)
Transferred use of the surname Deming.
Demirose f English (Rare)
Combination of Demi and Rose. Demirose was given to 5 girls in 2018 according to the SSA.
Democracy m & f English
From the English word democracy, from French démocratie, via late Latin from Greek dēmokratia, from dēmos ‘the people’ + -kratia ‘power, rule’.
Dempsey m & f Irish, English
Transferred use of the surname Dempsey.
Demri f English (American)
A notable bearer of the name was Demri Parrott (1969 - 1996), who was the girlfriend and ex-fiancee of Alice In Chains lead singer Layne Staley.
Denae f English (Modern)
English variant of Danaë, or perhaps a blend of Denise and Renee.
Denalda f English
Possibly a variant of Donalda. A bearer of this name is Canadian actress Denalda Williams.
Denalee f English
Variant of Denali.
Denaley f English
Variant of Denali.
Denali f & m English (Modern)
From the indigenous Koyukon name of a mountain in Alaska, allegedly meaning "great one". Commonly known as Mount McKinley in the English-speaking world, Denali is the tallest peak in North America. It is also the name of a car brand (made by General Motors).
Denalie f English
Variant of Denali.
Denaly f English
Variant of Denali.
Denby m English (Rare)
Means "from the danish settlement." It is also the middle name of one of the cartoon creators and founders of Hanna-Barbera Productions, William Denby "Bill" Hanna (1910-2001).
Denean f English, Caribbean
Perhaps a blend of Denise and Jeannine.
Deneane f English
Most likely a variant of Denean.
Deneen f English (American)
Originally transferred from the surname Deneen.... [more]
Denell f & m English (Rare)
Variant of Denelle.
Denham m English
Transferred use of the surname Denham
Denim m & f English (Modern, Rare)
From the English word denim, a type of fabric, derived from the French phrase serge de Nimes, indicating that the serge (fabric) was from the town of Nîmes.
Denina f English (Modern, Rare)
Possibly a combination of the popular name prefix De and Nina 1.
Denine f English
Variant of Deneen.
Denison m English
Transferred use of the surname Denison.
Denissa f English
Variant of Denisa.
Denmark m English (American), Filipino, Afro-American (Slavery-era)
Derived from the name of the country of Denmark. This was borne by Denmark Vesey (c. 1767-1822), a freed slave. In Vesey's case, he was named for the state that ruled his birthplace, the Caribbean island of St... [more]
Denna f English, Literature
The name of a character from the book series The Sword of Truth written by Terry Goodkind.
Dennell f & m English (Rare)
Variant of Denelle.
Denni f & m English (Rare), Albanian (Modern)
Diminutive of Denise and a variant of Denny.
Dennie m & f English
Variant and feminine form of Denny.
Denning m English
Transferred use of the surname Denning.
Dennise f English
Variant of Denise.
Denray m English (Rare)
Most likely a combination of any name that starts with Den- (such as Dennis and Denzil) with any name that contains -ray-, such as Ray, Raynard and Murray.... [more]
Denroy m English (Rare)
In most cases, this name is a combination of any name that starts with Den- (such as Dennis and Denzil) with any name that contains -roy-, such as Roy, Royston and Leroy... [more]
Dent m English
Short form of Denton.
Denya f English
Likely a variant of Denia.
Denyse f English
Variant of Denise.
Deodat m English (Archaic), Lengadocian, Gascon
English, Languedocian and Gascon form of Deodatus. This name was borne by Reverend Deodat Lawson, a minister in Salem Village from 1684 to 1688 who is famous for a 10-page pamphlet describing the witchcraft accusations in the early spring of 1692.
Deolinda f Portuguese, Spanish (Rare), Galician (Rare), English (American, Archaic)
Variant of Teolinda. This name was especially popular in Portugal and Brazil, having started rising in popularity in Brazil in the 1810s and Portugal in the 1880s... [more]
Deonna f English (American), African American
Variant of Deonne or Deanna, or possibly a variant of Diana reflecting the Spanish pronunciation.
Depend m English (Puritan)
Meaning, "to rely on." Referring to our dependence on God.
Dependance m English (Puritan)
Referring to one's dependance on God.
Derald m English (American, Rare)
This given name originated in the United States, where it is a combination of a name starting with Der- (such as Derek and Derryl) with a name ending in -ald (such as Gerald, Reginald and Ronald)... [more]
Derbi m English
Variant of Derby.
Dereka f English
Feminine form of Derek.
Derell m English
Variant of Derrell.
Derelle m & f English (Rare)
Variant of Derell.
Dereon m English
Variant of Darian.
Dereth m & f English
Possibly a corruption of the Irish surname Derach, itself derived from the Gaelic dearg meaning "red".
Deretha f English (Rare)
Possibly an elaboration of Dereth to create a strictly feminine form of this name.
Derfla m English (Rare)
Alfred spelt backwards
Derian m & f English
Variant of Darian.
Derik m English
Variant of Derek.
Derika f English
Feminine form of Derik.
Derique m English
Variant of Derek.
Derl m English (American)
Meaning unknown, possibly created to sound like names such as Merl and Burl.
Dermud m English
English form of Diarmad
Dernell m English
Variant of Darnell.
Deronda f English (American, Rare)
This is regarded as a combination of the popular name prefix de and Rhonda, and can be spelled DeRonda or Deronda. Also compare Laronda, Sharonda... [more]
Derral m English
Variant of Darrell.
Derran f & m Welsh, English (Rare)
Means "bird" in Welsh. Also used as a variant of Darren.
Derran m English
Variant of Darren.
Derrell m English
Variant of Darrell.
Derrence m English (Rare)
A variation of Derren with the -ence suffix.
Derrial m English, Popular Culture
Possibly derived from Darryl. ... [more]
Derrica f English (American, Rare)
Feminine form of Derrick, influenced by Erica.
Derrik m English
Variant of Derek.
Derron m English
Variant of Deron
Derwent m English (Australian), English (British)
From the name of multiple rivers in England, which comes from Celtic dwr-gent "clear water", or else a transferred use of the surname (see Derwent)... [more]
Deryl m & f English
Variant of Daryl.
Desarai f English
Another form of Desiree
Desire f & m English (Puritan)
Derived from Latin desidero "to long for; to wish for; to desire" (via Old French desir). This name was first used in the 16th century by the Puritans, probably with the intended meaning of "desire the Lord"... [more]
Desirus m English (Modern)
Masculine variant of Desiree, possibly based on the English word desirous.
Deslyn f English (Modern, Rare), Antillean Creole, Papuan
Perhaps a combination of Desi and the popular name suffix lyn.
Desmen m English (Modern)
Probably another form of the name Desmond.
Desna f English (Rare)
Appeared in the 1940s and then disappeared again. The equally mysterious Desne is found in the late 1930s and survived until the early 1950s. Desney also occurred in the 1940s and '50s... [more]
Dessert m English
Transferred usage of the surname Dessert.
Dessi f Scandinavian, English
Commonly used as a nickname for Desiré.
Dessi f English
Variant of Dessie.
Dessy f English
Variant of Dessie.
Destinae f English
Variant of Destiny.
Destinay f English
Variant of Destiny.
Destinei f English
Variant of Destiny.
Destiney f English
Variant of Destiny.
Destini f English
Variant of Destiny.
Destry m & f Popular Culture, English
English form of Destrier, a French surname derived from the Anglo-Norman word destrer meaning "warhorse". This name was popularized by the western novel 'Destry Rides Again' (1930, by Max Brand) and two subsequent identically-named film adaptations (1932 and 1939).
Destyn m & f English (Modern)
Variant of Destin.
Destyne f English
Feminine form of Destin.
Destynee f English
Variant of Destiny.
Destyni m English
Masculine form of Destiny.
Destynie f English
Variant of Destiny.
Detra f English
Variant of Deitra.
Dette f English (Rare)
Diminutive of names ending in dette. In the book So B. It by Sarah Weeks, Heidi's mother calls Heidi's next door neighbour, Bernadette, "Dette".
Deuard m & f English (Rare, ?)
Possibly a version of Edward.
Dev f English
Diminutive of Devorah.
Dev m & f English
Diminutive or short form of Devin and other variations of the same name
Devereaux m & f English
Transferred use of the surname Devereaux.
Deverlee f English (Modern)
Possibly an invented name blending Devery and Everley.
Devery m & f English
Transferred use of the surname Devery. A bearer of this name was Devery Freeman (1913-2005), an American screenwriter who also authored the novel "Father Sky: A Novel", upon which the 1981 film "Taps" was based.
Devion f & m English (Modern)
Elaborated form of Devin, perhaps inspired by Dion.
Devlin m English (Modern)
Transferred use of the surname Devlin.
Devlon m English
Variant of Devlin.
Devona f English (Rare)
Elaboration of Devon to create a strictly feminine form of this name.
Devone m & f English (Rare)
Variant of Devon.
Devonika f English (American, Rare)
Feminine elaboration of Devon.
Devonne f English (Modern, Rare)
Feminine variant of Devon.
Devore m English (Rare)
Transferred use of the surname Devore.
Devynn f & m English (American, Modern, Rare)
Variant of Devon or Devyn. Devynn was given to 29 girls in 2018 according to the SSA.
Dew m & f English
Rare name from english word “dew”.
Deward m English (American)
Transferred use of the surname Deward.
Dewitt m English
Derived from a Dutch surname that was originally written as De Witt (it is common for Dutch immigrants to an English-speaking country to write their surname as one 'word', to make it easier to write for the citizens of that particular English-speaking country), it literally means "the white one"... [more]
Dexton m English (Modern, Rare)
A combination of Dex and the popular suffix -ton.
Dextra f English (Rare)
Feminine form of Dexter.
Dexx m English, Dutch
Variant of Dex.
Dexy m English
Diminutive of Dexter.
Dey f English (Rare)
Dey Young is an American actress and sculptor. She is the sister of Leigh Taylor-Young.
Deyla f English
Variant of Dayla.
Deyna f English
Variant of Dana 2.
Dez m English
Variant of Des.
Dezmond m English
Variant spelling of Desmond.
Dezzi m & f English
Diminutive of Desiree, Desmond, and other names that start with the similar DEZ- sound.
Dhilan m & f English (American, Modern, Rare)
Variant of Dylan. Dhilan was given to 31 boys in 2015 according to the SSA.
Dhillon m & f English (American, Modern, Rare)
Variant of Dillon. Dhillon was given to 9 boys in 2014 according to the SSA.
Diabolique f & m English (American, Rare), Obscure
Means "diabolic" in French, from the title of a 1996 movie. This was given to 8 girls and 7 boys born in the United States in 1996, and to 6 girls born in the U.S. in 1997.
Diah f English (Rare)
Variant of Dia.
Diahann f English (Rare)
Variant of Diane. Notable bearer of this name is the American actress Diahann Carroll (1935-2019), whose birth name was Carol Diann Johnson.
Dialyn f English (Modern, Rare)
Potentially a modern combination of the prefix Dia-, and popular suffix -lyn.
Diamonique f African American (Rare), English (Rare)
Presumably a variant of Dominique influenced by the English word diamond.