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Gender Feminine
Scripts Δαμια(Ancient Greek)

Meaning & History

The name of the Hora of the fertile earth, and alternatively a title of the goddess Demeter (while her daughter, Persephone, was occasionally afforded the title Auxesia). It's ultimate meaning was "nursing earth (Maia 1)".
Added 7/31/2011 by Amara L.
Edited 4/25/2024 by Mike C and Amara L.

Gender Feminine

Meaning & History

Epithet of the goddess Bona Dea. Paulus Diaconus derived the name from Greek δαμόσιος (damosios) "public".
Added 5/10/2020 by anonymous
Edited 8/16/2020 by Frollein Gladys

See Also

User submission Damià