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Nikki's Congrats
I will post the next round tomorrow if I have time. If you have not responded to this one by then, you just dont get a child for it. Remember, you tell me when your family is complete, there is no set number of rounds.
There is no spelling changes
You can use whatever nn you want but it has to come from the first name! No nn's from middle namesIf you dont have a child for last round than you either did not respond in time or you did something wrong. Go back and check the last post.If you still would like to sign up do it here as I will not be going back to the original sign up post to check it
DW:If you miss 5 rounds in a row you will be dropped. Sorry but if your not going to play Im not going to waste my time coming up with names for youHarrysGirl
Andrew David and Marie Nicole
Kieran Jacob
Sarah May
Devon Branson
DS Auberon Bernie Canyon Claudio Dieter Dimitrios Ezra Francois Klaus Lucius Major Michelangelo Quentin Stanislaus TymeLawruh
Amos Vincent and Louisa Mae
Aretha Simone
Thaddeus Baruch
Lucille Jocelyn
DS Augustus Bert Caspian Cosimo Dietrich Dimos Fabio Frederic Kurt Magnus Max Neo Raoul Tarquin Valentinesarah lee
Harry Marshall and Eleanor Maria
Everett Michael / Annalise Essence
Sarai Iris
Madeleine Cordelia
DS Axel Bruno Champion Cosmo Dirk Elias Falco Gaston Lars Malachi Meyer Noble Regis Tavish WisdomFlute
Taylor Anthony and Megan Michele
Natalie Evelyn
Ethan Alec
DS/DS Barnabas Buck Cicero Dante Egon Evangelos Felix Georges Lorenz Marcellus Moe Orion Remy Thaddeus Zenith / Barnaby Bud Columbus Dario Emil Ferdinand Georgios Gerard Maruis Markus Mose Orpheus Rene Thelonius Zodiacrainbow_Maya
Julian Tate and Brandy
Hannah Tamela "Han"
Liam Dillon
DD Alejandra Aria Cecile Dagmar Fae Galilea Gina Hadassah Mamie Nariel Rosanna Sofia Tamara TessAmes
Cameron and Amy
Grace Oliva
Alistair Thomas
Ambrose Dorian
DS/DS Adrien Bartholomew Buster Dino Erich Everest Florian Guillaume Ilias Matthias Nat Niels Peerless Roland Theophilus / Alain Beauregard Carmine Donoto Ernst Fox Galen Gustave Ioannis Maxim Ned Otto Peregrine Romain Theronenlatiah
Travis Jordan and Valerie Theresa
Tobias Joshua
Caleb Jedidiah
Camille Genevieve
DD/DD Alessandra Ariana Celestine Elke Fanny Giovanna Graciela Haia Margie Marietta Meta Sandra Sotiria Tatiana Tillie / Alessia Artemisia Christabel Elsa Florida Gisella Ilana Ileana Marisa Mattie Mina Silvia Thalia Theodora TommieKelseyyy
Liam Malachi and Ellie Nichole
Sage Bella
Jude Gabriel
Simone Tierra
DD Alexa Aurea Clara Elsbeth Flossie Graziella India Keren Marissa Maxie Petra Simona Tiana Trixie XristinaElizaveta
Ignatius William "Nate" and Regina Mary Louisa "Reggie"
Dallas Olivia / Arden Isabel
Keely Jade
Jed Logan
DS Alexandre Bebedict Charley Elio Evert Garth General Henri Kostas Maximilian Otto Phoenix Rainer Sebastien TitusSilvie
Roger Kingsley and Daphne Grace
Phoebe Caroline
Emerald Dilys
Rowan Niles / Eliza Margot
DD/DD Alexandra Aviva Claribel Femke Freda Grazia Isabella Leora Mattea Maybelle Renate Stefania Valencia Winnie Zoe / Addie Alessandra Alexandria Ayanna Clarice Franziska Georgie Isabella Janessa Malka Mazie Melia Sabine Teresa ValeriaEliz
Aaron and Colleen
Zachary Drake "Zach"
Scarlett Helene "Carly"
DS Alphonse Bram Dewey Emilio Fabian Gawain Geronimo Hugo Leonidas Milo Pilot Rocco Sigmund Sylvain TorquilRachel
Gad Jacob and Kaisa Jaffe
Gabriel Andrew "Gabe"
Saul Jeremy
Ryan Basil
DS Andre Casmir Dock Enrico Florian Gervase Gulliver Jacques Marios Price Rocky Soeren Thibaut Tristram UlyssesEleanor
Asher Henry and Olivia Ruth
Aaron Elijah
Myrtle Kaye
Sidony Violet
DD Alessia Alexia Allie Belinda Clementine Gertie Gertrude Janiya Lia Margalit Melba Melina Sanne Valeria Vanessaraindancing
Adrian Dominic and Josephine Mary
Jasper Ethan / Daniel Marcus
Matthias Brendan
Valerie Isabelle
DS/DD Antione Cassius Duke Enzo Franz Gideon Halston Jean Montague Nicholas Prospero Sal Stefan Tristan Wolf / Alicia Annie Antonia Brianna Cora Gilda Gisela Josefina Melinda Millie Miriam Resha Sigrid Vincenza VivianaTailyn
Joshua Felix and Sariah Marcella "Sari"
Abner Josiah / Ivy Charisse
Cale Micah
DD Ada alina Antonina Arlie Calista Cordelia Goldie Greta Juliana Lidia Melissa Minnie Nava Sophie Vittorialulu
Daniel Francis and Evelyn Sophia
Cecily Adrienne
Autumn Lark
Isadora Violette
DD/DD Adela Alisa Arianna Bess Carissa Cornelia Gracie Gretchen Karina Liliana Miranda Molly Noa Ursula Viviana / Adelaide Adi Allegra Bessie Bianca Cassandra Delia Gussie Hannelore Katharina Lucia Nadia Nell Orly VerenaKristen
Phoenix Alexander and Katherine Raye "Kit"
Leigh Emlyn
Weston Phoenix "West"
DS/DD Armand Cedric Eddie Ernesto Friedrich Hannibal Heathcliff Jerome Montgomery Nikos Ranger Sammie Till Valentin Zachariah / Adele Alyssa Billie Carla Cassia Delphia Hallie Heidi Kiana Luciana Natalia Patsy Resha Ronit Wilhelminaavalon
Jonathan Ezra and Isabelle Kate
Sophia Mackenzie "Sophie"
Kiley Rhiannon
Aurora Mathilde "Rory" / Cassidy Adrienne
DD Adeline Adina Amanda Anastasia Birdie Carmela Christiana Dora Hattie Helga Kiara Luisa Olivia Pearlie Sadieestel
Ethan Graham and Elaina Rebecca
Ryan Isaiah / Adam Levi
Leah Riley
Shane Keaton / Winona Michele
DS/DD/DS Bastien Constantin Fabio Fritz Hermes Horatio Jules Napoleon Panos Ransom Si Ulrich Vincent Zebedee / Agantha Aliza Amara Anthi Blossom Caterina Clarissa Dorothea Hilde Jonnie Larissa Maddalena Queenie Rafaela Shani / Achilles Benoit Cornelius Fabrizio Georg Gus Ignatius Indigo Julien Nicodemus Pavlos Rio Sol Volker XavierClaire H
Felix Daniel and Violet Jezebel
Julia Valentine
Salome Lilias
Evander Shannon
DD Alice Allegra Amaya Anthanasia Callie Chiara Corinna Edith Hildegard Josie Lavinia Marcella Rae Rianna ShifraArray
Michael Angelo "Mike" and Laure Nicolette
DS Adonis Bertrand Cosmo Francesco Gerhard Harry Isaias Judge Laurent Niels Petros River Vito Werner YannDLB
Matthew James and Maria Elise
Abigail Violet
Miriam Charity
DD Allegra Amira Anastasia Athena Claudia Dalia Dell Eleanor Ida Larue Leanna Margherita Reba Rosanna ShiraEcho
Keegan Daniel and Larissa Marie
Hayden Desiree / David Morgan
Maeve Lily
Simon Keith / Crispin Sterling
DD/DS/DS Alma Andrea Ariel Concetta Damiana Danae Della Eleanora Inge Leila Lettie Maria Reva Roxanna Shoshana / Ajax Blaise Damian Gaetano Gregor Harvey Ishmael Jupiter Loic Orlando Rock Spiros Wiley Wilhelm Yannick / Aladdin Andreas Brice Dashiell Gennaro Gunnar Haskell Ivor Lancelot Luc Pascal Royal Stavros Willie WolfLissy
Jacob Anthony and Gwendolyn Elisabeth
Angel Hollis
Cameron Rose
Cullen Shane
DD Althea Angelia Aviva Dania Daniela Delta Despina Eloise Ingrid Leticia Libby Marina Rilla Sabina TaliaMelH
Michael Yves and Sara Luciana
Adrian Maxwell
Finlay Niall
DD Amalia Angelica Beth Daniela Daria Dimitra Dixie Emeline Johanna Lilia Lillie Marisa Rosie Samira Tovaadriatika
Gunnar Wilhelm and Irina Sade
Yolanda Diamond
Sheila Blair
Linnea Aspen
DD Angelina Angeline Chava Davina Dolly Domenica Ekaterini Estella Karin Liliana Liza Michela Roxie Savanna Yaelmiss_smiley
Brandon Matthew and Elise Matilda
Oliver Alexander Britt "Ollie"
Ruby - Mae Elisha
Rohan Finn / Beau Owen
DD Annabella Antoinette Chaya Deanna Donatella Dovie Eleni Estelle Lena Linnea Lola Mirella Ruby Selena YaffaAnthony
Paul Marcus Alexander and Mary Louise
Anna Sophia "Annie"
Solomon Mordecai "Sol"
Amelia Nathalie "Elia"
DS/DS Alberto Albus Anton Christophe Demetrius Giacomo Gunther Huey
Jabez Lando Lucien Peregrine Saber Stefanos Wolfgang / Achilles Aldo Altair Armin Claude Desmond Giancarlo Hannes Ike Japheth Lex Marcel Philo Sargent ThanassisLala
Bastian and Elizabeth
Dominic Cameron
Annaliese Justine
DD Annika Audra Dafna Effie Elena Eliana Esther Evanthia Lisandra Liselotte Lottie Noemi Ruthie Serena ZivaMar
David Gabriel and Bree River
Jamari Tariq / Aylin Ray
Ryne Grant
Araminta Jaden / Damaris Noelle
DS/DS Alessandro Alexandros Apollo Arno Clement Dimitri Gianni Hans Ira Jasper Loyal Mathieu Phineas Shadow Vassilis / Abe Alexios Alfredo Aramis Artur Damien Dominick Gino Heinz Irving Jedidiah Mace
Maurice Piers SherlockOslin
Tobias Edgar and Suzy Amalia
Jody Pierce
Luke Hale
Kenneth Merle
DD/DS Aaliyah Antonina Augusta Dalia Elina Ella Emilia Eudora Irene
Lisbeth Lucy Maddalena Paola Sadie Shayla / Alf Anastasios Andrea Aristotle Benno Denis Elias Giovanni Henrik Jack Joachim Magic Nicolas Quinton SinbadShayde
Dane Andrew and Monica Rae
Casey Brandon / Chandler Jaron
DD Acadia Anya Aurelia Dina Elisha Ellie Eugenia Felicita Irini Lotte Lula Maira Raffaella Sallie ShaynaLisaK
Oliver Victor and Martine Lydie
Timothy Brennan
Joseph Dermot
Gavin Dawson / Minerva Elise
DS/DS Andreas Angelo Arch Atom Bernhard Didier Eliezer Giuseppe Hermann Jake Justus Major Noe Raphael Sincere / Antonio Antonios Archie Baron Berthold Dominique Emmanuel Gregorio Horst Jimmie Lafayette Marquis Noel Regis SiriusAshJ
Robert Brent and Hayley Alexandra
Elizabeth Britt "Lily"
Savannah Elodie
DS Aris Arlo Armando Bertram Emile Epraim Guido Jan Joe Lazar Mars Marvel Olivier Roman SpikeDaddysdancer
Jesse Ryan and Chelsea Laura
Jacob Noah
Aidan Vaughn
DD Adela Aquilah Avis Elisha Elsie Evangeline Felicia Francesca Kalliopi Lulu Magdalena Marcella Renata Sammie ShoshanaKeepskuh
Christopher Maxwell "Chris" and Templeton Jane "Temple"
Honor Brooke
Wyatt Alan Wynn
DS/DS Athanasios Barney Bishop Bram Bruno Erasmus Fabien Guiseppe Johann King Lazarus Maverick Pascal Romeo Tarzan / Benno Blaze Bruno Camillo Christos Erastus Fabrice Josef Leander Leo Leonardo Maximus
Patrice Samson ThorDiamante04
Samuel John "Sam" and Jennifer Nicole "Jen"
Kaya Daisy
Logan Alec
DD/DD Adina Arabella Beatrice Elisheva Emmy Fiona Flora Gabriella Katerina Mabel Manuela Mariah Rita Sienna Sophie / Adrianna Araminta
Beryl Esther Etta Florence Francesca Gemma Madge Margit Mariana Melina Roberta Stefania StellaMiss Lissa
Ryan and Elisabeth
DS/DS Benny Blue Carlo Carsten Constantinos Evander Fernand Jurgen Leif Lorenzo Louie Mercury Phillipe Saverin Triton / Bernie Caesar Carmelo Detlef Dimitri Ezekiel Florian Karl Luca Lucian Mack Merlin Pierre Simeon TruthLadyBug18
Faron Perry and Janet Eloise
Phoebe Tara
Beatrice Lucienne
DD Alana Aretha Blanche Evie Frances Gabriela Gianna Golda Mae Margot Maricela Rania Rosa Susie Talia
Archived Thread - replies disabled
vote up1


Miss Lissa
Ryan and Elisabeth
DS/DS Evander Leif "Vandy" / Ezekiel Luca "Zeke"
vote up1
sarah lee
Harry Marshall and Eleanor Maria
Everett Michael / Annalise Essence
Sarai Iris
Madeleine Cordelia
Elias Noble
--Sarah Katherine Un nome è qualcosa che dura per sempre
vote up1
Phoenix Alexander and Katherine Raye "Kit"
Leigh Emlyn
Weston Phoenix "West"
DS/DD: Nikos Zachariah "Nick" and Alyssa Luciana
Shake Your Body Like A Bellydancer.
Here is where you are
There is where you want to be
But you can't get there from here ♥
vote up1
Julian Tate and Brandy
Hannah Tamela "Han"
Liam Dillon
Tamara Sofia "Tammy"

This message was edited 8/1/2006, 9:02 AM

vote up1
signing up!DH: Seth Adrian
DW: Michal Jacqueline
vote up1
Travis Jordan and Valerie Theresa
Tobias Joshua
Caleb Jedidiah
Camille Genevieve
DD/DD Tatiana Celestine/Thalia Christabel
You laugh because I'm different, I laugh because we're all the same.
vote up1

Ethan Graham and Elaina Rebecca
Ryan Isaiah / Adam Levi
Leah Riley
Shane Keaton / Winona Michele
Zebedee Ransom "Zeb", Caterina Amara "Cate", and Nicodemus Xavier "Nick"
My lovely PPs!
!!! Phoenix and Zachary (twins) and Katya
vote up1
Asher Henry and Olivia Ruth
Aaron Elijah
Myrtle Kaye
Sidony Violet
Alexia ClementineEleanor x

This message was edited 8/1/2006, 5:36 AM

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I'm going to drop out - my family is complete. - Glitter Graphics
vote up1
Adrian Dominic and Josephine Mary
Jasper Ethan / Daniel Marcus
Matthias Brendan
Valerie Isabelle
DS/DD Nicholas Gideon / Sigrid Alicia

My family is complete six is enough for me lol


This message was edited 8/1/2006, 2:46 AM

vote up1
Christopher Maxwell "Chris" and Templeton Jane "Temple"
Honor Brooke
Wyatt Alan Wynn
DS/DS Maverick King "Mavv" / Leonardo Blaze "Leo"xx-Eljah
vote up1
Jesse Ryan and Chelsea Laura
Jacob Noah
Aidan Vaughn
DD: Renata MagdalenaSugar:Which is the port and which is the starboard?
Junior: Well that depends on whether you're coming or going. I mean normally, normally the aft is on the other side of the stern.
vote up1
Amos Vincent and Louisa Mae
Aretha Simone
Thaddeus Baruch
Lucille Jocelyn
DS: Caspian Augustus
--------------------"The dog is a gentleman; I hope I go to his heaven, not man's."
- Mark Twain.
vote up1
Taylor Anthony and Megan Michele
Natalie Evelyn
Ethan Alec
DS/DS Felix Lorenz / Rene Thelonius-------
'06-'07 jazz sax section leader
'06-'07 flute section leader
'06-'07 lead pan section leader
vote up1
Claire H
Felix Daniel and Violet Jezebel
Julia Valentine
Salome Lilias
Evander Shannon
Allegra Edith--
A bad wound may heal, but a bad name will kill.
Scottish Proverb "'Scuse me, do you mind not farting while I'm saving the world?"
vote up1
Samuel John "Sam" and Jennifer Nicole "Jen"
Kaya Daisy
Logan Alec
Gabriella Sophie "Ella" / Adrianna Melina
Jennifer Nicole
Loving the Names:
Ariella Kathryn, Carrie Marie, Elisabeth Ava, Faith Alexandra, Michaela Reese, Sadie Elisabeth
Cade Preston, Deacon James, Grant William, Jude Hamilton, Roman Spencer
vote up1
Paul Marcus Alexander and Mary Louise
Anna Sophia "Annie"
Solomon Mordecai "Sol"
Amelia Nathalie "Elia"
DS/DS Lando Christophe "Andy"/ Philo Claude "Philli"Anthony"All religions, arts and sciences are branches of the same tree." --Albert Einstein"Hatred paralyzes life; love releases it. Hatred confuses life; love harmonizes it. Hatred darkens life; love illuminates it." ~ Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
vote up1
Jonathan Ezra and Isabelle Kate
Sophia Mackenzie "Sophie"
Kiley Rhiannon
Aurora Mathilde "Rory" / Cassidy Adrienne
DD Sadie ChristianaWow, five girls...Jonathan's getting a little too outnumbered.
vote up1
Liam Malachi and Ellie Nichole
Sage Bella
Jude Gabriel
Simone Tierra
Clara AlexaLiam & Ellie
Sage, Jude, Simone, and Clara~~Kelsey~~
I love my crazy family, Kourtney, Kiley, Keegan, and Kendra

This message was edited 7/31/2006, 9:02 PM

vote up1
Roger Kingsley and Daphne Grace
Phoebe Caroline
Emerald Dilys
Rowan Niles / Eliza Margot
Winnie Femke / Clarice Valeria


"A man can convince anyone he's somebody else, but never himself."
~The Usual Suspects.
vote up1
Signing up!
DH: Andrew Vincent
DW: Lydia CelesteIs that all I have to do? :)
vote up1
signing up!!please sign me up!DH: Nicholas Murphy
DW: Caroline Rosethanks!
vote up1
David Gabriel and Bree River
Jamari Tariq / Aylin Ray
Ryne Grant
Araminta Jaden / Damaris Noelle
DS/DS Phineas Jasper "Phin" / Alexios Damien "Lex"
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
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